April is still in Starter Villain
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"I want to make a joke about how she only likes us for the pirate ships but it's just not coming together."


Speaking of pirate ships, Pippi heads off to explore her half-built one some more. 


April and Daisy finish their tea and then head back to the pirate ship to get those last few slabs of plywood fastened into place.


When they arrive, Pippi is peering down at them from the crow's nest. 


"...do we need her to get down from there? ...eh, fuck it, she's probably smart enough not to land directly on top of our fragile human hands if she jumps down while we're building." She grabs the front section of the deck and starts fitting it into the frame.


Pippi watches them from on-high for a few minutes. Eventually, at a quiet moment, she jumps down the pole onto the frame, scampers across the frame onto the couch, climbs up onto one of the arms, and curls up, licking herself while still watching the humans build things for her. 


The deck comes together very tidily, leaving a space in the middle around the crow's nest pole for easy transit between levels. As promised, the inner area is now covered on top, making the portholes into an even better place to lurk.


Daisy stands back at the end to regard the ship with triumph.


April stands beside her and regards it with concern.

"Somehow, now that we're here, all I can think about is what a huge pain it would be to clean this thing if something stinky happened to it."


Pippi would never! Not that she can understand them, being a cat, though, so instead of responding she drops off the couch arm onto where the coffee table isn't, jumps up onto the lower deck, and tries sticking her head through a porthole again, looking at the two humans. 


"Well at least the lurking is working. ...oh no, I rhymed."


Daisy giggles.


Pippi watches the two of them sedately for a few moments, then goes back inside to try an adjacent porthole. It works as well as the previous one does. 


"The lurking is working, though, you're right."



Pippi slides out of the porthole onto the ground, softly pads over to April, and rubs up against her shins again. And purrs. 


"So, next week sails and rigging?"


"Next week sails and rigging!"


Pippi, after a few moments of snuggling April, heads over to Daisy to rub herself against her shins and ankles. 


"I have been blessed by the fuzzy one."


Pippi bops her nose against one of the bumps on Daisy's ankle, and then heads off to curl up on the upper deck of the ship. 


Watching her thoughtfully, Daisy suggests after a moment, "We could put a slightly better cat bed on the ship. At the back, maybe."


"Yeah, we can maybe look at those next week while we're figuring out the sails."


Pippi closes her eyes a bit. She's clearly a bit sleepy, even if she is very happy about this new playstructure. One eye stays open a crack to watch the humans though. 


The humans hang out for a bit longer and then Daisy leaves, promising to return next week to finish the ship.

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