April is still in Starter Villain
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The next morning, April steps out before breakfast to grab a package from the doorstep. Bumping the door closed with her hip, she tears it open right there on the spot.

"Ta-daa!" she announces, holding up a frankly adorable little crocheted katamari. "Got you a present, Pippi!"



Pippi looks up at the object April is holding with her eyes wide open, a little bit ready to pounce. (Also that is the object from the video game, the Katamari thing. Is April going to drop it? Is Pippi going to get to play with it?


She tosses it gently toward Pippi's couch.


Pippi watches it land and pounces on it, tail high in the air with delight. She bats at it a few times, and watches it do it's not-very-straight rolling across the floor for a few bounces before coming to a stop. Then she pounces on it and bites it. This is a good object. She picks it up in her mouth, stalks over to April, and rubs up against her legs purring, before scampering off to drop it on the floor so she can roll it a few times before pouncing on it again. 




Pippi continues to bat the ball around her room for a while, knocking it around and occasionally pouncing on it.

After about 10 minutes or so, she'll take a break, taking it up to her pirate ship in her mouth, and dropping it there, paws wrapped around it a little like she's guarding a treasure. 


"Well, that's adorable."

All right, time to make breakfast. Cereal for her, wet food for kitty.


Cereal is of no interest to Pippi, since April knows cats shouldn't have milk, and so she will companionably eat her wet food, making sure to keep her new toy no more than a foot or so from herself. (Not too close to the food, though. She doesn't want it to get dirty.) 


Munch munch. "Am I living with a tiny hoarder?"


Pippi will not (can not) dignify that with a response, and continues eating her food, pretending that April hadn't said anything at all. (It's her first toy! And it's from the video game they played together! Of course she's going to treasure it. So there.) 


"Too cute."

She finishes breakfast, clears her dishes, and trudges upstairs to her office.


And Pippi will finish up her own breakfast, have a big drink of water, clean herself, and go back to amusing herself and napping in the sunlight until April decides it is lunchtime, whenever that may be. 


Today is one of those days when April comes stomping down the stairs at 2 PM, cursing incomprehensibly about software engineering over the sound of her audibly growling stomach.


Oh dear. Will brushing against her ankles in a snuggly fashion help at all? (When she's safely at the bottom of the stairs and unlikely to trip and hurt herself.) 


She sighs, and attempts a smile, and crouches down to pet the cat, and makes eggs for both of them.




Pippi is delighted at the prospect of eggs, and will stay at a safe distance watching April cook, occasionally batting the ball back and forth. 


As usual, she gives Pippi's eggs a little time to cool before serving them.


That's probably for the best but that doesn't keep Pippi from wanting them. She'll stare up at them with wide eyes as they cool, waiting impatiently for her tasty treat. 


"That looks like the face of one who does not know how hot frying pans get. Patience."

Okay, there, April's eggs no longer hurt to touch so Pippi can have hers.


Patience? What's that mean? Pippi cannot possibly be expected to understand human speech, so she has no understanding of the meaning of the word. Not when there's tasty treats on the line. (She's glad that April wants to protect her, though.) 

Once the eggs are served, Pippi falls on them delightedly, eating yellow curd after yellow curd. 


"See normally I'm flattered when someone likes my cooking this much, but you are a cat."


Pippi pays this comment no mind, and continues eating happily. Soon she will be done and can go thank her roommate for this tasty meal, but she cannot do this until she is finished. 


She scarfs her own eggs and starts cleaning up.


Soon, Pippi is done with her own food, and softly pads over to April to rub up against her shins and purr to thank her for the eggs. Once she's not holding fragile dishes, that is. 


"Awww. You're welcome."

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