okay by comparison Voa and Tapa look like thriving modern democracies
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"Well. They're really really sorry about bothering your district and investigating everyone responsible and it will never happen again and now you're here."



"I guess it would be a bad idea to go home."


"...would it?"


"...since the government is probably upset now and so on."


"I don't know how closely they keep track of you, you could maybe get a teleport in. But I think they're pretty upset, yeah."


"So then I might just die again and you said you have a - limited number of these -"


"Most years we get everybody back, even if we have to do a bunch of scrambling for it, but it's always close. It would be good to spend spare ones on other people you know who were murdered and would like to come back, but no one's going to tell you not to choose to go home to your family. You could get made indestructible and then go back, but that's really expensive, worse than resurrections."


"I - don't have much -"


"There are people who fundraised a lot of money for both of you to get resettled and get anything you might need and not have to worry about work. I don't know if it's enough money for indestructibility or how easy it'd be to raise more but it's definitely enough for anything other than that."


"I don't understand how this happened."


"...because you were murdered as a consequence of Vanda Nossëo trying to figure out how to contact you, there was a big internal investigation. That meant that the situation made the news, and - does it happen in Rivik that something horrible happens to someone and it's not very different than other horrible things that happen but for whatever reason this one makes the news everywhere, and so lots of strangers are moved to help..."


"...not to reds."


"...well, no species in the universe other than Amentans believes in pollution so to us reds are just people who everyone is horrible to and things like that can happen to reds too."




"And did, on like twenty planets, we just had the courts side with us faster than anyone else did. This is much much worse than the sort of injustices that usually make the news, see."


"...what usually makes the news..."


"...uh, on this planet things like 'grandpa died and will miss his granddaughter's wedding unless we resurrect him by the end of the week' or 'this kid with abusive parents committed suicide and said he didn't want a resurrection until he had a million dollars and a sports car and they weren't allowed on the same continent, how do we make that happen for him...' or pets dying, or homes burning down..."


"...you resurrect pets?"


" - no, no, that'd be kind of indefensible when there are people dead on other planets. But we grieve pets, and we keep track so once resurrections are easy we can do it."


She gets an email back from her son. She looks away to read it.


Weird locals give them space.


"My son says the - the green who killed me and the cop who killed my co-worker both vanished and the government is furious."


"They were arrested for murder. The government's been calling it 'vanished' but they got a notification that arrests would be made and how they would be made and how to visit them in prison and everything, and there's internet in prison, so 'vanished' is dishonest."

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