okay by comparison Voa and Tapa look like thriving modern democracies
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"Are you expecting it'd be a peaceful transition?"


"It'll be - rocky."


"If there are resources we can provide that'd be helpful, it'd be good to know about that. I'm not confident it's at all wise for us to intervene in Amentan internal affairs beyond offering that."


"I think it would be good to have a way to ask for things as they come up more than I can anticipate anything really specific."


"Well. We do immediate resurrections for political stability reasons everywhere and everything else you can definitely let us know about as it comes up."




(And whatever the Orvarans think about it, in a quiet spacious modern hospital on the human planet that yelled the loudest on the topic two dead reds wake up.)


They are startled. They open their eyes but scarcely move.


They're in the same room; so are half a dozen other people. Someone with brown hair is cheerfully explaining something to the person in the bed at the end of the row. "Good morning. This is a resurrection facility on Casentar. Today's date in Galactic Standard is the 27th of Aimire, year 41. If that doesn't mean anything to you, there's a datapad next to your bed with dates in a more familiar calendar system. You're in perfect physical health and can leave now if you'd like, but many people prefer to stay and get oriented."

    "Do you know how long it's been for me -"

"Five months."

    "Me -"

"Three weeks."

    "- I think it's been longer than that for me, there weren't resurrection facilities when I died -"

"Twelve years, yeah. Datapad also lists the people who requested you." 



A red sits carefully slowly up and looks at the pad without touching it.


It's been three weeks! It has their name and a note that they're Rivikni but Casentar got a judicial override to do the resurrection on the grounds that Rivik hadn't even cooperated with prosecution of their murderers.


Kvina looks at the other one and murmurs this information to him.


Brown-haired person approaches. "Hi," she says cautiously, standing back. "We haven't been able to get in touch with your family to ask how you'd want to be resurrected. I'm very sorry if this is a particularly stressful way to do it. Casentar is offering you both citizenship, if you decide that you'd like to stay here. Can I answer some questions for you?"


"- did something happen to our families ma'am -"


" - no, as far as I know they're perfectly fine and safe, just, they're in Rivik and we're not allowed to travel there, and even the people who are allowed to travel there have scared the reds really badly when they've tried to talk to them."


Furrowed brow.


"Amentan theologians are debating whether resurrected reds are clean. Because it's a new body. Casentar doesn't really care what Amentans think about it and if none of them want to visit our planet because you live here, good riddance."


"...what... is Casentar?"


"We're a planet. With aliens. - not very alien, we're a lot like you, there were other planets that wanted to do this but their aliens were more alien and it seemed like it might be a harder transition. We heard about you and got really angry and kicked up a big fuss until the courts agreed if we want to use our resurrections for the year on resurrecting Rivikni reds we have the right to do that."


Reds look at each other.


"Should I give you two some space?"


"Are we allowed to touch - things -"


"Whatever you want."




"No one else in the universe thinks reds are disgusting. It's the way they treat you that's disgusting."

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