There are a lot of Amentan countries. Vanda Nossëo representatives are dispatched to all of them. These Elves (two with black hair, one with silver) take a shuttle down from the lightleaper to a country called Calado, and radio ahead to request permission to land at a elegant modern spaceport.
"I can't imagine anyone could know who they want to talk to without several magic memory aids. But I can answer anything else you might have questions about, too."
"We'd be happy to start screening Valtaz teleporters, in which case you could have your own by the end of the month, though they would still be subject to fairly stringent oversight and standards of conduct - teleportation is dangerous - and to fairly unforgiving penalties for misconduct, we can't imprison them."
"Depends on what kind of teleporting they have. The thing Mereth has we can't take off. Some other things we can. A subtle artist can often do an action block, but not if someone happens to get or natively have magic that keeps them out."
"Teleportation gets wished on. Wishes are slightly unpredictable; we employ a precog to catch disastrous interactions but a wish that happened to grant people protection against external mental tampering in addition to whatever it was supposed to do wouldn't be considered a disastrous interaction."
"The materials on how to pick candidates for wished-on abilities go into more depth on procedures and accountability. They're allowed to teleport off the job, of course, and we've never sanctioned a planet by impeding their transit nor would teleporters be obliged to comply with that."
"I think that's how Tapa was leaning too. Some places do teleporting police, as well, so they can arrive at problems faster and take people to prison without wading into the middle of something."
"There's an anti-abortion advocacy group that's been trying to bother Amentans about switching to some kind of - preemptive system where there's something in the water or something and no one can become pregnant in the first place until they have permission. Is there someone's secretary or something to whom I should direct things in that vein..."
"Discussing that with the other new Amentan member states is probably a good idea but I can't imagine that anyone who just acquired a planet plans to keep their growth rate as low as when it was a necessity, and we would certainly protect you against retaliation for having a growth rate appropriate to your current resources - we actually don't care if you have population control at all, Mîr would always take people if you outgrew our ability to get you planets, but I understand that it seems like the height of irresponsibility to abandon them entirely without a plan to manage indefinitely."
"I think that's wise. Thank you very much for your time. I'll send introductions along over the next couple of days - when you submit people for teleportation you can say that I think that should get expedited review -"