There are a lot of Amentan countries. Vanda Nossëo representatives are dispatched to all of them. These Elves (two with black hair, one with silver) take a shuttle down from the lightleaper to a country called Calado, and radio ahead to request permission to land at a elegant modern spaceport.
"Thank you so much for organizing this," he says once all of these people have been introduced. "I am the director of immigration and foreign affairs for my nation of Ambaróna, and my alt is the director of Vanda Nossëo; I know them to be delighted you are moving forward with membership."
"We almost voted against, back when it came up for us. People felt like too many things were changing too quickly."
"There's an as-yet-unexplained phenomenon whereby different universes sometimes contain the same worlds - at different stages in their history, or sometimes with minor variants. We haven't found any other Amentas yet, but it would not be surprising if they existed, and if they did they might well have all of you living there. A world much like mine, with my family ruling it, was the flagship member, but my native world made contact with them later."
"Well, you know, founding Vanda Nossëo is more appealing than joining it. - and more importantly we'd just come out of a particularly awful war, some people wanted a few centuries of peace and quiet before we took on lots of new obligations."
"Well now we have lots of Amentans on the civil service track, they'll almost certainly be the best equipped to handle it."
"Yes! We put out job listings - sorted them all by caste, with the help of some local consultants, though it's legal for people to take out-of-caste work - and got lots of interested applicants. The language fluency is a pretty significant job perk, I think that contributed, and lots of people want magic, and then for any given planet there are always lots of people who want to be involved in policy and oversight, making sure their concerns get adequately represented."