Macalaurës who have not yet seduced a Rebecca feel that they have been issued a challenge. They get to work on it.
He goes to Eclipse and does research. Eclipse makes him feel very uncomfortable.
Macalaurës who have not yet seduced a Rebecca feel that they have been issued a challenge. They get to work on it.
He goes to Eclipse and does research. Eclipse makes him feel very uncomfortable.
He was not expecting it to be moved by his discomfort. Can he find any resources on what it was like in the early 1800s?
He will start with not-erotic ones since he is reading for cultural background. Unless there are any his Rebecca owned.
She did in fact own a couple of erotic books, although not many. (Mrs. Way tells him that it's really hard to get ahold of them and they might not be an accurate reflection of her taste if they were all she could find.)
Eclipse Rebecca possessed a) missing scene fanfiction of Pride and Prejudice and b) a collection of smutty ballad lyrics.
"I am actually not even sure that giving her presents is the right sort of thing - Eclipse is so weird - it's not even that I wouldn't enjoy throwing a girl around some but not one who felt like I had the right to do that, that just ruins it."
"Okay, now you're making it awkward but you did not have to do that, that statement had several parts and you could have focused on one of the other ones."
"You are an infinitely powerful alien and I think Rebeccas are very pragmatic, and also they have an 1800s Earth concept of marriage, the 'you have the right to do that' thing is pretty inevitable once you marry her. If you do not want to have the right to mistreat a Rebecca in the opinion of the Rebecca you will probably have to wait for another one from a world with higher standards."
"Possibly! I think Peka's better but maybe it's just that your alt hasn't married her yet. You could ask?"