okay by comparison Voa and Tapa look like thriving modern democracies
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"Is there some reason you haven't emailed our families ma'am."


She has to look that up. "They give new worlds instructions on how everyone can contact them securely. Supposedly no one has been taking them up on that, and email is nowhere near as secure as that. Plus we don't have the addresses or a way to get them without combing through people's personal information. If you have addresses and know a secure format you've got internet on those datapads."




Kvina sloooooowly reaches for the datapad.


She smiles.


Touches it, pauses.


Someone else has a question and she bustles over to answer it.


...Kvina attempts to figure out the thing. Eventually the other red does too.


They can read it fine, for whatever reason. The interface takes some figuring out but here is the local internet and a tutorial on galactic internet.


She figures out how to send emails and does that.


Some people leave the resurrection center. Some accept visitors and family members come in to hug them. "This world has a very low death rate," says their liaison. "And we negotiated really aggressively for extra resurrections and we get almost everyone who dies unwillingly."


"What is it you want with us exactly...?"


"...to be happy? Whatever that means for you - obviously I bet the government wants a way to safely talk to reds like anything, but you have no more obligation to be an activist than the rest of us."


"...I don't understand why you didn't email them."


"...we would need to know the email addresses and they don't talk to us even that much."


"There are the ones for work orders and the social workers have some."


"The social workers haven't, uh, struck us as trustworthy or a good source. And governments could probably read them so people are really worried it'd be too dangerous for the reds to answer."


"...the thing they tried instead was going into our neighborhood."


"Oh, they got arrested for that. But it's really not at all obvious to aliens that monitored online communications via the form for work orders is the best way to meet you. It's, uh, really really really not how we would generally make contact. If you recommend it I'm sure they'll listen, but..."


"It's better than going into the neighborhood."


"They know that. Like I said, they got arrested for that. But, uh, if there were something the government couldn't read I bet they would be excited about that."


"We don't really have anything like that."


"...figures. Okay. If you'd like I'll tell them that emails are better than any other way."


"If you have ways they can write back that aren't email you can say that."


"I think they did say that, on the news. ...maybe Rivik censored it."


"...if you just say things on the news reds won't assume you're talking to us."

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