okay by comparison Voa and Tapa look like thriving modern democracies
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Anything she's looking forward to or excited about?


Not really.


Eventually he is satisfied and leaves to go write his story.


She keeps an eye out for it.


The subheadline is the thing about being murdered being a background risk of being red. It's reported mostly accurately and interspersed with anecdotes about horrifying things that have happened to Rivikni reds and describes her as 'cautious' and 'guarded' and 'skeptical' about the accomplishments of non-evil modern societies. It notes regretfully that she didn't shed much light on the painful debate about whether to go rescue all the reds and leave the evil Amentans to throw their evil tantrums.



She attempts to find out more about the world in which she finds herself so she can figure out what's next.


The local species is humans. They're like Amentans but don't live as long or want children as much. Their planet is in a dimensional neighborhood where a special technology called morph exists. It lets you turn into anything else with sufficiently similar biology; practically all carbon-based life with a central nervous system is similar enough biology. If you stay for more than two hours you have to touch another box to turn back, but the boxes are everywhere. Accordingly no one ages, and morph cures injuries and illness so they don't have much of those either; even before contact they were a stable peaceful rich post-industrial society and they qualified immediately for Vanda Nossëo membership and lobbied aggressively to get enough resurrections to cover their whole populace. In exchange Vanda Nossëo got them to agree to accept all immigrants from anywhere in the universe with a five-year path to citizenship. The high rate of immigration has put a strain on the enough-resurrections-for-everybody thing and they currently outlaw extreme sports and harshly punish irresponsibility like impaired driving. There's a universal basic income. They're in a Vanda Nossëo voting bloc that has passionate public positions about issues she has no context on (and even on the issue that she has context on, they are confusing; they are apparently of the opinion that Amenta should be dragged to Edda-range and pollution rendered unreal by the Aether.)



She tries to figure out who she should write to about morph maybe solving it.


The newspapers? The local Vanda Nossëo embassy? The online forums devoted to digging up Amentan atrocities and being mad about them?


...second thing.


There's an email and a conjuration label listed.


She emails.


She gets a reply five minutes later. 

Hello! Thank you so much for bringing this to our attention. We would normally forward something like this to the teams working in Amenta so they could talk with everybody there about whether they'd find that satisfactory. Do you think that's a good approach in this case? Do you have other recommendations, or know anyone who we should email to ask for other recommendations?

I don't know anything about the teams

There's one in every country. Their job is to liaison with the local government and with the local population, follow up on problems, make sure our priorities and concerns and actions are getting communicated clearly and promptly, and be accessible if anyone wants to bring something to our attention. 

OK I don't really know anything I just thought morph might work

Thanks so much for telling us. We might follow up with you if we have questions; is that okay?

I might not know the answers

"I know we integrate literal actual slaveowners but the more sense you get of what they did to these people -"

      "They'll be okay. Maybe in ten years a bunch of them will work for us and be really good at it because they can empathize better."

"Buncha the Elves have been horribly tortured."

     "I think it's different. They never thought everybody in the entire universe would commend Melkor for having so effectively kept them out of the general population."


No worries, ma'am. Thanks for your time!


She debates saying you're welcome for an hour and a half before doing it.


"So," says the team in Orvara, "I know there's still debate ongoing about resurrections but there's something else we wanted to run by you."


"Mmmyes?" asks a theologian.


"There's a technology that stores someone's body in a pocket dimension, assembles a new one from completely random atoms from a vast near-infinite plane of them, and lets them remotely pilot the new body. New body is clean, right?"


"Assuming the source plane is clean and the piloting method does not make contact of any sort."


"I can get you details."

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