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Jarn's Scholomance Tracker
Day 1: Induction
Complete Induction: Ghassan megacontinuity: scholomance Induction (character intros) 0 by Jarn
Complete Induction: Tomonori megacontinuity: scholomance Induction (character intros) 0 by Jarn
Complete Has Warnings Induction: Virgil megacontinuity: scholomance Induction (character intros) 0 by Jarn
Complete Induction: Hira megacontinuity: scholomance Induction (character intros) 0 by Jarn
Complete Induction: Riley megacontinuity: scholomance Induction (character intros) 0 by Jarn
Day 1: Arrival
Hiatused [mandarin] in which students arrive in their dorm rooms and make their way to orientation megacontinuity: scholomance Orientation 18 by Aevylmar
Tomonori arrives
Hiatused [mandarin] orientation conversations [1 2 3] megacontinuity: scholomance Orientation 53 by Jarn
Tomonori's conversation opener
Hiatused [english] pretending we'll grow old megacontinuity: scholomance Orientation 11 by apprenticebard
Riley's conversation opener
Day 1: Conversation
Complete Lost in the fight to protect it megacontinuity: scholomance Orientation 19 by Swimmer963
Ghassan and Masozi
Complete In direct proportion to their triviality megacontinuity: scholomance Orientation 16 by Jarn
Ghassan and Daria
Complete Russian roulette, or Poisson distribution? megacontinuity: scholomance Orientation 8 by Jarn
Ghassan and Dennis
Complete Who looks like they have a story megacontinuity: scholomance Orientation 18 by Jarn
Tomonori and Tintin
Complete On the Mandarin-speaking side megacontinuity: scholomance Orientation 21 by Alicorn
Tomonori and Bella
Complete His sword, which has been enchanted megacontinuity: scholomance Orientation 19 by Jarn
Tomonori and Lan Zhan
Complete Let someone approach him cold [1 2] megacontinuity: scholomance Orientation 39 by Alicorn
Virgil and Sean
Complete Short-haired girls are prepared [1 2] megacontinuity: scholomance Orientation 29 by Alicorn
Hira and Ennis
Complete Dispensing some calming advice [1 2] megacontinuity: scholomance Orientation 28 by Jarn
Hira and Alexius
Complete Enclavers who need minions, or confused independents megacontinuity: scholomance Orientation 18 by Jarn
Riley and Ennis, Virgil
Day 1: Exploration
Complete supply run (but for cool people who are not from big annoying countries) [run] [1 2 3] megacontinuity: scholomance Orientation 58 by Jarn
Ghassan goes on a supply run with Annisa, Malak, Dennis, Owoye, and the Ethiopian freshmen.
Complete the second mouse gets the cheese [1 2 3 ... 10 11 12] megacontinuity: scholomance Orientation 287 by Sage/Nemesis
Tomonori joins Montréal, Nia, Lily, and Alexius on a supply run.
Day 1: Dinner
Complete small enclaves gotta stick together [1 2] megacontinuity: scholomance Day 1 Dinner 40 by Nymtheriel
Ghassan, the other Dubai freshmen, and Daria join Berlin, Vienna, and Munich for dinner.
Complete it's not the loser table, it's the undervalued table [1 2] megacontinuity: scholomance Day 1 Dinner 41 by TransrealClouden
Virgil sits at a table near the vents. Hannah and Ribo offer to help him treat his depression; he declines, suspicious of the offers.
Hiatused [english][open][day 1 dinner] potion lovers, unite! [1 2] megacontinuity: scholomance Day 1 Dinner 36 by Jarn
Riley has dinner with Alexius and Hannah
Complete Introduce you to Jaipur [1 2] megacontinuity: scholomance Day 1 Dinner 31 by Jarn
Hira introduces Ennis to Daya and the other Jaipur freshmen and sophmores.
Day 1: Evening
Complete Looking for the Kyoto enclave [after dinner] megacontinuity: scholomance Day 1 Dinner 20 by Jarn
Hiatused [mandarin] sweet dreams [one tag per character] megacontinuity: scholomance Day 2 orientation and breakfast 16 by Aevylmar
Curfew for Tomonori
Complete Unless Dubai has a library room megacontinuity: scholomance Day 1 Dinner 14 by Jarn
Ghassan goes to Daria's room to discuss poisons and wards.
Day 2: Homeroom
Complete Room 222 [homeroom] [1 2 3 4 5] megacontinuity: scholomance Day 2 orientation and breakfast 110 by lantalótë
Ghassan's homeroom
Complete Room 47.2% [homeroom] [1 2 3 4] megacontinuity: scholomance Day 2 orientation and breakfast 82 by nextworldover
Tomonori's homeroom
Complete Room 62-A [homeroom] [1 2] megacontinuity: scholomance Day 2 orientation and breakfast 26 by Jarn
Virgil's homeroom
Complete Room 79 [homeroom] megacontinuity: scholomance Day 2 orientation and breakfast 15 by Jarn
Hira's homeroom
Complete [homeroom] Room 738 [1 2] megacontinuity: scholomance Day 2 orientation and breakfast 37 by nextworldover
Riley's homeroom
Day 2: Breakfast
Complete [breakfast][english] blueberry muffins [1 2 3] megacontinuity: scholomance Day 2 orientation and breakfast 61 by Jarn
Tomonori gets a muffin from Mal.
Hiatused The better to manipulate objects with [breakfast] [1 2] megacontinuity: scholomance Day 2 orientation and breakfast 28 by zamboni-whisperer
Tomonori eats breakfast with Connie and Vi
Complete [breakfast][english] it's not a popularity contest [1 2] megacontinuity: scholomance Day 2 orientation and breakfast 47 by apprenticebard
Virgil meets Naima and Julian.
Hiatused [english] [open] rise and shine megacontinuity: scholomance Day 2 orientation and breakfast 3 by Jarn
Hira hears some rumors about Shanghai and New York.
Day 2: Morning Classes
Hiatused [mandarin] [open] what doesn't kill you is off-topic [1 2] megacontinuity: scholomance Day 2 morning classes and lunch 35 by nextworldover
Tomonori in Freshman Maleficaria Studies
Complete Intro to Lab: I can make you a man [1 2] megacontinuity: scholomance Day 2 morning classes and lunch 49 by westwind
Tomonori meets Nie Huaisang
Hiatused History of Magical Conflicts (10:45 AM) [1 2] megacontinuity: scholomance Day 2 morning classes and lunch 34 by Jarn
Ghassan learns the definition of 'conflict'.
Complete [english] Welsh mythology (10:45 am) [1 2] megacontinuity: scholomance Day 2 morning classes and lunch 28 by Swimmer963
Hira meets Shannon, Lissa, and El. Shannon is being scouted by Sacramento, so she's a good find, but she doesn't seem interested. El is cold, and cold is Hira's affinity- she can be colder right back.
Day 2: Lunch
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