Gossip circulating in the Anglosphere at breakfast:
The school put a bunch of the Chicago mundies in Monday morning shop, that's just mean.
A Shanghai enclaver died already. Some people heard that he accidentally got lost on the way to the cafeteria and wandered down the stairs until he hit a mal; some other people know enough to know that doesn't make any sense. Some people heard that he was so despairing over the death of his brother that he flung himself into the void. Some people heard that actually he's still alive and it's a plot by Shanghai to get everyone to underestimate them.
A Peruvian girl who was a bag-carrier for Lima, as her older sister had been before her, arrived, learned the older sister was dead, and refused to hand over all the stuff she'd been carrying. No one's sure what happens next.
New York had a FIGHT at the start of breakfast. A very quiet fight, but STILL.