Pamphlets & Petitions - 10 Sarenith
Thread Authors Replies Last Updated
Has Warnings The RITE of the BURNING BLADE [open] 0 by Arete/Stars
A Dialogue on Warfare [open] 3 by JiSK
A Decree Concerning the Poison of Pirias [open] 7 by Fist
Has Warnings A Prayer to the Prince of Heaven [open] 0 by Arete/Stars
A Proposed Law, that the Delegates of the Convention Remedy the Ills of Mammon [open] 2 by Fist
Has Warnings being a Truthful Account of the Debate on Freedom of the Pen [open] 2 by JiSK
Hiatused Has Warnings On the Pruning of Currant-Bushes 3 by Arete/Stars
petition of the repentant copyist 0 by lux
Petiton on the dangers of an immortal ruling caste 0 by lux
a petition to her majesty, excellency, and gloriosity…[open] 0 by lux
Petition on the Subject of Molthune 1 by Vaniver
Hiatused A Sermon of Erastil on Seeking Redemption 1 by JiSK
all things that live love beauty 0 by Alicorn
A petition on the faith of Gorum [open] 1 by Arete/Stars