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no arcane mark, illegal to distribute, circulating underground in cafes/etc.
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It has been Reported that the Constitutional Convention is considering the manner of Loans. Being Aware of the Many Demands which are placed upon the Delegates, I have provided this Model Law, which may be Immediately Passed without need for Drafting by the Delegates, to remedy the Ills of the Infernal Regime.

WHEREAS Loans in Hellish Cheliax were a source of Great Evil, with Usury, Extortion, and Contracts Under Duress being Common Practice; and

WHEREAS many Debtors have repaid Far More than they ever Withdrew, yet find themselves Still in Tremendous Debt; and

WHEREAS the suffering of the Debtors is a source of great Evil in Cheliax, which might be Eliminated at Little Cost; and

WHEREAS these practices damn Debtor and Creditor alike, consigning the Citizens of Cheliax to Hell; and

WHEREAS the use of Mammonite Loan Practices benefits only the Creditor, who Enriches Himself with the Suffering of his Fellow-Citizen; and

WHEREAS the Good Church of Sarenrae promotes Forgiveness, and in many countries encourages the Forgiveness of Debt as an act of Mercy; and

WHEREAS the Crown, in Recognition of the Evil of Mammonite Loans, has Absolved Itself of the Debts of the Chelish State, save only where prescribed by the Treaty of the Worldwound;


All Loans issued prior to the Fall of Hellish Cheliax in Pharast 4713, are henceforth Abolished, and the Debtor released from any Obligation to the Creditor. This shall apply also to those Loans which were Refinanced after that date.

All Payments made on such Loans after the Fall of Hellish Cheliax shall be Returned to the Debtor, in recognition of the Illegitimacy of these Loans.

All men sold into Indenture for Failure to Pay are immediately Released, and shall be Compensated for their Labor at a rate of One Silver per Day which they were Falsely Made to Work. If the Beneficiary of his Labor does not have the Coin to Compensate him, he shall be Indentured Instead, for a duration Equal to the number of Days for which the Penalty remains Unpaid.


From the date this decree is Duly Promulgated, no one may issue any Loan bearing Interest, which is the work of Mammon.

Interest-Bearing Loans issued after the Fall of Hellish Cheliax are not Abolished. However, these Loans may no longer collect Interest; any Interest already Paid must immediately be immediately Forgiven; and any Payments previously credited towards the Interest must now be credited towards the Principal.

From the date this decree is Duly Promulgated, any man who issues a Mammonite Loan to a Citizen of Cheliax shall be put to Death for Diabolism, and his Assets forfeited to the State.

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This decree says that he doesn’t have to pay the extra money on his loan? Just the part he actually borrowed? Truly the queen is good!


Moist. This will definitely get him some food when he snitches. 

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