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Simplicio: I am Simplicio. I have read the Acts of Iomedae, and therefore I am an Expert in Theology. In addition I am a Delegate to the Constitutional Convention.

Fiducia: I am Fiducia. I have studied the ways of Many Gods, but I am not so Arrogant as Simplicio. I am also a Delegate to the Constitutional Convention.

Valorus: I am Valorus, a Heroic Adventurer who sought to Liberate Cheliax from the Tyranny of Hell. I too am a Delegate to the Constitutional Convention. Verily, I say we ought declare War on the Tyrant of Molthune, who Lays his People to Waste with Cruelty, and is rumored to be a Lich.

Simplicio: We should Not.

Fiducia: I know little of Molthune, so I know not what to think. However Valorus has said more Words, so I believe I understand his Point better. Simplicio, why do you say we should Not declare war?

Simplicio: War is Evil.

Fiducia: But is not Gorum, God of War, a Neutral God?

Simplicio: He may be a Neutral God, but War is still Evil. For Besmarreh Goddess of Pirates is Neutral, and yet Pirates are Evil.

Fiducia: Be that as it may, Iomedae Too is a Goddess of War, who in life made War against the Lich Tyrant Tar-Barphon. She Commanded the Glorious Reclamation to fight the Thrunes, and now Commands her Followers to take up arms against Hell. She is a Good and Lawful Goddess, and the Patron of Cheliax. Are the Wars of Iomedae Evil?

Simplicio: I am going to Ignore that point because I cannot Refute it. In Iomedae's book, she writes that War is among the most Tragic of Human Endeavors. Therefore War is Evil.

Fiducia: Iomedae says that War is Tragic, but she does not say that War is Evil. There are many things that are Unfortunate but Necessary. It is Right to call them Tragic, but wrong to call them Evil.

Simplicio: But War kills people. Murder is Evil.

Fiducia: It is True that Murder is Evil. However that does not mean all Killing is Evil. To Execute a Condemned Prisoner is not Evil, or would you call all Magistrates Murderers? Just as it is Tragic when a Man commits Great Evil and must therefore be Executed, it is also Tragic when a Country commits Great Evil and therefore must be Conquered.

Simplicio: But if there is a War, I might be Called to Fight and therefore Perish.

Fiducia: I took you for a Fool, but I did not realize you were also a Coward.

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Anarchio. I am Anarchio, a Perfidious Oathbreaker wanted by the country of Molthune for the Crimes of Desertion, Treason, and Piracy, now Concealing myself at the Constitutional Convention. If anyone were to depict me in a Pamphlet as a Heroic Figure by the name of Valorus they would be Very Stupid.

Geographio. I am Geographio. I have heard of Several Countries. I am Less Stupid than those pamphleteers.

Anarchio. I call for a War against Molthune.

Geographio. For what Reason do you call for this War? Is War not Evil?

Anarchio. It is not Evil to wage war against Evil Countries, and the King of Molthune is Very Evil.

Geographio. Do you call also for war against Nidal, ruled by the Prince of Pain, a Wicked God rivalled in Evil only by Asmodeus Himself?

Anarchio. I do not.

Geographio. Do you call for war against Geb, ruled by the Ghoul-King Geb, who raises all those who Perish within his Realm as Skeletons?

Anarchio. I do not.

Geographio. Do you call for war against Razmirland, ruled by Razmir, Herald of Mammon, against whom King Cyprian's armies currently Wage War, having been Blessed by Holy Iomedae?

Anarchio. I do not.

Geographio. Do you call for war against Rahadym, ruled by Several Evil Men whose names I Do Not Know, which seeks out All Priests of the Righteous Gods and Kills them, lest those Priests be a Danger to their Power?

Anarchio. I do not.

Geographio. Do you call for war against Belkzen, a country of Wicked Anarchists, who have waged war Unceasingly for Centuries against Holy Lastwall?

Anarchio. I do not.

Geographio. For what reason do you call for war against Molthune, and not any of the other countries I have named?

Anarchio. The King of Molthune once took Several Days to decide whether to Wage War.

Geographio. That does not sound very Evil.

Anarchio. Some people also think the King of Molthune is planning to be a Lich.

Geographio. Do you have any proof of this whatsoever?

Anarchio. I found a Paladin who Agrees with me, and therefore I am Right. No Holy Servant of Iomedae would ever say anything Stupid.


Actually, he does call for war against Rahadoum and Razmiran, just not this exact instant. Otherwise this is pretty good.


Not everything in the very important illegal pamphlet cabinet is there for its entertainment value.

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