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Sage/Nemesis's Characters
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Template: Aeson

Aeson is the disappointing younger brother, despite his older siblings' foibles and his own merits. He's a layered person, who wears so many masks to protect himself even he frequently doesn't know what's really him and what isn't.

Read MoreGenerally speaking, Aeson is a person who, under all the masks, wants to do the right thing. Unfortunately, he is usually deeply influenced by people to whom 'the right thing' is harmful to others, and he will follow this philosophy until confronted by its wrongness.
Aeson is fairly good at politics, but his actual passion is research and discovery. Aeson cares deeply for his family, usually especially so for those members who, at least at some point, showed him affection without expectation. Losing one of these people, having them threatened, or being betrayed by them can shatter him.

Template: Alex

The Righteous.
A Tian.
Hard-shelled but soft-hearted, Alex is a musician and a poet, balancing a curious and thoughtful nature with a hot temper and love of a good fight.

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Alex struggles with hyperemotion, particularly anger, particularly directed at himself, and when he falls he falls fast and hard - into fights and love alike. He hates harming those he doesn't believe deserves it, and if forced to do so will break in various interesting ways. He's very protective of the people he loves, and of people he takes under his protection - which often includes anyone he encounters who he decides needs it. Determined, righteous, and strong of will, if he sees an injustice he is first in line to fight it, and will keep going until he is literally incapable of continuing. Alternately, if in a situation where he doesn't have the space to notice suffering outside his own and his loved ones, he can get very focused on just that.

Template: Amalia

Sibling to the Das template, Amalia has a contentious relationship with her brother, the two clashing with each other where they aren't grudgingly defending each other from mutual enemies.

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Amalia tends to think men can be useful and entertaining, and consider women to be uninteresting, as general categories. Amaury thinks men can be useful and women are most useful for sex.
Amalia usually attaches herself to one or more men as a teenager-or-equivalent, seeking to please them above all others, or if they die, seeking to return them to life. Most often this is a father figure, but in some cases it can be a brother or simply a lover (rather than a lover in addition to the other things). Amalia is hedonistic and sadistic, and isn't interested in reasons why she shouldn't indulge those urges, outside of ensuring they don't come back to bite her too terribly.

Template: Author

Inserts that are aware they're inserts.

Template: Author-Shard

Author alts.

Template: Caine

The Dutiful.

Calculated and usually cool-headed, a Caine puts on a front to keep others at a distance. Caines are avid readers and clever tacticians, and are typically considered child prodigies in their youths. Those who break through their shields can expect a loyal friend for life and beyond.
Caine is always homosexual and biromantic, and is always a man.

Template: Das

Sadistic and manipulative. Obsessed with beauty, body modification, and the beauty in suffering.

Raised by his serial black widow mom who wants him to be one as well, Das grows up to be more of a serial torturer than a killer. If he reaches adulthood on an unaltered path, he will trust literally no one, ever, unless they are so completely in his power they can't escape. A young Das can, however, be pulled off this path - he will in fact attempt to get himself off of it but always fails without help.

Raised by his abusive rich (and often noble) biological father instead, Daemon grows up to be a good-hearted artist who wants to make the world better and help people less fortunate. Disgusted by the rich/nobility, Daemon is a huge romantic who gets himself into all sorts of messes because of it. While his sadistic tendencies are somewhat repressed, he still finds suffering beautiful and is oriented around beauty - and innocence - in general.

Template: Dino/Alin

Sweet cinnamon roll; too good, too pure.

Dino is weak-willed until he is Not. Dino is often possessed by and/or twin to Jalex, and is otherwise always connected to him in some way. He is frequently romantically involved with Anya's Ava template.
Dino has dyspraxia affecting primarily gross motor functions, which he controls by moving carefully and paying close attention to those movements. Despite his gentle nature, he frequently ends up a soldier, knight, and/or part of the criminal underground. He adores horses and would love nothing more than to live on a farm out in the middle of nowhere with his family.

Template: Dru

Dru would really love it if mind controlling the world would solve all his problems. Sadly, even if he's powerful enough to do it, it won't.

Template: Elia

Elia is fiery, principled, and charismatic. Different circumstances give Elias slightly different ideals, but in all cases she desires make the world a better place, and she believes she can do the most good from as close to the top as she can get.
Elia is often frail, especially when she's young, but advanced medicine or magic can heal her.

Template: Erin

Warm and resilient, Erins have a natural determination that often leads them to positions of great responsibility. She always takes life along with a strong dose of good humour, which serves her well in her profession, which always, inevitably, has something to do with healing.

Read MoreErins often have a strong bond with a large, usually reptillian animal companion.
Erins are always some degree of bisexual-leaning-homosexual-and-romantic, and are always women.

Template: Gabriel

A Tian.

Quietly brilliant, Gabriel(le) is diligent and responsible, taking the role of everyone's big sibling. Unfortunately for them, this often leads to them ending up in charge, despite usually not being the eldest. They would rather be a scholar or a knight, but they won't shirk their duty; it's not in their nature.
Don't shorten their name without permission.
They try so hard. Save this disaster gay from themself.

Template: Idris

Balanced on the edge of the dark and light side, in Star Wars terms. A well-raised Idris believes in the inherent worth of all beings, and their right to life and freedom, and is willing to kill to ensure she and others have them.
Can be brought up to not believe everyone has equal rights to life and freedom, however. Will usually figure out this is wrong, eventually.

Template: Ista

Terrifying Mom Friend.
Consent and permission are very important to them. The sort of person who minds their own business unless you make it their business to mind yours.
Always immortal. Usually non-human.
Genderfluid - usually some flavour of neutral but sometimes not.

Template: Jalex

All the vices and only a few of the virtues of the Jamie and Alex templates.
Sadomasochist, Chaotic Evil. Jamie's (lack of) moral compass, Alex's temper. DNGAF. The most disaster child of all.
Likes hunting prey, fear, and inspiring emotions in others. Also enjoys possessing people.

Template: Jamie

A Tian.

Cheerful, kind, and friendly, Jamie will often go out of their way for strangers to a certain point, and far beyond that point for their loved ones. They go cold as ice when you push their boundaries, though.

Comes in Wild, Heir, Experiment, and Prisoner clusters.

Fairly selfish except for with the people they care about, Jamies are friendly enough to offset this, and default to being helpful, so long as it's not too much of an imposition. Will go to seriously self-harming lengths for the ones they love, however.
Jamies have a hunger for adventure and interesting things. Jamies believe strongly in self-determination, and their greatest fear is being forced into a role they hate. They can take this for a time, but will eventually either run or break. They fear being powerless, to help themselves and their loved ones, and they fear being abandoned by those they love.
Seemingly paradoxically, Jamies are fine with devoting themselves to obeying or assisting someone else so long as they do it of their own free will.
Jamies are non-binary but usually use the pronouns associated with their sex. Jamies have context-based attraction patterns - if he's distracted by something interesting, he normally won't react to flirting anything but offhandedly. Jamie does tend to acquire an attraction to strength and power, and to sparring and/or fighting, but usually doesn't start out with it.
Jamies are varying levels of 'very intelligent' and have prodigious memories, but tend to downplay this to lesser or greater extents, preferring to be underestimated. They are also extremely hedonistic, and quietly very self-controlled.

Wild: base cluster, the original Jamies were this. Usually either majority self-raised or raised by permissive parent figures. Usually hides intelligence mostly because being known to be highly intelligent makes life more boring.
Heir: The heir of an important family, with a lot of responsibility on their shoulders which they can't shrug off. Tend to hide their intelligence significantly less than other clusters.
Experiment: Someone's failed experiment, often Val's. Often has hidden skills, is quite obviously skilled in the areas their creator demanded they be, and frequently deals with self-hatred due to having little control over whichever aspect makes them a 'failed' experiment.
Prisoner: Raised a slave or raised to be married to someone, and/or raised/owned by Das for a significant portion of their life. Most examples of this cluster spend a lot of time locked in their head, and come across as an air-head because of this.

Jamies are also greatly affected by whether they're pre-angelic, angelic, or post-angelic phase - that is to say, whether they've attached themselves to someone(s).

Template: Jon

Chill and friendly, level-headed, loyal. Musician. Ladies man/woman. Sex ed friend.

Template: Louis

His sister's ever-loyal right hand. Delighted to be here.
Jack of all trades. Smug little knowledge hoarder. Charming. Adores all his siblings.

Jalex/Ava or Jalex/Clary kid, sometimes Dino/Ava.

Template: Rand

Good at mental magic. Slippery. Good pilot. Betrayer.

Template: Remus/Luke
Template: Renly
Template: Rigel

A Tian, usually the youngest of their set.
Perceptive. Good at peopling. Not the best at balancing family and duty - often expects family to handle itself. Paperwork ninja.
Loves magic, particularly runes/seals/etc.

(Efficient, The Paperwork Ninja, loves developing magic, especially the kind that involves runes or other writing, speedy, often has teleportation and/or superspeed. Charismatic, friendly, prefers to fix a system from within rather than without, aims for the top because of that - also ambitious. Wants to rule, wants to help, wants to protect.
In combat, he is an extremely efficient killer, uses that teleportation and/or superspeed and reflexes to great effect.
A bit of a doofus around people he genuinely adores. Doting parent and partner, somewhat neglectful sibling.)

Template: Robert

Conqueror. Usually ruler of something or other. Often runs a problematic military and has varyingly problematic personal habits. Pretty personable, though.
Family was descended from a ruling line before they became the current rulers.

Template: Robin

In baseline form, a Robin is a cheerful goofball with a heart of gold, romantic and outwardly optimistic, if prone to cynicism in the privacy of their own thoughts. Unfortunately one of their template attractors is a highly traumatic situation which commonly occurs in their late teens. After this their personality often flips, leaving them melacholic and maliciously mischievous, and burying their optimism and kindness under a burning determination to right the wrongs done to them and their loved ones. They can escape this attractor and remain baseline, and they can also be retrieved by loved ones and left a mix of the two states.
Robins are always pansexual panromantics, and are also fanatically devoted to those they come to love. They typically identify as their assigned gender.

Template: Val

There is something wrong with the world. Valentine will do anything to fix it.
Valentine loved and feared and respected his father and believed in his values, until those values killed his father - or they loved and feared and respected a parent-figure until that parent-figure betrayed them and turned them against said parent-figure (and sometimes the parent-figure's people). They are usually born poor to a family with a grand history, and marry into a rich, more prestigious family. They usually engage in experiments to improve their children using magic and/or genetic engineering.

Loves their children; loves their partners.
Will kill those they love themself if it will fix what's wrong with the world.

Total: 75