Template: Bina
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Official disaster lesbian. Bina has a panic disorder, and secretly wishes to be a competent hero - capable of making decisions without melting down, capable of saving the day and having everything turn out alright in the end - a wish often granted by a certain strange force...

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Binamir time-wasting Nishi Munshi Thousand Skies
Bina Miryala outoftime Nishi Munshi Arda
Bina Miryala timeandagain Nishi Munshi all night laundry
Captain Bina Reynolds Miryala thelasttime Nishi Munshi Firefly

Posts with Template Instances
Thread Continuity Authors Replies Last Updated
Complete Has Warnings saturday nights in neon lights [1 2 3 ... 27 28 29] Fulmination murder girlfriends ~ smol peals 719 by Decima
Complete Has Warnings that freedom highway [1 2 3 ... 16 17 18] Fulmination murder girlfriends ~ smol peals 436 by ChaosMagic
Complete Has Warnings because a vision softly creeping (left its seeds while I was sleeping) [1 2 3 ... 65 66 67] Faustian Caliphate Whispers and Eyes 1661 by ChaosMagic
Hiatused metropolitan starlight [1 2 3 ... 12 13 14] Sandboxes 343 by ChaosMagic
Hiatused Has Warnings and how the cracks begin to show Faustian Caliphate Whispers and Eyes 16 by ChaosMagic
Complete Has Warnings the neon god they made [1 2 3 ... 31 32 33] Faustian Caliphate Whispers and Eyes 807 by ChaosMagic