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Pirates & Stars noodle at a sex-positive university life
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Alex takes a similar support angle, prioritizing touch where Sable focused on words, encouraging the lamia's excitement.


Chris receives all that attention with grace, caressing the snake-tailed boy and grinding against him, warming him up to fuck.


It's not too long before the lamiaboy slithers out of his clothing, exposing a pair of thick, tapered dicks. He's clearly really enjoying all the attention, at least if the drips of pre at the tips of his cocks are anything to go by. 


Honestly this is a pretty hot situation...

Gloria flushes and stumbles in her rotation, the easy rhythm of teasing not quite so simple now. 


Chris and Alex transition smoothly into sucking the lamiaboy's dicks and grinding against him, earning an ongoing bit of thrumming stimulation from it.


While Sable presses herself behind him and caresses his body, continuing to whisper sweet nothings with her dirty talk combos.


It is really, really tempting to just channel the maximum amount and stop trying to hold back, but that's not efficient.

She returns to her rotation, breathing a little harder. The pleaser strokes her gently, warming her and keeping her kind of distracted. It's a good thing her combos aren't too complex. There's a kind of rhythm to the whole thing, buff buff channel, buff buff channel...

She twitches inside her pleaser, sets her jaw, and keeps up her rotation.


Between the frequently-channeled lust buff, Sable's teasing and dirty talk, and both the boys sucking his cocks, the lamiaboy quickly reaches the edge. He gasps in pleasure, his whole body shivering and shuddering, and wraps his coils around Chris, trying his best to reciprocate —

But it's all too much. He quickly surrenders to the group's touches and teases, and climaxes into Alex and Chris's characters' mouths. There's a sound of dice rolling, then the golden quill swoops in and sketches out STAGE CLEAR. Then it sketches out TRADE CONCESSIONS with a list of loot, marks RELATIONSHIP UP with the lamiaboy, and lastly a lock on the map shatters, exposing the next scale clan stage. 


"Go team," Sable cheers. "Looks like we have enough loot to make a water-breathing potion, which would let us get a start on the Water tribe — they're good for sequence-breaking. Alternatively, we could work on one of the other starter tribes, like Feather, who eventually unlock Peachless, or Night, who unlock Pain-Bearer. Or we could keep working on Scale."


"Which Sable totally suggested for magnanimous reasons and not because they unlock the Voracious tribe," Alex snarks.


Chris shrugs. "Y'all know who my favorite is. I'm not picky."


"We can focus on Scale, I think. I like both of you two having fun. Just, you know. It'd be nice to get to Peachless eventually." 

Gloria blushes a little and hazards a smile. 


"We could alternate Scale and Feather, work on both?"


"Aww, that'd be so nice of you."


Sable hums thoughtfully. "Aren't there usually a couple Feather tribe diplomats who're secretly into pain if you spot the signs?"


"Ooh, you're right."


"Feather next, then?"


"Works for me!" Gloria smiles and selects the next stage from the Feather clan. 


A winged boy comes on screen, his feet clawed and leonine. 

"Hmph," he says. "You're the diplomats from Forest? You don't look all that impressive."

He flutters down from the branch he's sitting on and alights before the group. "Go ahead, then, if you think you have anything to offer the mighty Feather tribe."

With a flash of the quill, NEGOTIATE comes up again. 


Gloria's got her rotation worked out, and she's getting used to the pleaser. It's a little frustrating to linger in teasing like this, but she can manage. For this stage, at least. 


The harpy boy pulls Sable's character into his lap by her hair, wraps his wing around her, and starts pinching and teasing her breasts. 


Sable bites her lip just a bit, and sets her character to subby moans and grinding against the winged boy. It takes her by surprise, just a bit, but she gets her rotation figured out and works in her dirty talk combos as well — though with different theming given her position in the seduction.


Alex smirks and helps the chimeric harpyboy in his torment of Sable, making this into a bit of dom cooperation while focusing on driving the boy's lust higher.


While Chris focuses on teasing and caressing him from behind, driving him to lose control over Sable's submissive squirming.


And with a bit more cooperation, they eventually prove to the harpyboy that they can endure his teasing even when it gets painful.

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