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Pirates & Stars noodle at a sex-positive university life
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A gloopy-looking slimegirl appears on screen. 

"Hey," she says. "Don't you just want to eat me all up? Save my core, but the rest of me is yours to bite and chew and consume. It's the height of rudeness to refuse a meal, so go on, eat up! I'm told I taste of blueberries."



Gloria goes back to her combos, this time without a pleaser; the game uses her recorded data for edging capacity to determine the cooldown for her lust channel, and otherwise doesn't change much. It's still fun to play...

Especially when she can whisper in Sable's ear. 

"Go on," she says. "Don't you want to consume her? To make her part of you, in every way?" She giggles and nips Sable's ear. "Go right ahead..."


Sable flushes and bites her lip.

"I do," she breathes.

She keys the "directly engage" option for her character and starts up a rotation of caressing, kissing, and dirty talk. Her character starts talking about how tasty the slimegirl looks.


The slimegirl gets progressively gloopier as Sable caresses her, and starts to pool in her lap — and then all of a sudden her pleaser starts up. 

"Please, taste me, bite me, eat me," moans the slimegirl on screen.


Sable takes a shaky breath and starts rolling her hips slowly, pacing herself. She keeps caressing and kissing, and starts mixing in bites: first a hard bite to the crook of her neck, then another to her shoulder.


Alex starts up a series of support buffs, stoking the slimegirl's lust.


Chris picks up the dirty talk slack along with his own support buffs.


And Sable nestles into Gloria, cheeks flushed.


"Isn't it so good to consume her? I bet she's delicious," Gloria whispers, switching her inputs to onehanded mode to trace a hand through Sable's hair. "Good girl. Very good girl."


The slimegirl onscreen moans hard at being bitten into; visible bitemarks are left behind in the jello-like consistency of her body, leaving clear evidence of Sable's teeth.


"Fuck yes," she gasps out, leaning into Gloria's touch. "Blueberries are like my third favorite flavor, too, after citrus and peaches."

She keeps up her steady pace, and then brings one of the slimegirl's hands to her lips and starts devouring her hand, finger after finger, before working up her arm.

She uses a tricky button combo to have her character make impishly playful eyecontact with the slimegirl as she eats her.


"Gorgeous," Gloria whispers in Sable's ear. Then she grins and kisses her cheek. "Go on, consume all of her..."


The slimegirl moans hard and gives Sable's character a look of deep awe as she's slowly consumed, bite by bite. She keeps stroking Sable off through her clothes, and offers up her other arm in turn.


Sable shivers and rolls her hips, hitting a button to shift angles, get her clothes out of the way, and fuck the slimegirl more directly rather than being stroked through her clothes — it shouldn't be much more stimulation for her, while increasing the arousal for the slimegirl a decent bit. She steadily devours her other arm, slowly working her way up to the slimegirl's shoulder.


Gloria keeps petting Sable's hair as she consumes more and more of the slimegirl, cooing sweet nothings and dirty talk into her ear, and kisses her cheek gently when she thinks it'll surprise her.


The slimegirl pushes forward, surging out of her clothes, and shoves her breasts into Sable's face, armless and very, very horny, her whole body dripping with arousal. 


Sable gasps and digs in, occasionally shivering in surprise at a cheek-kiss, squirming against Gloria as she takes bite after bite of the slimegirl's breasts, throbbing in her pleaser and carefully pacing her rolling hips.

"Favorite—tribe," she pants out, her cheeks flushed.


Gloria grins and digs her fingers into Sable's hair. "That's right. Eat every last bit of her. You know she wants it." 

She grins and nips Sable's shoulder, then returns to her rotation.


The slimegirl dwindles and dwindles as more snd more of her is eaten, letting bite after bite of her be taken from her heavy breasts, moaning in pleasure with every chew and swallow. "Yours," she moans, "Consume every bit of me..."


Sable shudders and squirms. Her hips roll, and her ragged breaths rock her breasts.

She pauses before finishing the slimegirl's breasts, switching to quickly devour her legs, working her way up her calves and thighs and eventually all the way to her hips.


The slimegirl moans, and wordlessly offers her sex up, her whole body — or what's left of it — arching towards Sable's mouth. 


"You've been looking forward to this the whole time, haven't you?" Gloria murmurs. "The chance to eat up her sopping wet pussy..."


"Fuck yes," she moans, taking her first bites of the slick cunt. She starts from the outer lips around the girl's entrance, and gradually works her way up and in.


Gloria looks on in adoration as Sable stares raptly at the screen, so deeply immersed she can barely tell the difference between herself and her character. 

"Yes," she croons. "You know this is the best part, can't you feel her coming beneath your tongue? Goddess she's so delicious, ooooooohhhhhh..."


The slimegirl on screen descends into incoherent moans, clearly overwhelmed by pleasure. She comes and comes and comes, losing more and more mass as she lets Sable take bite after bite of her sopping sex, regenerating with the rest of her body until she finally loses all coherency and dissolves into a puddle on the floor. 


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