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Pirates & Stars noodle at a sex-positive university life
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Alright, I'll be there at 8!

Hot women, delicious waffles, and interesting history. She loves it when a plan comes together.


See you there!

Sable sighs happily and nestles closer to Misfortune. It's always tricky to tell who's fronting when they're hyperfocused on art like this, but oh well.

"We've got a breakfast date," she sing-songs.


"Aww, super cool!" From the tone Sable can guess it's probably Hex this time. "Glad you're meeting cool people. She seemed to have a fun time with the pleasers as well."


"Yeah. She did. I'm so glad I met her."

She tilts her head and looks at the tablets. "Wha'cha working on, Hex?"


"Sketch for a new manga concept. It's about a bunch of childfree rebels making their own family. Lots of sex and violence, obviously." She shows a silver-haired girl with a long scar down her right arm and a gun in her hand. "Think they're maybe mafia? Something like that. Still figuring it out."


"Oooh, sounds awesome. Found family is the best. Can't wait to see more."


"Yeah, we'll see how it goes! We can trade stories when you get back from your date."


"Definitely," Sable agrees.

She... has kind of had a busy day. She should probably get supper, but kind of wants to just lean on Hex's shoulder for a while first.

It's fun to watch art in progress.


Hex is just fine with that. 

It takes a while, but she completes the piece, and finally gets up and stretches. 

"Wanna get supper together, or? I can leave Violet in charge of the place."


Sable stretches as well. "Sounds like fun. What d'you feel like having?"


"Some kinda wrap? Student hall'll be crowded this time of day but honestly I kind of like that."

Hex gets up, slips her tablet into her pack, and gets out a spare set of clothes — nothing fancy, just a bikini top and bottom with a wrap coat to cover it for outside. She secures the snaps over herself and gets up. "Let's go," she says. "I mean, if you're coming with."


"Wraps are classic for a reason," she agrees, following Hex to the door. "See ya, Vi."


"See you!" The pink-haired girl gives a little wave and flops back down on the couch.


And off they go through the underground toward the student center. "How's your day been, hon?"


Jinx slips into front. "We're doing okay, mostly. I like your new addition, she seems to have the spirit. As always there's the loans ticking away in the background but I try not to let it get me down."


"Ugh, loans. Hate the damned things."

She shakes her head.

"Better loans than stuck with people who don't get us, though, right?"


"Yeah, pretty much." Jinx rolls her eyes. "Still, comms are picking up, so..." She smiles and stretches. "I'll be able to keep up my payments assuming no disasters. Knock on wood."


"Rootin' for y'all, Jinx," Sable replies with a smile. "And that reminds me. If the paid internship we applied to works out, next month, we're definitely going to commission some 'sona art of the other Pirates."


"Super looking forward to it." Jinx bites her lip and stretches out a little, keeping to the path through the underground she knows by heart.


"We are too," she grins. "There's no one else we trust to get the energy right."

She sighs warmly.

"I love the underground. We feel so much safer down here."


"Yeah, I get what you're saying. Normies can be kinda dumb sometimes."


Hailey switches in with a scowl. "Goddess yes, they really can. They think they're so enlightened, but you show 'em a damned weirdo and they lose their shit."


"God, yeah. Sometimes you just want to give them a sharp slap upside the head and see if it gives them a drop of empathy or common sense."


"If only," she frowns. "Tried it, didn't work. Idiotic shitheads just get dumber."


"I guess percussive maintenance can't always work. Dang." She snaps her fingers. "I know when my brain's shortcircuiting turning it off and on again can help, but normies seem to be running on busted firmware in the first place."

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