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Pirates & Stars noodle at a sex-positive university life
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Ah. Pushy assholes like that are so frustrating. Glad your mom and some other relatives are cool, at least.

We haven't done a proper clan supper in a while. Our clan couldn't really handle the whole plurality thing, so we're doing our own thing instead.

Curious what "presentable for supper" looks like on you, if you wanna share.


She takes a photo. She's not exactly smiling in the photo, but her hair is done very neatly, with less fuzz, and she's cleaned her glasses... and she's wearing a small amount of makeup, not much but at least blush and lipstick. She's also put on a nicer deep-v sweater and a long skirt. with a pattern of purple butterflies.

How do I look?



Is purple one of your favorite colors?


Yeah, I've always really liked it. It's a little less princessy than pink while still being very feminine.


Oh wait she called her pretty!!!

And, um, thank you!! I'm still not really used to compliments but it's really nice.


I'll have to work on getting you used to compliments. You're certainly cute enough to deserve 'em.

And lucky us about the purple.

A picture of Sable, grinning on the couch with her vividly dark-violet hair and eyes centrally featured, is attached.


Oh gosh. Oh gosh she's so gay.

Gosh you're pretty. Still can't believe I managed to run into you.


Sable sighs contentedly. The gayness is very mutual.

Are we sure I'm not the lucky one, here? I feel pretty damn lucky.


Careful, or we'll get stuck in a mutual appreciation loop and get lost in each other's eyes for all eternity.


Oh no, what a truly terrible fate~



Lillian's reminding me that dinner starts shortly and my father likes it when I'm early. I'll text you back when supper's over, alright?


Sweet of her. Annoying of him. Hope it's a good meal regardless.


About an hour later...

Well that was a whole thing. 

Long story short it came out that I'd fucked you. My mom congratulated me, as did Pix — Pix has had such a number of suitors, so that's natural. My dad was like "grump grump hrrmph focus on your studies" but he's like that about everything

She flops back onto her bed and lets out a long breath. 

I'm really glad I ran into you.


The more we hear about him, the less we like him.


Really glad I ran into you too.

What're your plans tomorrow?


I think that depends a lot on your plans tomorrow, gorgeous. Got any partners you'd like to introduce us to? Want to go out somewhere? I don't really know the city all that well so wherever you'd like to go is fine by me. It'll be an adventure.


Hmm. Don't have any classes tomorrow, and no current partners to introduce you to. Could go for a picnic, maybe, or hit a museum. I know a couple good spots for either.


I heard there was an exhibition of Ancient Amorian culture going on at one of the major musems in town this month, do you know which one had it?


Hmm. I think...

She looks it up on her phone, then nods.

Yeah, it's at BMH. Looks like they open at ten.


Sounds good to me! Want to meet up for breakfast out beforehand, or...?


We'd love to. There's a cute little place a few blocks from there, we could get breakfast and then walk the rest of the way.


Sounds great, see you there! Eight or so? usually I have breakfast pretty early so if we wait till nine I'll be starving.


Deal. <3


So, uh, what's the name of this breakfast place I'll be meeting you at?


It's called Queen of the Waffle. It's on fourteenth street.

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