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Version: 1
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Persine University
Pirates & Stars noodle at a sex-positive university life

Persine University has a sex club. It meets every day in a dedicated space off of the main student hall. The front of the space is a reception desk with a big basket of prepackaged peach danishes, $2.50 each.

Behind it sit three nice big loungieres, two of which are currently occupied, one by a MMF threesome between two twinkish boys and a redheaded woman. The other is occupied by two women with pink hair snuggling. There's also a large table with chairs around it, at which several people are idly browsing erocore content and a woman with glasses is putting together a thousand piece jigsaw puzzle. 

Version: 2
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Persine University
Pirates & Stars noodle at a sex-positive university life

Persine University has a club for sex majors. It meets every day in a dedicated space off of the main student hall. The front of the space is a reception desk with a big basket of prepackaged peach danishes, $2.50 each.

Behind it sit three nice big loungieres, two of which are currently occupied, one by a MMF threesome between two twinkish boys and a redheaded woman. The other is occupied by two women with pink hair snuggling. There's also a large table with chairs around it, at which several people are idly browsing erocore content and a woman with glasses is putting together a thousand piece jigsaw puzzle.