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Pirates & Stars noodle at a sex-positive university life
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Sable bucks and spurts just as she finishes eating the slimegirl's pussy, arching her back and pressing close to Gloria as she moans out a shuddery orgasm. Her hips roll, her chest heaves, her muscles twitch, and then eventually she sags against Gloria.

"Goddess yes. That was gorgeous."

She snuggles there for a long moment, catching her breath.


"You were gorgeous." She kisses Sable's lips softly. 

Then she reaches into her pocket and checks her phone. "Ah, shit." She sighs. "We played right through my knotwork 201 class. I was supposed to be learning ties right now." She shakes her head. "Kind of got carried away with the meeting you and the underground adventures and the playing in a group with the pleasers and all..." She rubs the back of her head. "Can you give me your number and we can text? I've got to hustle to get home or my clanmates will wonder where the hell I've been. It's been great and all, but yeah, uh, I really do have to run or I'll be late for community supper. — you can walk me to my car if you want!"


Sable kisses Gloria sharply, then hops up and quickly cleans herself up. "Fun game, boys, but I've got a cutie to walk to her car."


Chris waves her off with a smile. "Catch you later, Violas."


"You're obviously smitten, go have fun," Alex teases.


Pillow thrown at Alex, sleeve in the trash, wipe herself off real quick, pleaser back on the shelf, coat back on, and then she's ready to escort Gloria out.

"See ya, Misfortune!"


"See ya, Violas!" Misfortune waves from behind her art tablets.


And Gloria heads out the door of the lotus lounge. 

"Uh," she says after a moment. "Which way did we come from?"


Sable turns right as they hit the hall, leading the way back out.

She pulls her phone out as they walk and opens up a new contact entry. "So, shall we exchange numbers? We definitely wanna see you again."


"For sure." Gloria rattles hers off, then accepts Sable's.


And Sable shoots Gloria a text to make sure everything's working.

Sable Viola — and the rest of the Viola Pirates — here.


And Gloria and her character Lillian here. We don't have great commuication but I get a feeling Lillian approves of you.

And Gloria turns on her phone flashlight to light her way through the darkened section. 


Sable does as well, and laces her free hand with Gloria's. She knows this route blind by this point, but Gloria doesn't, so light is necessary.

Soon enough they get back to the stairwell, and up they go to the sex building.


Gloria blushes at the handholding, her gaze darting away. Wow, how did she ever get so lucky to land a girl like this...

And onwards they go.


Sable's also pretty delighted to have found Gloria. She keeps throwing sappy looks her way as they walk.

<You are smitten, Alex was right,> Hailey teases.


Gloria squeezes Sable's hand and gets a faraway, peaceful look on her face. She seems to be really enjoying this. 

Eventually, though, they come to her car in the uni parking lot.


"Well," she says. "See you."


"See you," she replies with a warm smile.


And Gloria gets in the car, starts it, and is off.


Sable smiles sappily at the retreating vehicle for a long moment, then heads back inside.


Gloria drives home. Her clan house is across town in the more upscale district, and has a whole small estate around it. The manor itself is done in peach tones, and the grounds around it are planted with apple and peach trees. 

She parks her car on the street outside — the adults get the garages — and crosses the lawn to let herself in a side door in the west wing.

She slips her phone out of her pocket. 

Home now. Looks like I've got about 30 minutes before clan supper. Anything you wanna talk about while I do my hair and make myself presentable?


Meanwhile, Sable's gone back to the lotus lounge and flopped onto the loungiere beside Misfortune and rested her head on her shoulder. 


Chris and Alex have gone back to their movie.


And Sable's expression turns very sappy the second she gets the text from Gloria.

Glad to hear from you. We went back to the lotus, we're watching Misfortune do some art. How's clan life treating you?


Eh, you know how it is, some of them are cool, some of them aren't. I like my cousins Nixie and Pix and a couple of my aunts, but one of my uncles always makes stupid off-color jokes, and my father is a little... he tends to think it's his job to push me. Fortunately my mom is much more cool and she cares a lot. 

Gloria goes into the bathroom and starts fixing her hair to look presentable at dinner. 

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