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Pirates & Stars noodle at a sex-positive university life
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"So you're — multiple people too, like her?" 

Gloria leans in. "That sounds fascinating. How does it work, like, in practice?"


<Positive response. This one might be a keeper,> Hailey notes. <Maybe.>

<Oh ye of little faith,> Ruby teases. <She's cool and open-minded.>

"Yeah," Sable replies with a nod. "There are five of us: Sable, Maya, Neo, Hailey, and Ruby. Been Sable all day so far. And it works a bit differently for every plural system. Some systems have easy internal communication, others don't. Some share memories, others don't. Some get along well with all their headmates, others don't. We're comparatively lucky, and hit the former of all three of those."


"I'm sorry if this is very rude, I'm trying my best, but, um — is that at all like having awake characters?" 


Sable blinks, for a moment.


And then an enormous crescent-moon of a grin splits her face.

"Mmmhmmm," She confirms. "As a matter of fact, it is."


"We're literally talking about the same thing, huh?" Gloria smiles. "Yeah, I've got one or two of my own. You — share the body? Mine just comment on things incessantly while I'm working. I — well, there was one voice who was so persistent and so cool from Witches And Warriors that I sort of just decided to be her, and that's how I, uh, accidentally transed my gender. But she's been quiet since I became her, and the others are less insistent."

Gloria takes another sip of her calavera and smiles softly.


"Yep, we share the body, taking turns in front." Sable smiles back at her. "ADHD, trans, and plural, both of us. Aren't we quite the pair?"


"Well, we don't exactly swap," Gloria hedges. "But yeah, I guess we are. For, uh, a highly unconventional definition of 'pair', anyway."


Sable bursts into giggles at that. "Unconventional definitions indeed."

She sighs fondly and smiles at Gloria. "We are so glad we met you."


"So, so, so agreed." Gloria smiles and takes a slow breath, then knocks back the last of her calvera in one long gulp. 

"So, what is there to do around here? You've got quite the setup."


"Well." She tilts her head and surveys the room. "There's a wide selection of board games. There are some shared tablets with painting apps and games. The big screen on the wall is connected to a media center machine, loaded up with an enormous collection of movies and TV shows, as well as a whole lot of retro gaming emulators and other computer games. There are also a few consoles connected. We've got the whole spectrum of controllers, from gamepads through joysticks and wheels to sexual controllers. 

"Games include the usual platformers, shooters, and racing games, along with some more in-depth titles, like Clan Diplomance: Monsteria, that monsterfolk sequel to the collaborative seduction diplomancer franchise, or Mortal Invasion, which gives you an ongoing choice of strategies for dealing with a demonic incursion."


"Clan Diplomance, defintely. I've heard it's great, but I never had enough friends in high school to put together a proper match. And, well, dysphoria was still kind of kicking my ass, so even I had managed to play, I'd never have had the balls to use a pleaser." 

She looks over at the consoles. "Which of these plays Diplomance again? I don't actually know the major consoles apart, I just game casually on my school laptop..." 


"The PomBox 5. But damn, Chris and Alex have a movie on."


"Wait a minute. Are they watching Clanfound again? That's the third time this month. I'll see if they mind."


Gloria hesitates, then nods. "Yeah, I guess it's worth trying."


She steps over to the two boys and crouches down to their level, poking the nearer of the two — the black-haired one — one in the shoulder. "Hey Alex, Chris?"


The black-haired boy looks up, pausing the movie. "Huh wha?"


The green-haired boy looks up as well, eyes briefly flicking to silver bracelet on Sable's wrist with links that could be thorns, or fangs, or knives, or barbs, and a faint line of glowing purple running through it.

"Hmm, Sable?"


"Yeah," she replies. "I know y'all love rewatching Clanfound, but the new girl I brought has never played any of the Clan Diplomance games. Mind if we cut in?"


Chris hums thoughtfully, looking up at the movie and then back down at his partner. "What d'you think, babe?"


Alex blinks for a moment.

"Wait. New girl ain't ever played a Clan Diplomance game? We have got to help introduce her."

He gives his boyfriend a plaintive look.


Chris helps Alex to his feet, then looks at Sable as he sits up as well. "As long as y'all don't mind us joining in?"


Sable smiles, then looks over at Gloria. "What d'you think, cutie? Mind if the boys join us?"


Yes, she's making more friends, muahahahahahhahaah! 


"I don't mind at all, they definitely can!" 

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