Theo, Ev, Rachel, Gabe and Henry in Proximal
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Thar can get a dry look from at least one person in the group. But the cousins will change and ignore Thar unless provoked.


The cousins will do that?


Yes, that is exactly what they will do.


Okay, they will get changed without provoking any incident.

Kay will look daggers at Thar, that isn't provoking.


Ev will also get changed, looking at Thar every so often, a bit confused by his reaction to… things.


And Thar will continue to look mildly bored and a little bit confused.

Then he'll go stand outside the changing rooms, in the gym itself before leaving, seeming a bit like a lost puppy.


Rashel comes out, too, and she looks at him, also confused by his behavior but mostly trying to ignore it.


Thar tries to catch her eye, then mouths sorry at her.


So she raises an eyebrow, still confused by his behavior but deciding to continue to ignore him.


When Kay notices he stands by Rashel and tries to give his best impression of Krian's "are you serious?" look.


Well, it's apparently a relatively good impression, because Thar continues to look like a lost puppy. This time, though, there's a tinge of 'kicked puppy' to his expression.


Ugh. If he keeps this up, she's gonna have to go over to talk to him just to find out why the hell he looks like that.

And she was busy being angry, dammit.


Kay's impressions has acquired an "incredulous" tone, he really is not buying this lost puppy nonsense.


Not much later, Krian comes out of the changing rooms.

"Do you want something?" Krian asks in the tones of someone that means "go away."


Thar frowns, then grabs his bag and does indeed walk away.


This occurs just as Ev is leaving the changing rooms!


Rashel looks a little worried, and in fact starts to follow Thar, telling the others that she'll see them next week or something.


"Don't let him get under your skin." Kay warns.


"So... I swear I am not joking, do you think someone slipped a new designer drug in his drink or something? Or he is just prone to moods like this?"


"I… I honestly have no idea? He's not usually ever like this – like, he's been moody before, but he doesn't usually take it out on others, he just goes around being mopey and things, and it's super depressing, but it's not that."

He frowns and shakes his head a bit. "I don't know what that was."


"Okay, I don't really have an explanation."

The cousins go home.


As does Ev.


Meanwhile, Rashel is trying to get Thar's reasoning out of him. Why he acted like a dick, and then sad, and then all weird and then like she had kicked him.

She's not super happy with him, but she feels it'd be cruel to kick him while he's down.


Basically, he's been having mood swings. Look, he was tired all week, then he was being weird with Kay, then he felt even more tired, then he felt moody at the nightclub, then… well, today's been shit.


Upcoming "you should go see a doctor" thing. Not sure if this should be warned or not, so it's being warned.


Yeah, it seems like it has been, really.

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