Theo, Ev, Rachel, Gabe and Henry in Proximal
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Ev's happy to talk! He might be asking some slightly prying questions, though Krian can probably easily deflect them or get him to stop if he notices that Krian's too uncomfortable.


Thar looks a bit tired again, and is slightly confused by Ev's behavior, but is also available to talk, yes!


That depends on the variety of prying.


Oh, just boring questions like your moral stance on varying hypotheticals, when you might decide to become a horrible person in order to achieve certain desirable results, that sort of thing – extremes and unlikely scenarios that might reveal a lot about your personality to someone like Ev.

Not that he's asking for a reason or anything. Haha.


If Ev asks trolley problem variety of questions, Krian will give consistent answers that end up in with the "better" results.

Krian might bring up the trolley problem himself and joke that he would pull the lever so less people would die, then he would forge things to make it look like the lever was already set that way and that Krian wasn't anywhere near it.


Yeah, nah, Ev agrees with Krian on what he'd do there.

But anyway! Moving on from the slightly creepy and invasive questions! Would anyone like to dance?


Krian would love to!


Well, in that case, Krian and Ev can go dance!


Thar… will also go dance! With Rashel, since she is good at noticing when he is lost and-or stuck and will carefully extricate herself from dancing with Matil such that she can dance with him if he so wishes.


Indeed she will!


Krian enjoys dancing with Ev


After taking a break to drink something, Kay hopes there is someone in the dancerfloor to dance with.


There's… Ev? Or possibly Alios! He's now moved to the dancefloor.

Rashel and Thar look like they might stop dancing in a bit to go back to the side and talk again, though.


If Alios is okay with it. Kay would give a narrative shrug, if such thing were possible. Kay might smile and wave at Rashel if they get close enough, but he wants to dance.


Rashel smiles back, then she and Thar move off to the side.

The rest of the night passes with a bit more conversation, a bit more dancing, and a bit more staring from Thar, then they start to disappear since they do indeed have school tomorrow.


The next two days pass relatively uneventfully, and on the last day of the week, Rashel can be found talking to Ev before school, with Thar standing next to them relatively… passively.


So everything is normal?


Why wouldn't it be?


Just checking.

Making sure that nothing is going wrong today.


What could possibly go wrong?


… That doesn't sound ominous or anything.

It's just school, and it's the typical people – Rashel, Ev and Thar – and they have various sciences and languages and literature and math and gym? Plus, the week has gone by fine so far, with just slight hiccups, and the new kids Krian and Kay don't seem to have done anything horrible, nor do they seem like secret serial killers, and… well… yeah, actually, what could possibly go wrong?

Anyway. First up: Rashel and Thar have chem, and Ev, Kay and Krian have bio.


And everyone goes to their lessons.



About half an hour later, Thar's slacking off in chemistry. All this stuff about benzenes and aromatic substitutions and whatever else – who needs this in their future? Who legitimately goes into some weird field of study where it's necessary to know how to alkylate a fucking benzene. Thar? Thar doesn't care about this stuff, and so Thar is sitting back in his chair and looking around the classroom.


Rashel notices his lack of participation and gives him a look.


Well, she can get a look right back for that. It's a look that's very flat and I am super done with this.


Then Rashel will poke him and look at his work indicatively.

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