Theo, Ev, Rachel, Gabe and Henry in Proximal
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Krian would never do anything to cause teachers to frown at Rashel.


That's good!

Eventually, the lesson will end, and now it is the end of the last day before Midweek.


People disperse and go home variously.

The next day, Thar and Rashel meet up for a few hours – it's Midweek, why wouldn't they? – and then Rashel goes home a couple of hours before they plan to meet at the club.


Ev texts people to make sure they don't arrive there at ridiculously non-conforming times.

And eventually, club! Ev gets there a few minutes after Rashel, and then Thar appears like half a minute after that.


The cousins show up no longer after that and Kay almost goes straight to the dance floor.

He is not a bad dancer.


Krian prefers to talk with people first.


There are quite a few people at the dancefloor already – Matil's there, dancing by himself but seeming to have fun, and Laro's dancing with a purple-haired Luna – so Kay might find someone interested in dancing with (or grinding on) him if he's looking for that.

Rashel and Thar both have drinks and are chatting, away from the dancefloor so they don't get bumped into or anything, and Ev seems like he might gradually be drifting over to the dancefloor soon anyway.


Kay will see if Matil is up to dancing with him. He might start grinding later on when he gets a better feel of the floor.


It's okay if Krian chats with Rashel and Thar as well?


Matil in fact is up to dancing with Kay! He is, however, thankful that Kay does not attempt to grind on him, since he's not sure he'd be up for that.


Yeah, it's fine if Krian wants to talk with Rashel and Thar – they're just standing around casually, sipping from their drinks every so often.

Thar has cola and Rashel has lemonade, in case that information is pertinent.


Krian goes for lemonade too, so maybe the information is pertinent.


Kay can enjoy dancing without grinding. Don't worry, Matil.



… Rashel was pointing out cute guys, trying to subtly assess Thar's interest and possibly pique in, but it doesn't seem like it was having much effect, and he seems to be happy just to lean there, drinking cola, so she stops.

Instead, she raises the topic of… people in general! They chat about various things, being sociable and having a good time.


Thar looks over at Matil a couple of times, seeming like he's considering going over and dancing with him, but ultimately decides not to.

He's okay with that, though.


Krian is happy with talking with people in general.

He notices Thar... just pining over there but he doesn't comment.


It's not quite pining, because ultimately he decides not to go and dance with Matil, even though Matil seems up for dancing with guys right now, but… he doesn't really know what it is.

It just is.

Fortunately, Rashel is able to distract him with conversation of just the right amount – not annoyingly seeming distracting, but managing to mostly distract him from Matil anyway.


That is good.

Krian is terrible considering inviting them both to the dancefloor, but he isn't sure that either will appreciate.

Well, eventually he will, but first he scans the area for prospective dance partners.


Matil's still dancing, though he's moved on to some other non-Kay people for now, and Laro's moved away from the purple-haired Luna likewise, though he does look back at her every so often.

Alios has finally turned up! He's chatting to a few various people right now, but he might be up for moving to the dance floor if asked.


Oh, and then there's Ev, who's currently… rather engaged in talking to a few other various people who are not currently dancing.


The cousins are basically just dancing with random people, maybe eventually picking one each.


Thar decides not to dance right now. He'll just… walk over to Ev and talk with him instead.


Rashel will go dance with Matil a bit! She doesn't think Thar will mind, since she's not trying to dance with him for that reason, just as a friend.


Krian takes a break from dancing, gets some cola and talks with... oh, Ev and Thar.

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