Lurker visits The Old Republic
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What is the kobold interested in seeing today?


Well, lunch, first. Does anyone approach her this time?


Not today.


After lunch she swings by Satele's room, not really expecting her to be there, or free if she is.


She's inside, and available.


Oh, well then.

She goes in, grinning, points out the lack of translation necklace, and looks questioningly at whatever sitting-with spot is offered by Satele's current choice of seat.


She stands and offers her hand.



Or that. The kobold takes her hand and there they are.



"The Council has decided, provisionally, that we will continue to negotiate with Occlus. If we can bring her to our side, the support of a Dark Council member could be invaluable."


The kobold grins, then considers. "That's going to be tricky, I think. Do you want me to do anything in particular?"


"A secure method of communication would be useful. As well as a way for both parties to access the meeting room without your direct involvement being necessary, though that might be harder."


"I can make something that would let you get to the meeting room without me; the problem with that is that Occlus has that portal hoop, and the only way to make sure they don't bring it with them is for me to check them..." she ponders. "Or if they'd agree to it I could set the spell up to only let the two of you in if they bring it to the staging area and leave it there, but I'm not sure they'd agree to that, they'd have to trust me to give it back afterward... or... yeah, actually, I can do that, it'll just be complicated. What do you mean by a secure method of communication?"


"For most purposes, the Holonet is secure enough. But with the distance from here to Dromund Kaas, any transmission has to pass through several relays, not all of them in Republic space. A very small portal from here to there would allow us to run a hardline, which would be vastly less vulnerable."


"Sure, I can do that. Just let me know where you want it."


"In the Council chamber, for the Jedi end."


Nod. "I'm not sure I'm imagining it right, but if you've got a device on one end," she mimes, "and then a wire running to a device on the other end, I could put the spell on one of the devices, or on the wire itself if that makes more sense, and then teleport it over; that way nobody has to ask Occlus where they want their side. And I think they'd like that better anyway, being able to use it wherever they like. I don't know if there are any reasons not to do that, though."


"The only reason I could think of would be that it is slightly harder to misplace a stationary object. But your proposal would work well enough for us."


She grins and nods.


"Let me see... Bar does items, correct?" Satele goes and fetches are pair of holocomms connected by wire and brings them back to the kobold. "You can use these to enspell, and if Occlus agrees to the mobile version, leave one with her. Otherwise we will repurpose this pair and use the equipment we had ready."


She takes them and nods. "I'll need to see the Council chamber again, I didn't get its location last time."


"All right." Teleport back?


"Um, first... I was thinking last night about what you could maybe offer Occlus, to get their attention... you'd have to trust them a lot, but I could teach them my magic."


Satele pauses for a moment.

"That would... certainly get her attention. If you are comfortable as a tutor, I will keep it in mind."






Satele leads the way to the Council chamber. It is not far.

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