Lurker visits The Old Republic
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She'll go wander around outside some more, then. she hasn't seen all the gardens, yet.


Gardens: contain plants. And the occasional water feature, soothing and peaceful.


Soothing peaceful water features are nice; the kobold finds one she likes and sits by it for a while.

When it's pretty definitely past Ana's usual bedtime, she checks in again.


Ana: has gone to bed.


And Raafi is busy banking the campfire for the night. The kobold teleports in, and scoops the translation necklace up from where Ana left it by her bed and puts it on.

"Have fun?"

"Very much so."

"Good." She grins, and pulls out her sketchpad to record the day's events.


In the morning, she's back at the cafeteria, bright and early as usual.



And here is Ana, bright and bubbly!


The kobold grins at her, pleased and amused.


"Hiii. I got you a present!"


The kobold is surprised! "Oh?"


"Yeah!" Ana pulls out a smallish flat duraplast box. "It's a holocam! See, it's got a lens at this end, here, and you push this button to take a picture, and then this one to display the archive." Ana pulls the kobold in close and takes a picture to demonstrate each of the functions.


"That's really neat!" She grins, and then looks confused, uncertain, and thoughtful in quick succession, all without taking the holocam.


"You don't like it?"


"No, no," she reassures, "I'm just," hug, "trying to translate the concept, of having been given a present like this, and I think it might just... not. I know what you mean, we have things that mean similar things, just, objects don't work that way for me and I'm not sure how to make an exception."





"I do appreciate the thought," she hugs Ana more firmly this time. "Maybe I'll... leave it with you when I go home?" She does go to take it, now. "I think that works out the closest."


"Okay." Pat pat.


She tucks the holocam into a belt pouch, leans on Ana for another second, and then starts on her breakfast. "So, how was Alderaan?"


"Fun! We walked around the capital and took a tour of King's Pass by thranta."


"Sounds neat," she grins.



Breakfast breakfast nom nom.


Nom breakfast nom nom.

Class! Today's lesson will seem pretty redundant to the two from last night, but then when she's done with that she lets the other three start practicing and goes over some more advanced stuff with them.

Near the end of the class's usual run, Raafi appears in the entryway and quietly goes to stoke the fire to begin making lunch.


Ana winks at Raafi when he shows up, but then goes back to magic until the class is over.


Raafi grins back at her, ducking his head in that way he has, but is otherwise quiet and well-behaved until the end of class.


Eventually, class ends. Ana sidles over to Raafi by the fire.


Raafi drapes an arm around her shoulder and kisses her hair.

The kobold giggles at them, tosses Ana the translation necklace, and disappears to Tython.

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