Lurker visits The Old Republic
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Raafi just smiles - nearly beams - at this. The kobold looks up at him, gives an amused snort, and hops off his lap. "Stay well, friend, I'll be back in a few hours, most likely." Then to Satele: "ready to go?"



She nods to Raafi.


The kobold deposits them back outside Satele's room.


Meanwhile, Raafi checks the main room to see if Occlus is still there.


She is sitting in a corner booth, sipping a clear drink from a tall, thin glass.


Raafi gets a drink from Bar for himself, and heads over. "Mind if I join you?"


"Do you intend to make a nuisance of yourself?"


He laughs, a short bark of sound, and slips into the seat across from her. "Less of a nuisance than the kobold, I think. Stubborn and meddlesome is a bad combination. But feel free to shoo me if I'm bothering you; I don't offend easy."




"Care to tell your side of the story, there? I know some of it - mass exile, for some reason, and trying to get an exception made for you, and not being sure what's going to happen if that doesn't work - stubborn, like I said, just keep bashing away at that until it works somehow, and never mind what happens in the meantime or if it doesn't - but not reasons or anything; maybe if I know a little more I can get you at least pestered a little less."


"The kobold is more familiar with the details, I assume it is the one behind the plan. You seem friendly with it, why ask me?"


"I will, I will. But you've probably already noticed it only says what it wants to; the more I already know the more I can make it tell me."


"In brief: I contracted with the kobold to obtain several magical services. While these were being rendered, it learned of the conflict between the Sith, which is what I am, and the Jedi, as represented by the old woman. After our contract was complete, it took it upon itself to learn more of the history of my universe. After doing so, it decided to visit the Jedi. They apparently became great friends, and it hit on the idea of ending the war. For whatever reason, it decided that this was best accomplished by exiling all Sith to an empty universe. As to why I am an exception: I am not a typical Sith and it has had previous experience with me. Your understanding of its psychology is doubtless better than mine."


"Wow," says Raafi, when Occlus is done speaking. "That is a whole new level of meddlesome. Talking about a war was a reliable way to scare it off, last I knew."


"Really? It hardly blinked when I killed seventeen people in front of it."


"Oh, it's not squeamish, I'll give it that. It just usually meddles on a more personal level."


"Do you have any useful information to offer, because if not you should leave."


"Nah," he takes a swallow of his drink. "Just that you aren't too likely to out-stubborn the little beast. I'll talk to it, though," and he stands and heads back to the infirmary.


What a pointless person. Occlus finishes her drink, then leaves.


Meanwhile, on Tython: "I'll let Raafi pull you into a three hour philosophy discussion sometime when you're not so busy," grins the kobold.


"I appreciate it. Before I talk with the Council, what were your impressions?"


"I don't think they're lying. They did make a real attempt not to be found, when we got to the planet; they were willing to go that far to avoid killing anyone, they just weren't willing to take any risks once we were. Which... isn't surprising, really. Most fighters at home end up like that a little, even with a tribe to remind them that there are people they can trust and depend on, and it's obvious that Occlus hasn't had that."


Satele nods. "The redemption your friend Raafi spoke of offering to Occlus. Do you know anything about it?"


"I haven't seen it done, so I don't know very much, but from stories, it... weakens habits, mostly? They'd still be able to hurt people if they wanted to, but it wouldn't be the first thing they think of when there's a problem. And if they want to keep hurting people in the first place, the spell just doesn't do anything. Well, to them, but Raafi won't do it if they don't want to pay the cost, and then we'd know."


"I see. Thank you."


And the kobold nods and bows, and gives Satele an impulsive hug, and goes to look for Ana.

How about where the magic class usually meets up in the morning to wait for her, that seems plausible.

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