By the Pit, no. We're already spending intervention here like water: what we need to conserve is Hell's real power. If you knew how to do it, that'd be nice, but since you don't, I'd rather you just rapidly iterate on questions. Mostly on the questions that I prompt you with, but the spell that called me here won't last forever and independently of that it's best that you have some idea of what it is you're doing, among other reasons so that you can train people on it.
The armies of the Pit are subtle, mighty, and vast. Asmodeus Their King is the most powerful of all devilkind, and among the greatest of gods. But neither by the strength of His arm nor the force of His sorcery does Asmodeus stand mightier alone than the rest of Hell arrayed together.
Asmodeus's weapon is His mind, and it is Hell's greatest single asset. We don't want to waste His brainpower on things we could have handled without Him.