Where even to start. Magic weapons, holy water we wrung out of Axis, and we've got a fuckton of teleport scrolls, plus scrolls death ward, which you can consider a loan: for each consumable item you use, we do eventually want two back. There's also two more Portable Holes, and in them eleven Taldan tons of nutritionally complete food pellets, entirely fit for human consumption. They're vegetarian [1] and were manufactured in a facility which processes egg, fish, shellfish, tree nut, wheat, quintessence, peanut, and soybean products. You'll want to soften them with conjured water, and to flavor them with prestidigitation. Don't make a project out of reverse engineering our methods of manufacture; you wouldn't get anything useful out of it, but it'd still make feeding you retroactively harder.
1. But not vegan.