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message in a botnet - Deskyl and DZ are rescued by Diana
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"I know a few traditions that long haul spacers use."


'That should work. And I think we should try to make it easy for our human guests to avoid if they want to, but easy for the droids to come see if that's also possible.'


"That might be a bit harder, but worst comes to worst, they can stay in their rooms, if they want.  I'll get to planning, then...Do you mean the medic droids, too?"


Think think type type sigh.

'Yeah, they should get the option too.'


"...Yeah.  I'll get to planning."


Hug. 'Don't hesitate to come get me if you need anything.'

Breakfast first, though. Zander and Kaymee are not in evidence in the galley this time.


Breakfast sounds good.  She can start making plans for the memorial service while they eat.


Pradnakt settles in to chat with Daisy over her own breakfast.


Diana is muttering things about stuff!

"Hm. I'm coming up on a lot of planning-stuff, for this memorial service, that mostly depends on droids' - level of comfort, I suppose, with various possibilities, and I don't know how to figure that out in a polite way."



    "She says 'like what', ma'am."


"Do the bipedal ones want chairs, how should I accommodate the nominally-immobile droids if they want to attend - I have options for motility and cameras, are they going to have seating preferences..."

(Diana is going to some effort to rig up possibilities for the stationary droids to be awake, fulfilling their utility functions, and hopefully mobile (with aftermarket battery packs, and what one might call prosthetics, spare R-series parts and drivers worked into mobility platforms), despite generally preferring to not irreversibly hook them into her systems, especially in ways that would undermine the possibility of humans using them.  (Reversible hooking is fine.  Irreversible hooking is very not fine.)  Ionic attacks are a thing; everything important, that's not already shielded (e.g. the reactor), needs to be capable of non-electronic manual operation, at least by a Force-sensitive.)


Pradnakt turns this over to Daisy with an obvious gesture.

    "Bipedal droids generally only sit for social reasons or to conserve power, ma'am, I don't expect them to care about chairs. Utility droids are generally not particularly interested in people and are unlikely to want to attend, but I can ask them. None of the droids are likely to have seating preferences, but if they do it will be harder for them to discuss them than to go where they'd prefer to be."


"Alright.  Thank you."


"You're welcome, ma'am."



    "She's curious about what else you have figured out, ma'am."


"Not enough.  Just...not enough.  I've been to shipboard funerals, but - I've not the skills to plan one, not really."

She swivels her datapad around; it's mostly the cargo bay's floorplan plus half-formed - well, not eulogies, but funeral speech - attempts.


Pradnakt gives Diana's shoulders a squeeze, signing with the other hand as she does.

    "It's going to be hard to do with as little information as you have about them, she says, ma'am, you don't really have enough to write much of anything. She says she can figure out how to arrange the ceremony, though, if you can tell her what things you wanted to include."


"...They need to be remembered.  They need to be mourned.  Their lives were cut short, and for all that there's nothing I could have done...I still regret losing them.  So...I want to speak their names, and...I'm not sure what else, but, something.  There ought to be something.  Maybe a - memorial holocron?  There's - I don't know how possible it is or isn't, yet, but...maybe the Force still has their memories, even if it doesn't have their ghosts."



    "She's dubious she could find them, ma'am, with only a name and planet of origin to start from. She's considering getting funerary music from their planets of origin to play, instead."


"What if I - boost you, somehow?  There's ways to do Force exercises with partners, I do know them even if I don't use them very often, and I bet that we could make something happen.  Especially with the way our methods work.  I can provide power and a conduit for the Force, you can steer."

She shrugs, and then slumps.  "But that's not exactly tested, so I'm not really sure."



    "She says she could try, ma'am, but a name really isn't very much to go on."


"A name, a place, some known traits...the way they died, too.  And sometimes remains.  Even if it doesn't work, I - I want to try."


"Yeah." Squeeze.


She's definitely in need of squeezing, so that's good timing.


Pradnakt can just sit with her for a bit, then.

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