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message in a botnet - Deskyl and DZ are rescued by Diana
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'We can probably figure out a way to do that where I'm not too outmatched.'


Diana giggles.  'We could change the rules, too, see if you can land a hit on me at full fighting form.  What forms do you favor, actually?  I saw you doing Soresu the one time...'


'Mostly Djem So and Shien with some Juyo and Soresu.'

'Actually thinking about it a bit more the real thing I'm worried about is you getting distracted wanting to defend me.'


'...Hm.  *That* I don't really have a good training exercise for.  ...On the other hand, you *are* capable in a fight, that much I know.  So to *focus* on defending you from - well, the usual caliber of Sith - would be a tactical misstep.  That said...I imagine that a Sith who has even a lick of planning capability will try to exploit our relationship somehow.'



'Also I have a specific case in mind that you're really not going to like. One issue at a time, though, I'll tell you once we're done with the shopping and back on our way.'


Oh dear.  'Word to the wise, I *will* come up with at least three equally horrible things for every horrible possibility you mention that you're going to tell me sometime later.  But, yeah.  Shopping first, then that.  Whatever it is.'


Squeeze. 'Sorry. Anyway. Dinner.'


'Yeah, dinner.'

Dinner is a perfectly good distraction from abstract panic!  Diana is glad for it!


Cuddles, too, and -

    "She says she doesn't expect it to be dangerous, ma'am, just that you won't like it."


'Ah.  That's good.  Better than the alternative, at least.  I'm not going to just sit back and *let* her face a danger that I can meaningfully ameliorate, on her *own.*  Like the air base.  I take point.  It's my job.  And she's part of my team.  Honestly, she's probably the commander, by now.  She gets my support.'

She doesn't actually show this to Pradnakt, but instead to Daisy, for - translation, hopefully.

...and she's still not sure where her voice wandered off to, but it sure did, apparently.

Well, there are cuddles, and that's more important than stressing about making words with her face.  She'll do it if she has to, and not a second before.


Plenty of cuddles, yes, though Pradnakt also sends Daisy to get her datapad so she can work on plans for the memorial too.


That makes sense.  Diana - has a momentary spike of wanting, to be helpful, useful, desireable, as Daisy is sent off to fetch that, but she's not going to trample over someone else's utility function just because.  That would be rude.

'Feel like I should say a few words, when the funeral ceremony happens.  They're already rattling around in my brain, so I kind of need to let them *out* regardless.'


That momentary spike gets her a squeeze and a kiss on the cheek and a brief nuzzle of reassurance.

'Sure, I'll leave some time for you.'


Mhm but she wants to help...

'Yeah, that would be good.  ...I can probably do the officiating just in general; I'm good at following scripts.'


'I wasn't planning to need much of it, but I'll keep you in mind.'


'Thank you.  It's...I want there to be weight to it.  That - we note the gravity and somber importance of life, and feel the way it was cut short; that these people shall never again dream wonderful dreams.  That we *mourn.*  I'm.  Not sure, if that makes very much sense.  Nonetheless, that's...

'It's something I feel, at the very least.'


'Yeah, I can do that.' She switches back to her notes and adds a couple more sections.


'Thank you.'  Would she like a supportive arm around her shoulders as Diana leans in to see what the outline is starting to look like?


Sure. She's mostly laying out the order of events, so far: she wants music as the droids come in and find their places, then a poem, a short introduction, and a reading of the names; she's added Diana's speech after that, followed by another poem and a note that just says 'interaction?', and then more music to close. Each section has a few brief notes on tone and themes; she's added 'dreams' to the second poem along with 'life' and 'self' and 'choice', whereas the first poem has 'endings/death' and 'injustice?' and 'mourning'. A brainstorming section at the bottom includes the notes 'value', 'work', 'freedom', 'rebalancing', and 'justice/revenge'.


Diana nods.  'I have some holoproduction instincts kicking up for my speech, but I can handle that myself, I think.'



She turns her attention to looking through her poetry collection for things that might suit the situation.


Diana settles in to draft her speech, looking over at the poetry every so often.

'Wonder if we could - make a voice pack, so that if you want, you can read the poetry even when you can't speak the poetry.'



    "She says that in this case it should be fine to have me do it, ma'am, and in the long run it won't be a problem."


'Yeah, but now I'm in it for the challenge.  Or, at least, in it as far as figuring out *how* I or we could do it.  Probably audio sampling...  It's useful to have a voice even when you cannot speak aloud, even when you are alone, with only what you can hold.  I still keep a vox synthesizer on me for that very reason.'


"...cute." Cheek-kiss.

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