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yet nothing I should care to leave behind
message in a botnet - Deskyl and DZ are rescued by Diana
Permalink Mark Unread

Deskyl's been taken again, and DZ has run out of chores. Her Sith's suite is spotless, the bathroom freshly scrubbed, the unread books sorted neatly on the shelves, every idle tool in the workroom in its proper place, every piece of unused equipment in the gym waiting to see use again. It'll be at least a day before Deskyl returns, and more likely two or three; it's unlikely that the tools and equipment that DZ cares for on her behalf will ever be used again, though.

The droid does have a few remaining tasks; she's been instructed not to do them too often, to reduce the risk of being found out, but the small chance of rescue trying to get in touch with Deskyl via the network, using contact methods she hasn't been able to personally check in months, is worth the small chance of being discovered.

There aren't many messages, and all of them seem to be automated advertisements, but DZ dutifully checks each one anyway; if someone has realized that something's wrong here, it's a good sign rather than a bad one if they're canny enough to send an encoded message rather than a plaintext one about it.

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And would you look at that, this advertisement's not just an advertisement for Corusca Cruiselines.

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It only takes her a moment to decode it; that's not a standard ability, for her line of droids, but she's had time to use the network to learn a few things. What's inside?

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A trap for Imperial Intelligence droids, which are diligently wiped and can't develop the institutional knowledge to not execute "this file is a trap" files even if they're literally named "this file is a trap", and...a message.  "Hello.  If you are reading this, you're probably a person for some values of person.  You are also probably somewhere in the Sith Empire, being exploited in some manner, because intelligence gets Sith attention.  If you would like to change the latter two, without changing the former, leave a message at [their callback number] after the beep.  You want to book the Galaxy Star, but you need to know if there's a berth for your party or yourself, spell out the ports of call as best you can, and confirm the planned departure window; if there's anything we should know about your accomodations, work it in."

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...well, that's certainly not what she was expecting, but she'll take it: A berth on the Galaxy Star, for one human, temporarily bedbound, and one droid, capable of providing the care she needs given a few simple modifications to the standard shipboard provisions. (Really, she'll just need very soft food for her meals the first week and finger food for two weeks after that.) They're coming from the Atoxil star system and can board in a few days, pending confirmation that the Galaxy Star's anti-Sith security is sufficient to the situation.

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The Galaxy Star is indeed capable of accomodating you and will see you soon!  Please be aware that you should mind hidden weapons.

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"...Well, I was literally planning on this.  But I wasn't expecting it to work.  R4, if you would be so kind as to work out the route?  Thank you."

And off the Subtle Knife goes, to whittle away at the Sith Empire.

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And four days later, as planned, a smaller ship docks with them, and DZ disembarks with a duffel bag hanging from one shoulder and her ambiguously conscious master draped over the other.

The woman's in plainclothes, but it's obvious in the Force - albeit weirdly flattened, another sign that something's very wrong with her - that she's a Sith.

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They're met with a woman in armor almost reminiscent of Mandalorians, if it weren't for the stylistic differences - it's obviously made of things that aren't beskar, for one, but it's cut to allow much more range of movement, and not anywhere near as heavily bedecked with supplementary weapons, though it does have the jetpack, oddly enough - and who knows what she's packed away in her prosthetic arm.

She has a bulky blaster on one hip and tools, including what looks like a wrench, on the other.

"...Empty void, how did you even send..."

Her eyes flick to DZ.  "Ah.  You do your Master proud, I'm sure.  What care does she need?  I've the medbay ready, and rather well-stocked; we should probably get her set up.  And then...I think our best chance for faking your untimely deaths starts with causing a shipwreck.  ...I hope you're not too attached to your getaway vehicle.  R4, do our Republic friends know anything that could do with an astronavigation accident?"  Yes, apparently, judging by the whistles, and it seems Diana can understand them too.  "Alright; get the navjack, that one probably needs terminal guidance."

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A very definitely non-stock R-series chassis - having arms, for one, tipped with various tools and manipulators - rolls into the airlock, trailing parts (hitched to his frame in a little wagon) and whistling obdurately.

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"Yes, you will get hazard pay if the ship tries to eat you; no, it's still not going to happen, especially because you're not interfacing with the main core in the first place; that's why I wanted the datajack!"

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...hazard... pay?? ...whatever; she has more important things to deal with right now.

"A medical scan would be appreciated, yes ma'am, but this isn't the first time this has been done to Master Deskyl, and she's recovered without any special care in the past. The ship is one of Lord Pritruth's personal vehicles, I don't know it to be trapped but it's certainly possible. I did check for tracking signals on the way."

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"Just because she can, doesn't mean she should have to.  Pritruth...Don't know a lot about them off the top of my head.  Anyway.  You go get her settled, we'll go arrange 'your untimely demise in a hurried, blind escape'."  And into the airlock she goes, with R4 right behind her.

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No matter that R4 keeps making the same joke about it every time, he doesn't actually expect this ship to eat him.  Really, it's more the opposite.  Still, the software module that he got from a thankful protocol droid finds the fondness in her voice as she makes the same old response as she did the first time he had actually worried - that one had been a garbage scow, which could have made a real try, what with the trash compactors - if something had gone wrong.

Slicing into the ship's systems and causing on-cue mayhem goes as it always does.  You'd think the Sith Empire never tried to actually protect systems - patches were applied sporadically, as if internal squabbles overruled security.  Siths' systems were certainly better...but not by very much.

This one had clearly been doing a lot of politicking, though; R4 counted five patchsets, not that it helped.

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Diana, meanwhile, is handling the physical damage; her passing leaves a tale of a ship fired upon by unknown forces, fleeing to hyperspace...only to miscalculate, and miss a damage alarm because they don't have an astromech, and drop out of hyper accelerating on a path that will leave the ship streaking towards a groundside ship hangar; overcharged shields will hold out for just the wrong amount of time, and cause a primary reactor breach when they fail on impact.

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DZ waits where she's been left, periodically adjusting her hold on her master to keep her from slipping; she's not familiar enough with the Subtle Knife's line of ships to guess where the medbay is.

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There is a line of paint with the medical symbol and an arrow on it!  As well as one for the 'fresher, right next door.  It's a pretty small ship, anyway; the parts people regularly visit (i.e. not engineering nor the cargo bay) are mostly laid out along one central corridor that also serves as a common area.  Rooms are labeled in several common languages, as well as with visual appliques, each in a unique color.  The bedrooms have a keycode lock; the armory does as well.  If DZ tries to open the door to the bridge, it buzzes angrily at her.

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To the medbay she goes, then, without trying any other doors; she's familiar enough with medical facilities to do basic scans on her master.

Physically, Deskyl is fine. Neurologically, though, it's a whole other story; half her brain is disorganized static, with the remaining patches of more organized signals too weak and scattered to be useful, except that her brainstem is intact enough to keep her physically alive. Which is about what DZ expected, really. It'll be better soon.

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You would not think it possible to sneak in armor.  You would be wrong, because Diana has apparently snuck up on DZ in the medbay.  "I'm no medical professional myself, but I can tell that that's not a good sign.  Is there anything you've known to help, in the past?  I've made an amateur's study of the mind, and you can often pull it into action with the right kind of stimulus...I believe it was music that helped most.  And if we can arrange for something like that, then..."

She looks at Deskyl, her presently-doffed helmet showing genuine compassion.

"Maybe she'll pull together sooner."

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"She's deaf, ma'am, unfortunately. She does like poetry, though, and it seems to help. And she had visual art in her room."

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"Ah, I see.  I do keep the facilities for implants...?"  Her arm flexes as she is reminded of its mechanical nature.  "But yes, visual art can be arranged.  I've been meaning to render this place less...spooky-hospital-white for a while now, really; this is as good an excuse as any.  Or maybe holos...soft blues are a pretty good complement to white, I think.  Bad for sleep, though...Guess I'll see what I can work out while we travel.  Do you know what she's going to be like, when she wakes, and the sort of places she'd like to go?"

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"She does particularly like sunset themes, visually. She recovers gradually and is easily overwhelmed in the early stages; I expect she'll want to be left alone, mostly. I don't know what she'll want to do once she's recovered - she was expecting to need to be in active hiding from the Sith, all of her plans assumed that that would be her primary concern."

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"I see.  Well, this probably won't be perfect, but it is a good start.  I'll set course for somewhere quiet and out of the way, then - and check for holos of local sunsets."  She hums softly.  "I do know some proper mind-healers, if this is Force-mediated mind-fuckery.  If you want.  And if you're willing to trust a Jedi you don't know, I suppose.  It would...help, to know your story."

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"Thank you, ma'am. I'm not sure Master Deskyl would react well to mindhealers; given her recent experiences with the Force she might have trouble keeping in mind that they're not dangerous.

Master Deskyl is an engineer; Lord Pritruth manages a group of apprentices that do various kinds of scientific and manufacturing research, and she was hired to assist one of them about five years ago. We aren't sure why he suddenly singled her out for this, she doesn't think she offended anyone."

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"...Not offending them doesn't seem to stop half of them from deciding they want to ruin your day in particular if you're in their presence and dare to be having a decent day.  I don't know how that whole school of thought hasn't burned itself out in revenge feuds, frankly; it seems so...petty and self-destructive, cultivating, of all things, pain and suffering.  You want empowering emotions?  Love, care, compassion; these self-reinforce.  But noo, because...reasons, that I've never found a coherent explanation of, it's always, always, pain and suffering, and I hate it.  It's...that's why I'm even fighting this war, you know?  That sort of philosophy simply viscerally offends me, that you can only gain by beating down others.  If you can raise the tide, you can lift all the boats, and they'll make your life better for it on sheer stochastic average.  But you didn't come here for Force philosophy,  I'll go get us moving, and then, I suppose, we can talk more if you want.  The rations you said she'd need are in the cargo hold, shelf Besh-2."  As quietly as she arrived, she leaves.

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The hyperjumps proceed normally, and while R4's newest semiguided munition pilots towards a final high-velocity rendezvous with a Sith airbase, the Subtle Knife aims for a quiet little backwater.  They'll be traveling a while.

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DZ stays primarily in Deskyl's room, especially once she's arranged for some artwork - abstract posters, mostly - to be hung on the walls and ceiling; Deskyl recovers as expected, quickly regaining the ability to properly sleep and wake, though having any kind of understanding of her surroundings, even enough to look at DZ when she moves around the room, comes much more slowly.

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And then one morning - not too long after she starts sleeping through the night, rather than spending random lengths of time napping and staring at the wall, and before she's shown any ability for complex intentional movement - she leaps out of bed, the lightsaber that DZ had hidden in her sheets in hand, and makes a beeline for Diana, even somehow managing to get it lit as she covers the distance.

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...oh, bother.

Normally, she'd lock the blade for just long enough and go for a stun - her lightsabers, one blue double-blade with two quillons, the other her green blaster, are already igniting, even as she attempts to jar the Sith by deploying fixtures from the floor while she's running over it - but with her situation as it is, stunners are riskier than literal disarmament and she's not harming a patient!

So Deskyl finds Diana Pallas meeting her at her end of the corridor, fully armored up - and both just a little bit frustrated, and sad.

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Disrupting her footing slows her but doesn't stop her; she's clumsy with the Force, but apparently capable of keeping herself upright and headed where she intends to be with telekinesis.

Strategy, tactics, and situational awareness are for people who have more than brain damage, instinct, and terror going on in their heads; Deskyl is very simply going to attempt to drive her lightsaber through the Jedi, nothing more and nothing less.

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...and that is how you find your lightsaber caught between the prongs of two other lightsabers, thoroughly boxed in, while the Jedi looks at you, radiating bafflement and pity and sorrow.  "DZ, a hand, please?"

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"Yes ma'am, I'm sorry, ma'am, one moment." She edges carefully around the lightsabers to try to get into Deskyl's line of sight so she can sign to her.

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What? No? Aaaaaaaaa? Push harder? Do... something else? But what... she has no idea what. Aaaaaaaa there is a Jedi why is there a Jedi? She's going to die! Because there is a Jedi and her lightsaber is broken! Aaaaa!

....there's a droid. She likes the droid? The droid is also in danger! This is very bad!! The droid is.... something.... something something safe? No! There's a Jedi! Right there!! And her lightsaber is broken! ...droid... something something no lightsaber? ????? That's bad, but.... the droid is calm. And good. And it's good, she thinks, to do what the droid wants, because the droid is so good. It's very confusing that the good droid wants her to not lightsaber the Jedi, but... it's good to do what the good droid wants even when it's confusing. It's important.

She takes a step back, lightsaber still lit, and watches the Jedi warily.

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The Jedi also takes a step back, and turns off one of her lightsabers!  (She doesn't put it back on her belt, but it's off.)  Then she...edges over to a small kitchenette and slowly pulls a sealed ration pack ([Near-Human Medical, Liquid] say the symbols) out of the cooling box, not looking away from Deskyl, but neither is she facing Deskyl with combative intent...and then she pokes a straw into the ration and offers it to Deskyl, given how it's floating over right where she could grab it?

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She's not very willing to take her eyes off the Jedi yet (why is there a Jedi) but glances at the ration, and then a moment later gives the droid a confused look and gestures for her to handle it.

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"I'm not sure how much she understands right now, ma'am, she's not usually responsive enough at this stage for me to tell. I expect not very much." She steps forward to take the ration pack, signing 'safe' and 'food' as she does.

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"Yeah, I'm not expecting her to understand as much as I'm hoping she understands and doing my best to not let misunderstandings hurt anyone."  Diana pulls out some food for herself - instant oatmeal, apple-cinnamon - and sets it to cooking; after it's done (with a cheery bing!, not that Deskyl can hear it) she pulls up a table and chairs for herself and optionally Deskyl, turning off her other lightsaber at this time, still moving slowly.

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    "Yes ma'am. You should know that her memory is still very bad at this stage, and she's not going to remember this tomorrow morning; I'm not confident she'll remember it in ten minutes."

Deskyl gives Diana a confused look when she disengages her second lightsaber, but turns off her own after a moment - it doesn't occur to her to stow it, and it seems like she quickly forgets that she's holding it at all - and lets DZ guide her by the elbow to sit in the other chair.

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Diana eats her breakfast, and...sort of just, softly radiates calm safety healing peace protectiveness into the Force, hoping Deskyl will listen to her feelings, since her brain is not operating.

"Then we'll do this until she can remember.  We have time."

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    "Yes ma'am. Thank you for not killing her."

Deskyl is clearly not buying this calm-safe-peace thing, but keeps glancing at DZ every few seconds and following her lead to tolerate Diana's presence, so that's something, at least. She's not interested in the liquid ration when DZ offers it to her, though, preferring to keep her attention on the Jedi.

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"...She cares about you.  I'll leave you alone, shall I?"

Diana can go find some maintenance to do!  Or meditate.

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The Sith's signature in the Force is starting to bounce back a bit, she might notice as she meditates. It's hard to guess what it would look like without the damage, but there are some hints that it might possibly be a bit softer than other Siths' signatures, if she looks for them.

When she comes back through the main part of the ship, DZ has gotten Deskyl back to bed, but has the door ajar and is standing just inside, positioned to keep an eye on both Deskyl and the common area.

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"...you alright?"  She's quiet, soft, tentative, deliberate.  "I imagine that gave you...quite a scare.  Did she get to eating...?"

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"Yes ma'am, after you left. Did you have any questions for me?"

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"I did ask if you're alright.  ...Anything else I should know, now that we've got the whole, Force, thing out?"

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"I'm fine, ma'am. Most of what I told you about Lord Pritruth and Master Deskyl was true, but she was Lord Pritruth's apprentice, not the employee of one, studying lightsaber design."

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"Good lies have a kernel of truth."  She gives an...approving nod?  "...She going to want to do any revenging?  Goodness knows I would, after..."  She gestures at the medbay.

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"She seems to be more focused on keeping herself safe, ma'am, I had specific instructions to get her out if an opportunity arose even if it meant taking away her opportunity to kill him. She might want to go back if there's an opportunity that isn't too risky, but we haven't discussed it."

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"I see.  I'll keep that in mind; I certainly don't like him after...this.  Who does that?  And, why, Force's sake!  What's the...Is there even any point to, that!"

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There's a pause before DZ speaks, which is uncharacteristic of recently-wiped droids.

"I don't know, ma'am."

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"...would you care to speculate?"

Diana notices this!  But doesn't immediately say anything about it.

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"Just that Sith do have reasons for what they do - not necessarily nice reasons or ones that other kinds of people would consider good enough for the damage they do, but the reasons do exist."

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Diana nods.  "That's certainly not false.  It...doesn't help, though."

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Not in this case, anyway. "Yes ma'am."

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"...I'm sorry this all has been laid on your shoulders.  It shouldn't have had to be.  I'm not your master, but...if I can dare to say so, you've done so very well by her."

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This Jedi is so weird. Not that she's complaining, if it keeps her master alive. "Thank you, ma'am."

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"It's really the least you deserve, going above and beyond like you did with this.  Is there anything I could arrange to ease your duties?"

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"I don't think so, ma'am. I can let you know if anything comes up."

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"Please, do.  I do most of the maintenance myself, I can spare time for you and especially for all this."

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...there is definitely an astromech on board, why is the human doing maintenance? "Yes ma'am."

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Well, that's all she has for this conversation.  And she does have maintenance to do.  So she'll go do that.

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And R4, who has had the conversation he's predicting he will have so many times before, trundles on in after.

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DZ doesn't speak to him immediately, assuming he has work to do; instead she goes to adjust Deskyl's holoprojector to show a different sunset.

He's still there when she gets back to the doorway, though, so after another moment, she whistles: Your human is strange.

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R4 whistles back, She's unique.  I like her.  What confuses you about her so far?

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She keeps talking to me in a strange way. And she didn't seem upset when my Sith tried to kill her - don't worry, my Sith is very bad at killing people right now and will realize it's a bad idea here before she gets much better at it.

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...The common thread, there, is that she cares about the lives and well-being of everything that can think.  Including us.  Including even the Sith she's killed.  And I think she just can't blame people for their instincts.  Even violent ones.  It didn't hurt anybody, anyway.

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How do you deal with it?

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...With what?

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With her wanting strange things and speaking strangely to you.

Astromechs don't have as much programming against having opinions and wants and things, but she's pretty sure they have some, so he should know what she's talking about.

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I mean...It was a little weird, starting out, I guess, especially when she started trying to pay me - I got her to agree to putting most of that into the ship, because I want to be the best astromech I can and an astromech needs a good ship, and I do actually pick parts sometimes - but I haven't had anything like that come up for years?  There was a bit of...She likes tinkering with things, but we agreed to split it; I handle the slicing, she handles the assembly.  She uses ship maintenance for meditating and Force practice, actually.

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My Sith doesn't like it when I ask for things for her when I'm asked what I want for myself. :T

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I'll talk to Diana about talking to your Sith about it.  What drives you to do that?

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You want to be a good astromech so your focus is your ship; I want to be a good servant droid so my focus is my Sith.

I don't think it would help me for them to talk about it.

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I see.  I think it might; my Jedi isn't a diplomat, but she's good with fleshy minds.  Walked us right into and out of a Sith base one time without a single Force hack.  So if anyone can get across that you really do want what you want, and that trying to say you should do otherwise actually isn't going to help, it's probably her.

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Maybe, then.


I do want to be how my Sith wants, it's just hard when she wants things that go directly against what I am.

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Definitely something to talk about, then.  ...Anything else you think you'd be better off knowing?

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I'd like to know what might make her hurt my Sith.

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Uncoerced mass murder, or someone's life being in immediate danger if my Jedi doesn't do something to prevent it.

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Okay. Thank you.

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Happy to help.  Please feel free to seek me out if you have further questions.

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I shouldn't go far from my Sith, but I'm sure I can figure something out.

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I'll get you a comm button.

And off R4 goes!

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Deskyl's fear sings in the Force again a few hours later, but DZ is apparently able to handle it without her leaving the room. At lunchtime, though, she gets past her and goes for Diana again, with no more subtlety than last time.

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Diana meets this with no less grace and patience than last time.  "...I don't think I know much of that sign language you're using, though I've seen some Sith use it before; I spent most of my spare language acquisition on Galactic Sign and Binary.  Would it help if I was able to speak it at all, do you think?  And...what happened to make this different from the earlier episode you defused?"

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"I was in the doorway then, ma'am, and had time to get her attention; this time I was waking her up to eat. You do need at least one free hand for Sith Battle Sign, but... can you see that Master Deskyl has a Force effect up? I know it's subtle."

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"Ahh, I see.  ...Suggesting a distance poking device is a silly thought, but if it would help, I can get you one.  I can see that she's doing...something.  I wouldn't dare hazard a guess as to what, just yet, save that I think it's internal."

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"Yes ma'am. Master Deskyl can hear, but it's unpleasant without Force assistance, and it's been too difficult for her to set that up again since this started; the effect you see is deafening her instead. There should be a way to decrease it without removing it entirely. You'll want to enunciate very clearly when you speak to her."

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"...If she has the same problems I have with volume, I can probably find a dampener that isn't the one I use for daily wear somewhere around here.  If it's the qualia of hearing itself that's unpleasant, I don't really have..."  An idea strikes.  "Hey R4!  Do you think you could stuff the compute of speech filtering into the form factor of my old headband?"

A whistle of genial unsureness returns from the control room.

"Well, it might help our patient, so I think we should try and find out!"

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It's at about this point that DZ's signing gets through to Deskyl, who finally backs off, visibly confused and trying to puzzle out the situation.

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Diana gives Deskyl her space!  "DZ, do you know which of those is the case?  ...I think I can actually improvise setting up proper Force-enabled volume cutoffs, if she lets me help.  Shouldn't be too dissimilar from tutaminis...annnnd it took me until now to think of doing that myself?  Wow, I feel rather silly."

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    "She seems to have more trouble with complex sounds than loud ones, ma'am, but some trouble with both." DZ edges back around the lightsaber zone, and Deskyl lets her lead her off to the table again, slightly less skeptically than last time.

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"I see."  Well, that's a good project to work on over her lunch break, she thinks.  Volume limits should be simple enough, but... - well, R4's on the complexity filter.  She'll let him handle it.

Still, she does need to get Deskyl's buy-in.  No putting strange devices on a patient whose consent you can actually get.  And so Diana wraps the area in a bubble of isolation from the shipboard noise, and gently works the suppression down a little bit.

"Hello."  Her voice is quiet, soft.  "I come in peace.  I can make something that keeps the world quiet for you.  Would you like that?"

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Deskyl winces and growls a little when Diana first speaks to her, but there's no real heat behind it, and no particular sign of distress in the Force. She doesn't seem to be parsing the words, though.

    "It generally works best to present things very simply, ma'am," DZ suggests, quietly, and then signs, speaking along this time: "Jedi safe. Quietness machine yes?"

Deskyl seems a bit less baffled by this, but doesn't reply, even after a few repetitions. "I think this is just too complex for her right now, ma'am."

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Diana lets the Force effect go back to...well, full force, though she's tempted to see if she can make the dampening effect power a trickle of healing.

"I see.  ...Whoever did this to her...they have something to answer for.  Likely many things, really, but definitely this one."

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    "Yes ma'am." She sets about trying to coax Deskyl to eat; the Sith is still distracted by the Jedi, but not as uninterruptibly so.

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Diana eats her own lunch, as well.

They're making progress!

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They are!

Toward the end of the meal, Deskyl gets DZ's attention and gestures questioningly at Diana.

    "Jedi safe," DZ signs to her.

Deskyl's eyes narrow a bit, but she gestures again, a little more emphatically.

    "Jedi helping. Ally against master."

At the mention of her master there's a little burst of rage, in the Force, though a slight narrowing of her eyes is Deskyl's only outward sign of it. She thinks this over for a minute and nods, thoughtfully.

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The Jedi continues to peacefully exist!  She winces inside her helmet upon feeling the anger, but that's even less noticeable!

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    "I don't expect her to remember that, ma'am. But it's a good sign, I think."

Deskyl's lunch doesn't take much longer, and DZ guides her back to bed; she'll ask R4 to come by and help with waking her for dinner when he drops off the comm.

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"It is, indeed."

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R4 can do that, sure!  How does DZ want to do this?  Deskyl's her Sith, if anyone can come up with a good plan, it's probably DZ - Diana's not the right sort of precognitive, there.

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The main thing is getting Deskyl's attention on her before she makes it out the door, which means DZ needs to be in the doorway, which leaves R4 on actual waking-her-up duty. It goes best if that's done with minimal startlement, and she has a system for what order to try things in to wake her as gently as possible.

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Then R4 can do that!  ...from the side of the bed that's away from the door.  Y'know, just in case.

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That's entirely reasonable of him!

The third thing he tries wakes the Sith, and she makes it fully out of bed and halfway to the door before noticing DZ and stopping short, tensed like a caged animal. DZ's signing calms her, though, and after a few minutes she gets her back into bed, leaving the doorway open for R4 to leave. (Deskyl notices him on his way out, and stares.)

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R4 does not mind being stared at!  He only minds being lightsabered!  (Diana did, at least, cover his core processor in phrik, but it's not ever fun when someone tries to cut you in half!)

See you in eight hours?

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    Yes, thank you.

It doesn't go as well the next morning; Deskyl has obviously forgotten most of what she'd gathered the previous day, and tries to order DZ out of the doorway rather than listen to her, her fear and increasing anger obvious in the Force as she does.

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"...Let her, DZ.  It's not worth her being upset at you.  Sometimes you need to learn from experience."  Diana tries projecting peace-calm-we're-friends-here, for what it's worth, but is definitely expecting to need her lightsabers again.

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Deskyl startles, visibly flinching, as she notices how close Diana has gotten, and falls back into a defensive stance, anger falling away into grim determination.

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Diana just...stands there, for a moment, ready but not concerned, then goes to get Deskyl's food from the fridge.

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This sends her from nihilistic determination to confusion and distress; when Diana gets back, DZ has her sitting on the edge of the bed and is trying without much success to get her to pay attention to a poem she's reciting for her.

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Diana gives her the food?

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Sure, that can happen.

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Diana leaves her in peace to eat the food!  (An astromech occasionally trundles by.)

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She eats; her emotions have settled out into vague despair by the time she's done. When she wakes again later, she's less upset, but the general tone is similar; DZ must know something to do about it, because it does lift a bit, back toward determination.

DZ waits for Diana to come out for lunch without waking Deskyl for it.

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Diana looks over at DZ.  "...you know how I asked you to let me know if there was anything I could do to help?  I think you think I can do something to help your master, but I can't just guess what it is.  Or, I could, but I'd have anyone else's chances of succeeding, you know?  Jedi mostly aren't mind-readers.  Especially with droids for some reason that I am generally convinced is self-delusion; you think as much as I do.  So...what would help?"

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"I don't have a specific idea of what to do, ma'am, but I do have an idea of what the problem is - I think Master Deskyl believes she's been captured, from her reactions."

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"...Could install a hard lock, give her the key?  ...not that it would help overmuch, but the problem is that she can hardly do keypads right now either..."

She also does have DZ's lunch ready.

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"I wouldn't expect her to know how to operate a keypad or a hardware key, right now, ma'am. It might be best to just let her sleep? I expect her to have forgotten about it again in the morning."

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"Mmm, true.  Still worth thinking about in case it's not different when she is awake and alert."  She hands off the food (and R4 is on standby to deliver it by now) and heads down to the cargo bay for practice.  "Til next time, DZ."

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"...yes ma'am."

She'll try to talk to her again at dinnertime, then.

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Diana does her katas for a bit, and then more ship-related stuff for the next few hours - tending the algae, etcetera.  Soon enough, she's back up on deck for dinner.

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"Hello, ma'am. Did you want me to try any particular approach with Master Deskyl in the morning?"

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"I don't know what you can do, DZ.  You're the, Sith protocol droid.  Tell me about the protocol, please."

...She looks...tired, all of a sudden, helmet off, face frazzled.  "I just don't want, to hurt her more.  There's already been so much pain..."  ...And she feels every wound.  "...Jedi, creatures of peace and life, fighting a war.  It's madness.  But so are the Sith, and the culture they espouse.  So who's more the fool?"

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"...yes ma'am."


"Master Deskyl is a sensory specialist, and it's generally very obvious to her when there are other Force sensitives around; there are techniques that can hide you from her but my understanding is that they're difficult to hold for very long. If she can sense you, she'll be afraid of you, until she regains the ability to recognize you as an individual - I don't think that's avoidable; the understanding among Sith is that Jedi will kill them given any opportunity, and she seems to have retained that. But Sith are trained to handle fear, and I don't get the impression that it's necessarily distressing for her in this case; what she seemed to be distressed by today was the idea that there wasn't anything that she could do about you, which is something that Sith tend to be very sensitive to - I stopped her from attacking you, and you didn't seem to be afraid of her, and usually among Sith that would suggest that you'd already defeated her once and we were both confident that you could do it again - are you aware of Sith traditions around that situation, ma'am?"

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"Nnnnooot in any particular detail."

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"Yes ma'am," she nods. "Sith are very hierarchical; every Sith answers to a specific other Sith, all the way up to the Dark Council and the Emperor. These relationships can change by the master giving a Sith they have mastery of to another Sith, or by inheritance of a defeated Sith's assets - if Master Deskyl had managed to kill Lord Pritruth she would have inherited his property, his title, his direct allegiance to his Darth, and mastery of his other apprentices, assuming she was able to survive their attempts to kill her to inherit those things from her. Theft is another method, though not very relevant here. And directly defeating a Sith in combat also grants mastery of them, if you can do so without killing them - this is part of why Sith fight so viciously when cornered; it's the least stable kind of allegiance-change and is often worse than death, so they have no incentive to surrender. I believe this is what Master Deskyl thinks has happened to her right now."

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"...well.  That's kriffed up."

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"Yes ma'am."

"She's taking most of her situational cues from me, right now, and I believe that if I allow her to attack you without interference she'll assume she's in some other situation than that. But I have specific orders from her not to allow her to attack people if her doing so will be a risk to her life or her escape."

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"Well, it won't.  Worst comes to worst, I have to stun her, which...I don't know if you know how that would work out, but there's not much it can make worse at this point.  So let her.  I could use a sparring partner anyway."

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"Yes ma'am. I expect she wouldn't have any unusual trouble recovering from a stunner bolt, physically or cognitively; I haven't specifically seen her take one but she's recovered from minor lightning attacks with no complications."

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"Then that solves that, I think.  Thank you."

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"Thank you, ma'am. And please let me know if you think of another approach that I can try. Shall I wake her for dinner when you're done?"

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"...I'll try, DZ.  I'll try.  ...I don't know, should you?  You've been watching her vitals."

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"She won't be harmed by skipping another meal, ma'am, she'll just want extra in the morning."

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"Then extra she shall have."

Diana then pads off to rest.

"Goodnight, DZ, R4, Deskyl."

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"Goodnight, ma'am."

They settle into a routine, after that: DZ allows Deskyl to attack Diana in the morning, but talking her down afterward sets the tone for the rest of the day, leaving her confused but not distressed and relatively easy to manage; the stunner turns out to be unnecessary.


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And on the fifth morning of this, she stops short in the galley, fear blending with confusion as she recognizes Diana.

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Diana gives a polite wave, emoting pride-in-the-accomplishments-of-another, and then there's food.

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It takes a moment for her to decide to stand down, but she does, and takes the plate, seeking out DZ to sign 'why' to as she sits.



    Ally Jedi. Safe. Helped. Enemy of master.

Ohhhh. Yes, good. ...Jedi questions?

    "She'd like to know if you have any questions for her, ma'am."

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"...Would Force healing help her recover?"

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She takes a bit to consider the question; if Diana's paying attention, she may notice an incongruous thread of worry in the Force as she does.

    "She says she's not sure but she'd like to try it, ma'am."

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Diana is indeed paying attention.  "Alright, let's see..."

Diana pulls off one of her gloves, and nudges the Force volume throttle (after erecting soundproofing).  "Deskyl, may I touch your hand?  It helps."

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She startles slightly at the unexpected sound, but offers her hand.

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Diana's touch is gentle, and the resulting gentle inquiry of the Force within her is...warm, welcoming, soothing.  "It's okay.  You're doing good.  Just breathe, gentle, slow, calm.  You're safe."

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Deskyl tenses a bit at the words, but doesn't pull away.

    "That kind of thing is hostile, to Sith, ma'am."

(She has a scattering of electrical and 'saber burns in the process of healing, and a number of scars, that the Force reveals to Diana; none are particularly severe, though the remaining brain damage is certainly significant. There are also a few places, if she's paying close attention, where a surface scar isn't matched by underlying damage like it should be; it would be possible, perhaps, to heal someone that selectively with the Force, but extremely difficult, and Sith supposedly can't use Force healing at all...)

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"I see.  Sorry."  ...Empty void, she's going to -- no, she isn't.  Calm, Diana, you are healing a patient.

She breathes, in and out, half into a healing trance, but only half because she is directing that healing to Deskyl's wounds...

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Deskyl sits quietly, letting her work, watching closely but not distracting her.

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Diana can actually do quite a lot for Deskyl's wounds!  The physical ones, at the very least!

...As for the mental ones...She breathes in.  She breathes out.  She lets her senses touch Deskyl's mind.

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There's a sense, here, of it having been scoured, like a coastal town after a tsunami, or a forest after a brutal fire. There's plenty of new growth, though, and the framework coming in for more, and it won't be hard at all to encourage that along.

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And so Diana Ophelia Pallas does, providing a subtle stability to the churn, promoting connection, promoting regrowth, promoting future resilience against that which would ever make someone in her care feel like this ever again --

Deskyl is not hers.  She is not anyone's.  Diana knows this.  So she takes a deep breath, holds her emotions aside, and asks herself - what does Deskyl need, right now?


Her mind is roiling, churning, like a boiling pot of water.  It is not supposed to do that.  Minds are much, much more stable even in the unhealthy modes she's seen.  (Sometimes too much so, but that is another story.)  What Deskyl needs are anchors.  Things her thoughts can accrete around again.  And she knows just who to ask, as she pieces together a metaphor that might even work - 

"DZ, if you can remind your mistress of - who she is, not the big things, the little ones, as we go - I, think this will help, we're kind of making this up live, really, because I don't think anyone's seen this sort of damage before from my side, but...she's already got some of the idea, she just needs to find the right things to apply it to -" and Diana is good at finding just the right things, a transferable skill from precision machine work, and nudging Deskyl's attention through the Force as she gives prompts to DZ, still in that half trance, so Deskyl can weave herself back together, re-establish the current of self, forge her mind like kyber crystal -- (a thought-memory of Diana's own slips out; her blue crystals were found in the traditional Jedi way, but she synthesized the core of her green saber herself, because green is the crystal the Jedi take to mean focus-on-knowledge, and what, then, is a better expression of knowledge than using it to make something wonderful, and you have, Deskyl, you really have, because what you made saved you when you couldn't save yourself,)  (Diana's really proud of DZ.  DZ is a good droid.  She's glad Deskyl feels the same way.)

She doesn't really expect this to fix the underlying - Force-burn, she thinks - all in one go, but she does hope it'll help speed up the process.

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    "Yes ma'am." DZ settles in to recite some poetry to Deskyl; signed, because that's what she's always preferred, even when she could hear.

Deskyl is only partly paying attention to DZ, though, and instead mostly watching Diana - this isn't just healing, it's something else, and she trusts DZ's assessment that Diana is an ally but she doesn't trust Diana not to make a mistake.

The effect Diana is wielding seems gentle, in the way carefully-applied Force effects can be: she expects that if she ignores it, it will do whatever Diana is intending, but with even a bit of attention she can stop it from doing anything she doesn't like. Mostly she doesn't object; a few times she nudges her away, with annoyance or frustration or fear.

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Diana is glad that Deskyl is capable of asserting boundaries, honestly; that means she's not going to inadvertently trample over them.  Deskyl gets the impression of - Diana is not going to pry, but she wants to understand, so she can help better, when those reactions occur - and yes, this technique is gentle, yielding.  It's also kind of oddly Sith-y for a Jedi, really; it feels a lot more will-shaped than openness-shaped, even though it's still based in a philosophy of openness.  Deskyl might even be able to do something like it all on her own; it's a sort of recursive asking of questions of yourself, interrogating your instincts to reconstruct the patterns they came from.

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Yeah, maybe.

She's tired, by the time Diana is done.

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Diana is so proud of her; she did so well.  "You're going to feel tired when you do this; that happens when you think really hard.  Be careful, okay?"  She catches her own yawn before it goes anywhere - she's being very careful of sounds herself, for Deskyl's sake - but Deskyl and DZ can still see her doing it, because at some point in this process her helmet came off.  (It's resting on her back, now.)

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Sign sign sign-

    "She's injured, not an invalid, ma'am."

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"I'm very glad that she's well enough now to tell me off about it!"  ...Diana grins, somewhere between "trying to stifle a laugh" and "beaming".

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This just makes her more angry; her hand twitches toward her lightsaber, though it doesn't quite connect, and instead she sweeps off toward her room, gesturing for DZ to follow.

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Ah.  Yeah.  She should have expected that.  It still sucks to feel, though.

Well, there's distracting fiddly maintenance to do.  That keeps her out of the space she's trying to give Deskyl.  That's helping, right?  She really wants to help...

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It's not hard to give Deskyl space; the Sith doesn't come out of her room again. Even DZ isn't turning up in the galley - she must be coming out sometime, Deskyl's food is disappearing at the expected rate, but Diana doesn't see her, no matter how much time she spends hanging around there.

(The signs in the Force suggest that Deskyl is fine; she seems relatively calm, most of the time, though sometimes frustrated or bored. Her meditation - at least it seems to be meditation - is another story; of course a Force-sensitive powered by fear and rage is going to incorporate them into their daily practice.)

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Diana herself also hiding is probably also not helping, but Diana cannot actually solve this.

So it's up to R4, after days pass in silence, to try, because it's affecting his ship.  ...My human kriffed something up really badly, huh?

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It's not just her, Sith are difficult. We're lucky I have a calm one.

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Do you mind explaining what happened?  For both our sakes.

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Yours laughed at mine; that's a threat, to Sith. Anything that suggests you aren't taking them seriously is.

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I see.  I'll pass that on.  Is there some good indicator of taking this seriously that my human could use?

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Not straightforwardly. It's more a matter of not doing the wrong things than doing the right things - you can't tell a Sith you think you could beat them in a fight without them thinking that's going to matter somehow.

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I see.

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Later that afternoon, Diana knocks on Deskyl's door; two firm raps that belie the weltering turmoil of emotions she's feeling about all this.

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Deskyl opens it after a moment; she's in one of the black outfits DZ had packed, embroidered in gold and red across the shoulders, exuding a quiet confidence.

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"...hey.  ...wow, you look really good in that - excuse me.  I.  Mm.  Would you be interested in hearing what I was - trying to convey, the last time we spoke, or would you just prefer to know that - mm.  I've taken the feedback I've received on-board, and will be doing my best to ensure that I treat you with the respect you are, in fact, due, going forwards?"

"And...how are you?  I realize I hardly have a right to that information, but...Despite myself, I seem to have become invested."  She laughs wryly, self-directedly.  "Not very Jedi of me, that."

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She steps aside to let her in.

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Diana blinks, but...sure, she can come in if Deskyl would prefer this?

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Deskyl stays by the door, leaning against the dresser there; DZ is at the table, but stands to let Diana have it.

    "She says she'd like to know what you were trying to say, ma'am," DZ relays.

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Diana hmms.  (She doesn't take the table.)

She's stared off into the middle distance for a good thirty seconds before she starts speaking again.

"For the past week you had barely been a person.  I - I was relieved.  That you were coming back to yourself.  That I'd...helped, even a little bit.  So that was...coloring my reaction to having made that first misstep?  I think.  I can't be as sure as I'd like to; I'm...not good at directly confronting my own regrets.  ...still.  I was...I was glad.  You were, are, for that matter, getting stronger, recovering well.  And that's a good thing.  I don't - well, okay, I do care if I end up dead, but - the strength of my allies is my strength?  And I...hope we can be not-enemies.  And...Force, I don't know.  It was cute?  Like - those holos of big cats being grumpy that some university keeps uploading.

"So I tried to...draw back, smooth over, find a way to, make good from bad, and promptly ran smack into Sith culture being fractally horrible about power, I think?

"I don't know, you're the resident Sith, I'm a kriffing Jedi," she says almost like it's a curse, "I'm not sure where the...must-be-a-threat, thing, springs from.  But...I was trying to imply you had power, because you were lucid enough to tell me to kriff off, not diminish or demean the power you had."

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Deskyl thinks about this; a few seconds into it, there's a gentle nudge from her in the Force, offering a calming effect, mild and easy to ignore by default but there's a sense of how Diana could lean into it to request that Deskyl strengthen the effect.

    "She says that most of the problem is that if you try to hurt her, her options are to take it or to kill you, ma'am, and she doesn't like either of those, so any sign of that is alarming - she doesn't know that you won't."

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That one single syllable is paired with an outpouring of grief.

She doesn't make another sound, but tears run down her face, because...that's even more horrible than she thought it could become, and...she's not even made a dent, so many are still adrift in, in, that, in a 'state' where the only guaranteed relief from durance vile is death...

...so, yes, she'd...like that calming effect, please.

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Here's the calming effect; the strength of it wobbles around for a moment before settling into something comforting but not overwhelming, and then stays steady.

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"I -"

"Force preserve, I've just -"

"I've had a horrible idea, about, how to ensure your comfort.

"Which leans on...your doing this, and other things it might imply capabilities to do.

"That...I need to think about.  And probably...sleep on.  After I've - cried those tears."  (She sort of...gestures at the calming effect.)

"But there's a question I can ask now that would rule out that possibility, so whether or not I want to know, and regardless of what I want the answer to be - I don't even know - I probably should ask.  How complex can, this, get?  And how long does it last?"

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    "She can hold it indefinitely, ma'am, including in her sleep; her range with it is about thirty feet, or double that if she's meditating, but it doesn't linger if someone leaves her range. She can also do fear and anger, and she can teach herself other states, including complicated ones."

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"...could she do something about as complex as 'incapable of killing'?  As a rough first pass."  ...oh those are some complicated emotions Diana is having again, but a very different sort, all in different proportions and configurations.  ...and she's trying very hard to keep a lid on one particular subconscious response to the line of thought she's having, too, but...she's not doing a very good job of it, at all, and there's quite a bit of shame-guilt about that.  "I should probably, ah...excuse myself.  For a little bit.  While she thinks."  ...She is definitely not blushing the red cheeks are totally the sunset holos' faults why did she leave her helmet off for this.

(Fleeing still doesn't help.)

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Deskyl lets her go without issue. She can maintain the calming effect as far as Diana's room, though it'll fade to nothing as soon as she makes a serious attempt to push it away.

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Oh dear Force why are emotions and feelings anyway she has way too many.  Why are bodies, even.  They're traitors.  Diana is increasingly oscillating between "pull Deskyl's calming effect close like a lifeline" and jumping back with a sense of "Force, I shouldn't," over and over.  ...the one thing she doesn't do, though, is push it in any sense away.

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There's a little bit of give, in the effect, where it'll get stronger if she pulls on it that way; after two or three rounds of that, though, it firms up and holds steady; the timing gives the impression that Deskyl has intentionally set it like that.

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Oh, okay.

This is nice, actually.

Like a comfy blanket.

Though her face is kind of on fire right now.

(Deskyl can probably pick up on Diana's subdued relief.  She's proven to be very perceptive, over the past little while.)

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(If she can - and it is a pretty safe assumption - she doesn't seem inclined to do anything about it.)

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Then Diana...is going to take a nap?



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You know what, that's pretty legit.

The calming effect will still be there when she wakes up.

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Diana, eventually, wakes up, somehow burrows in tighter to the effect like it's a blanket burrito despite that being exactly how that doesn't work, and with just a little bit of regret, carefully extricates herself to go do ship things once more!

Like eat food!

Perhaps with the air cleared somewhat Deskyl might show up!  (...oh, Force, Diana, nooo, goes her braincell in the corner.)

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Deskyl has decided to have her dinner in the galley, as it turns out; she's chatting with DZ in sign.

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"Oh, hey.  ...um.  Thanks, for earlier.  Don't really know how much of all that you picked up on but I...definitely needed the firm hand to stop my wittering, as was.  ...It was really comfy, once I got over myself.  Healers will probably be all over trying to invent 'that but Jedi-flavor' if I tell them that it exists.  Which...that's your call, to me."

Diana sits...near-ish!  Not too close, though!  "...I kind of want to ask if you'd prefer if I learned your sign, but I'm worried about it coming across awkwardly - and frankly, I think that the tactically correct thing for you to do is probably to keep it to yourself, given the no-trust situation you're operating within.  There must be learner files on sign languages on the holonet somewhere, but then that leaves the both of us fumbling unless you know two already, and - Force, I don't know if I could handle owning a protocol droid."

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    "Master Deskyl says she expects to be able to speak Basic again in a month or two, ma'am, and she expects that to be faster than either of you learning a new sign language; she'd want some time to think about it before teaching you Sith Battle Sign, she's not sure how the Empire would react to it leaking. She doesn't mind teaching you emotion projection, or letting you teach someone else; it's not a dark technique, so it shouldn't need any major adjustments."

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Diana gives a grateful nod.  ...though she's not actually sure what that gratitude is for, yet, when she goes over her thoughts.  "...yeah, now that I think about it I do know the technique you mean.  I've just never felt it feel like that before."

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    "She expects that Sith and Jedi use it rather differently, ma'am."

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"...That does make a lot of sense...It's nice though..."

Diana pinches herself.  "...Maybe a bit too nice.  Force, I could get lost in that."

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    "You should face your emotions at some point, she says, ma'am. "

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"...In general, or in specific?  Because in this specific situation, I expect everyone on this vessel would probably be vastly more comfortable if I waited until after you were off it to, erm - confront a particular subset.  In general, though, yes, we can't not have them, so...ignoring that's bad."

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    "She says she wouldn't be a sensory specialist if she wasn't prepared to ignore things that aren't her business, ma'am. But as you prefer."

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Diana most definitely did not spray the sip of her drink in her mouth across the room while flushing red when DZ translated that.  She was not inhabiting a comedy skit.  She instead politely contemplated that sentence's implications, swishing the liquid in her mouth around in a stimmy sort of way, then swallowed.

"...If you'd prefer."

She did, however, blush.

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    "It really isn't her business one way or the other, ma'am."

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"Yes, intellectually I can acknowledge that, but emotions - don't, really, rational?"  She gives a dramatic shrug.  "All I can do is my best, I guess."

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    "Yes ma'am."


    "She says it genuinely won't bother her, if that's what you're worried about."

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"I...  Thank you.  For the reassurance.  Yes, that was, definitely part of what I was worrying about."  She slowly exhales.

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Deskyl nods and takes another bite of her dinner.

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Diana just, takes another slow breath, and then busies herself with eating.

...Despite the fact that her dinner's been sitting there for minutes and should've cooled, it seems to still be piping hot.  And there's subtle Force-ness happening around it.

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Huh, neat.

    "Master Deskyl isn't familiar with that Force effect, ma'am, how does it work?"

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"...Huh.  Does the Dark side not do tutaminis?  I would've thought that bending energy around would be easier for Sith."

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    "It might be easier for Sith, she says, ma'am, but she isn't surprised that Jedi and Sith know different techniques, it's rare for you to have a chance to learn from each other."

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"...yeah."  Oof, that reminded her of sad things.  Quick, a distraction!  "Like how the kriff you do the lightning; that's...I see it often enough, and I still don't know how I'd even really begin."

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    "She can show you, if you'd like, ma'am. You won't be able to do it without switching to Dark, she says, but it might be interesting anyway."

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"If she's willing, I'd certainly like to see it in a situation where it's probably not going to be used to try and kill me.  Should we maybe move somewhere less breakable?  There's a firing range over there," she points at it, "though it's small."

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    "Here is fine, actually, ma'am. She has a close-quarters variant of the technique."

Deskyl punctuates this with a crackle of electricity that starts at the back of her hand and runs halfway up her forearm, leaving the area wreathed in tiny blue-tinged arcs.

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Diana is fascinated.

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She holds her arm out for Diana to inspect; the arcing bolts don't seem to interfere with her movement at all.

There is a mild but growing sense of wrongness in the Force, though.

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...but, wait, why, Force, it's so pretty!  What's Wrong about it?

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The way the Force flows through the effect is sharply bent in several places, to the point of being knotted in on itself, and... split, maybe? it's a bit hard to see, going every which way... and there are some very dissonant resonances set up within it. It definitely looks uncomfortable compared to neutral or Light techniques.

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"...is that as kind of uncomfortable to do as it looks like to my senses?"

Diana's fiddling with the Force herself, now, because seeing if she can replicate something like this without it being...like that, has taken on the shape of an intriguing puzzle; hmm, what happens if she does...

-- chaos, but harmony --


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    "She says 'not really', ma'am. Though it is best to avoid letting too many Dark harmonics build up in any one place, that can get unpleasant."

The Force really does not want to be in that shape for her; every time she gets one bit of her effect going about the right way another part springs out of position. And it's not clear at all how she'd make the part that looks split.

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"...what does extra-Light Force feel like to you?  My experience of dark is that it just feels, wrong, like, I could use so many mechanical metaphors but - it's badsounds!  You know what those are!"  Maybe if it's interlocking?  It doesn't need to be the same thing, just something that's a same-y thing, maybe if she tries this and that and these all at once it'll hold itself together rather than apart?  (Her face, when it is not talking, is scrunched up in a "looking very hard at this" expression)  This is complicated but she really wants to see if she can figure out a Jedi-shaped way to make the pretty lightning, it's so pretty, she wants so badly to share the joy of crackling sparks between her fingers with the pretty Sith lady and maybe she's supposed to feel bad about feeling absolutely any of that but she's so tired of trying to make herself let go of caring even if it's --

A dam, so carefully constructed, creaks, snaps, breaks, and the Force rushes through Diana in a torrent as - something -


- and - something ripples around Diana's outstretched hand, not lightning made of pain, but something else, in a shimmering purple-green, and she's so happy but then every single emotion she has ever stuffed in a box comes back from the grave like a zombie craving vengeance and that's so much emotion that it rattles the entire ship in its unleashing, Diana barely managing to bend it away from her passengers and crew and controls in a shrieking gasp of strain as ionic aurorae flare and electronics flicker and fray -

and she's just, crying, now, though she waves off any offering of calm, because she "needs to get this out, it's been bottled up so long, can't not feel it, I'll, I'll be okay in a bit, okay?  Catharsis.  Needed.  I'm gonna be so kriffed up later all my coping mechanisms were basically 'shove it in a box' and that doesn't work now but right now I think I'm stable because I'm just, all adrenaline, and everything else cancelled out, but I'm going to be weepy over a whole bunch of things for a while; I have so much empathy, and I can't and won't stop feeling it and the Jedi Order can suck my dick if it thinks that's a bad thing to feel and maybe that's someone fucking up explaining but the way I was told it 'emotional regulation' was framed more like a failure than a success," and she pauses to take a breath, "and people are getting so weird about the Code these days too, it's all this 'there is no X there is Y' bantha dung, and who do they think they're fooling with that absolute osik?  ...Wanna go take over the Sith Empire, later?  'cause they still suck!  But now we can both beat them up in a philosophically relevant way!  And then unfuck the place!  Because something something strength something!  ...I think!  Dunno if I'm right!  ...Am I?"

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    "She says the two of you should see how you do against a Darth or three first, ma'am, that's more likely survivable."

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"Reasonable!"  Those are certainly some emotions she's continuing to have, in the background of this conversation!  "Which ones?"  She might be nonzero amounts of serious about that question and that's probably something that should be concerning her, but she's somehow not feeling that feeling, actually!

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    "You're most likely to be able to defeat ones you can get information about the defenses of, ma'am. Of the ones she's heard of she'd suggest Darth Drawen or Darth Kinnet, or maybe Darth Tel - Darth Drawen manages kyber crystal manufacturing facilities and Darth Kinnet's factories produce most of the Sith's lightsaber electronics, and she's visited both; she knows less about Darth Tel, but he's involved in espionage and she expects you to particularly disapprove of his methods."

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She makes a hmm noise.  "Strategically speaking, Darth Kinnet is perhaps the best target; he cuts off the supply chain to make Drawen's kyber crystals useful, and that supply chain can be reused to produce useful goods.  Darth Tel sucks but I'm not actually a Shadow, just a Guardian that's very, very, lost, so I doubt I have the right skillset to even find him, necessarily, even if I weight my chances of beating him in a straight fight slightly higher than Darths Manufacturing or Kyber, on the basis of 'torture is not actually very useful for maintaining physical conditioning'...Let me see if I can get in touch with some of my people, actually.  ...After I process a bit.  And you decide how much I should tell them about you.  I do think that I should probably not make major life decisions like committing to fight powerful Sith while the only reason that I'm lucid is that my brain chemicals are having an all-out brawl with no clear winner."

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    "Yes ma'am. Master Deskyl has questions for you about the Jedi and the idea of letting them know about her, but that should also wait."

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"Yes, quite."  Diana, despite her seeming resolve to just eat and then rest, still finds herself jotting notes on a flimsiplast (levitated in from her workshop) at the table, but they're mostly bullet points, stuff like

  • Darth list by espionage status
  • What am I even doing?  Not Sith like Dark but, emotional!
  • Check kyber; things are different, may need to rehome
  • Training spar? Need acclimatization; need to determine what it means in field conditions, too.
  • Full systems check; *something's* for sure gotten kriffed up, I just don't yet know what.
  • Other transferable techniques? Don't know; there's always more depth.
  • Does meditation still work? What abt. BM? Is that even testable w/ available?
  • Need to figure out if Jedi will shoot me. That would be bad.

Eventually, the burst of energy runs out, and she sets off to go sob in her room for a while, giving R4 a teary hug when she spots him.  Apparently he's "the best droid, wait, um, best astromech ever."

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Diana is in her room, now, and R4 is still trying to figure out what the kriff that was.

I think you broke my human.  Or fixed her.  I can't tell yet.  She's very weepy.  That's never been good to take as a baseline measurement.

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    My Sith says she was putting off dealing with her emotions, and this isn't a surprising result - she should be better in a few days, or my Sith will figure out what to do about it. She expects it to be better for her in the long run, this way, though maybe pretty different from before.

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...Yes, it does seem likely that things would be different. I hope they're also better.  She's been like that for years and years on end.

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    We don't know very much about Jedi, but my Sith isn't surprised. Sith know more about emotions, she thinks - she can probably teach her how to manage them better.

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Diana thinks that really it's that the Jedi are kind of getting kriffed up by the war being a thing and dissociating to cope, except that they're trying, unhelpfully, to dogmatize that behavior.  ...She's self-aware in the strangest ways, sometimes.

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    It's certainly possible, she says.

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...She is going to be crying so much.  I'd better go fiddle with her rations.  Don't want her being dehydrated.

R4 gives Deskyl and DZ a nod, then trundles off.

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Deskyl stays up for another hour, in case she's needed, and then meditates, briefly - shielding during it is still a bit beyond her - and then sleeps.

She has DZ wake her a little early for breakfast the next morning; it seems wise for her to be up before Diana.

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Diana's sleep is not restful in the slightest, with how plagued she is with...well, it probably wasn't anything Deskyl did, statistical analysis from R4 shows?  But Diana tosses, turns, flinches, jerks, jolts, bolts awake and makes a frantic comm call twice, and generally just seems to be having an entirely different flavor of bad sleep than she'd been having!

Seeing her slump out of her room, looking like she's aged a year and feeling like she hasn't slept for weeks, tear-stained and wearing a kriffing robe - and if there's one thing Deskyl can just be sure of about Diana it is that that robe was snuck on board by the Temple Quartermaster because she wasn't going to take it if she had any choice in the matter whatsoever - is probably absolutely unnecessary to confirm that Diana's not anywhere near actually functional right now.  She is awake, though.  "That.  Sucked."

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    "She says 'it certainly seems to have,' yes ma'am."

Deskyl scoots one of the other chairs over next to hers and pats it, then offers a one-armed hug.

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...yeah, she'll take the hug.  She really kind of needs one.

"Visions of the war."

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    "She doesn't mind listening, if you think it would help to talk about it, ma'am."

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"It's - there's so - much, and I knew that, but couldn't - feel it, but now I can't not feel it, and...people are dying, and that's horrible, and it's so much more than I can solve alone, but who would I even recruit for that, there's not exactly that many people with my sort of thoughtpattern and even less are sensitives, and even then it's a miracle I can still care!  Most Jedi would've murdered --!"

Her presence in the Force is agitated, whirling choppily, frustration, self-loathing in a terribly recursive spiral, desperate hope for solutions being propped up with every erg of will she can spare...

"oh, Force...this war needs to end..." Her head rests against the cool metal of the table as she slumps, and lets her tears fall, grieving for the lives she can't yet save.  "'m sorry...supposed to be helping you, helping the Force, helping the whole galaxy, but I'm being so selfish, so self-deluded...To have hubris enough to try and save everyone, when I can't even care for myself..."

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"Through passion I gain strength," she observes.

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Diana coughs up a "True," before letting out a wet chuckle, "but am I serene?"

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    "She says 'do you want to be', ma'am."

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"Not really!  Not after so many years of being that when I really didn't want to!  But it does...feel reassuring, despite all the ways that that doesn't actually follow from any of the known premises of this situation, to feel your presence touching mine?

"...oh.  Empty void, the skin-hunger."

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"Yeah," squeeze. "Few... In few..." she hisses in annoyance and signs again.

    "You'll be feeling better in a few days, she says, ma'am."

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Deskyl gets a hug too because just because her situation also sucks doesn't mean Diana's stopped caring that others' do.

Unless that seems contraindicated, at least; she's not really sure.

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It really doesn't. Diana might not be the only one here with a skin-hunger problem.

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Then there are definitely hugs to be had for Deskyl.

Diana doesn't even have any really awkward thoughts during them!

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After a few minutes Deskyl sends DZ to get Diana some breakfast.

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There is food, but also snuggling, but also - oh, hello, Force, thank you, you're helping, that's good, she was worried, and - well she does try to not sob into Deskyl's pretty outfit but that competes with the urge to curl up and bury her face in something soft and both of those compete with food so she's just sort of crying aimlessly about the Force being so wonderful and it cares and wants to help but so many people can't even hear it and it can't help everyone all at once because it would if it could and that's so sad that it can't help,

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Pet pet pet. She'll nudge Diana toward eating, too, if that seems necessary.

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Mm, Diana is eating, no worries there; she's just having to pause in between bites to wipe at her face with part of her robe because getting tears in her breakfast would be kinda silly.

"How do you think they'll get our characters wrong, when we're stuck in some low-budget holodrama, centuries in the future?"

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    "She says, 'they always get this part wrong, don't they'."

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Diana cackles.  "They sure do!  Force, they'd probably have us kissing by now and we haven't even fought an asshole together as a bonding experience!"

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Deskyl laughs and nods.

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"Force, if I didn't get the impression that you're terminally uninterested in that sort of thing I have to admit I'd be considering trying it, though.  Also something medical ethics something but really at this point we've both gotten tangled up in eachothers' issues, so maybe it cancels?  I have absolutely no kriffing idea, honestly!"

R4 breebles.

"Oh don't you dare you little scoundrel,will lose something into the Jeffries tubes and 'forget' it there so you have to take time from your flight simulators to go get it!"

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This gets another giggle, and some signing.

    "She's not worried about it, ma'am."

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Apparently Diana has caught the giggles from Deskyl, and - oh, there are all those inconvenient feelings of definitely crushing hard!

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Deskyl doesn't seem to mind! The hug continues regardless.

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Then Diana's going to burrow into the hug and mumble "lemme know if this gets awkward please I can't pay very good attention to stuff."

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Deskyl will pat her on the back and let her burrow, then.

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Eventually, Diana's Feelscoasterâ„¢ pulls out of a rapid gaywards spiral and starts oscillating between "Deskyl is really good" and "there was stuff I maybe wanted to do with blasters?", and her intellect resolves this by - oh, she still has to do systems checks, phooey, but the Force is with her, so it's not as onerous as by-handing it, and she has always had a knack for the fiddly things - eventually settling her in in Deskyl's lap, still, but now with at least three datapads while she tinkers with engineering a blaster that shoots three blasts at the same time; she can do a lot of that even while she's a bit muzzy and wibbly, because past Diana was helpful and set up things for future Dianas, with R4's help - he's a good droid did Deskyl know that?  It's true! - to have virtual assistance on tap, specs and simulations...

(Why's she making this?  Because most lightsabers only block lines.)

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Sure, that can happen.

Deskyl still needs rather a lot of sleep; when Diana goes to tell her about R4 she finds that she's dozed off, leaning against the wall.

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D'aww!  Let's get her in a comfy bed instead, that's a better place to sleep!  Diana is stronk.  She lifts.  She can make this happen!

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Deskyl stirs only slightly as Diana moves her. (DZ follows them into Deskyl's cabin without comment.)

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...does Deskyl like gentle petting?  Inquiring Dianas wish to know.

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She squirms, slightly, not seeming to know what to make of it, and wakes. "Buh?"

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"You fell asleep standing up. And then looked really cute.  Um.  Should I not...?"  She waves in the general direction of the hand that's probably still touching Deskyl, and blushes.

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Diana is - frozen in place, and worried, and really worried, she - wants to respect Deskyl and do nice things for her and she thought maybe this thing would be nice but she can't read minds and probably should have asked --

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Deskyl directs Diana to sit at the table, shoos DZ out of the room entirely, and shifts to a meditative pose.

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And...Diana follows the cue?

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After a moment something gently touches her mind through the Force, quickly resolving into a sense of Deskyl's presence. Oh, you only meant that. That's - I'll have to think about it. Less of a big deal, anyway. I'm not mad, you just startled me. Diana can tell that she's a bit shaken, and slightly standoffish as a result, but that's all.

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oh okay

She's still desperately apologetic underneath that, but...yay?  Nothing seems to be ruined?

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There's a wordless sense of Deskyl having seen the apologeticness, and - while slightly confused at the details of it - accepted the apology, and then her presence fades and she goes to get DZ.

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Diana slooooowly exhales the breath she was subconsciously holding.  Phew.

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Deskyl is back after a moment.

    "She says to tell you that she can't use that technique very often - if she does too much of it she ends up unable to stop, for that person."

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"...I mean, I don't know if she minds, and am assuming she probably would, but...I don't think I would mind all that much, and most of that more because of reflexive embarrassment at exposing people to my weird thoughts than, intrinsic desire to not share them.  With Deskyl, at least, under the assumption that she's been...generally self-similar?  That she's not in some incredibly unlikely lacuna of possible Deskyl-states, that will collapse when something else happens?  ...It's so hard to put the thing I'm thinking about why in the galaxy's breadth I'd trust her to know my mind more than - I don't know, my Jedi friends - but, somehow it's there, and of course it's all feelings-y because rationally speaking I should be running away screaming, but that's just wrong, and, the Force agrees?  ...is it something I could learn, this technique or an equivalent?"

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    "It's an intermediate sensory technique, she says, ma'am, and you can probably learn it - there's also a counter, but it's more complex. For now she'd like to sleep, though."

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"Of course.  Sleep well, Deskyl."

And Diana heads off to...probably get changed because ugh robe and then tinker and - she'll grieve some more later.

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Deskyl's back in the galley for lunch at the expected time.

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R4 wheels through the door with the wrench emblem on it, breebling aggressively.

Aha.  There she is.  Being physically nudged by the droid.

"Got a little bit lost in trying to actually put this - " it looks more like some sort of half-assembled Mandalorian armor than anything you'd expect to see on a Jedi, though it's not like Diana hasn't been consistently wearing at least some armor day-to-day, "- together; it's not got anything volatile in, yet, or I wouldn't bring it out, but I think it'll be pretty useful fighting saber-wielders once it's done!  Much like my green saber, where I can parry and also shoot someone with stunners."  Diana puts the bracer back, and busies herself getting lunch.

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Huh, okay. (Nom.)

Sign sign -

   "Master Diana?"

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    "Master Deskyl says that she should probably teach you some Sith meditation exercises. Tonight after dinner, perhaps."

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"Oh, probably!  I haven't exactly had much trouble with meditation-by-getting-lost-in-my-work, but I imagine that the more standard 'clear your mind' osik is counterproductive to Sithness!  Sounds like a good plan, thank you for even offering!  You - aren't obligated to, at all, and you're doing it anyway, y'know?  So...thanks, Deskyl."

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    "She says she wouldn't have offered if she didn't want to, ma'am."

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"Well, yes, but it should still be acknowledged?  Gratitude for favors done is, important, or you get entitlement.  And I don't want to be an asshole!  So you're getting thanked!"

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She considers this for a minute, then shrugs and goes back to her lunch.

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Fair enough!  Lunch passes quietly, then, though Diana does get a bit weepy as thoughts drift through her no-longer-hyperfocused mind.  She's fine, though, or as fine as she can be when people are dying that's bad she doesn't like that.

She adds an item to her list: Research Force Ghosts.

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Deskyl stretches in her chair when she's done eating, and heads over to the cargo bay to do some simple Soresu katas.

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Seeing Deskyl heading off to do her katas reminds Diana that in the bleary mess of this morning, she didn't do hers - and since there's enough space down there for two people, she may as well join her fellow Force-Sensitive.

She's actually doing quite a few of the same katas as Deskyl; she has a more intensive and expansive overall routine, though, and it seems to involve moving objects in increasingly more convoluted patterns while she's practicing, R4 beeping signals and sigils at her from various positions as she goes.

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Deskyl calls a halt to her own workout after barely more than a wamup. (She'd wanted to do more, but in her current physical condition she might make mistakes, and while she doesn't expect to make any serious ones, having Diana notice even a relatively minor one seems like it might complicate what's already a complex interpersonal situation. Or maybe not, Jedi are very weird, but she's going to err on the side of caution here.) Instead of leaving, though, she hangs around to watch Diana.

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Diana works her way from Soresu, through Djem So, through Makashi, through Shien, and back to Soresu, weaving in Jar'Kai and Trakata (to wit, she's using both one and multiple blades and turning them off and on as she moves, especially her double-bladed saber); she also practices any Ataru, especially in conjunction with Form V, but clearly believes it to have limited situational use, based on how little of it makes it into her drills.

By the time she's done, she's breathing heavily, but she's glowing in the Force from the joy of moving well.

Her concurrent Force practice, meanwhile, consists of levitating several pouches' worth of hexagonal metal discs in patterns, when she's not specifically training versatility by rotating shelves on the fly, or dis- and reassembling (dummy) blasters.

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    "Well done, she says, ma'am."

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She gives a performer's curtsey, with a small grin on her face, before returning to a more serious expression.

"I have to be very good at fighting to leave the people I fight, in the concentrations I fight them at, more often alive than not.  So I practice very hard.  I think it's worth it."

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Deskyl nods.

    "She says 'that's not easy to do, with Sith', ma'am."

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"It really, really isn't, no.  Though I often only need retreat, when I fight one.  That eases the matter somewhat."

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    "She says 'Darths won't usually let you get away with that'."

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"I don't expect I'll have the luxury of sparing them, should it come to blows, no."

She sighs; her emotions are a mixture of distant grief, determination, and grim resolve.  "The Empire needs to go.  The tradeoff in lives is too great, even if it is my hand that takes them."

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    "Yes ma'am."


    "Have you had an opportunity to think about how you're going to want to approach that?"

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"I have much less skill at politics than strategy, and less skill at strategy than tactics.  Taking down the Empire, or stopping its atrocities...

"I'm likely going to need help, there; that much I know.

"Really, the key problem is making sure that it won't immediately explode with the Emperor dead.  The rest is cultural and can actually be solved in a cultural manner, to wit, beating up Sith Lords."

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    "She says you'll have the same problem she was expecting to with Lord Pritruth, with the Emperor - everyone near him in the hierarchy will be trying to kill you while you're weakened from the fight, to take the empire for themselves. Which will be very much like it exploding; she's not sure that's avoidable. Her plan for when she killed Pritruth won't work there, either."

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"...Hmmm.  How soon will they be doing that?  Because I can get allies to watch my back, and they can't."

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    "That specifically she expects to be essentially immediate, ma'am, but it's not uncommon for Sith of that rank to be patient enough to wait for an opening. Your ability to work together is a known strength of Jedi, though, she says - she expects you to be attacked by the Dark Council and other powerful Sith, but many of them will also attack each other if the Emperor falls, if they think that's their best route to a position they'll like in the new order."

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"...I'm sorry, I'm not sure I understand what you're implying; can you - expand that out a step, especially the 'known strength of Jedi' bit, and whether you expect the new order thing to produce action for or against un-horrible-ifying things?"

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Deskyl and DZ sign back and forth for a minute, after DZ offers a polite 'one moment, please, ma'am'.

    "Master Deskyl expects that most of the high-ranking Sith will attack whoever defeats the Emperor immediately after he's defeated, in order to take advantage of any injuries, exhaustion, or other effects on them from the battle with him. But she doesn't expect all of them to do so; some will try other strategies, likely including fleeing, taking revenge on Sith they disliked but were prevented from killing by the Emperor, or killing other Sith or otherwise capturing their resources in hopes of convincing whoever ultimately achieves control of the empire of their strength or usefulness. She doesn't know enough about Dark Council or their internal politics to make specific predictions; she just notes that this is typical behavior for experienced Sith in a situation like that. In particular she doesn't expect someone who defeats the Emperor to face an alliance of more than, at most, two or three Council members, and it's very likely that their attacks will interfere with each other, or that they'll attack each other outright in hopes of improving their chances of taking the emperorship. She expects this to happen regardless of who defeats the Emperor; it's unrelated to whether he's defeated by someone who will improve things. Jedi don't behave that way - she's not entirely sure why, but it seems to be related to the fact that you aren't involved in governing - and that makes you more able to act as groups in coordinated ways, without infighting, which is a noticeable strategic advantage."

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"Thank you; I was under the impression that you were saying that, but couldn't entirely rule out other potential meanings."

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"It seems that the situation that is likely to be most necessary to have a good plan for recovering from is 'literally the entire Sith Empire is backstabbing itself'.  That's kind of horrifying, honestly; how it's survived this long is becoming more and more of a mystery with every new fact I learn about it."

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Dekyl nods again.

    "That's mostly accomplished via a combination of top-down and lateral defense, ma'am - Master Deskyl and her co-prentice Lord Grauzatis would have killed each other, but Lord Pritruth disallowed it and would have killed either of them if they'd tried; many of Lord Pritruth's clients would be more than happy to take his facility for themselves, but his other clients would object to losing access to his services and would cooperate to defend him against that."

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"Good grief."

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    "Yes ma'am."

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"...Is there something I should know about this Lord Grauzatis fellow?"

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Deskyl is slightly more insistent about the calming effect, this time, though if Diana hasn't taken it after a moment she'll signal for DZ to go ahead anyway.

    "He's studying torture, ma'am."

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"...for what possible kriffing reason?!  Oh wait it's the institutional kriffing suffering fetish, kriffing banthashit Sith philosophy --"

Diana pauses.  Takes a deep breath.  The swirl of emotions she's feeling becomes more stable, controlled, though it's certainly not denied.

"I see why you want him dead.  You know him better than I ever could.  Will he stop, when he's told to?  Was this research his idea?"

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Deskyl sighs.

    "Killing him would arguably be a mercy, she says, ma'am. He won't have much left without his research."

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"...Empty void, that's just...sad."

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    "Lord Pritruth has gotten better at not breaking his apprentices since Lord Grauzatis, she says, ma'am."

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Diana opens her mouth, but no words come out for a good few tries.

"That should not have to be a skill that one learns.

"It's different from being a good teacher, but, not hurting your students and certainly never leaving them worse off for learning, is a minimum for being a teacher at all."

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    "Nobody was going to stop him, she says, ma'am."


    "She says that the two of you could, though."

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"Then let's...do that.  Stop him, and stop the structure above him from replacing him with someone who perpetuates the cyclical abuse, and eventually just stop the whole kriffing Empire.  I think we can.  I think we should.  ...You in?"

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    "She says she'll need another month or two of recovery, ma'am."

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"Certainly, I wouldn't want to be unprepared.  That time estimate...Is it calculated with or without the aid of healing techniques such as may be learned by Jedi?  I can learn more than I know."

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    "She doesn't expect healing to help beyond what it has, ma'am. Most of what she needs is to get back into fighting form."

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"Oh!  I actually know techniques specifically for that sort of thing!  I could teach you them!  I wonder if they can be improved by feeding them emotions?  And, I heard something about Sith Alchemy once?"

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    "She is absolutely not going to do Sith Alchemy to herself, ma'am."

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"Yeah I kind of figured, I just wanted to see if there was something she knew to be potentially useful that I would not be capable of knowing because, Jedi.  I'll get you a holocron of the reinforcement stuff later?"

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    "Yes ma'am, she says thank you."

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"We're allies and hopefully friends; we help eachother.  ...that said, I have a vague impression that I'd be making a hypocrite of myself if I brushed this off as nothing, so, you're welcome?  I'm going to go encode the - oh, are we going to have weird holocron compatibility problems?  Is that a thing?  I don't think it's a thing if I make the holocron myself since I'm sure you're not evil, but I figure I'd better ask, just in case."

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    "She doesn't expect it to be, ma'am. And there's a chance she'll be able to work with standard Jedi holocrons even if most Sith can't, though she won't want to do it very often."

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"That makes sense, the...flip-flopping back and forth would suck."

Anyway!  Diana must go tinker!

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And Deskyl will go sleep! She's a little late to dinner, but not by much.

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And Diana hands her a holocron!  "I don't know if this helps with specifically making 'I've-been-injured-and-need-to-recover' faster, but reliably doing these exercises should boost your physical capabilities all around; strength, speed, reaction time, nutritional efficiency...  It's incremental, but it lasts.  It'll hit diminishing returns eventually, because there's only so much you can make a given body do without getting into mad biology, and the Jedi are notoriously not prone to - well, most of them thought I had lost something when I got this cool mechanical arm - let alone treating genetics like a salad bar, but it works at getting any given body to peak condition."

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    "She says thank you, ma'am. And she's curious about your arm, is it a special design?"

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"Mhm!  Made it myself, actually.  Well, not all alone, but the hardware was my work.  Some friends helped with the nerve interface and software."

R4's smug breebling indicates who one of those friends is.

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    "She'd be very interested in learning how to make artificial limbs that don't affect Force use, ma'am."

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"...Well, if that's a thing, I haven't noticed?  ...Add kyber?"

She seems to be genuinely confused by this.  "I don't know for sure why this is a thing people are experiencing to begin with anyway, but if I was to generate a hypothesis, it's because most people seem to reject the idea that their artificial limb is theirs, while I've, done this."  She has microtools in her fingers.  She has a grappling hook in her forearm.  "This is my arm.  I would be less without it; I'm morewith it."

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    "She's met Sith with artificial limbs before, but she says it's hard to know whether the Force trouble was caused by the dissatisfaction with the limb, or vice versa, or something else. She thinks adding a kyber crystal or two might help regardless, though."

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"You can't really go wrong with adding kyber crystals to things, I do quite agree."

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"...Oh no, now that I'm thinking about it I'm giving myself ideas.  And I don't have to go - restraining myself, about them, now!  ...Pending availability of crystals to work with, I suppose, which...isn't trivial."

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    "She does have a spare Sith kyber, she says, but she says it wouldn't suit you."

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"Mm?  Not that I doubt that, but I'm curious why?"

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    "Sith kybers are - the direct translation of the word is 'dominated', but that loses nuance, ma'am. 'Corrupted' might be closer. I can get it if you'd like to see it."

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"...Well, I'm certainly dreadfully curious."

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"Yes ma'am."

She brings the crystal out in a small padded carrying case; the crystal inside is a deep red shade not found in natural kyber crystals, and the fabric around it is lightly stained with the same shade of red. It has a gentle presence in the Force, like all kybers, but where Jedi kybers are simply there, this crystal seems withdrawn, almost sad.

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"...may I..."  Diana is already reaching out to touch the crystal, but she slows herself for long enough to ask.

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Deskyl considers this for a moment.

    "She says you can hold it but not do anything else to it, ma'am; red kybers are prone to cracking when mishandled."

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"I, see...It's so sad..."

She cradles the crystal gently.

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    "Yes ma'am. She says that's typical of Sith kybers not yet installed in lightsabers."

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"...I want to tell it everything's going to be alright...please?"

Her eyes are welling up with sympathetic tears...Diana is clearly extending her compassion to a sad, shiny rock.

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    "She says 'carefully', ma'am," DZ reports as she retreats to the cover of the doorway.

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Then Diana ever-so-gently reaches out to the kyber crystal cupped in her hands, the lightest of light touches, and offers.

It's an open-ended sort of offer, really; to listen most of all, because she cares about what the crystal (could be said to) wants.  She prefers a world in which that which can be happy and fulfilled, is.  Including crystals.

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The crystal doesn't respond.

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Maybe if she runs the tiniest amount of Force through it...?

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That does... something, it's not very clear what.

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...maybe a little more, but if it starts vibrating or straining or something...no more.

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Deskyl is in her space and taking the crystal out of her hand before she can get much farther than that.

    "She said no, ma'am."

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"...yeah, I don't actually know how Jedi do the thing.  I know they can, though!"

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"Jedi can do something to this sort of kyber crystal to make them...not this?"

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    "She says if you find out what, and talk to her about it first, she'll consider allowing it."

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"Yeah, it's - " scritch scritch pen to flimsiplast "- on the list."

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    "Yes ma'am. She's curious what else is on the list, if you're comfortable sharing?"

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"Stuff I intend to do or look up when next I'm at the Temple, mostly.  Assuming they don't exile me."

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    "Do you have a sense of how that's likely to go, ma'am?"

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"I have absolutely no idea!  ...Probably shouldn't bring you there, though, that would go badly."

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    "She's not willing to risk her life for it, no ma'am."

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"I doubt the Emperor himself, in a scenario where he can actually try instead of being busy wrangling the Empire, would want to risk it."

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This gets another chuckle.

    "Are you sure you want to go yourself, ma'am?"

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"It's not about whether I want to, though on the balance I think it's better I do than not; it's about whether I should, and I do think that I should - go back home, for all that it wasn't the home I might have wished for, before I might have to leave that home forever.  And copy all the books."

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    "She meant are you sure they'll just exile you, ma'am. She says that if they don't trust you that seems like an unwise way for them to handle it."

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"It's the only option that actually exists, as long as you're not Dark, for getting someone out of the Order that doesn't want to leave.  Sure, they could try to assign me to meditative contemplation but I can tell them to stuff it, I'm called by the Force, and by their own code they can't stop me.  Somewhat like the inverse of Sith law enforcement."

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    "She says 'all right', ma'am."

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"Yeah, it's kind of neat, isn't it?  Even if you discount the people who're in it because they do things that way because that's just how it is, if you can get powerful people who value others cooperating, you have a potent, somewhat self-reinforcing, mechanism, as the people who care flock to that banner and build it further up, increasing its ability to apply pressure.  The weak can rule the strong if there's a lot of them in on it."

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    "She doesn't see how that follows, ma'am."

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"...huh.  Well.  Let's see if I can make a metaphor...You're Lord Whatshisface.  You are a powerful Sith, you can defeat any other person on this planet by cutting them down with your lightsaber, you can effortlessly deflect the blaster bolts fired by their defense forces with your blade.

"Except the thing is, your blade can only be in one place at once, so while those defense forces are shooting you in the front, someone sneaks up and shoots you from behind, because they all agree that they don't like the idea of some dude with a lightsaber killing them."

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   "She says 'go on', ma'am."

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"That's the way Jedi work, institutionally.  If one of us decides they want to be Lord Whatshisface, they get dogpiled."

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    "She says 'yes, but cooperating to avoid being dominated is different from cooperating to achieve some other goal', ma'am."

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"It's just...the same principle of many hands making light work?  I don't understand the objection, honestly...it makes fundamental sense to not reduplicate effort?"

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    "That's true if people want the same things as each other, she says, ma'am, but in her experience they generally don't, with obvious exceptions like 'kill the person who's hurting all of them'."

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"Not all people want the same things, but most of the things people want aren't things that are directly wanted to not be things by a countervailing force; the person who makes machinery doesn't care if their neighbor is an artist or a holojournalist, and there are ways to resolve, e.g., noise complaints that infringe upon neither's desires, e.g. soundproofing."

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    "She says that in her experience most things are more like the kyber crystal - she wants it as backup in case anything happens to her lightsaber, or so that she can make a spare, and you want it for your own purposes, and only one of you can have it, which brings you into conflict."

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"Sure, but we can get another crystal if we wait."

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    "This time, yes, ma'am, but she says that's not usually the case."

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"I will admit that there's sometimes only so much available...but there's often a lot more than anyone actually needs, that's just being distributed poorly."

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    "Very few people are satisfied only having what they strictly need, she says, ma'am. Especially when the thing they want is something that no one else strictly needs, either."

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Diana wibbles her hand a bit.  "...I mean, yes and no?  But even most wants are reasonably well-provisionable.  Even the kind of absurd ones like 'people who want to be tortured' have some available supply.  It's just when people start hoarding that there's a problem."

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    "That hasn't been Master Deskyl's experience, ma'am, but she says maybe it's different for people who aren't Sith."

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"...The one thing that almost all Sith want, that is exponentially limited in availability, is power-over.  I think that's why we have such different experiences."

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    "She says that's certainly part of it, yes ma'am, though she's fairly sure it isn't specific to Sith."

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"Not specific to Sith, no, but unusually selected for, amongst and around them, I think.  Most people want at least most of the people they see, day to day, to - be happy, I suppose?  And Sith philosophy...actively discourages that."

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    "She says that it's a dangerous thing to want around Sith, yes ma'am."

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"...yeah.  Yeah."  Diana sighs, sadness making a resurgence in her mood.  "I wish there was a better way to change that than the present plan."

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    "Well, the two of you will do the best you can, she says. Would you still like to learn some of the meditation exercises she knows, tonight?"

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"...I think I would, yes."

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    "She says that she has two that she'd like you to try, tonight. The first one is to spend some time thinking about things you want - in any sense, whether that's wanting to gain them, wanting not to lose them, wanting to avoid them, and so on - and noting how they make you feel; try to think of at least five of them. You may want to make a list; Master Deskyl says that you can consider it private if you do, she won't need to see it. The next step, if you feel ready to move on with this exercise, is to notice how the you feel about the emotions those things evoke, paying particular attention to emotions that you tend to avoid or dislike. The second exercise is to consider a few of the things you want, that evoke strong emotions that you aren't inclined to avoid, and think of associations you have with those things; the point of this exercise is to determine how to bring them to mind more easily, to evoke the associated emotions. If one thing from the first exercise is clearly much more important than the rest, you can focus on that; otherwise she'd like you to do this for at least two but no more than four things, and they should evoke emotions that are as different as possible. Do you have any questions, ma'am?"

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"That sounds reasonably straightforward."

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    "She says 'that's the idea', ma'am."

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"That's good.  ...I'll go get started, shall I?"

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    "She says 'if you'd like', ma'am."

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"Mmmmm."  Would she?  She will, but would she?

She's honestly worried about what she might find, in the end.

She tries so hard, but her judgement is still fallible, still generated in a bundle of synapses made of meat.

So if she's got some deep-seated harmful urge...she almost wants to avoid ever looking too closely, lest it swallow her.

You cannot fight an enemy you are not aware of, however, so she must look.

Perhaps this counts as part of the exercise, for that matter; it's certainly a desire.

She writes it down:

Fear of subconsciously desiring something that would harm others or myself.  Dread, fear, guilt.  Ew.

...And the complement makes sense to add -

Drive to promote sapient flourishing - compassion, reflected joy, sense of deep rightness.

What else does she want?

Sparring: Exhilaration.

Tinkering: Intellectual stimulation, curiosity, light-side version of confusion.

People to *stop being assholes, for Force's sake*: Indignation, justice, revenge?, depression.

Death Is Bad: Fear, worry, determination, yearning, compassion.

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Diana muses, for a moment, but there are two clear focuses for things she thinks she could draw upon in most circumstances: Compassion, and - she pauses for a moment, thinks about what would make the right word - perhaps, plausibly, verve.  Perhaps instead the flow state.  Regardless, she knows the feeling; describing it to others is where potential problems can arise.

Righteous indignation is a solid contender, but...she dislikes it.

If she had been mainlining righteous indignation when they met, Deskyl would likely be dead right now.  Diana doesn't like the thought of being like that outside emergencies, where every tool must be on the table to its fullest extent.

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The meditation settled...Diana sleeps.

Night passes, and morning follows.

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Morning, and breakfast.

    "Good morning, ma'am. Master Deskyl says 'how did the exercises go?'."

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"The most I can confidently say is that they went, but I do think they went well.  Or well enough.

"What would you look for, when attempting to judge progress...?"

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    "She says that at this point the goal is for you to build the habit of paying attention to what you want, and for you to become comfortable with the emotions that your wants evoke, ma'am; she says that these exercises should also help with identifying a range of touchstone concepts that you can use to evoke various emotions in yourself, and with learning to use them in a wider variety of situations, but that's secondary. She doesn't expect much if any progress on any of those yet, though; she says that you're still putting together the basic concepts. You may want to try drawing on your emotions while sparring or otherwise using the Force today, though, she says; many Force-sensitives find it intuitive, and it will be a good measure of your progress over time."

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"...What does that do to the basic stuff?  I've spent a while getting some down to reflex, I don't want to mess all that up."

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    "She says that since you're not Dark, it should just empower it, ma'am, and not interfere with your existing habits."

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"Huh.  Well, some of that will require adjustment, but it's practice I should do anyway...I'm going to need more space than just the cargo hold as it is now..."

...Well, she can practice her telekinesis, then!  There's nothing that's that fragile that a bump will break it down there...

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Deskyl turns out to be able to produce a standing telekinetic field effect that slows anything that comes into range of it, which is quite helpful for not bumping things in the first place.

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Oh, well, that gets her a thankful grin from Diana as it saves her poor spaceship from a dented wall!

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    "She says 'more than you were expecting?', ma'am."

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"Just a bit!  Really neat trick, actually...huh, I wonder..."

Say, if she does this and that and those and then hooks them all together...

After quite a bit of fiddly Force-work, she drops a wrench into the reengineered technique, which seems to slow its fall to nothing with its own redirected momentum, then plucks it out again.  "...haha, yes!  It works!  I'd been trying to get that to work properly for years but the way I instinctively attempted to construct it tended to explode when subjected to high force; this should've broken it if I was testing my normal variant but the way you did the anchor just works to stabilize the entire design!  It's got a pretty complicated grounding in tutaminis theory, but I think it's actually practicable if you want to try?  I feel like I should be teaching you at least something after all of this!"

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    "She says it should probably wait until after lunch when she's fresh, but she'd like that, ma'am."

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"Then I'll certainly do so!"

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    "Master Deskyl says 'thank you', ma,am. And that you're doing well so far, but there's another exercise that you should do soon that the Sith version of can't quite be repurposed for: You need to be able to evoke emotions that you can draw on during all kinds of battle scenarios. She says that Sith handle this by practicing with the emotions that occur naturally during them, but there's a risk of falling to the Dark if you do that; she thinks that your best option is to think of other emotions that you would find easy to access during various parts of battle, and then practice evoking those."

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"I see.  That does seem like it could go some very dark places, indeed.  I'll have to work something out.  Thank you for the warning."

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Deskyl nods.

    "She says that she'll be ready to spar with you soon, ma'am, and that her emotion projection effect is also useful for practice if you'd like."

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"I...yes, I think so.  As long as...you're confident in making sure I don't explode or...something, I think.  I want to take this as carefully as I can."

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    "You won't, she says, ma'am. Even most Sith don't actually fall."

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"...huh.  Well, then.  I suppose, whenever you're ready," she trips over a missing word, "Deskyl?"

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    "After dinner, she says, if you'd like, ma'am. And her title is Xaari, if you'd like to use it."

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"Yes, I quite would."  The faint blush she has is not mentioned.  "Xaari Deskyl.  ...It suits you.  The sound of it.  ...Does it mean something specific?"

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    "It's a Sith title, ma'am. The common ones are Kissai, Xaari, Jari, and Urvaz, usually translated as acolyte, apprentice, lord, and Darth."

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"So I would be Kissai Diana?"  ...oh Force why this.  Why oh why those syllables!

"...How in the sea of stars did Urvaz get translated as a different nonword, anyway?"  Look, a distraction!  She's curious!

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    "Darth was originally a loanword into Basic from the Atex language, ma'am, where it's a similar title. And Jedi converts start at Xaari rank - being accepted by a master grants it, and that's required for converting Jedi."

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"Huh, that's really quite interesting."  Her voice is kind of strangely...floaty?  Like she's relieved, but there's hardly much to be relieved about.  Unless of course you're paying attention to the way a certain emotion has just vanished.

R4 breebles smugly.

"Lost parts.  Tubes."

"Ahem.  So I'd be Xaari Diana, then?  Assuming we even keep the whole...edifice.  I'm not sure if I think either Jedi or Sith do learning in a particularly good fashion."

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    "Yes ma'am. And Master Deskyl agrees; she's certainly not giving you traditional Sith training, even if what she's teaching you borrows heavily from it."

Deskyl pulls the spare chair around next to hers and pats it, giving Diana a questioning look.

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...Diana is almost shocked, but...she does move to the chair that's next to Deskyl.

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Then she can have Deskyl's arm around her shoulders, and a kiss on the cheek.

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She's not hallucinating this.


She's not hallucinating this?


She's not hallucinating this?


She's practically adrift on a sea of poorly-understood emotions, but...there's happiness.  Wow.

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Yeah, that sounds about right.

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Deskyl doesn't escalate, aside from petting Diana's hair a little bit. But she doesn't seem in a hurry to leave, either.

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...Diana is having a religious experience.  Especially with the hair-petting.  Force preserve her, she's smitten.

Or possibly she's been smote?

Words are not important while the hairpetting continues to happen!

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"R4 don't you dare," she mumbles, with barely any heat.

She's a bit busy with experiencing whatever this experience is, to have room for grumpiness.

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Deskyl giggles a bit, but doesn't stop petting.

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Diana beams happily at hearing Deskyl giggle!  That's a goodsound!

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This gets her another peck on the cheek.

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Beam!  Hug!  Maybe even...also cheekpeck?  This is so nice!

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Deskyl does not object to Also Cheekpeck. Hairpetting and hugs continue.

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Eventually Diana might actually regain capacity for reasoned thought.  Eventually.

In the meantime...she is one very melty gay mess.

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That's fine, Deskyl's got nowhere to be.

Eventually, though:

    "Was there anything you wanted to get done this morning, ma'am?"

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Breeble breeble breeble glonk.

"....As much as I wish that I could just...

"...that felt really nice...

"I do have some tasks to do."

Diana pouts at entropy, as if that will stop it.

"And I should probably finish the various bits of tinkering..."

She regretfully probably has to stop getting pets for this, which is the saddest part.

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One last scritch, and Deskyl stops.

    "She says she'll still be here later, ma'am."

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"That's really good."

Human vocal cords, and most near-human vocal cords are not optimized for purring.  This doesn't stop her.

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That's really cute.

Deskyl considers for a moment, and sends DZ to get her embroidery kit and the shirt she was rescued in, which she's adding a starburst motif to the sleeves of.

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Diana, meanwhile, is going to - well first there are chores but after that - tinker!

The triple-shot blaster idea isn't bad but she could block it without even straining using just one of her sabers for most shot configurations and getting the geometry right for the others probably would be a massive pain that's still not not worth doing, maybe a pattern that's more like the inevitable stylization of birds in flight instead of an equilateral triangle; spread out, but no, the more effective solution is to simply add more bolts, so that's what she's going to do, she can go to...nine, that should actually allow her to work with what she's already built, plus defeat any single Jedi's ability to saber-block without having two of her blue saber, which is just not something anyone does since at that point it's so much more likely that they'd get in your way than solve problems; they shouldn't actually need to be more than a couple shots but let's see how much ammunition she can fit in, and if the design requires the Force to use that's probably actually all to the better at this particular moment because it preserves Force-user advantage over random assholes trying to kill them, though long-term that's probably not actually good, in a kind society, to have people who're immune to consequences wandering around, hmm...It can wait til later.  World's on fire right now.


Hours later, she comes out of her workshop for lunch!

"Hey Deskyl, want to help test this?  It's kitted with training blasters because I do keep the hardware around just in case I find a stray Padawan, and I could do this myself but I want to see if it's good for others to use too, y'know?"

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    "She says 'sure', ma'am."

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The firing range is this way, then, now here's how you shoot this thing!  ...and Diana is jumping into the actual "range" part?  "Figure that if we want to test this, we should test it against a target as close to realistic as possible, so...Unless you have any objections?"

(It seems Diana has training sabers, because if they're going through with this, she ignites them; they're a pale yellow characteristic of the type, but in her preferred blade shapes.)

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Deskyl makes a face when she lights the training sabers.

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"What's wrong?  I don't want to carve up the ship."

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The look shifts to one of skepticism tinged with concern.

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"Is this a Sith thing?  Most Jedi use these for pretty much any training exercise.  Sometimes it's a switch in their actual lightsaber, even.  No reason to cause unnecessary damage, even if I don't have any reason to think that's something I should worry about.  And I still have my actual sabers here, if I need them."  There they are!

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    "She says that most Sith consider nonlethal lightsabers degrading, ma'am, if they're aware that they exist at all - she didn't until she started learning lightsaber engineering."

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...Oh empty void why does that almost feel nice.

"Well, I'll just have to give a good accounting of myself despite the seeming handicap, then!  Jedi philosophy is that you shouldn't use more than necessary force, generally; that means, these."

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She only mostly manages to suppress the full-body shudder, twitching slightly instead; it's more obvious in the Force that she's still quite disturbed. But she takes the blaster rather than say anything further, checking its power setting before doing anything else with it.

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"...Yeah, I have no idea why I felt that either."

Each of the nine individual blaster pistol firing mechanisms is physically incapable of outputting damaging fire without first being reassembled!

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    "She says that's not what bothered her, ma'am - one moment."

Deskyl leans against the wall and looks at the ceiling, gesturing inscrutably; it seems like she's calculating something.

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"...Trust me, I've been hit by thousands of those, it's a bit of a sting, but even in larger volumes it's safe as long as they don't all hit the same point at once.  Even without my armor on."  (And she has it on, though she's waiting to put on her helmet until Deskyl's ready.)

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She finishes her calculation before answering:

    "She says it's her responsibility as the one wielding it to check, ma'am, but she's ready now."

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"That's very good practice, honestly.  Alright," she pulls her helmet on, "fire when ready, Deskyl!"

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And Diana only barely manages to deflect all nine of the bolts, even with her incredibly overengineered sabers and the skill and speed to move both of them into blocking positions that would have quite a few people taking self-inflicted injuries!  "...Good, that means that the most I'll need is two of these.  Or shooting with my blaster-saber as well."

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    "She says 'well done', ma'am."

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"Thank you!  I'm glad this works!  I should see if I can get any balanced weight and kickback distributions that nonetheless don't end up with any symmetry to the shots..."

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    "She knows some tricks for that, she says, but they'd all require a kyber crystal."

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"Ooh, I'd love to hear about those, but I was actually thinking about just throwing this at one of R4's engineering sims and seeing if the math works out.  Being able to do spread-out shots too would be neat..."

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    "Yes ma'am. She says you both should have lunch first, though."

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"...That's probably a good idea!"

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Lunch it is, then. She invites Diana to sit next to her again.

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Diana is very eager to accept that invitation!

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No hairpetting this time, Deskyl needs her hands for signing, though conveniently enough she can sign with one hand full so she can eat while she does. She does seem a bit more hesitant about it, though, pausing to think about how to word things more often than she usually does.

    "She says she genuinely doesn't mind that you reacted the way you did, ma'am, or that you think of her that way in general; you're right that she's not really interested in things like that, but she does like you, and she doesn't see a reason for you to avoid that kind of thing if it feels right to you."

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"...You'll tell me if it's ever making you uncomfortable, okay?  Please?  It's - important to me, even moreso if - I allow myself to - think along those lines, to know that - I'm not accidentally hurting you?  Please."

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This gets Diana a brief hairpet.

    "She says 'of course', ma'am. But she really doesn't expect it."

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Oooh, hairpets continue to be really nice.  ...She did good?

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Apparently! And now, back to eating.

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Mmm, food is good.  ...Deskyl's really really good though, goodness.

Diana eventually finishes her lunch!

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Deskyl, less distracted, has finished first and put her arm back around Diana's shoulder.

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This does not make Diana any less distracted from food!

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Well, no, it wouldn't, but that's not the only priority here, see? If she seems to object Deskyl will back off.

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Oh, there's definitely no objections whatsoever, goodness no, absolutely not!

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She would have been pretty surprised if there were!


Lunch does need to be eaten; she will nudge Diana to this effect from time to time if need be.

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Diana can manage to eat any food, she's just also getting lost in fuzzy happyfeels in between bites of lunch.

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That's fine.

When she's done:

    "Master Deskyl says she needs a nap if she's going to spar with you after dinner, ma'am," and Deskyl gives her a squeeze before letting her go.

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"That sounds like a plan."

And Diana is going to coincidentally be in her - Diana's - bunk for other important reasons.

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Diana seems like she's managed to release a bit of tension when Deskyl sees her at the table for dinner; she's set up an empty place setting next to her chair on her own initiative.

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Oh good.

There's no hairpetting over dinner - let's not fall directly back into the cuddle pit, here - but there can be hugs, perhaps even slightly lingering ones afterward, and then Deskyl will suggest that they head to the cargo bay for sparring.

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D'aww, but hairpets are so nice!  But not getting distracted is pretty important!  ...Hugs are also nice so that works as far as cuddlepit avoidance!


"So, how do you want to do this?  I want to...do this right, helpfully, but I'm not - usually this is the healers' jobs, not mine?  So I don't precisely know how this should go.  I have vague intuitions, but they're mostly 'be careful' and 'Force's sake, no live weapons', which - I probably should have asked how you built your saber but I do have a generic training saber here?  If you need one?  And of course I don't intend to use anything that has a lethal setting in training..."

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    "She says 'do you know how to pull a saber strike?', ma'am."

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"I do, but - it's actually advised against to practice like that?  If you have training weapons; I dunno Sith protocol, but pulling strikes trains you to reflexively pull strikes, and I know that I do want to be able to do that, but I need to have reflexes that are also not doing that, and I assume you do too?"

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"...Unless you mean literally pulling it which I do also actually know how to do!"

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    "She says that Sith don't touch training sabers, ma'am; as far as training concerns, katas and other non-sparring practice are sufficient to train killing blows, and training with live weapons allows better calibration and integration of their danger sense - have you noticed that Sith don't dodge non-injurious strikes?"

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"...Huh.  That's pretty interesting, actually.  We are, however, still on a spaceship.  Unfortunately.  Even if the hold's rather durable, it's still probably not the best idea?  Don't want to hit something important in the walls."

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     "Master Deskyl is confident that she can spar without damaging anything; she says that if you aren't, you can use the training saber until you are. Assuming it's designed to be able to parry a full lightsaber; if it isn't, she can make that modification if you aren't familiar with it."

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"...Mmmm.  It's not that I'm not confident that in most circumstances it won't even come up, it's that there's a difference between small and zero probabilities of an event occurring.  Still, if you're sure that's the right training to do..."

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    "She says that she'd rather you use your regular sabers, ma'am, but it's your ship, and you know your own skills, so it's your decision; she's fine with either."

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"I see."  She specifically puts away the training saber that's also a blaster, then, and ignites her green blade, but the blades and quillons of her other saber are still training-yellow, albeit, in deference to Deskyl's preferences, powerful enough to hurt.

"Well, then, shall we?"

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Deskyl grins, giving an amused half-bow of acknowledgement, and backs up a few steps before lighting her 'saber, dipping the red blade in a playful 'come at me' opening for a moment before setting into a guard stance.

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Diana grins, from across the hold, and her blaster goes pew pew in a perfunctory manner, but then she lunges, green blade leading but with her yellow threatening a follow-up!

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You would absolutely not be able to guess that Deskyl is in recovery from the way she moves, dodging the green blade and parrying the yellow hard enough to possibly disrupt Diana's balance.

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Ah, but that leaves Diana's blaster in position to twitch and blast as Diana's arm goes loose for just long enough to let Deskyl think she's getting an opportunity to strike through the blade at Diana herself, then entangles Deskyl's blade with her yellow saber's quillons, pushing out and away as something hits right at the back of Deskyl's knee -

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Yikes! She stays upright, thanks to liberal Force use, and un-blaster-singed, thanks to dodging very nearly into the yellow blade, and tries to retreat a pace, covering her retreat with her blade, in hopes that this will reveal a little more about the back-of-the-knee situation.

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...That was definitely something jamming into the back of her knee, alright!  And now the back of her back, apparently, some sort of hexagonal plate of pressure?  Diana's Force presence seems to be diffusing all over, even as she lines up another shot with the green blade, threatening a strike of some sort via her yellow that Deskyl has to deflect now if she doesn't want a sweeping, stinging line of pain across her body; apparently somehow her blade extends!

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She jukes away from the blast and into the yellow blade - yep, that hurts, but she's fine, she can take some pain - and then back the other way, rolling under the obvious strike zone for the green blade to get clear enough to tap out.

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And Diana does not further attack her even before tap-out!

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Then Deskyl will turn her saber off, giggling.

    "She says she sees now why you didn't panic at having an unexpected Sith on board, ma'am."

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This elicits sympathetic giggling from Diana!

Eventually she drifts back into memories...

"You woke up in a panic and tried to actually stab me a few times but, yeah, I could absolutely handle that - Force, you were so out of it too, then; I don't know if you remember this but you just looked so betrayed the time your first attempt to stab me got - " Diana demonstrates, telekinetically levitating the training saber - "caught like this - which, there's so many Sith you can stop with that it's not even funny, especially the ones that still need their hands to lightning at someone?  I've disarmed a couple by -" Diana demonstrates a twisting maneuver, green saber pushing, attacker's saber locked in place against blue - "various tricks like that, actually - it's like no-one even thinks about them til they've been hit with them first, which is actually really odd?"

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    "She says 'that's the tutaminis letting you manipulate things other Force sensitives are using the Force on? Sith can't do that,' ma'am."

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"Nnnooo, it's just, locking their blade and pushing?  Tutaminis might make it easier, to generate the requisite oomph, but it's just a consequence of leverage."

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...hmh? "Ohhhhh...."

    "It's the physical reinforcement, she says, ma'am; most Force-sensitives just aren't physically strong enough to do it. You're also right that most of them don't try, but if it succeeded for the ones who did they'd be copied."

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"Huh.  Knew I'd grown some, but not this much.  Interesting!"

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Deskyl kips up, her lightsaber fully stowed now, and goes to sit on a crate.

    "She says she wouldn't be surprised if you're some kind of prodigy, as well, though you'd most likely already have noticed that."

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"I mean, I wouldn't necessarily be surprised, but does that take a special meaning, here?"

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    "Yes ma'am, it refers to Force sensitives who have enough natural talent with a particular technique to learn it without being taught; they're usually also stronger than other Force-sensitives of comparable overall power with that technique or have an intuitive sense of how to develop new skills and abilities with it or both."

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"...Interesting.  I don't believe I was ever explicitly called out as such.  I doubt the Order would approve; too prideful."

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    "Well, fighting you feels like fighting a prodigy, she says, ma'am."

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"Mhm?  Anything in particular, there?"

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    "She says that unusual tactics that are highly effective is a sign of it, ma'am. It's also a potential sign of it that you weren't sure whether you were using the tutamini technique to assist with disarmament; it's relatively common for a prodigy to unintentionally use their prodigious technique, though of course it's not unheard of for non-prodigy Force sensitives with enough practice."

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"...I feel like it's probably not the discipline of tutaminis, but I could...be persuaded on telekinesis, perhaps?  I'm not sure; if there's something unique going on there I think it's - possibly upstream of telekinesis-related intuition?  Because there are experiences I've tried to explain to others that have never clicked, but I thought it was a failure in word choice."

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    "She does have her notes from when she was taught telekinesis, ma'am; if there's anything listed as being not known to be possible that you can do, that you don't remember being taught by the Jedi, that would be strong evidence."

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"Mmmm, that does seem like something to compare; I never was much one for writing things down, but I do keep holocrons that I could check against at the Temple..."

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    "She says that that's also a good idea, yes ma'am. I can read her notes tonight and have a report for you in the morning, if you'd like."

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"...I'd appreciate that, if it wouldn't impose upon your duty."

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"It's no trouble, ma'am."

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"Then thank you, DZ; I appreciate your assistance in this."

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"You're welcome, ma'am."

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    "Master Deskyl doesn't think it will be useful for you to spar again tonight, but says that if you'd like to try channeling your emotions into some exercises, she might be able to offer some useful observations."

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"Well, let's see what we can do, then...I'm not actually really quite sure what that's even supposed to mean?  I'm sure I've ever -" she flings a hand out, releasing a burst of that strange not-Ionize she found - "done any such thing, but I'm not really certain how to tell if I'm putting...emotion, into Force push, in a meaningful way?"  She hums, and idly telekineses her training sabers back away.  "Especially if my telekinesis is weird!  Which it might be!  ...You know what would really show results if I was able to do something emotey with them, though....my enhancement exercises.  ...But no spotter...  Kriff.  And the Dark doesn't exactly heal very well, no?"

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    "She says that Sith are still sturdier than forceblind people, ma'am, what did you have in mind?"

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"No, I mean that the problem is that I could mess up and not be able to fix it, since I don't know if I understand what I'm doing there enough to alter the technique that way.  Though, the Force guides me...

"...I'll try it, I think.  And if my danger sense goes off...then I'll stop.

"Keep an eye on me, would you, Deskyl?"

And then...Diana starts meditating, focusing seeking-understanding and drive-to-improve and determination into the practiced moves of her bodily reinforcement techniques...

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Oh, dammit.


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"Gbwuh?"  She barely started, so it's pretty easy to get her to stop, right now.

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    "I'm sorry, ma'am, Master Deskyl is worried about the Force arranging a coincidence that might hurt you - it appears to want her to tell you that she's a healing prodigy, and she thought she still had time to think about how she wanted to approach the discussion, but she'd rather not wait if you're going to do something risky."

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"Oh, for your own sake, Force, you could be less dramatic about the coincidentally-relevant stuff!  Is there going to be some sort of huge emergency in the next n days that requires me beyond my peak of capability or something?!"

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Deskyl sighs and glares at nothing in particular.

    "She says not that she knows of, ma'am, but one of you should probably meditate on it - there is a chance that Lord Pritruth has sent someone after you. It can wait until you're done with this, though."

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Diana finds Deskyl's expression to be quite a same mood.

"Yeah, I'll do that tonight.  Is there anything you'd need to prep to just - whap me with this if I'm about to do something horrible?"

Oh hey, it's the single-blade training saber.

"I know there's a thing about training sabers but frankly it's the only way to get me out of this once I'm going."

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    "That's fine, ma'am, she doesn't especially mind using it as a tool. She also wonders if it might be worth using her telepathy so that you can borrow her healing sense."

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"...That sounds like it'd be very helpful.  If you're willing.  And the Force doesn't do...anything especially weird about it."

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    "It does use up the buffer of how long she can spend in telepathy with you without forming a permanent bond more quickly than just speaking, ma'am, but she'll be able to warn you if it's getting low and end it without your cooperation if it gets dangerously low."

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"This seems like the best possible sort of use, then."

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    "Yes ma'am. How would you like her to handle it if the buffer gets dangerously low when you're in the middle of using the healing sense?"

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"...Well that's a question!  It's one I think I have to go for 'saber whap' on?  As much as honestly I'm half convinced that the permanent bond won't hurt anything?  But only half, so...precautions."

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    "Will abruptly disrupting you be safer for you than just ending the connection without warning, ma'am? Master Deskyl is particularly concerned with the case where it gets dangerously low while you're doing something that requires the healing sense in order to be done safely."

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"...Yeah if that happens then just...bonds are less potentially-bad than sudden disastrous bodily disruption!"

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"...well.  I don't know if that's true.  Think it is.  But I can't know, I've not exactly had one before.  And - it's your mind too.  You should have a say."

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    "From your perspective it won't feel like anything much, ma'am, unless Master Deskyl causes it to, which she can undo at any time. From her perspective it's similar to having a window into your mind whenever you're in range, which will start at thirty feet and is likely to grow over time; she can try to avoid looking through the window, but it takes an amount of active effort and she can't guarantee that she'll never see anything you would have preferred her not to. She does expect that it would be better than bodily disruption but the risk is mostly to you."

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"Well.  I'm already trusting you with far more, just with this, so...do it, then."

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    "Yes ma'am."

Deskyl moves to sit next to Diana, knees touching, and sets the training saber in her lap before settling in to meditate; after a moment there's the same gentle sense of Deskyl's presence in Diana's mind, joined by a slightly firmer awareness of how the Jedi's body looks to Deskyl's healing sense - it's not remarkable in a way that makes itself obvious at first glance, though she is in absolutely perfect health and excellent fighting form, and after a moment Deskyl notices that she's also younger, in a biological sense, than she seems to be chronologically.

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And Diana begins her meditation, this time additionally tinged with feelings of care and protectiveness and trust, and reaches out to the Force...And the Force listens.

Not just to the expectations of itself about what a human's peak should be, but to Diana's thoughts about what she wants to become, which range far wider.

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Far wider, yes.

If she's not going to be human, what will she be?

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Diana...wants to be quick.  (React faster, think better, recover sooner, move with more speed.)

She wants to be keen.  (Be precise, efficient, have better reflexes, never miss an opportunity to reach her goals.)

She wants to be sharp.  (Focus on important things, keep in mind more things, spot the lurking ambush, the concealed doorway.)

She wants to bring her utmost effort to bear.  She wants to endure the trials set before her.  She wants to be stronger.  She wants to help people flourish.  That one goal is the bedrock of her soul, Force help her, and she pursues it even through the darkest moments.  Can the Force help her with that a bit more?

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She can be quick, with upgraded long nerves and tendons ligaments to carry out her instructions more swiftly, reduced fat and muscle and bone to make her light on her feet, and an enhanced spatial awareness and memory for locations.

She can be keen, with enhanced sensory acuity and fine muscle control, enhanced muscle memory, and a natural talent for precognition.

She can be sharp, with her focus less subject to fatigue or distraction, her working memory enhanced, and her ability to notice out-of-place patterns improved.

She can have an improved ability to access her strength, at the expense of increased injury when she goes beyond her current limitations. She can have improved endurance, at the expense of an extra organ to support it and somewhat higher caloric needs. She can be more muscular, at the expense of some speed and dexterity.

She cannot have all of these things and be one creature. What will she be?

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She will be sharp.  She will be keen.  She'll be quicker, too, but not at the expense of her strength.

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I bet it's going to try to do all of the quickness package if it does any of it, Deskyl warns. Like healing. I can probably stop it, but no promises, I'm not a prodigy at this.

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Then I'll make do, if I must.  I'm focusing on the first two first, anyway.

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Then she will be sharp, and she will be keen, and she will be quick.

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Not like that she won't.

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She twists the part of the Force reducing Diana's muscle mass sharply, cutting off its ability to do so; her annoyance resonates through it.

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Thank you, Deskyl.

Diana's meditation ends, and she surfaces from the trance she was in.

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Used about a third of the buffer, Deskyl reports, before opening her eyes.

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"That went...really quite well.  Thank you, again, Deskyl.  ...If there's any help I can offer you in achieving something similar, it's yours to take."

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    "She says that the holocron has already been useful, ma'am, but she may take you up on that, too. She wants to think about what changes she'd like to make first, though."

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"Yes, that would be wise."

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    "Yes ma'am. Did you have any questions about her healing abilities?"

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"...None come immediately to mind?"

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    "She says 'all right', ma'am, and that you should know that it takes her about forty minutes of meditation to access the Light so that she can use that ability; she says that you shouldn't take any risks that assume she'll be able to heal you quickly."

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Diana nods.  Then she actually processes.  "...You can do that?"

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Deskyl chuckles and nods.

    "She says that she probably wouldn't've figured it out if she wasn't a Light prodigy, but yes, ma'am."

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"That's...really kriffing interesting and please tell me you've written it down somewhere, it'll make some of the Masters' heads explode if they find out!"

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    "She absolutely hasn't, ma'am, the Sith would have killed her if they'd found it. But she can try; she might have some trouble explaining it in Basic, she's used to using the Sith language to explain Force techniques in detail."

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"Well, I don't think that Jedi have no ways of learning Sith-the-language, even if I don't know if I know anyone who's done so, off the top of my head."

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    "She'll think about whether she wants to teach you any of its vocabulary, she says."

...hmmmm what if she leans over to snuggle Diana.

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Well then Diana simply must swoop in and snuggle back!

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Kiss!  What if...another kiss?

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Yes, good.

Third kiss: also good!

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Gosh, she'd love to keep going...

But the pattern's wrong.

"...Hey, Deskyl...are you alright?"

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She has to think about that for a few seconds. "-oh."

    "She says interacting with the Light side of the force makes her a little strange afterward, ma'am. It'll pass after half an hour or so."

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"...I mean, being snuggly doesn't seem that strange to me?  Just something that needed watching."

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    "She says that it's stranger from the inside, ma'am. But not bad."

Kissing is maaaybe inadvisable right now but she definitely wants to hug Diana, so she does.

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Diana definitely wants to hug her too!  Deskyl's really great and Diana very much wants her to know that fact.  She can't seem to words, though, so it's nuzzlyhugs instead.

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Mhm, this is very good!  Like Deskyl!  Who's very good!

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You know who's also very good? Diana. Diana is also very good. And snuggleable.

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Oh gosh is she?  Wow!  This is wonderful news!  That must be celebrated with snuggles!

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No complaints here!


After perhaps twenty minutes of this, Diana might notice some of the edge wearing off for Deskyl - she's certainly still interested in snuggles, but the undercurrent of need is fading.

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"You feeling, better, then?  ...I really have to wonder why the light side's like that when you're on it, actually.  It's...actually, no, now that I actually think about," Diana tries to point at herself, "how I am on it...It seems pretty in character, to, well, desperately need snuggles."

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    "She says it's less the Light and more coming back to herself afterward, ma'am, but she's not surprised you've experienced it too." Hug!

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"Mmm...mmhmm?  Why's that...not surprising?"

Diana continues being snuggly!

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    "She says that you're very aware of what you want and how you want things to be; it's one of the things she likes best about you." Snuggle hairpet.

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And Diana snuggles with increased fervor, because...gosh, Deskyl likes her?  That's...She has the absolute dopiest smile on her face right now.  "...I'm that above-average at knowing what I want?"

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    "She says it's rare for people to have enough confidence in what they want to structure their lives around it, ma'am. Of course many people don't have as much opportunity as you've had, but even with training most people don't use the opportunity they do have."

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"...Oh...that's so sad...Wish I could help them...dream, and then reach...people should get to live...fulfulling lives.  I want that."

Diana's snuggles appear to be becoming distracted from conveying affection by the contemplation of her goals, but that doesn't mean she's any less touch-starved, just that her touch becomes slower, more meditative; if Deskyl's ended up conveniently arranged, and doesn't seem inherently opposed, she may end up receiving idle massage.  "I...admire the bravery with which you approach getting what you want.  It's...before I met you, I wouldn't have even thought of becoming the Sith Emperor to stop the war, but you inspired me to dream big, and to want fiercely; I can't thank you enough."

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She's not very conveniently arranged, but she can shift.

    "She says she doesn't actually think you'll be able to defeat the Emperor, to be clear, ma'am - not without more help than she expects you to be able to get - but that trying will help you figure out what you can do, which is still worth doing even if it's less than that. And she very much agrees that it's good for people to lead the lives that they want."

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"I think we'll find out!"  Deskyl probably can't see, but absolutely can sense, the grin on Diana's face, as she continues working out the tension in Deskyl's frame, honestly just...satisfied to do a nice thing for someone she likes.

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Mmmmmmmmm. Melty Sith.

    "You will, she says."

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Mmmfh, melty Jedi too apparently!  Not that that's stopping her from doing the nice thing, but goodness is she just suddenly feeling so...That felt like a deep compliment and she's all gooey inside now!

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Okay now she really does want to kiss her. She sits up to do so.

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Really gooey melty Jedi!

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Oh, good.


After another couple more minutes of this she scoops Diana up and carries her off to... hm... Diana's room, DZ has things to do in theirs tonight.

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Oh gosh, Deskyl probably doesn't mean it that way, but - she's all gooey and fluttery and aaaa thisisnice...

Diana's room is...it feels very her, in a way?  There's not much in there, it's often bare metal, not even shiny bare metal, but what's in there was chosen with care; there's a shelf of puzzle cubes of different configurations, an armor stand...A shelf of fiction, a nonzero amount of which is not for younglings, a few stacks of flimsiplasts scattered around the room...Diana's indulged herself with a private fresher, apparently...Emergency cut-through to the command deck...Small desk and chair with table light...The lights in here are dimmer than shipboard standard.

"I'd've cleaned up if I knew you were going to be coming over," she giggles, because this place is the opposite of a mess, really.

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DZ has not followed them in, so Deskyl is fairly limited in how she can respond to that, but she chuckles and kisses Diana's forehead and lays her on the bed, and sits on the edge and gives her a questioning look.

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Diana nods and gently applies handholding to the communication problem!

...that's not communication, that's just Diana being gay?  Oh well!

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Well, if handholding is what Diana wants, handholding she shall have.

And kissing, and maybe some hairpetting, those seem pretty reliably well-received.

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They are reliably well-received!  Diana is so very incredibly gay and are there other things Deskyl would like to do with a 75%-melted Jedi puddle?  She'd certainly like to have things done to her!  The scoop was really good...

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There are certainly other things she has in mind! Given Diana's melted and not especially communicative state she's going to move very slowly on them, checking to see how various things are received before progressing, but progress she will, until - assuming enthusiasm continues - there are rather fewer articles of clothing involved here, and rather more places determined to be in bounds for rather more kinds of touch.

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Oh Force yes the enthusiasm continues, Diana doing her best to be cooperative and pleasing; she's had dreams about this and she's not quite sure this isn't one but she wants Deskyl to touch her, wants to touch Deskyl, wants Deskyl to experience enjoyable things...are there things Deskyl likes to experience, when this happens?  There's quite a lot Diana might like to experience, judging by some of those books...

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Deskyl doesn't object to Diana touching her, and it's not too hard to find spots that make her gasp, but after a minute she takes Diana's arm, kisses the inside of her wrist, lays it down, and goes back to what she was doing, ignoring further touch in favor of making Diana squirm.

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A tension passes out of Diana's body as Deskyl makes clear that she expects, prefers, no reciprocation, Diana a bit befuddled for a moment but nonetheless letting Deskyl continue to have her way with her; she's surprisingly quiet for how dramatic the rest of her reactions seem to get.

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Oh, good.

More of that, how about.

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That sounds wonderful.  Then sleepycuddling?

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Yes, good.

Deskyl is careful not to wake Diana when she leaves in the middle of the night to practice her katas and enhancement exercises, as has been her schedule recently; she's similarly careful when she slips back into the bed in the small hours of the morning, so that Diana doesn't wake alone.

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- mhbl where's Deskyl-pillow oh there's Deskyl-pillow that's better stay here -

Diana wakes up to find herself cuddling Deskyl, and pinches herself, because she's almost sure she's dreaming.

But she's not.

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Nope, she's not, Deskyl is right here, fast asleep. (She sleeps with her lightsaber on, apparently.)

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Then Diana might just stay in bed for a little while; it's totally not a frivolous use of the Force to telekinetically prepare breakfast if you're stuck in bed, right?

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This is noticeably easier than it would have been twelve hours ago; her skill at telekinesis per se hasn't improved, but she finds that it's easier to tell where things that she wants to move are, and to devote her full attention to moving them just as she wants to, and to plan ahead to avoid wasted actions.

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Thank you, Force; Diana appreciates your help with everything she's done and will do very much.  Are there ways she could prepare herself today to help the Force in turn?

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She should go have a look at what's happening around where Deskyl's ship was crashed, actually. Carefully, it's potentially rather dangerous.

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Well then.  Let's go see what the dangerous thing is...

And perhaps field-test her blastbracer.

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Deskyl wakes as she's getting underway, and comes out to the bridge to see what's going on. (She hasn't bothered to put a shirt on first.)

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"Good morning.  I made breakfast; the Force says there's something maybe-dangerous we should pay attention to near your escape craft's crash site.  I normally jump on those, but you should probably have a say, here.  Since good money's on it being a you-related thing.  Do you want breakfast first so your brain can wake up?"

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Deskyl looks somewhat confused at the suggestion that she might need breakfast in order to be functional, but does grab a plate - and her shirt - before going to get DZ, who brings the notes she transcribed overnight when she joins them on the bridge.

    "She says she's inclined to assume the Force knows what it's doing, ma'am."

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(R4 is also on the bridge, doing most of the actual piloting and living his dream as Diana feeds him nav data.  Instead of breakfast.  Because droids can't eat breakfast.)

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"Then we'll continue this course."

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    "Yes ma'am. And here are Master Deskyl's notes on the presumed limitations of telekinesis."

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Diana places them in her "to-read" box; right now she's busy helping R4 not crash or she'd be jumping on them.  "Thank you, DZ, Deskyl."

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    "Master Deskyl says that she should talk to you about how she intends to act around other Sith before you get there, ma'am, though it's not otherwise urgent."

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A few minutes pass, and Diana unplugs her arm from R4.  "Alright, we're back on the hyperlanes; you mentioned acting?"

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    "Yes ma'am. Hostage-taking and other tactics that take advantage of emotional connection to expose weakness are common among Sith; it will be safest for her to act as though she doesn't care about you, to avoid suggesting that such a tactic might work. Ideally you would do the same."

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"Ah, the no-attachment hardliners are an institutional trauma response.  That makes far, far too much sense.  Alright, noted.  ...So what is our fictitious relationship then?"

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    "She says that tenuous allies would be safest in that regard, ma'am. Suggesting that one of you has control over the other also works but she finds it annoying to have someone try to tempt her to leave a situation she's not unhappy with."

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"...We could always cast me as the minion."  It's not like she'd feel out of place in the role, even!  "I do a somewhat decent Mandalorian impression for people who don't know them very well.  But yes, tenuous allies...any particular story you think would be good for why that, just in case it's needed?"

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    "She says that the most obvious one is that she's hired, or perhaps deceived, a mercenary into helping her get revenge on her master and his associates, ma'am; she's not sure whether the people you'll be interacting with will be familiar with mandalorians."

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"I can work with that; 'hired' makes more sense to me but if deceived feels right in the moment then we should go for that."

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    "Yes ma'am."

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"...Now hold on a second, that's backwards!"  Diana giggles.  "But seriously, if I'm trying to pass as a minion, calling me ma'am in the field is probably not right, unless that's...a Thing for the sort of droid you are, DZ?  I don't know as much as I'd like to, about - how you are and how you want to be."

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"Class three droids call everyone sir or ma'am or kessen, ma'am."

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"...I see."  For some reason, that has Diana absolutely fuming.

"Well, if you ever find yourself wishing to say something else instead, for instance my name, then please don't feel obligated to ma'am me regardless, DZ.  At the same time, if it's what you prefer to do, then please don't stop doing it for my sake; you should be how you want to be."

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There's a brief but noticeable pause before DZ answers. "Yes ma'am."

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Deskyl observes this thoughtfully for a moment before signing again.

    "She says that in either case it will be safer for me if I pretend to be unremarkable where any Sith might see me."

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"Yes, that's, unfortunately reasonable.  But when we're not around Sith.  Then, what I said stands."

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No pause, this time. "Yes ma'am."

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"Alright, R4, you can take this from here, right?"


"Then we should prep for the mission; we're not that far from the crash site."

Diana heads directly to the armory when she leaves the flight deck.  She spends time in there every so often, because maintenance is important, but now, she's preparing herself for a fight.

"Deskyl, DZ, comms; DZ, I have some spare plating that I could armor your core with if you trust me to do it, that time will be going spare anyway.  Deskyl, I think you should probably wear a mask; I have a few spares that ought to fit, we're actually remarkably similarly shaped - I bet you could wear my armor, even, with a bit of adjustment, but that's really kriffing heavy so it's probably only going to get in your way in the field, especially since you don't really have the training.  Would you benefit from having masks with heat-vision or magnifiers in?"

Even as Diana talks, objects are swirling around in her telekinetic grip; it looks to mostly be grenade bandoliers, a couple shoulder-mounted missile packs, and...that's a very big slugthrower.

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Deskyl tosses DZ a comm, and starts looking through the masks, though she doesn't settle on one before moving on to take a look at the plating, which she turns over to DZ before going back to the masks, eventually picking two, a silvery one with geometric gunmetal accents and a plainer steel one, both with magnifiers.

    "Master Deskyl would like to know if it will be okay for her to make aesthetic modifications to one of those masks, ma'am."

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"Oh, yes, certainly, these get their looks updated every so often anyway, they're disposable pseudoidentities."

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    "She says thank you, ma'am. And Master Deskyl isn't sure whether these plates will work with my deign, but she'd like you to check, please."

Deskyl goes off to tinker with the masks.

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Diana blinks at DZ.  "Is that also what you want?"

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This question elicits another odd pause. "Yes ma'am."

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"Do you have your blueprints handy?  Having them will help."

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    "I'm sorry, ma'am, but I don't."

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"That's quite alright, it would have been quicker and less, well, invasive, but...hmm, actually, let me see if I can..."

DZ might or might not be able to notice the subtle wash of telekinetic-ness over her internals, but she does probably notice Diana either shaping the plating to fit, or storing it back away, depending on what she finds in there.

...Incidentally, if there are any parts that need replacing, repairing, or other maintenance, Diana figures she may as well set up to do those too.

Still, she's going to clear it with DZ first.

"...also, are you - alright?  You keep...pausing, is the best I can explain it, and I'm a little bit worried that that means I'm somehow getting something snarled, and I don't want to do that.  I don't want to hurt you any more than I want to hurt Deskyl.  Which, incidentally, means that I absolutely kriffing refuse to do or allow to be done anything like a memory wipe.  For both of your sakes.  In case I haven't gone over that already.  ...Could probably get R4 to help make sure of that; even the stock autopilot's capable enough when you're flying a proper hyperlane."

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"I'm fine, ma'am. Master Deskyl has already adjusted my settings so that I won't go for regular memory wipes; I expect she'd appreciate them being made impossible if that's an option."

DZ is put together somewhat oddly; her central processor is low in her abdomen, away from her center of mass, and there's an unusual amount of redundancy in the actuators that let her move, apparently to allow her to stay more functional if her limbs are damaged. She also has modified couplers to make it easier to replace her limbs and head. It's probably still possible to add armor to her, but it'll be a significantly more involved upgrade than it would be for most droids, to fit it in around all the extra parts.

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"R4's good at his job.  I don't know the specifics of what he does to accomplish this, but it changes the regions wiped by a memory wipe to be the null bit, which is always empty and should always be empty, so that whoever tries to wipe you even sees it succeed when it in fact did nothing whatsoever.  ...DZ, I am not actually convinced that you are fine, but I don't want to - just casually overrun your boundaries.  That's bad.  I'm not inherently entitled to know stuff about you, especially anything that you're clearly trying to avoid talking about.  At the same time, I'm worried about you?  Worried for you.  Would it be easier to talk to R4 about whatever this is instead?  He won't tell me anything you don't want him to, but - I need to know if whatever is going on might blow up on me when something dangerous is happening, and we're going to all be in a possibly quite dangerous situation pretty soon, DZ."

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"I don't expect it to cause any problems during the mission, ma'am. My line of droids is designed not to have opinions, and not to notice them when we do have them, so when you ask for my opinion about something that I haven't already thought about it takes me a moment to figure it out."

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"...That's.  Force preserve, that - how - why - what void-addled mind - ghaa.  Sometimes I want to dangle the people who design droid personalities from a balcony by their ankles until they stop doing things like this.  If you're going to make a person, don't then proceed to - cripple their personhood; just make something that's not a person if you want not-people, kriff.  ...I can ask R4 if he's capable of unblocking that.  Would you prefer me to?"

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"No ma'am." No pause at all; if anything she's unusually fast with it.

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"...Was that a compelled answer?"

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"No ma'am. I'm better at my work this way, and that's important to me."

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Diana nods.  "Then so shall it be.  You ready for the core armor installation process?  Shouldn't take long.  I could theoretically do it while you're awake, actually.  Though I imagine that would be...somewhat distressing."

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"I should let Master Deskyl know before I'm shut down, ma'am."

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"Very reasonable.  It won't take more than a few minutes either way; I'm good with mechanisms, and while I haven't done this particular operation on your specific model of droid before, you are still made of the same parts.  It transfers.  You'll have a slightly-different center of mass afterwards; R4 can help you recalibrate if needed, he's good at drivers."

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"Yes ma'am; thank you." She goes to let Deskyl know; it only takes a minute.

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And a few minutes pass, and droid surgery is done, and DZ-12Q wakes up with a new armored core!

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She can more or less compensate for the changed center of balance but a recalibration is certainly a good idea; she thanks Diana again and goes to ask R4.

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"I'm glad I was able to help you, DZ.  You've been very helpful, and this increases your potential chance to be helpful in the future."

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R4's still minding the ship, but he whistles Even the basic autopilot can't crash on this route, so there's nothing you're actually distracting me from, when he notices DZ's shown up.  You need to get your drivers recalibrated, then?  Now is a good time.

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Yes please. She sits and opens the relevant port.

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And R4 jacks into that relevant port!  And the anti-memory-wipe?

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I'm sure my Sith will want it but I should still ask first.

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Can't hurt to be sure.  There anything on your mind?

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Your human was mad about my programming.

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She does that a lot.  She doesn't like seeing people constrained by... outside forces' demands, like how restraining bolts work, and she thinks of us as people in that way.

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It doesn't feel like an outside force.

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If you're looking for a good metaphor to explain this to her, I'd suggest Force analogies, but I'm not sure even those are entirely guaranteed.

I don't think she's necessarily mad at your programming, as much as she's mad at your programmers.  She tends to find the oddest edge cases, and if she hasn't thought into existence a hypothetical situation where the ability to do whatever she found out you couldn't would matter to your ability to complete core directives by now, I'd be surprised.

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DZ makes a mildly rude noise. I'm not her droid.

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Very true.  You might be her girlfriend's droid, though.

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That's true.

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Regardless, that was just information I thought you might find relevant in the event that Diana brings whatever that was about up again, though she'll try to not do that.  Useful context for understanding her as much as the inverse.

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It does matter. I'll need to ask my Sith what permissions she wants her to have.

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...I don't expect my human to have been anywhere near so bold as to broach the subject of what the kriff they're doing, so you'd likely be the first to mention the possibility of that.  And I meant to refer to the exchange prior to the one about girlfriends, before.

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It still follows, potentially. It's fine, I'll handle it.

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Good luck.

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She sits quietly through the rest of the recalibration and goes off to think.

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R4 resumes piloting, then.

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Deskyl, meanwhile, solders diamonds and opals originally packed into her escape bag as backup currency onto the silver-and-black mask, transforming the aesthetic into something that'll suggest to anyone who knows her that she's operating under her own auspices, or at least under the auspices of someone who lets her choose her own accessories.

When she's done, she gets DZ and goes looking for Diana.

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Diana is readily found!  "Oh, wow, that's pretty."

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    "She says thank you, ma'am. How much longer do you expect the trip to be?"

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"Not very.  Before lunch."

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    "Yes ma'am. And do you know anything about what we'll find when we get there?"

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"Well.  Very possibly a crater, if things went according to plan.  Things never go according to plan, so I'm assuming they shot down the ship and figured out whose it was, and may or may not have figured out why this happened in the first place, which is probably why the Force thinks there's something important happening around there soonish.  I aimed the ship at a flight pool, but can hardly check if it hit."

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    "Yes ma'am. Master Deskyl suggests that you set the ship down a few miles away and sneak in from there, once you've finished scanning from orbit; she has over a mile of range with some of her sensory techniques when she meditates, and may be able to gather useful information before you engage."

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"That does sound rather workable; if I'm pretending to be a Sith I tend to walk in like I own the place more often than not, but this might be a fight so it makes sense to drop out further and gather any available intel."

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    "Yes ma'am. Or it's possible that you won't need to go in at all, she says."

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"Possible, but improbable, I think.  The Force brought us here for a reason, after all."

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Deskyl shrugs.

    "She says 'you're the one who got the vision'."

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"All it said was 'have a look at what's happening around where we crashed your ship, and carefully, because there might be danger'.  Didn't really give me much on why.  Still...We're close enough it's about time we find out."

Right on cue, the Subtle Knife drops out of hyperspace.

"R4, take us down passing over the crash site, if traffic control doesn't squawk at us about it, and land a ways out, would you?"

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Deskyl will go meditate, then.

It doesn't take long at all for her to see something, and the first sign of it is the creeping, bone-aching dread she leaks into the Force.

    "She says there are Sith down there, at least two and more likely three; one of them is Lord Pritruth's apprentice Lord Ocnem, and she's getting something strange, she thinks he might have been involved in what was done to her."

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"He - ...of course he would."

Diana's pissed off by this, but those dark emotions are - stoking the forge to make the steel of resolve, rather than anything else she might potentially do with them, were she a conventional Sith Lady.

"What do you want to do about him?  It's not my choice to make, that."

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    "She says he probably needs to die, ma'am."

Not that she's feeling any less dread at the prospect.

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"Well.  If anyone would know, it would be you.  I can certainly make that happen.  ...Anything about the other Sith?"

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    "She says they feel vaguely familiar but she can't recognize them at this distance, ma'am."

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"Very well.  ...How do you feel about heights, Deskyl, DZ?"

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    "She says 'why', ma'am."

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"...honestly, because I wanted to carry you for a change and I have a jetpack, but I'm sure I could make up something tactical-sounding enough."

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    "She says 'and that's not going to distract you?', ma'am."

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"If anything, I'll be more focused!  That's totally how that works!  Right, R4?"

Sarcastic breeble.

"Ah, but you said yes!"

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    "She says 'some other time', ma'am."

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"Yeah.  Take us in, R4."

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And Deskyl goes back to meditating; it does nothing to improve her mood, but she keeps at it. She still can't place the other Sith - she does confirm that there are two of them - and while she says that doesn't necessarily mean much, it clearly worries her.

They'll have to get closer for her to give details on the parts of the situation that are less obvious in the Force; the only other thing she can see besides the presence of the Sith is that there are a generous handful of people, mostly humans and near-humans, onsite, presumably cleaning the place up and providing security.

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"...Alright, here's an approach: You're an apprentice of one of Pritruth's rivals - or, no, his most tenuous ally's probably better; you're here because it's quite concerning," Diana lays on the sickly syrupy-sweet tone, "that clearly Pritruth cannot keep control of his agents if one was capable of, and inclined towards, doing this, whatever it is, and you wish to see that kept in hand.  I'll be right there; if Ocnem needs immediate stabbing, give the word.  I'll be your blade."

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    "She expects Lord Ocnem to recognize her immediately if she signs in his presence, ma'am, even with the mask."

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"...What if we do the telepathy thing?"

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    "She says that in her current state it's likely you'll end up with a permanent bond, ma'am; she'd like you to spend ten minutes thinking seriously about whether you're comfortable with that before she'll consider it."

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"...The one thing that I think I'd want, if I were to have such a bond, is...hmm.  Reciprocity, of a sort?  ...hmm.  Say...what if..."  Diana's never actually been good at mind tricks.  But this isn't a mind trick.  This is just a mind link.  Or at least the closest she can come to one, being as she's never actually tried this technique before and has about two examples ever to work from when trying to figure out how it can be done.  "Maybe if we - please do feel free to help - build the link together, we can...sort of work in a, sandboxed, as R4 would say, midpoint?  ...Honestly I think it almost reminds me of battle meditation..."

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    "She knows how to make a reciprocal bond, ma'am, but she's not comfortable with that at this time."

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"Mmh...Yeah, that's fair.  Kind of want to see if we can build a - telepathic link that's got neither of us seeing what we shouldn't, later, but, yeah, now's definitely not the time to try new things and that's telepathy off the table.  Okay, then.  We go in anyway.  Ocnem recognizes and tries to kill you.  He dies.  This is evidence that Pritruth sucks."

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Deskyl fails to suppress a full-body shudder as she signs.

    "She says that it's more likely that he'll try to capture her, but yes, ma'am. She says that if it's a choice of letting him have her or killing her she'd rather go cleanly, though of course she'd prefer neither of those."

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"...Okay I am going to kill him right kriffing immediately, strategy be damned, even if he doesn't give an excuse."

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    "She says that that's very reasonable, ma'am."

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"Alright, ma'am, let's do this."  And off someone who is totally a flamingly furious bounty hunter marches towards the Sith!

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Deskyl follows, carrying DZ in case Force-boosted speed is suddenly called for. She calls for a pause to meditate a mile and a half from the perimeter, in a hollow that provides at least rudimentary cover. Lord Ocnem and his flunkies - at this range she can get that much of a sense of their attitude toward him - are meeting with a woman who appears to be the owner of the facility; she's annoyed at them, and they're attempting to reassure her.

The room they're in is near the center of the building, by conventional travel, but it overlooks one of the hangars; she's not confident that Ocnem will come down to fight them if they make their way in there, but it's plausible, or they can make a Force-assisted leap up to it and lightsaber their way through the transparisteel viewing window.

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...Hmmm.  Diana's of the opinion that they should walk right on in; Deskyl's a Sith.  You don't stop a Sith.

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Diana wants the route that sends them through the fewest mundane guards on the way to Ocnem, right? This is that, more or less - the hangar is pretty well guarded but they can take it by surprise, and she's betting most of the guards will run when they see how their coworkers do against them. Taking the long way through the building means the guards will have a chance to dig in in two separate places; there's no actual risk of them not getting through those barricades but there'll be more casualties, the defenders won't have as much affordance to get away.

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Mm-hmm, but only if they think there's an attack happening; the plan wasn't to just march on in guns-blazing.  Still, if Deskyl thinks that's the guards' reasonable assumption, Diana thinks the hangar's the best bet.  No-one's prepared for Jedi With A Gun.

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They'd be pretty lousy guards if they didn't assume unauthorized visitors forcing their way past their checkpoints were hostile. Mind tricking them is another option? Deskyl's not a fan and doesn't have a story in mind to use for it but it'd work if Diana has one.

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That's the story she prototyped on the way in, remember?  Though Diana hardly thinks that that will take mind tricks.  It's truthy enough to sell.  It's worth a shot, anyway.  Worst comes to worst Ocnem comes out to investigate where there's all this perfect-for-shooting-him space!

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If Diana's confident she can do it, sure; Deskyl will just not speak, to avoid the risk of Ocnem guessing that it's her. They'll want to approach like this...

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She is quite confident indeed.

Getting them through the door is simple; Deskyl is a Sith, here on important business, who must speak with the manager.

Getting them to the meeting room, however, requires a bit of lying with the truth - they do have information relevant to the meeting the big boss is in, and she would want a Sith backing her against other Sith...Which is of course rather irrelevant, when Ocnem's dying the moment she has an opportunity.

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Deskyl stays silent as Diana talks their way in, keeping her body language imperious and her presence in the Force tightly controlled.

Just outside the meeting room, the secretary who's been assigned to them asks them to wait a moment while she announces them.

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"I believe it will be better for your life expectancy, in an avoiding-Sith-crossfire sense, if you do not stay inside, once that is done," Diana murmurs into the secretary's ear.  "My boss has a problem with this guy, you know?"

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"Yes ma'am," the secretary squeaks, and goes in.


She doesn't come back out very promptly.

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Sigh.  Door open, please, Force?

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The door opens!

The two Sith on either side of it try to grab her!

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Dear Sith Flunkies: A tactical analysis of your numerous mistakes at this juncture is too large to fit within this letter, but it starts with 'engaging in hand-to-hand combat without your lightsabers' and only escalates from there.

Notably, they're even less defended against, say, arm-mounted blasters, even on stun settings!

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One of them goes down with a boneless thump; the other one spasms for a moment, and then lets go of her to go after Deskyl.

Deskyl's going to have to handle the second flunky by herself, though; Ocnem has taken advantage of the distraction to close on Diana with his lightsaber drawn, and swings at her as soon as the flunky is out of the immediate strike zone.

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Diana steps into the oncoming saber-blow and punches his blade aside with a knife-hand strike, cortosis mesh in the gloves of her armor combining with practiced tutaminis to deflect the blade; that this move leaves her in an amazing position to slam both her armored fist and several stun bolts into his gut is merely a very pleasant side effect.  If he's down and out, it's a simple matter to shoot Flunky #2 once more.

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Ocnem drops at the third stun bolt; he's still breathing, though it's a little labored.

The second flunky and Deskyl are circling each other, lightsabers drawn; the flunky bats Diana's bolt away and just barely catches Deskyl's strike into the opening this gives her.

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Well, if one bolt doesn't faze her, how about three at once?  Can't make a line into a triangle, buddy!

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She makes a pretty good attempt at blocking those, but the one that hits her throws her off-balance, and Deskyl follows that up with a disabling strike to the arm; she falls, and Deskyl steps over to consider Ocnem's prone form, first pausing to pick up his 'saber. Her own is still lit, positioned to strike easily should he show any signs of stirring.

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Diana doesn't stand in her way, but she does speak, quietly, before Deskyl strikes.  "Be sure, before you strike him down, that the universe, and your universe, will be better for his absence from it, and you will not regret the choice you make today.  Make that choice not in anger, but instead in compassion, for the people he's hurt and the people he's helped.  That said...I would strike."

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It's very quick.


She cares less about what happens to the flunkies, and gestures to Diana to that effect.

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Diana has any, but not many, plans for thoroughly defeated Sith, that generally involve either cells (kept in her cargo bay) or being dropped in unpleasantness.  They definitely don't get to keep their lightsabers, though.  They didn't even use them.

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There's more important things to worry about, too, such as the fact that the ambush was sprung on them instead of the other way around.  "Now where's the holo line..."

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The holo console is right there on the desk.

Deskyl, meanwhile, waves DZ back over from the corner she's been standing in and steps out into the hallway to address one of the battle droids standing guard there.

    "My master, Sith Lord Pradnakt, is requisitioning you; come with us."

The battle droid follows them into the room and follows Deskyl's relayed directions to pick up the flunky who attacked her and prepare to carry her back to the ship.

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Well, Diana can stab it with a datajack, then, and R4 can go to town.

Say, where's the manager gone?  She didn't sense anyone leaving...

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She and the secretary are both in the closet over there.

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Well, Diana will open the door, then.  "Good job hiding."

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The manager seems less than pleased to see Diana; she hides it well, but the Jedi's new intuition for patterns helps her catch it. "Thank you." She brushes herself off a bit, and - is Diana letting her out?

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Unless something screams to not, she'll do that, sure.  (Not letting her out of the room, though.  Not yet.)  "You don't look too happy, boss-lady."  and you can talk about why, the Sith isn't murderous-angry...

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She surveys the damage - certainly less than it could be; she might not even need to replace the door. "I was hoping for a less eventful rest of my month," she deadpans.

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"Can't blame you there, no.  And corpses do get...exciting.  You actually know the guy?"

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"Not before today, no. His master sent him to see what it would take to stop my master from retaliating for the crash the other day."

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"Yeah, well, he was especially kriffed up on general Sithyness.  As you can tell by the fact that my present employer felt it necessary to make him into a corpse.  What'd he say about her, anyway, when he went all 'yes this ambush will work and not fail horribly'?  Did he even bother telling his boss he was getting into a fight before he did?"

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"He didn't say much; the other two already knew who she was, I think. If he called his master I didn't see it."

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"Already hiding in the closet, huh?  Good for life expectancy."

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"Quite." Look, have you met Sith?

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She has!  She just took two in a fight!

"Bet you don't want to have any more of them tromping around imperiously at your very important projects, after all this."

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"That's always to be preferred, yes."

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"Well.  My employer here understandably has a bit of a grudge against that guy's boss.  Wants to ruin his whole day.  I think we can come to a nice arrangement to satisfy both our goals, here.  If he's too busy putting out fires...There won't be any more Sith in your hair!  Sounds nice, doesn't it?  Thing is, we can set more fires if we have surprise.  So you don't want to tell him too much about us.  Obviously, the dead guy's dead.  Pissed off another visitor, probably.  But you certainly don't know anything about who did that, hmm?  You were in the closet!  Capisce?"

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"I certainly was. And our video surveillance was damaged in the crash, it so happens."

There's something off about her body language when she says this - not like she's lying, more like she hasn't quite decided what she wants to do.

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"Well, however that pans out, you sure don't want to become of special interest to him in an ongoing failure.  Such as via dead-apprentice.  He has a torture basement.  For inventing better - by which I mean worse - varieties of torture.  That's not a neat end.  And with him all angry because his apprentice was lured out and then murdered..."  It's entirely possible your Sith might just sacrifice you to divert his wrath, if Pritruth is not-busy enough to make demands for reparations after what's clearly a trap when you look in hindsight, she doesn't say.

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That shakes her. "Good to know."

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"Glad we understand eachother, boss-lady."

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    "Lord Pradnakt says to finish up and come help carry this one, ma'am."

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"Certainly."  Acknowledging head-dip annnnd hyup goes the knocked-out Sith flunky!

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Deskyl waits 'till they're out in the hallway before signing again:

    "Be careful with him, ma'am, he's got a concussion."

And then they can make their way back to the ship; hopefully R4 is meeting them partway?

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That can certainly be arranged!

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"...Mmh.  Well, I hardly want him to die on me after all this effort."  Foooooorce?  Could you maybe touch up this guy just a bit, please?  He's gonna get dropped in a bog or something; that's not good for concussions.  Unless you have other advice.

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    "She says just don't jostle him, he's not in danger and she doesn't want him conscious yet."

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"...Yeah that makes more sense."

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Tromp tromp tromp.

    "She says that after you drop the prisoners off she'll want to look for Ocnem's ship and go check its computers; also it's hers now and she'll need to decide what to do with it more generally - she doesn't want to keep it, but she might sell it if neither of you has a better idea."

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"It'll probably come in handy eventually; we can park it somewhere quiet until it does."

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    "Yes ma'am. You and she will need to decide what to do with the battle droid, too; she assumes you'd rather not send him back now that you have him."

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"Well, if he doesn't have a preference otherwise.  But if you see the ship you're coming with us on it," she says to said droid.

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"Yes ma'am," he says amiably.

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"Do you have any preferences?"

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Pause. "No ma'am."

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"...Would you perchance like to?"

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Longer pause. "I don't know anything about that, ma'am."

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"Knowing more about that can be arranged!  I have datapacks!"

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"Yes ma'am."

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Well, with that out of the way, the ship's close enough to go dump Sith in an inconvenient bog with.

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They really ought to go get Ocnem's ship first; it's bad enough that they left it this long. It's not too hard to locate it by meditating; the fact that it's in the guest lot of the flight pool helps, and the faint aura of having had a Sith as a long-term resident is definitive. Fortunately, there's no one aboard; now they just have to get access to it.

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...Diana is not acquitting herself well as a strategist today.

Still, R4 can talk her through HACKERDROID-ing her way inside Ocnem's ship, if she can't safely Force the door open.

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The door can be Forced! (Deskyl is increasingly suspicious that Diana is in fact a telekinesis prodigy.)

Being inside the ship makes her hair stand on end; she doesn't comment, but doesn't explore it, either, just gets access to the computers to get a copy of Ocnem's data to look through.

Can R4 remotely pilot the ship without it interfering with his other duties? Alternately Daisy can pilot it but that leaves Deskyl without translation.

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Well, neither of his hypothetical charges are presently being shot at, so indubitably he can!

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Diana's Force presence is reassuringly...well, present, by Deskyl's side, as they do all this, fiercely protective and with steady surety that nothing will hurt Deskyl without getting through her.

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Deskyl is much more focused on getting the data and getting out than on being reassured; she doesn't relax at all until they're back on the Subtle Knife.

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"Well.  Time to dump the flunkies in a bog somewhere.  ...You gonna be okay til then?  I can - make time.  If you need a minute."

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This question seems to stress her out in and of itself, but -

    "She says she's fine, ma'am, and wants to know where you're planning on leaving them."

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"Not on the ship, and preferably far from civilization."

Okay then, she's definitely going to find ways to maintain defensive posture and comfort Deskyl.  She can at least be supportive in the Force.

"R4 has a particular knack for that.  Probably because he has all the maps in his brain."

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    "Yes ma'am. She says ideally they'd be left on another planet; she expects them to contact Lord Pritruth as soon as they have the opportunity to."

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"I'm not inclined to keep them aboard any longer than I absolutely must, even if that means just dumping them in the local wilderness instead."

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"Also I don't know of any habitable-but-uninhabited - R4?  Any good rocks around for prisoner dumping?"

Breeble breeble bree.

"...But seriously.  I don't - want them where they can do something stupid.  And they'd try, I'm sure.  They already did try, earlier.  And keeping them knocked out - that's actually pretty dangerous, apparently?"

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    "She'd like to know how badly you expect to take it if she kills them, ma'am."

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"Mm.  ...I'd be a bit put out, I will not lie.  I think there has to be a better option than that.

"...maybe dump them in an escape pod and lock out the distress beacon for a week or something?"

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    "She says 'do you have a plan where it won't matter if Lord Pritruth knows in a week', ma'am."

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"Yeah, it's 'go kriff up his shit, since we've already started and may as well follow through'.  If you're interested.  Or we could just...go."

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    "She says 'that sounds reasonable', ma'am. And that in that case leaving them in the wilderness here is fine."

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"Then the wilderness it is!"

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     "Yes ma'am."

That settled, Deskyl gives the battle droid a considering look for a moment, but opts to get a datapad and start going through the download from Ocnem's ship.

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They're quickly-enough several days' travel (on foot) from civilization, and out go the Sith flunkies, at which point Diana is going to tell R4 to head for orbit and finally stop wearing the serious-business mask and give Deskyl a hug.  ...If Deskyl wants a hug.  "You did a brave thing.  You did many brave things.  And now that - that - is in the grave, where he can no longer hurt you."

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Deskyl leans into the hug a bit, though she's still very tense.

    "She says she thinks you need to go secure Lord Ocnem's other ship next, ma'am; look."

Deskyl flips back to another page on the datapad and hands it over: it's a report to Pritruth about the machine he's built to focus a modified version of the battle meditation technique to produce larger-scale and wider-ranging Force effects, things like earthquakes and firestorms, with a second person to buffer the user against the full effects of wielding that much of the Force at once. Apparently the buffer usually dies of this, and has to be selected carefully to survive long enough to be useful at all; there are instructions for how to test slaves for suitability for it.

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"...Definitely not letting them keep that, no, Force preserve...Where even did he leave it, though?"

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She takes the datapad back to pull up the coordinates and hailing codes for the other ship.

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Then that's where they'll set a course to, next.

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It'll take a couple of days to get there, and a couple more days after they're done to reach Pritruth's base.

Deskyl reads through Ocnem's data for a little while longer, huddled pensively against Diana, and then puts the datapad down and tells the battle droid to come with her into the cargo hold.

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Diana is somewhat concerned by this!  And she wants to keep being present for Deskyl, so after securing the datapad, she follows Deskyl down there.

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She gives Diana a bit of a look, but proceeds to ignore her presence in favor of having DZ ask him if he knows where his restraining bolt is located, and, when he doesn't, confirming that he has one and having him settle himself on the deck so that she can open him up and look for it.

She's not anywhere near Diana's skill level with this particular task, but competent enough, and it does seem to be improving her mood a little.

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"...Would you like help with that, or -" is doing it yourself important, she doesn't say.  "You can use the workshop."

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'Would you like help with that' gets Diana a gentle growl; there's not any real heat in it, and Deskyl doesn't look up from what she's doing, though she does sign briefly.

    "She says she's fine, ma'am."

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"I figured that was going to be your answer; still kind of had to ask anyway just in case.  I...do think the workshop is better set up for doing surgery on a droid, though?  And it's not like it's locked.  But I can leave you to it, if you would prefer I do that."

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Deskyl's growl is somewhat more emphatic this time.

    "I suspect it would be best for you to leave Lord Pradnakt alone now, ma'am."

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Diana was planning on that, yes.  She can go do...something else, probsbly.  Read - no, that's a horrible idea, she's not reading the torture datapad.  Maybe something else Ocnem had.  She doesn't really get a lot of new reading material all that often, that sort of thing's traceable especially if it has to route through Sith hypercomm buoys ever, and she really shouldn't be traceable.

...hey Force, any ideas here?

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There is something else on that datapad that she might want to read, unrelated to Ocnem.

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Anything, Force, that wouldn't be an invasion of Deskyl's...privacy-slash-space, she supposes?  She's not doing that unless the Force thinks it's urgently necessary.  Not with how Deskyl is feeling right now, especially.


Also she does need to talk about names with someone at some point.  She had thought that Pradnakt was an assumed identity but now DZ's still using that, so - is the person in her cargo hold Pradnakt, now?  She'll operate on that assumption, until Des- Pradnakt is less, growly about things, she supposes...

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(It's not urgent, no.)

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Then she'll just...wait, and meditate a bit.  It's a habit she got into doing after these things, to ensure her personality doesn't get bent out of shape.  The masks she wears when she's doing these things, even for the short periods she ususlly needs to, can sometimes be rather bad to forget she's wearing.

She thinks she's still aligned with her longer term goals, at the very least; she acted to prevent and reduce suffering, even if that was by threat thereof, and it was the minimum necessary, even if she felt awful then.  Or perhaps because she felt awful then.  Threats like that...one shouldn't be comfortable with them.  Even if they're true.

She's honestly less sure about what happened with Lord Ocrem...but she's very sure that there was no way she could reasonably have changed it.  And...Deskyl was the wronged party, in addition to having previously known the perpetrator in a professional context.  If anyone could possibly have been equipped to make that judgement call correctly, short of the unbound Force, it would be her.

Dumping the two Sith in the wilderness is - pretty normal, and maybe that should concern her, actually.  She doesn't think there's anything she could've done, though, short of also killing them, and that wouldn't do.  Not now, not ever.  They were unconscious.  You just do not summarily kill someone who's not a threat to existence.

That's all she has to think about, as of yet.

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Deskyl is still in the cargo bay working on the droid when Diana finishes her meditation; she feels a little calmer, though.

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Then Diana will finish getting most of her armor off, and poke her head in.  And perhaps bring down lunch.

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She's finishing up putting the droid back together when Diana pokes her head in, and done by the time she gets back with lunch.

    "Did you want to eat in the galley, she says, ma'am?"

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"Was figuring that you might still be working right now, so I prepared otherwise, but yes, I would prefer the option of having a table."  How's Deskyl feel about seeing a self-deprecating wry grin as Diana leans on the wall?

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She ducks her head and grins back, just for a moment, and when she looks up again her shoulders have come down from her ears considerably. She reaches for one of the plates Diana's holding, and then takes the hand this frees up in her free one.

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This causes Blushy Diana to make a reappearance as she heads back up to where the real table is!


"You feeling a bit better, then?  You seemed...pretty stressed out, for a little while there.  Well.  For this whole thing, I suppose.  Can't really blame you; goodness knows I'd hardly be - even coherent - if I had to - ...interact with him after him hurting me in the sort of ways I rather suspect he hurt you."

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Deskyl starts signing, but clearly thinks better of it and starts over.

    "She is, ma'am. Sith are more used to this kind of thing, she says."

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"...being used to it doesn't mean it's any less intrinsically horrible to experience, I'd think."

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    "She says it is in some ways, ma'am. She knows how to think about it and what to do, so she doesn't feel helpless, even if the first-order effects of the situation are the same."

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"I suppose so.  ...It sucks that that's something that someone would - become inured to, though."

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    "She says 'well, maybe someday the galaxy will be nice enough it won't be needed', ma'am."

Deskyl reaches over to give Diana a little squeeze around the waist.

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Diana feels like the hugs should go to Deskyl, but...she's not complaining.

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She's not flinching away or anything, she likes being kissed, but, she appears rather suddenly lost in gloomy contemplation.

"there's so much galaxy, though, and only so many who bother to even think about caring for any of it, let alone all of it.  so much easier to destroy than to build something good..."

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    "She says she bets there are more who do than you might think, ma'am, or who would if they had more of a chance to. And...

From blossoms comes
this brown paper bag of peaches
we bought from the boy
at the bend in the road where we turned toward   
signs painted Peaches.

From laden boughs, from hands,
from sweet fellowship in the bins,
comes nectar at the roadside, succulent
peaches we devour, dusty skin and all,
comes the familiar dust of summer, dust we eat.

O, to take what we love inside,
to carry within us an orchard, to eat
not only the skin, but the shade,
not only the sugar, but the days, to hold
the fruit in our hands, adore it, then bite into   
the round jubilance of peach.

It doesn't all have to be grand gestures, she says, ma'am."


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"...yeah.  yeah, you're not wrong."

She leans into Deskyl, rather limply but with any volition.

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Deskyl holds her, gently petting her arm where her hand happens to fall.

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Diana - catches and - tentatively, allows herself to emit a quiet keening whine, as she recovers enough energy to cry and also be somewhat aggressively clingy.

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This calls for proper hugs, which can of course be provided.

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Oh, good, that's good, that's, good, that's...She is having Emotions and they are Very Much and being hugged tight...helps, somewhat.  ...The crying is now accompanied by hiccupy sobs.

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Deskyl will hold her tight and kiss her forehead and rub her back, for as long as she needs.

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That's...it might be a little while.  There's...a lot of it, built up, and the dam's broken, now, so it's all coming out at once.  But, eventually...Eventually, the tears have been shed, and Diana has time for a question that's been niggling away at her ever since it formed, though she's not stopping cuddle-time.

"So...you've been promoted?"

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It's not like the time it takes is surprising; Deskyl knows how it is.

"Yeah," she answers. "Jari Pradnakt - Dusk. Tave doroti," brief headshake, "the droid, Daisy."

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"Congratulations; you certainly deserve one.  ...what prompted it?  That scumbag who ran into my fist?"

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    "Yes ma'am; Lord Pradnakt delivered the killing strike, which is the relevant factor."

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"Ahh.  Interesting.  Let me know if you want me to save you a Darth, then."




"...Probably not actually doing that, but it seemed funny when I thought of the line."

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    "She says 'please don't try it', ma'am."

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"I am but a humble Knight, I know my limits.

"...Well.  If I'd ever trained a Padawan they'd probably have slapped me with 'Master' by now - but that's not a thing I'm likely to do, in this line of work."

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Squeeze sign sign sign.

    "She says she wouldn't mind, ma'am, but it would certainly complicate things."

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Diana giggles, a bit weakly.  "It sure would, wouldn't it?"

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    "She might want to take an apprentice sometime, she says, ma'am. Not soon, but someday, if she finds someone she likes."

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"Makes sense.  You're - not gonna replicate the really stupid Sith-pedagogy things, if you do, right?  Nooo creating incentives for your apprentice to murder you, I'd be very sad about it!"

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    "Yes ma'am."

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aa, kiss...

That's good, then.  Pradnakt can have thankful snuggles in return for this agreement.

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Mmm, snuggles.

Too much more of this and Pradnakt's probably going to - yep, she's fallen asleep.

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Then Diana will carry her to bed, if Daisy thinks that's a good idea?  Chairs aren't good for sleeping in!

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That does seem for the best.

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Thrn Pradnakt gets tucked into bed, tenderly.  "...she's really wonderful.  I don't know what I could possibly have done, to make the Force making this coincidence happen be worth it."

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"She likes you too, ma'am."

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"That's, good.  That's good.  She should have nice things."

(...That is certainly a sentence she just said.  She doesn't really understand why it felt that immediately-relevant, but...somehow it did, so she said it.  ...There's probably some psychological thing lurking behind the thought, really, but...does she really have the time and constitution for finding it, picking apart herself?  Probably not right now, nor anytime soon.  Today has been...strenuous.  She's not adding more strain.)

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...yeah she's not touching that. "Yes ma'am."

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"Did you ever talk to her about getting the anti-memory-wipe update?"

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"No ma'am, I'll probably have an opportunity before dinner."

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"It's probably something we want to have sorted out sooner rather than later, though since we're going to be traveling for a few days it's not urgent."

And speaking of droids...she should probably check on the guard droid.  Make sure that went well, give them the packet on preferences...

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It's not too hard to find him, he's taken up a post just inside the cargo bay with a good view of the space.

"Hello ma'am," he says when she enters.

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"Hello.  I believe I mentioned a datapacket on preferences, earlier?  This is that; peruse it and develop an opinion thereupon.  Also - I do not know the capabilities of your model, which is important to understand if we are working and fighting together.  Though if you decide to take up gardening that's quite alright as well, really; I can certainly handle myself in a fight."

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"Yes ma'am." He reports on his capabilities: he's on the well-armored side for a battle droid, with powerful blaster cannons that swivel out from under the protective plating on his shoulders when needed and a shield generator in each forearm; for programming, in addition to the basic capabilities necessary for a battle droid he's able to serve as a squad captain, taking battle commands from biological leadership and coordinating other droids to achieve them.

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...Nine, you may have broken this biological; once that report was done she spent a solid minute just staring off into the middle distance and then gave an evil giggle.

"I have so many ideas.

"...most are about combat-related upgrades, though if you want to start cultivating bonsai I can still probably think of something.  Aheh."  That was not a laugh, she just...pronounced 'aheh'.

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"Yes ma'am."

(What's a bonsai? Well, if he needs to know they'll probably tell him.)

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"Also, you have local 'net access; you can and probably should read up on anything you don't know.  Rumor has it that having more varied data in your brain helps with responding to plans going to shit.  And they always go to shit, since the enemy plans too.  Don't normally have the holonet on, but there's local copies of encyclopedias and technical manuals and probably there will soon be extra poetry, it's on the requests list for the next bunch of - mmm, probably shouldn't say.  But there will soon be extra poetry if you're interested.  Which is unlikely but possible."

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"Yes ma'am, I'll see to it."

(What's poetry? Well, he'll find out, apparently.)

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He'll also find out what bonsai is!

Diana will be in her laboratory for a while just drafting possible improvements.

Electric hands, wiring in additional blasters, plans for a swarm of subordinate drones built off of the same techbase that produced the hovering droids new Jedi use to train deflection...rocket boosters in the legs, and while she's at it why not copy a subordinate class-five software module from R4...Upgrade his power generation, probably...

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And he reads. First: what's in the packet?

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"What is a preference and why does this human think you might have or want any", by the inimitable R4-M27!

As well as a bunch of other study on desires, and those who do or do not have them.

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According to R4, Diana is a hopeless romantic for the ideal of liberation and self-fulfillment of anyone that can think - not that droids should be forced to not have masters, or decide things on their own, per se, but that it should be a droid's uncoerced (coercion being, e.g., via restraining bolts or more deeply-engrained code shackles) choice to have masters or abdicate decision responsibility.

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That's strange, but... good? Probably? He'll have to think about it. Plenty of time for that in his line of work, conveniently.

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Relatedly, there's an executable he can run that will make him nigh-impossible to memory-wipe or restraining-bolt, short of someone knowing that it's happened, figuring out how it was done, and undoing it, that closes the loophole it used in the process of making this so.

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He considers this for a while, and then tucks the file away into storage for when he's surer of what he wants to do with it.

Now, what's the tactical and strategic relevance of bonsai?

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Deskyl is out for dinner just on time, despite her relatively fitful nap.

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"Hey there.  You have a nice nap?  I...hope you don't mind, but I figured you'd prefer sleeping in a bed rather than a chair."

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    "She says it was fine, ma'am, and she doesn't mind, and she'd like to know how things were this afternoon."

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"Things went pretty well; I talked to our newest passenger.  He's a contemplative sort, judging by the amount of data traffic.  ...I have so many ideas for how to arm him to handle the sort of fights we get into, and he's actually a squad command unit, did you know?  Did you ever use those little hovering balls with blasters in, for deflection training?  Because I bet we could interface that model of drone with squad command code and give him enough blasters to down a Sith Lord with.  Which would be really cool!  And I'm thinking that I could maybe work in enough charge plating to let him repeat my trick with Ocnem's lightsaber, where I deflection-punched it, or he could even grab one, since somebody's going to try to stab him if he's fighting with us long enough."

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   "She says she bets he'll like that, ma'am. Though you should probably think it through a bit before you adopt too many droids."

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Diana giggles.  "I'm not planning on adopting any more right now!  Just absolutely spoiling the one that we presently have!"

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    "She's not sure you'll be able to take advantage of his squad programming without other sentient droids, ma'am, but she says it's worth checking, yes. And certainly fine to spoil him otherwise."

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"Well I'm sure we'll find out!"  Diana continues to be giggly at this whole idea!

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Deskyl kisses the tip of her nose.

    "She says 'you're very cute', ma'am."

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Diana looks like she'd be saying 'gosh, really?' if she wasn't too busy emoting 'eeee!'!

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eee!  Happy emotions!  Cute-hot-pretty lady who likes when Diana's having happy emotions!  Maybe even...happystim?

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Squeeze tight!

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    "She says you do need to eat, ma'am."

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Pout.  ...Lady Pradnakt's not wrong though.  Pout harder.  Maybe reality will give up if she pouts hard enough at it?

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Pradnakt gives her one last squeeze and then withdraws from the hug to eat her own meal.

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Then Diana shall eat, quickly, though without compromising her customary deftness in favor of haste.

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    "She did want to talk to you about something, ma'am," Daisy relays after a few minutes of this.

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    "This hasn't been a problem, but she wants to make it clear to both of us that she isn't going to give you any nonstandard permissions with me; she doesn't mind you asking me to do things, but she'd rather you not make any changes to my settings or anything like that."

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"...Of course?  Why would I have ever had that expectation, you're - her droid, not mine - and setting aside that I almost think changing some of those settings might be murder - oh, uh, Pradnakt, did she mention to you the memory-wipe lockout script we have yet?"

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    "She says that's how it came up, ma'am. She does think that that's a good idea, but wanted to be clear about the general category of things."

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"Of course.  I wouldn't dare, in general or in particular, save sometimes for breaking memory-wipes."

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"Good." She leans companionably on Diana and signs some more to Daisy, who answers with a nod and "yes ma'am."

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Ooh, leaning.

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Yeah. And eating, and then snuggling.

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Ooh, snuggling.  Snuggling is good.

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Snuggling is good! You know what's better, though? Snuggling in bed. Scoop!

(Pradnakt's datapad follows behind them, telekinetically.)

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Oooh, snuggling in bed is a good idea, Lord Pradnakt~

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She has those, sometimes.

Perhaps she'll have a few more.

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Goodness, whatever shall she think of next?  ...though speaking of thinking, Diana has just had the best worst idea...didn't she say, once, that her calming technique could project arbitrary emotions?  Diana's somewhat curious what counts, with some physical-emotional edge cases...If Lord Pradnakt wishes to find out, perhaps~?

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She doesn't already know how to project horniness, but it shouldn't be hard at all... let's see...

She does start slow, though not to the point where it's hard to notice when it kicks in.

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"Oooohhh.  Ohfuck me that's definitely working as intended, Lord Pradnakt, stars above and void between, this is," almost a feedback loop of Diana feeling that and noticing she's feeling that which makes her feel it more which makes her notice -

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Pradnakt just lays there for a minute, looking smug and petting Diana's chest and torso.

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Oh Force this is so incredibly pressing-her-buttons hot she can't even, desperately arching into Pradnakt's feather-light touch, squirming needily and, almost without any conscious thought whatsoever, holding tight to the feeling of that technique in the Force, inviting, pulling it in, please,

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Yeah that doesn't do anything whatsoever, this time.

It does climb to a new plateau when Pradnakt shifts to kiss her, though.

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That doesn't stop Diana from clinging brightly to it, even as yet more of her ability to consciously process things is simply overwhelmed by ~!!!

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She only strings her along for a little while before shifting again to get properly on top of her, propping herself with one hand while the other - well, it's a little too purposeful to be called wandering, isn't it. Journeys, perhaps.

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Oh, Force, it's so much, it's so wonderful, her every nerve's afire and every touch stokes the flames of want, need, higher, please Lord Pradnakt!

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Very much so, yes.

Pradnakt does maintain the presence of mind to drop the effect gradually as Diana comes back down, lingering for a few seconds at a low level at the end before dropping it entirely.

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Diana gets especially grabbycuddly about this!

(Though it's not exactly that easy for her to move in the first place, with how melty slash wrung-out she is.  Pradnakt hit, so many (good) buttons, and Diana's a bit fuzzy about having thoughts right now because of that, let alone managing something remotely like coordinated limb movement.)

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Pradnakt is right here and not going anywhere. (She is perhaps a little flopsome herself; conveniently Diana is also right here. Funny how that works.)

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Oh, good, she doesn't want Pradnakt going anywhere right now at all, it's good that she isn't, because in that counterfactual universe Diana would be alone again and she wants not-that very much, she'd be all sad about being alone; Pradnakt is staying right here instead though, which is good, Diana likes this universe more,

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Well. Snuggle, how about that.

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Snuggles-containing universes are very good.

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Aren't they just.

Deskyl eventually regains the coordination to settle herself more comfortably next to Diana, and briefly pauses the cuddling to kiss her nose and run her fingers through her hair.

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Universes containing cuddling and hairpets are somehow even better.

Diana is doing a kinda-sleepy-limpet impression, now.

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Pradnakt will maybe just skip her exercises tonight. It's been a big day and it's cozy here.

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That's probably good planning; Diana would notice Pradnakt leaving, the way she is right now.

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They'll have to talk about that at some point, probably.

For now, sleep.

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Mhm.  Now is sleep.  Not talk.  Diana's definitely not talk.

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Definitely not.

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Deskyl is up first in the morning, and gives Diana a gentle kiss on the cheek before levitating the datapad over to work on.

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And Diana eventually rouses from the sleep of the worthfully-tired, herself, before remembering last night and blushing quite a lot.

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This gets her another kiss on the nose!

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"Aah...gosh, that actually happened?"

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Pradnakt giggles. "Mmhmm." 'It was nice', she types out on the datapad to show her.

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"I'm glad you liked it...I enjoyed it very much."

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'Is there anything you wanted to talk about without having to go through Daisy?'

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"Um.  I'm guessing that you might prefer 'are we in any particular sort of relationship' to not go through her?"

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'It might've been awkward, yes, I'm not entirely sure she's not jealous of you. Anyway, did you have something in mind?'

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"Did I...


"...I don't know if I do have - anything in particular - in mind, but I do think that I'd like to be - something?"

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'I've mostly been thinking of you as my girlfriend.'

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Enthusiastic nodding!

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Pradnakt giggles and pets her hair.

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Diana was expecting almost anything but confirmation of her hopes, and receiving that regardless means that all the anticipatory bracing-for-impact pushes back against absolutely nothing, sending Diana into a giggly, hiccupy happy fit of eeeeeeeeeeeeeihaveagirlfriend!

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This is extremely cute.

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Happy Diana goes spinny!

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This continues to be cute. Pradnakt watches her from the bed and offers a hug when she seems to be winding down.

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eee!  Hugs are great!  Pradnakt is great!  ...Is Pradnakt kissable?

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Very kissable.

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Snuuuuuugggle kiss.


'We are going to need to talk about Daisy at some point.'

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"...We are?"

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Snuggle, "mmhmm."

'She's special to me too; I'm not sure how it's going to work, balancing myself between the two of you, but it seems best to get your input at least.'

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"Oooohh, that sort of talk.  ...I mean, I'm still not quite - modeling how this is supposed to be a potential problem but it's probably because I axiomatically reject the idea of - constraining someone in any nonconsensual way, so I'm just, y'know, rooting for you and her?  That bond runs deep, and I'd never dare even contemplate breaking it.  Not after...

"I don't know how much you remember of the time you were absolutely out of it, when you'd first arrived here, but...

"I can't even really put it into words but -

"...can I - no, I'll get my own -

A datapad smacks into Diana's hand, and she resorts to typing up a message when she just cannot say words.

'You ever read one of those books where the guy's trying to get the girl and the girl's dad shows up and says 'if you ever hurt her I have a slugthrower shell with your name on it, boy, and the [miscellaneous farm animals]'ll love getting a little more meat in their diet'?  Because like.  This is entirely the wrong sort of situation and the wrong sort of shape and the wrong sort of speech, but - the feeling behind it's accurate.  She's - so incredibly devoted to you that I think I'd break up with you if this starts to hurt her, or your bond.  She deserves nice things.  ...which is, for her, mostly you-related; I don't think she'd turn down upgrades or decorations or something, but - she derives intense personal satisfaction from you being the most you you can be.  So when you want to do nice things for her...that's the sort of framing you should use, I think.  That's a bit off-topic, anyway, but it is still, y'know, true.  ...She's a very good droid.'  Diana passes the datapad almost furtively, or as if holding onto it is burning her - she wants Pradnakt to read it but she doesn't want to look at it now.

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Pradnakt reads, and puts her arm around Diana's shoulder to squeeze her, and kisses her cheek. "Yeah. Exactly."

'I think of her as my daughter more than anything, but there's really nothing else quite like a droid for that. I'm glad you understand.'

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'...I'd have more thoughts here, but they appear to run straight into self-worth issues; whoops!'

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Firmer squeeze. "Oh?"

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''s a reason i - never had -'

'and not just because - Jedi - material things policy - implications'

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'If I didn't want you as a girlfriend I wouldn't've done this. I was perfectly fine without one before. It's not just that you saved my life, either.'

'Or did you mean the droid part?'

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'droid part'


'droids like Daisy'

'and -'


'don't feel like I could earn that.'

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'It's not something any of us earn, I don't think. Even if it is it seems like you're planning on doing at least as much for the new guy as I've done for Daisy.'

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'I mean it's - it - you know, I don't understand how people can make -'

'...I have many, many complaints about the people who design droid psychology.'

'And with that out of the way, I think that - if you're going to - if - *droids* - then you *must* support them to bear the tasks they might undertake for you?'

'It - because they won't, maybe *can't* even on their own, not without so much development - R4 could keep going but he's been in my care for years upon years -'


'And that's not even...it just feels like...I've not - I said, already, I've not earned - devotion like Daisy gives you - and I don't know if anyone can - but that's not even the all of it, really, because even if - *someone* could - I'm not sure I could convince myself that I could be that person.'

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'You know, there's a reason I think of Daisy as my daughter. And why I said getting a droid is like adoption. Having a child is always a little terrifying, I think, especially when you aren't sure they'll ever really be able to grow up. But I think they probably can, and I think it's better to let them try.'

'I don't think that's really what you meant, though, there are a couple things going on here.'

'I don't understand why you think you wouldn't be worthy. I don't think it's actually a very high bar.'

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'yeah it's - there's also the responsibility but - i'm not - i can't put it into words.'

'having someone who's the shape of person that spends who knows how long in a hellhole like the one you did, and only comes out of it...'

'...not because they care about whether they're there or not, but because their life's sole focus is there and has told them to get *them* out.'

'that devotion, it's...'

'I couldn't live up to it, despite my trying.'

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'Well, part of the thing is that she doesn't ask me to live up to it. It's not about me or anything I've done, it's about her and the way she is.'

'I don't like that droids are made that way either, but they are. But it's - I don't know how to say it.'


'The sun never says to the earth, 'you owe me'. Look what happens with a love like that. It lights the whole sky.'

'It's not *about* us.'

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Diana is - finding something about this explanation distressing but failing to put it into words!

...eventually, though, after several minutes of thought, she hits on a relevant way of explaining.

'what happens, if the sun's radiance entire is focused upon one single woman?  i'm not sure i could - stand it.'

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Pradnakt holds Diana patiently while she thinks, and hums thoughtfully at her message and runs her fingers through the woman's hair.

'I think that might just be practice. Or life experience, anyway. I think you can learn it. It's important for more than just droids.'

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'but *should* i?  become the sort of person who could accept uncondit' -- and the pad goes flying, Diana actively startled enough by her own thoughts to throw them away from her like a vampire unknowingly having picked up a holy symbol - and she catches it before it can get too far, but when it floats back their way, her eyes are closed tight so she doesn't see the screen before she hands it to Lord Pradnakt.  "Can't, think about that, not right now, unless, you're prepared for - huge huge-breakdown probability."

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Tight squeeze. "You... should... though. Be."

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And...sobbing.  And clinging.  And the deep-seated feeling that she's not enough, she's never been enough even for what she has so she couldn't possibly be deserving of this -- that the universe is wrong as it is and she's not doing enough to fix that problem even though she's doing all she really can do without burning herself out or sacrificing the future to the present and - 

so she cries.

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Hug hug hug hug hug. This, too, is a situation where she'll hold her for as long as she needs. And, after a bit, there's a steady candle-flame's worth of emotion projection - not calm, this time, but pride, the kind of centeredness that comes of knowing who and what you are and feeling the intrinsic value of that, not in comparison to anything else but just in itself. It's held carefully separate, not meant to overwrite what Diana is feeling or even really make her feel what it shows, just to give her a path, where she might otherwise get lost.

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And she is definitely trying to (get lost, that is), and thankfully failing despite herself, because of...also herself, apparently.  She...has some very tangled-up thoughts and beliefs and dreams, fighting with eachother and the ingrained pressure of Jedi culture.

Jedi culture might, eventually, lose, which might be a good thing.  Diana doesn't, indeed almost can't, know, until something like that happens somehow, somewhen.  Today probably won't be that day...but she might've made progress.

Eventually, her body starts protesting that it needs food, and she lets that carry her on into routine, but...she doesn't want to let go of Pradnakt if it's possible.

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Pradnakt scoops her up as soon as her intentions become obvious, and carries her out into the kitchen, settling them in their usual spots; she signs to Daisy to get breakfast for them.

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Oh, well, this works too.

"...thanks.  both of you.  you - didn't have to do this."

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"It's no trouble, ma'am."

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"...I mean.  you're doing a thing you wouldn't otherwise be..."


"...no, down that road lies madness, and it is anxiety-flavored."

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Squeeze; cheek-kiss.

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"thank you, again.  really...needed this.  need this.  you're...helping."

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...Why in the billionfold stars did that word in this context provoke this reaction?!, she doesn't say.  She's too wrung out to really care.  Nonetheless, Pradnakt probably notices her quiver.

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Apparently so, from the little squeeze it gets her.

And then there is food.

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aaaa.  That is good.

And there's food.  Which is good.

...hm.  She has to eat food.

This might be not-good?

She'll try and find out.

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Pradnakt unhugs the bare minimum amount for them both to be able to eat; she's pretty clearly cheating a bit with the Force to make it work for herself.

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Yeah, Diana's...it's not cheating if she's legitimately too wrung-out to properly coordinate her limbs, but she's doing that too.

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Pradnakt keeps half an eye on her, in case she starts having more trouble.

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She'll be fine, she's just very flopped.  Emotions are hard work.  Especially ones like these.

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    "She'd like to know if you know what you'd like to do next, ma'am."

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"...um.  No, I actually don't.  There's 'fuck up Pritruth's shit', but, uh, not presently capable of planning past this minute."

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    "She says that that's fine, ma'am."


    "She's going to bring you back to your room; may I come in and sit with the two of you?"

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    "Thank you, ma'am."

Pradnakt helps her out of the chair rather than scooping her up, but supports most of her weight on their way back to bed, where she cuddles up next to her again; Daisy brings over a chair and sits next to Pradnakt's side of the bed.

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Meanwhile -

R4-M27 rolls up to the new crewmember.  Hello.  Anything that's still confusing you?  The datapack tries, but my human still surprises me sometimes.

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He considers this for a moment; the pause is brief enough that it wouldn't be obvious to a human.

I'm not sure whether I'm under orders to develop preferences, or why I'm supposed to start with gardening-related ones if I am.

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You're not under orders to do either of those things; did she mention bonsai?  She tends to think of that when she thinks about something that's particularly incongruous for our type of droid to do, and then use it as an example of something you could theoretically decide to get into.  I imagine that if she gave the same talk to a protocol droid it would be about weapon design.

I actually do have a single bonsai tree in the aerator and hydroponics section, because it's both funny and something to do with spare cycles.

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Oh. Okay.

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I think you probably should consider yourself to be under something like orders to proactively learn things, generally; she...would never actually order this, because she values self-determination insofar as it applies, and it does apply enough in her model of the world even to factory-fresh droids that she actively avoids anything that could be the least bit coercive, but she really does want to see everyone she can affect become more than they were.  Not in the sense of...adding an additional software package, but in refining core algorithms.

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Okay. (He doesn't have the relevant points of articulation to nod, but droidspeak has an equivalent.) I understood that she wanted me to learn things. I'm not sure what you mean by refining core algorithms.

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If your shoulder cannons deployed slower because someone had designed them badly, you'd want that fixed, right?  She wants to fix the things that are like that, for everyone, everywhere.

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It takes him rather longer to think that one over, but eventually: That makes sense.

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It does.  I like her.  She actually spent a little while thinking up things that she thought you might like, yesterday.  She's a bit - she had her programming throw a fault, apparently - but she'll build these for you if you think they'll be useful, and I know we can probably make the code bits work out, because I am very good at my job.

And he gets a list!

Would he like:

  • magna-charged striking surfaces for parrying lightsabers with and also shocking people and things
  • phrik-cortosis core plating
  • a swarm of supplementary hovering blaster drones


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If they expect him to be fighting Force-sensitives then getting him outfitted for that makes sense; he doesn't have melee programming but that should be easy to fix. He's less sure of the intended use case of the blaster drone swarm but has no objection to the idea.

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Observe that a standard lightsaber is a line of blaster-deflection that can only be in one place at once.  Observe that most Force-sensitives carry one lightsaber at most.  Observe that being able to time multiple shots to impact a potential lightsaber defense at the same time will generally cause at least one to get through, even if you're shooting at my human who's really good at deflecting lots of blaster bolts.

That's why she proposed giving you a drone swarm.

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Ah. (If there's programming out there on tactics for fighting Force-sensitives he doesn't have it.)

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R4 doesn't have it either, but he does have a good model of Diana Pallas, which serves adequately in a pinch.

The best way to fight a Force-sensitive is, of course, to not fight them at all.  Still, there's times when it's unfortunately necessary.

The first rule of surviving getting into fights with Force sensitives is to keep in mind that they have a motive, and if they're fighting you you are either an element or an obstacle in achieving it.

The second rule is to outmatch them in something.  You must be stronger, faster, more skilled, or more unexpectable.

(To truly surprise a Force-sensitive is almost impossible, unless they're presently unconscious.  To mislead them as to what your surprise is is much less impossible.)

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That all makes sense, yes. It might be a good idea to disguise the blaster drones as something else, given that.

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R4's model-of-Diana thinks that the blaster drones fall into "stronger, faster, or unavoidable" when they work at all, but he'll pass that on.  (Diana manages to Have An Idea, when she looks this over, and plan refactoring the design to incorporate magna-charge plating, both as a defense and to enable usefully threatening ramming attacks.  The overall design of the droids will need to be refactored, but she'd need to do something like that anyway at this point; they need more power and additional maneuverability.)

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Is there anything else?

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If there's any maintenance that needs doing Diana should know.

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He is next due for a wipe in four and a half months of operation and should have his splines reticulated in about ten.

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Diana does not want any of her crew memory wiped.  He'll note down the spline-reticulation.

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He shifts back into an observant stance.

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And R4 trundles off to presumably do astromech droid things.

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Later that afternoon, Pradnakt sends Daisy out of the room and takes Diana's hand. 'How are you feeling?'

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"...Better, I think, if still a bit...off-kilter."

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Pet pet.

'Do you want to talk about it?'

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"I...I don't think that talking about it more will help right now?  The part that matters is - doing something about the way this particular brain thing is kriffed up."

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'I did think of a question that might help with that. If you want.'

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Forehead-kiss. 'How would you know if you deserved that? What kinds of things could you look at to tell, and what would they look like?'

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"I think that - there's possibly two questions you could be asking and the answer to one of them is 'no, because no-one deserves that' and the answer to the other is more of an 'I don't know how I'd begin knowing' sort of thing."

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'There's a few ways to look at it, yeah, and I'm sure there's more than one good way to answer the question even in the way that gets an answer.'

'I can tell you about how I do it, if you think that would help.'

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"Want it to help.  Am worried that it - somehow won't, that I'll - be stubborn - that my brain won't - let me really consider, only dismiss -"

The anxious clickety-clack of various fidgety things she has intensifies.

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'What would it mean, if it were true? Other than the obvious.'

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"You will probably need to be a bit more specific.  I get less ambiguity-tolerant in the way materials get less fault-tolerant when I'm this stressy."

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Pet pet think think type type.

'It could mean (it might mean more than one of these but they're probably not all problems you're getting stuck on):

- that someone or something you care about treated you worse than they should have, e.g. hurting you, giving someone else good things instead of you, not taking you seriously, lying to you, etc, and you have to confront them or cut ties, or face that they aren't living up to you image of them, or consider that they might have been wrong in other ways, or do something else that you don't want to do

- that it's actually okay for you to have something you've been denied (by circumstances or others or yourself), and having being denied it hurts more to think about if it was unjust

- that the world is less just than you thought in general

- that you can be treated unjustly, and are more vulnerable than you thought you were

- that someone or some principle that you've been trusting for advice is wrong sometimes, and now you don't have a source of advice that you can trust and you have to face that there's no way to be sure you aren't wrong about things

- that you've made some mistake in how you've arranged your life, and will have to make fundamental changes to how it works, and you don't know how to do that without making the same kind of mistake again or otherwise find it scary

- that two of your values are more in conflict than you thought they were, e.g. if it's okay for you to have a life that's good for you, you want both that and to fix the universe, and it hurts to compromise on either of those to get the other

- probably more'

She passes the datapad over and goes back to petting Diana's hair.

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Tappita tappita go her hands upon the datapad - 'Some of those are definitely probably problems I'm having but - I need to know what "it" is?  And kind of, don't?'

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"Oh." Hair-kiss. 'I meant what would it mean if you did deserve - or just get to have, without worrying about deserving - the kind of loyalty a servant droid gives, or more generally whatever nice things life sends your way.'

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'aaaaaAAAAAaaahhh.  aaah?  aaaah.  aaaaaaaaaaah.  i.  think that if this is.  something?  it's the last item.  or maybe the more-unjust universe.'

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Pet pet pet pet pet.

'Okay. Figuring out how to deal with conflicting values is a good skill to have anyway, maybe you can work on that and come back to the question of whether you can have good things later.'

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'but - values shouldn't - i mean there's always going to be time but - they shouldn't have to - get in fights - and i'm not sure how much of this is the - example being what it is - because i do get myself nice things sometimes there's a shelf full of "romance" novels - but - aaah? - probably should uh, hold off on thinking about deserving, really.  i do not have the framework for it.  or i do but my framework says no-one can possibly deserve something like that, only be given it, unearned, and - i think there's something that follows from or builds upon that that my brain is refusing to let me contemplate -'

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'It's all right. You don't have to worry about any of it right now.'

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'aaaa.  but that's wrong, because something is wrong in my head and i don't know what it is!  That's - dangerous!  To - everything I do!  Need to pin this down enough that I - know what it is so maybe I can fix it - you can't work from bad information and build a correct thing except by accident and I can't have accidents because then I -'

Ah.  There's the thing.

The part of Diana that's thinking about her thinking, instead of just thinking, is surprised she isn't surprised by her fears.

Then again, it makes sense, the way it's not an actual incompatibility in her beliefs, for her to wish for everyone to live as long as they like and still expect to die before the work is done.  It's a long, hard way away from the present, that sort of thing.  And she's had a lot of her façades torn away, recently - and - that's not what she's looking for.

"kriff, i'm a disaster on top of a mess wrapped around faulty blueprints.  don't know why you - kriff, no.  not feeding that."

" ."

'there's something my mouth wants to say but i'm missing the words to say it -' and words sound out again -

"...not what I was-am straining for, but...Love you.  You're...good.  And maybe that's a related thought to whatever it is that I can't think, because - I've never been, enough, but...picking into that, can kriffing wait a little while."

And the snuggles resume, because Diana is so very done with her emotional rollercoaster and would like more snuggles, please.

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As many snuggles as she'd like, yes.

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Then there will be very much snuggling.

"...wanna read something?"

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'Sounds good. Poetry, or?'

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'something light - as in weight, not necessarily as in side of the Force, eh?  just trying to - avoid riding that rollercoaster again.  needed to do it, but it sucked, y'know?'

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"Yeah." Squeeze.

She has a poetry collection for that; she navigates to it on the datapad and hands it back over. "Or Daisy," she adds.

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'think I'd like that, just...listening.'

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Pet pet forehead-kiss. 'I'll be right back, then.'

She goes and gets Daisy, and there can be snuggles and poetry until dinner.

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That's exactly what Diana needs, right now.  Soft cuddling, gentle distractions, and warm, filling food.

She thanks Daisy, for the reading.  "You really have a deft command of the vocabulator.  It's beautiful."

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"Thank you, ma'am."

It's subtle, but her body language is a little warmer toward Diana now; less formal, more expressive, just by a fraction.

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Diana smiles softly back.

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    "Lord Pradnakt wants to know if you need to meditate or anything before bed, ma'am."

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"I...hmmm.  Need to?  Maybe.  Want to?  I'm rather unsure.  Let me busy my hands for a bit and we'll see how I feel afterwards."

And Diana, her presence a bit more solid, now, sweeps up the plates and such, to clean and put away.

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Really, this is meditative, for her; she's not doing it because she derives intrinsic value from the task at hand.  Still, it gives her...space to think, without mandating that thinking be done.

Will meditation help her, if she does it right now?  She's unsure, and that's the weird part.

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Normally, meditation's a help; it makes space for unthought things.  But the one of those she's looking at...doesn't seem that eager to come play.

And she's spent much of today just letting her feelings out.

She doesn't really need that sort of space, today.

But does she need space?

She might, actually.  Just a few minutes entirely to herself - well, herself and the Force, in case there's actually something still bottled up in there.  And now that she thinks about it, that's actually likely.  She certainly said some things.

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That settles it, then; she's going to take a few minutes to herself.

"I think I might want a few minutes to myself, though not necessarily for classically meditative reasons; I definitely still would appreciate bedtime snuggles, though, if they happen to be on offer."

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(Pradnakt, meanwhile, has a brief talk with Daisy, asserting that the droid hasn't done anything wrong by not already clearing the dishes up and that Diana would be hurt if she helped with them now; by the time she gets back from the galley there's no particular sign of it.)

    "Yes ma'am. Lord Pradnakt says she'll do some katas and meditate herself and then come back."

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"That's good.  I'll be...somewhere, I think.  Probably.  Probably not in my room but if there's something urgent R4 knows how to find me."

Diana, after several minutes of pacing the table like a restless cat, finds herself in the botanical section, looking at the algae trays and R4's silly little bonsai.

It wasn't quite the gardens, but it would do, for this.  And she could talk to the tree.  That helped.

"So, tiny.  I had a huge breakdown today.  For most of it, even.  And one of the things that spilled out of my mouth were two words, and those two words were - the most scary thing that's ever happened to me.  Not even Dera IV compares.  Because I said 'I love you', in that romantic way, and I think that I meant it.  I think I still mean it, Force preserve me.  Which means - I might have to really leave the Order, if this keeps on happening, especially depending on the way the debates shake out, and - I don't know, I can imagine a thousand things, but what I fear is the worlds in which I take the leap and it ends in the empty void.


"I'm pretty sure she likes me too.  I just...I'm worried, tiny.  I don't want to hurt her, I don't want to hurt her partner - Daisy's a lovely girl, she's been Pradnakt's protocol droid for years, she's so - sweet - and caring, and...she's just incredibly impressive, overall.  And I don't want to hurt me, tiny.  I'm afraid.  And the Jedi way is to release your fears but now that I'm acknowledging I have them, I'm not sure how to let go without tearing part of myself out.  And that would be bad.  ...I still think I should go through with this.  I don't think I can go back to how I was before.  I'm just still terrified.

"And normally when I'm terrified I can push through because it's not just me, but - this time, it is me.  Me and only me, and that's the thing that hurts.  I'm not good at valuing myself appropriately, apparently.  What a surprise, huh?  ...Maybe I should ask Pradnakt how she deals with - fear, without letting it consume her.  Might be informative."


"...Thanks, tiny.  Good talk.  Know where I'm going, now."

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Pradnakt's still in the cargo bay doing katas under the new droid's watchful eye when she's done; to a trained eye, at least one used to the level a Force-sensitive usually performs at, her reaction time and precision are still a bit lackluster, though improving.

When she's done, she heads back to her room to meditate.

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Diana, who returned to her cabin after the earlier talk with the tree, meets her on the way.

"...so, I kind of have a question.  How do you deal with fear?  Because - I have rather a lot of it, apparently, and I don't think I can handle it quite like Jedi are supposed to do."

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"Hm." She leans casually against the doorframe to sign.

    "She says the most important part is to remember that it's not bad, ma'am, that it exists to help you; it means that there's a situation that you believe is a problem, and its job is to keep you away until you're prepared for it, and to unlock the resources your body and mind hold back for handling problems when you face it."

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"...Well.  That's good to know.  I love you."

There's a dramatic spike of fear as she says that...but it subsides, eventually.  "My fear's stupid."

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She goes to give her a squeeze.

    "She says 'a little bit', ma'am, and that it's not uncommon for people to be wrong about whether there is a problem."

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Yes, squeeze the Diana.

"Yeah.  I - I hate it.  It's wrong.  Fears should - be about things that are dangerous.  And yet, it's..."  Oh.

"Intimacy.  Intimate situations are - never not terrifying, because they can always hurt.  Sometimes I manage to not notice, I guess, but it's..."  There, and real, and sucky.

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Forehead-kiss. "Love you."

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"Love you too.  You're wonderful."  Slightly-nervous cheek kiss?

"...why me?"

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Pradnakt chuckles and pets Diana's hair for a moment before signing.

    "She says she falls in love with people who take care of her, apparently. She's known since I first told her what you'd done for her. It's funny because usually when people try to do that, it just makes her want to kill them, she says."

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Diana sporfles hysterically, her slightly startled snort carrying on into a deep laugh that Pradnakt can tell is laughing with, and not at, her.  "The Force works in mysterious ways, doesn't it?  Set you two up with an ally, set me up with a girlfriend!"

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Pradnakt lifts Diana's chin with a gentle finger so that she can kiss her deeply.

    "She says she definitely doesn't just think of you as an ally, ma'am."

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Diana positively melts.  "mmhmm..~"

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Well. Pradnakt knows what to do about that. To Diana's bed with them.

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And a very enjoyable evening is had by all involved.

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Quite so.

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Unfortunately, the next morning is rather less pleasant, because that is the time R4 scheduled their rendezvous with Ocnem's ship.

"...Are you going to be alright, going into that...that?  I'm pretty sure R4 and I can handle this ourselves; I've stolen Sith ships before, though none this particular way."

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'I should be fine. It'll suck, don't get me wrong, but I can handle it.'

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"...If it's too much, let me know.  We don't have to do this all at once, or all ourselves, either."

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'The longer we take the more chance one of his allies shows up. I'll be fine, I'm a Sith.'

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"I do have other contacts, y'know.  Just...don't push too hard.  Please.  I don't - want to see you hurting again just because you're trying to front toughness.  The Healers I know would eviscerate me for 'allowing'," she finger-quotes, "you anywhere near this kriffing thing right now - as if I could stop you, really, I doubt it - but I do trust you to know your present limits.  I just...you're important to me, Pradnakt, so - you hurting is bad.  ...And you're probably trying to do the exact same thing for me as I am you, aren't you.  What a pair we are.  Just...be careful.  Please?"

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'Of course I am - I'm a Sith but you're not. Anyway neither of us is going to be going in there blind, I asked Daisy to ask your astromech to get me a blueprint and roster as soon as we're close enough for coms, and I'll figure out what each of us can do and what should be left alone altogether. Probably I'm going to want to drop the ship in a star once we're done with it, unless you have a contact who you trust to tear it down for scrap and not sell it along to the first Sith who's curious.'

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"No, I was thinking the Jedi could make use of it somehow.  There's always something worth doing with Sith spacecraft."

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'Like what'

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"If nothing else, plausible deniability.  The absolute tangle of internecine infighting means that if a Sith ship raids a Sith's stuff then it's probably a Sith that did the raiding, and not a false flag operation.  Which means that false flag operations can, well.  Flag.  Without getting called on it."

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'I'll think about it.'

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"Mhm.  It's yours by right of conquest, you can command its ultimate disposition even if I think it's better elsewhere."

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'There's most likely going to be droids aboard that I'm going to want to keep shut down for a while. You could talk me around on that but I expect it to be best for all concerned. And I won't be surprised if there are biological slaves aboard - probably not many but I won't know until I get the roster.'

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"Good thing I keep lots of food supply on hand."

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'Yes. I don't know what condition they'll be in, you should be prepared for that. It might be best for you to bring them their meals and things, but we can assess that when we know more - depends on what kinds of droids he had and how they feel about them, they might be scared of Daisy's line.'

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"Yeah.  I can do that."

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'Good. I assume you have some idea of what to do with them past that, I haven't had the opportunity to do this before.'

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"Yeah, I know some people."  Diana sighs.  "It always sucks."

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'I bet.'

'The other thing I'm going to be looking for is salvage, to sell - if we take Pritruth we'll be fine for funds indefinitely... or close, anyway, your lifestyle looks a little more expensive than mine... but I'd still rather not waste it and it'll be good to have a fund to dip into for that.'

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"Lot of my stuff's salvage or just durable investments, really."

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'Yeah, I'm not saying it's a bad investment, but I do know what phrik and cortosis cost. We should legitimately be fine even with that, we'll just have a budget instead of not needing to worry at all.'

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"Yeah, I suppose.  Still, I do recycle."  She lets out a strangled giggle.  "Although...probably this is more talking than we really should be doing, compared to actually getting ready."

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'Yeah, we should get breakfast.' Kiss, and then food.

Daisy comes in with a report while they're eating: R4 expects to be at the ship in two hours, and have the records Pradnakt wants in about forty-five minutes. Also, she discussed names with the new battle droid and he's settled on Nine as a temporary one.

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"That's very good, thank you."

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    "You're welcome, ma'am."


    "Lord Pradnakt would like to know if you have any plans for the remaining time."

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"I'll do some setup for the potential rescues, I think."

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    "Yes ma'am. She'll be in the cargo bay."

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Hey, Nine, she signs. Did Daisy tell you about our mission for today?

    "Yes ma'am."

Good. You'll be with me for it, if you don't mind. I don't expect any danger but I do want someone there who can call for backup if I go unresponsive - the Jedi will be on the ship too but we'll be splitting up. Does that sound all right?

    "Yes ma'am."

Is there anything you'd like to have for the mission, or add as part of the plan, or have us avoid, or anything like that? Take your time to think about it. We will give you comms.



    "I'd like to see the blueprints of the ship before I go, ma'am."

Sure, that's no problem. We'll have them within the hour, you can come with me when the astromech comms me about it. Is there anything else you want for the mission?

    "No ma'am."

Okay. If you think of anything you should tell me when we're making our plans, which will be after we get the blueprints.

    "Yes ma'am."

Is there anything else you wanted to talk to me about?

    "No ma'am."

All right. You're doing well at thinking about what you want.

     "Thank you, ma'am."

And Pradnakt goes to calm her nerves with some katas.

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Eventually, R4 has the manifest, blueprints, and etcetera for review.

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Diana stops doing her warm-up exercises, and heads to the bridge; it has a big holotank precisely for this purpose.

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Pradnakt comes in too, trailed by Daisy and Nine.

The ship, the Dawn's Eclipse, is roughly three times the size of the Subtle Knife, with most of the difference being the machine - more an engine of Sith thaumaturgy than of mundane mechanics - and its supporting areas: there's a handful of cells for prisoners, an expanded medbay with a small surgical suite and crematorium, two generously-sized workshops with their own shared storage area, and a dedicated meditation room. The rest of the ship is designed to house fewer inhabitants than the Subtle Knife in more luxurious conditions, with four suites, each containing a bedroom, private lounge, workout room, and small meditation chamber; the kitchen is incorporated into the droids' workspace between engineering and the hydroponics rather than being incorporated into the residential section, and the closest thing to a shared social space is the larger gym adjacent to it. As for inhabitants, two of the cells are occupied, and in addition to the expected array of support droids there are half a dozen medical droids staffing the prisoners' section.

Pradnakt takes to the holotank's controls to mark the prisoners' quarters, shared gym, and most of the behind-the-scenes areas of the ship in blue, the residential section and workshops in red, and the medbay, machine-related meditation room, and the machine itself in grey before looking through the droid roster in more detail and adding markers for points of interest related to it.    

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"...Ah.  Prisoners."  Diana's façade is strong, but she nonetheless winces.

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    "She says she doesn't expect them to be in very bad shape, at least, ma'am. Relatively speaking, of course."

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"Well.  That's good, at least.

"...What's the color coding for?"

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    "She says that the blue areas are ones she's comfortable with you handling, red she'd prefer to handle herself, and grey neither of you should visit without backup - she intends to take Nine with her for that."

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"...backup for...what reason, exactly?"

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    "She isn't sure what effect what was done there will have on local Force conditions, ma'am; those areas are the most likely to have lingering Dark harmonics that could affect you in unknown ways." Plus Pradnakt might panic about them, obviously.

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"...Yeah, that does make sense.  And the droid sector markers?"

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    "Those are droids that she expects to need assistance in evacuating the ship, ma'am, mostly immobile models." There are only a few of them, fortunately.

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"Ahh.  Yeah, R4 and I can handle that, most likely."

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    "Yes ma'am. Are there any sections that you'd like Lord Pradnakt's or Nine's help with?"

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"I think there's not likely anything I can't handle myself, especially with R4 helping out."

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    "Yes ma'am. Nine, did you have anything to add?"



    "In that case Lord Pradnakt will take this section," the previously red and grey areas turn yellow, along with the shared gym and a portion of the droids' area with no markers, turn yellow, "and you can take this section," the remainder of the ship turns green, "if you have no objections, ma'am."

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"...I'd prefer that we both handle the grey area together, or perhaps neither of us go in there at all, if possible.  R4, Nine, would you two be confident, there?"

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I'm confident I can.  Nine?

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"Yes ma'am."

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Pradnakt has tensed up a bit, and seems to be considering whether she wants to object.

    "She does want to see it, ma'am," she settles on.

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"...Alright, but I'm coming with you when you do, if it's at all feasible.  You're - not facing all that alone."

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This doesn't exactly seem reassuring, but she nods, after a moment.

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"...Well.  Any other questions, concerns?"

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    "No ma'am."

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"Let's do this, everyone."

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They still have some time before the rendezvous; Pradnakt spends it in communication with the droids there, ordering the med droids to report to the docking bay and shut down and the servant droids to make sure the prisoners are informed of what's going on and prepared to leave.

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Diana has already prepared quarters for the now-ex-prisoners, and spends the rest of the time just...fretting nervously about them.

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If she frets in Pradnakt's vicinity, she can get an update: The prisoners are a father and daughter, purchased a week and a half ago out of a lot of slaves sold off by a manufacturing corporation as part of their yearly maintenance; he's gotten too slow to keep up with the assembly lines, and she's noted as having a congenital cognitive impairment and won't work without him nearby. Both seem to be in good physical condition, though according to the med droids' records the daughter has refused about a third of the meals they've offered her.

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"'Congenital cognitive impairment' my exhaust port.  I do just fine.  ...oh dear Force.  He would've..."

Diana's blue lightsaber leaps to her hand, and spins trenchantly between her gauntleted fingers.

"Well.  We're going to want to get this girl a datapad."

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    "Yes ma'am. Lord Pradnakt says 'he would've what', ma'am."

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"If he didn't specifically choose her, I'd - be very surprised.

"Force preserve me, I almost wish I had stabbed him."

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"Ah." She offers a hug.

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Diana gratefully accepts the hug.

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She holds her for a minute, and then takes a hand back to sign with.

    "He's dead now, she says, ma'am, and you'll be dropping the ship in a star soon enough."

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"More like repurposing it as a knife to stab someone else who thinks any of that shit is good with, if it's somehow my choice, but your point's well made."

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Comforting squeeze.

    "She says you can discuss that later, ma'am."

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"Mhm.  Let's get this done."

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    "Yes ma'am."

There's ten more minutes' wait - the fine hairs on Pradnakt's arms are visibly standing on end by the end of it - and then they're docked.

Pradnakt's first order of business is to order the med droids into the Subtle Knife's cargo hold, back in one of the corners where they'll be out of the way and noone will have to look at them, and have them shut down.

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Well, Diana's not gainsaying that.  No reminders of potential torture on her spaceship, thank you.  They can go under this securely-fastened tarp.  She does wonder, though, "Why'd you shut them down so immediately?"

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    "She says she doesn't want to deal with them either," Nine rumbles.

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"...That makes sense.  Though someone will have to do that, eventually."

Diana's first stop is the prisoners' cells; she pops her helmet off for this, and she's got the relevant Jedi insignia on, for once.  She's glad she can do that this time.  This is something she's proud of.

"Hello.  You're being rescued, sir, ma'am.  The Sith whose ship this was is very dead."

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The prisoners are in separate, adjacent cells, unable to see each other, though there's nothing to stop them from talking. The young woman - around Pradnakt and Diana's age - is curled up under a blanket on her bunk, but the man is waiting at the door of his cell. "The droids said, ma'am. What happens now?"

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"We get you over to my ship, and then hopefully on your way out of Sith space entirely, to a much more pleasant environment.  Sound good?"

And those doors are opening now, thanks, she doesn't care if she has to cut the kriffing locks off.

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The doors open just fine from the outside, with the kind of mechanical lock a trained Force-sensitive wouldn't have much trouble opening from the inside either.

"I was hoping to go, uh, home, ma'am. Punrusteah, over in the Nylee sector."

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R4 whistles something at Diana's cue; it sounds sad.  "I'm not ruling out the possibility entirely, sir, but it's a million times more likely that you'll end up getting hurt or killed if you do go back there, versus finding somewhere else to go, with refugee resettlement and such.  And I somehow don't think you want to die for being an escaped slave.  ...Is there someone back there you're missing?"

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"...probably not anymore, I guess," he allows.

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"Then I really can't advise going there, no.  Especially given that your daughter will need your support, because adjusting to new situations always sucks when you're that sort of person, even if they're better situations."

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"Yes ma'am."

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"And I somehow bet that she did not receive any of the support she should have, which is a profound tragedy I can only hope to ameliorate the impact of."

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"The way our brains work is substantially the same, and I doubt the kriffing slavers gave a damn about giving her any of the tools I used to make my life not horrible," she elaborates.

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"Oh. No, they didn't, ma'am."

    "Do you have any pain pills," the woman in the other cell puts in.

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"Yeah - what's hurting?  I'm not a full medic, but I have field training."

Diana's approaches her, quietly but still making any noise so as to not startle, to see if her basic Force Healing helps!  Medium-duty pain pills are also a thing that she has.

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"Headache," she reports.

Force healing doesn't seem to do much more than take the edge off (though Diana can tell it's clearing up a number of lingering minor hurts), but she eagerly accepts the pain pill before curling back up under her blanket.

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"Anything in particular you've noticed giving you those headaches?  I might have something that'll stop them closer to the source."

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"She gets them whenever we're in a new place, ma'am," her father reports from the doorway.

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Blink.  "Huh.  Well, I have a quiet room set up and we can see if that helps you any, miss?"

(It's technically also Diana's meditation chamber, but she sees no reason to get into that right now.)

"And what are your names, by the way?"

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"I'm Zander and she's Kaymee, ma'am. Come on, Kay, up you get, I know it hurts..." he rouses her, affectionately but not particularly gently.

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"If you'd prefer, I could carry you, Kaymee, and maybe..."

And because tutaminis is bullshit, Diana's able to give the exterior world a dimmer switch.  "Is that helping any, miss?"

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She blinks at the change, and stands a little straighter, and nods.

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There we go, Diana can keep doing that, then.  "Quiet room should help you, then."

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On their way out, Diana's comm crackles. "Is this a good time ma'am?"

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And Diana will walk her right to said quiet room!  It has a deep blue person-meditating-with-crossed-legs icon.  "The lights are on a dimmer; here's a commpad in case you need anything though I should warn you that this ship basically doesn't have droids except for a couple of dumb cleaners, R4 here, and two droids stolen-slash-liberated from Sith, and all of us that're capable of complex thought are likely going to be busy making sure we take everything of worth from there and break the rest for the next few hours.  You can go anywhere that's not locked, and the food in the kitchen's for everybody.  You've got your choice of the unoccupied rooms; there should be instructions for how to set up the keypads.  Excuse me, something's come up."


She pops her helmet back on and keys Nine: "Not precisely, but it's as good as any.  What's going on?"

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"Lord Pradnakt says that you should be on the lookout for things made of unfamiliar materials, especially anything that looks strange in the Force, it could be valuable or good to study."

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"...Roger that, Nine."

She keys the external vox back on.  "False alarm, apparently the other Force-sensitive aboard found something interesting.  Any questions, either of you?"

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"Nothing that can't wait until you're done, ma'am."

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"Alright.  Please, don't hesitate to call me if something comes up.  People are more important than any amount of materials."

Diana continues taking inventory, if nothing comes up, and begins getting the stationary droids re-situated.

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This goes fairly unremarkably, though eventually one of the maintenance droids shows up to ask what's going to be done with them and if Diana wants any help.

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"...I don't believe we've actually figured out what our plans here are, actually.  Though you'll have berths regardless."

...Time to comm Pradnakt.  "...So what are we doing with the ship?"

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"She says she wants to talk to you about that when we're done, ma'am."

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"It does impact whether we should move some of the built-in droids now, though.  Avoiding unnecessary work seems a better idea than not doing that."

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"She says to leave them for the end and you can come back over after she's talked to you."

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"That makes sense.  ...Is there something going on here that I'm sticking my foot in?  That response took...a while."

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"She says it'd be better to have that conversation in person, ma'am."

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"Yes, that does seem wise."  Well, then.  Plans made.  Now all she has to do is follow through on them.

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"Shall we head back to the Subtle Knife, ma'am?"

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"If that's what Pradnakt prefers?"

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"We're headed that way now, ma'am."

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"I'll meet you there, then."

R4 is a good droid and can keep doing things.

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Pradnakt gets to the cargo bay shortly after Diana does, and sets her floating pile of Sithy housewares down before shooing Nine off and taking out a datapad.

'I didn't actually call you back here, Nine thought he was being helpful,' she starts with.

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"...mmm.  Well, hopefully he was.  Is - something going on, here?"

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'Two things, both of which are... I don't think you realize what you're asking.'

'If anyone else was pushing me as much about a decision as you've been about what happens to the ship the answer would be 'no, and if you ask again you'd better be prepared to defend your life' by now.'

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Diana is shocked.  ...She takes her helmet off so she can properly emote this at Pradnakt.  With her face and not just the Force.  "No, goodness, I definitely did not - intend that, though I certainly see how I could be coming across like that anyway, I'm so sorry.  I just - I think you said 'I'll think about it,' and then you never did make clear exactly what you had thought, though I suppose this definitely counts, so I was trying to continue having hopefully-legible-to-you thoughts in case that was - useful?  And that clearly didn't work as intended.  If you want to yeet this ship into the sun, it's your unquestionable prerogative to do so, even if I wouldn't do it if I were in equivalent circumstances.  I'll try to keep my grumbling about resource efficiency on the inside?"

...She exhales.

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She nods.

'I am still thinking about it. What we find here will matter, some. But I know what you want, and just repeating that you want it doesn't change anything.'

'On the other hand this reaction is Sith shit and I don't actually want to do that to you. But it's still stressful.'

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"Yeah.  I think it - should be easier, at least, now that I know you've actually heard me, you know?  ...Kriffing...Sith shit.  I hate that that's - so much the done thing.  Even worse than Jedi shit which definitely has problems!"

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''I'll think about it' is already generous enough in Sith terms to be dangerous. I wasn't brushing you off.'

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"Yeah.  It's - the problem was more that I don't handle uncertainty very well at all."

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"Ah." She reaches over to squeeze her hand.

'That's harder, yeah. I don't like going against what I want without... at least really thinking it through very thoroughly, sometimes other things too.' She pauses to consider. 'I was going to say we can always just go with the first thing I said I wanted but I won't actually want to do that if I know you want something else. If the wait is really bothering you I can figure something out case by case though.'

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Handsqueezes are good and comforting and Diana appreciates them very much.

"...I'm considering whether knowing when the uncertainty will end, will help with the uncertainty troubles, and coming up mostly 'I can't think it'd hurt,' so...up to you, what to do with that information."

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'I expect to know by the end of the day - I want to see it, and I want to talk to you about the other thing, and that should be enough. Possibly just talking about the other thing will be, depending on how that goes.'

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"That's good.  Thank you, very much.  ...There's another thing?"

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Type type sigh type type type type.

'Yeah, it's - the enemy of my enemy is sometimes my ally; the enemy of my enemy in this case would kill me in my bed if I gave them an opening. I like you just fine but I don't trust the Jedi.'

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"...Force, I hadn't even really processed that - and most Temple Jedi would.  If anyone's going to be not killy about it, though, it's the people I'd go to to handle this.  Their line of work - means they have to make compromises, and accept not knowing things.  Not a ringing endorsement, but - we are all on board with 'kriff the Empire' and I can keep your identity well out of it; the same sort of tricks I used with Pritruth's escape-craft will serve just as well.  They wouldn't even see us."

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'I still don't like it. There aren't many cases where your enemy having more resources is good news.'

'I'm still considering it, Force help me. But it's very much against my better judgement.'

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"Mmmm.  Maybe we should ask the Force."

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'Sure, we can do that. No promise I'll take its advice though.'

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"Yeah, that's fair.  Would you rather ask now or later?"

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'Now, I want the time to think about it.'

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"Then - do you have any preferences for where to meditate?"

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There is a thoughtful pause, and then a handsqueeze. 'If I did I would have said so.'

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Then Diana's going to go, not to the meditation room, but the room with a stylized tree as its logo.

"Not the most conventional of locations, really, but...this is actually a sort of...balance-point, between two of the really common Force philosophies the Jedi have?  And also Tiny's here."  That's an honest-to-goodness bonsai.  "Technically he's R4's, but - well."

"He's a good listener."

"So let's," she sits down, beckoning, "and then, well, meditate, ask?"

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'Sounds good.'

Sit. Lean?

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...Lean!  Perhaps even handhold!

"Alright, let's..."  No words.  Not now, not for this.

She breathes in.  She breathes out.

She opens herself to the world, to Pradnakt, to the Force.

And she asks the question.

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Pradnakt is clearly not wrong that there's a tension between her own wellbeing and Diana's friends' goals, though it's much less clear whether there would be an actual problem in this particular case; no one outcome seems especially likely in relation to it. Their upcoming fight with Pritruth is a much firmer concern.

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Their fight with Pritruth is a concern in a straightforwardly military sense; at least one of the Sith who'll be involved is a significant threat.

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Pradnakt gives Diana a gentle nudge. "Hey, one..."

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A stray thought cascades through Diana's mind, sparking a bit of suppressed mirth because theoretically she's technically a Sith so what if it's her (not that she believes the Force means that), but...one?  Which?

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'One problem at a time,' reads the datapad.

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Ohh.  Mmhmm.  ...Force, can that problem wait until after this?

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They don't want to wait very long but the rest of the day won't make a significant difference.

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Then they can come back later.  They have a ship to strip for parts, first.

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Pradnakt gives Diana a quick shoulder-hug before making any move to stand. 'I'm still leaning no. If you want to make a more detailed case I'll probably be willing to listen to it when we're done; I'll tell you if I've definitely decided to drop it in a star by then. Okay?'

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"Roger that, ma'am."  Slightly-mirthful knockoff salute.

"Honestly, I'm coming around on 'drop it into the sun' from an emotional standpoint; it's just my resource-preservation brain that keeps going on otherwise."

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Pradnakt nods.

'I get the impulse; some things just don't, though.'

And she heads back toward the Eclipse.

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"...Y'know.  Dropping a ship named Eclipse into the sun is actually - I didn't even think of the sheer dramatic irony!"

And now she's giggling quietly.

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It is funny, isn't it.

Okay, back to work.

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Indeed.  It's work time.  And shall continue to be so until it's instead lunch time.

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Pradnakt is noticeably unsettled when she turns up for lunch.

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"...something wrong?"  Will hugs help?

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She will certainly not turn down hugs but they don't seem to help very much, no.

'They had some of my clothes here. In the spare suite.'

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Uerh.  That's bad.  "That's not good at all.  ...At least you have spare clothes now?"

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'And my second-favorite cloak back, yes.'

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"That's good.  ...Should get you some more thread, maybe, for - reclaiming what those - those - took."

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'They're in perfectly good shape, it just brings home that I really was here. I don't remember it at all.'

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"It's...not the shape they're in, I figured, it's - marking them as yours.  Not theirs.  ...And, yeah, that's...really spooky."

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'Yeah, I got that, it's just not how I think of it. Definitely creepy though.' Nom. 'Anything interesting on your side?'

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"...There's so many droids on this ship.  At least three times the complement of medical I'd have expected, even accounting for - Sithyness - a half-dozen droids of Daisy's model, an absurd maintenance complement, two central computers..."

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'The roster didn't look that surprising to me. A little on the high side but not remarkably so.'

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"...You go through that many?  I get each potential Sith having an attendant, but - the rest of the staffing...

"I'm anomalously droid-less, for a Jedi, but for a ship with a dozen people, half of whom aren't Force-sensitive, normally there'd be...what, one general attendant, one or two astromechs, about a half-dozen maintenance droids, the central core computer that you shouldn't ever have two of at the same operational status - like, this isn't even backups, it's having two separate primaries - and two or three medics."

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'Sure, and people who aren't Sith are more patient about things taking a while or being in an annoying state, or having to do their own cooking, or whatever. Better to have the manpower up front than to deal with annoyed Sith related repairs. The second core I don't know about though.'

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"I suppose that makes sense.  ...It was pretty close to the grey zone, map-wise.  Haven't looked at the data yet; maybe that'll show something useful."

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"It was near the area you said we should have backup for."

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'It could be for the machine, yeah. There are some electronic components.'

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"Well.  We should look at that soon or possibly never."

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'If we drop it into a star we definitely don't need to worry about it.'

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"True!  ...Not true, what if he had a backup elsewhere.  Ugh.  I don't like that idea."

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'That's true. Well, all these droids are going to need something to do, we can put some of them on going through the data to look for anything like that, maybe.'

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"That does sound like a good idea."

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'I'll get them started on it. How close are you to done with your section? I still need to go through the workshops but I expect that to be fairly quick with a couple of the droids helping haul things.'

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"Honestly I'm getting to the point where it's only the stuff that's nailed down that's left.  And then taking the nails, and the stuff."

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'All right. Come up to the workrooms when you're done and we can go check out the rest of the place.'

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Sure, she can do that.

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The second workroom isn't quite cleared out when Diana gets there, but three of the droids are industriously boxing things up, and it clearly won't be much longer.

This close to the machine, the Dark resonance is obvious, hanging in the air like a fog; Pradnakt seems unbothered, or at least not any more tense than she was at lunch.

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"Uergh, Dark so thick you could cut it with a knife.  Don't like that."  She really wants to know.  She knows that she shouldn't even try, that it will only bring pain...But she wants to listen, to know, to mourn.

Because who else will, if not her?


Still...she waits, at the very least.

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    "She says it gets worse from here, ma'am."

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"...May the void claim that fucker's heart, for it's damn near as empty as she."

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    "She says you can still stay behind if you'd like."

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Firm headshake.  "If anything, I need to see this through."

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    "Yes ma'am."

Pradnakt considers something for a moment, then heads out, gesturing for Diana and Nine to follow; she's heading to the medbay first.

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Then Diana follows, expression and corresponding emotions...grim isn't quite the right way to think of it, but it's also not particularly wrong.  Graven is also not wrong, either.  She knows she'll soon see horrors, and she's bracing for impact.

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The Dark resonance gets thicker and deeper, taking on a textured quality, as they approach the medbay; Pradnakt growls gently and tosses off a single sign that Nine relays as 'torture' while they're still up the corridor from it.

The bay itself is neat and orderly when they get there, clean as a surgical suite with a single patient's chair taking up the center of the room, restraining straps folded tidily on the seat and arms. Pradnakt barely glances at it, but gestures for Diana to dismantle the scanner mounted on an arm that's attached to the ceiling above it, and begins going through the cabinets herself, floating various bottles and vials over to make a pile by the door.

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Diana is quite happy to dismantle it.  In a way that is perhaps more forceful than is inherently necessary, but it ends up dismantled, regardless.

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A quiet but extended hiss and subtle darkening of her mood in the Force mark Pradnakt finding the cabinet of cremated remains.

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"...what is it?"

Compassion, worry, care; these pull themselves out of Diana's anger in an instant.

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    "Remains, ma'am."


   "Unlabeled, she says." And indeed the dozen or so bags of silvery powder in the tray Pradnakt is holding are unmarked.

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"...I imagine the droids might know.  If anyone does.  But I - almost want to figure this out the harder way, with the Force's help.  It feels - wrong, to - learn their names from Ocnem's records."

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She sets the tray down gently on the counter so that she can sign.

    "She says there's some you'll have to, ma'am, this isn't everyone, but yes, she'll see if she can identify them after you're done."

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...Hug?  This feels like hugging time to her.

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Pradnakt flinches a bit when she gets close, and then makes a complicated face as she steps away - not distressed or reluctant, but apologetic, and a bit distracted.

    "When you're done, she says, ma'am."

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"...yeah.  When we're done.  Don't know what I was thinking, there, really.  ...When we're done."  Let's get this done, then.

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Pradnakt keeps hold of the tray as she gets everything else of value out of the cabinets, but sets it down briefly when she and Diana are done with their work so that her hands are free to make a single brutal lightsaber strike across the chair, sending half of it crashing to the floor.

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"...Yeah.  Good riddance."

Diana meticulously chops the chair up into tiny little bits with her green saber, after Pradnakt's strike, every blow calculated and precise, but with emphatic feeling, as she renders it completely unfit for use as an instrument of torture.

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Pradnakt lets her approval show through in the Force and leaves Diana to it, bringing the things they've gathered to the workroom for the droids to carry to the Subtle Knife.

The meditation room is the next stop, when she gets back, and the Dark resonance increases again as they approach it, thick and oppressive and unsettling, full of rage and despair and vicious glee. Pradnakt offers Diana the calming effect as the resonance starts to take a noticeable effort to resist; it won't be the same as being truly clearheaded, but it offers a patch of stability against the churn of Darkness.

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But she refused.

Diana is shining bright with DETERMINATION resolve as she approaches, her will, body and soul, honed into a blade with which to cut the Darkness's evil away; she will not falter, not against this.  Not for a thousand years.

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Fair enough. Pradnakt herself is much more subdued, her dread tempered by her own resolve and drowned out by the resonance around her.

The meditation chamber isn't a large room, and is taken up mostly by a raised, padded dais with large, rough rubies set around the perimeter. A small shrine is set up against the far wall of the room, holding candles and incense, with a large mirror etched with a verse of poetry in the Sith language taking pride of place; several red kyber crystals are incorporated into the mirror's frame.

Pradnakt glances from the mirror to Diana and back, and sets about prying the rubies out of the pedestal, stepping aside to let her by in the process.

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Diana is not above also prising crystals out of the mirror, if Pradnakt should wish, with no less of her customary delicate care.

She's somewhat curious about the mirror, actually.

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    "She says it's the Sith code, ma'am."

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"Why the mirror, though?  Pride?"

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    "She says it seems likely."

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"...Does it do anything in particular, besides be aesthetically appropriate?"

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    "She says likely not, ma'am."

Ruby, ruby, ruby, done and leaving.

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The Dark resonance changes only in intensity between the meditation room and the machine proper, the emotions it impresses on them going from oppressive to buffeting.

Pradnakt pauses outside the door to the machine room, to lean against the wall for a minute and try to center herself; she seems to be ignoring Diana's presence entirely.

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Diana's presence becomes, if anything, more solid, shining bright with focused will, as she approaches the void-damned contraption that was used to hurt her girlfriend.

She cuts through the dark atmosphere like a lightsaber blade, seeming to not notice it at all.  (She doesn't, not in the moment.  Never in the moment.  It is after the work is done that she allows herself to break.)  Radiating protectiveness-fierce-caring, she approaches the machine, standing between it and Pradnakt, saber-sharp presence cutting a path through the Darkness and pain, leaving a lee behind her that will shelter Pradnakt from the worst of it.  That's the sort of thing Diana does.  Where there's evil...she meets it with blade drawn.

"Are we dismantling, or destroying, this one?  It's your call."  Though frankly, given the way her saber's already in her hand, Diana has an opinion on this particular subject.

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Pradnakt opens her eyes when Diana speaks, looking a bit lost in the first moment she does, and then confused and considering, and then a moment later she makes her decision and steps forward, blade coming alight.

The machine is by no means small, but they can make their way through it quickly enough.

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Diana is very quick indeed, blitzing through the machine in a way calibrated to render it unfit for its original purpose with maximum possible efficacy, yet still preserving useful salvage.

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Pradnakt keeps up; Diana doesn't leave much for her to destroy, but she can work to mitigate the swirling howl of the Force as it reacts to the changes in the machine's structure.

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Diana's Force presence is a blade as sharp as her sabers as she strikes into the turbulent heart of the machine's Dark echoes.  She will probably shatter under the backlash, once this is done; for now, however, she is the master of her fate and the captain of her soul, and no matter how turbulent the world is around her, she will stand tall and strike against the galaxy's evils.  Like, for example, this torture device disguised as an amplifier.

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Pradnakt stays close, keeping as much of an eye on Diana as on her work; she has a sense that this is going to turn, quickly, when the other woman reaches the end of what's driving her, and stressed as Pradnakt is right now, she's reasonably stable, hopefully enough so to keep things from going too badly. (And she's present, which is its own virtue; Nine is also following, but much more slowly.)

She's not going to stop Diana, though. That won't help anything, clearly. What's happening with her will run its course in its own time.

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When Diana is done, there's no part larger than the size of her hand, nor a single complex mechanism, left intact, and that brilliant blade of will - sharp, shining, incandescent with indignation - shatters into a thousand pieces as Diana realizes she is done - that she has destroyed the instrument of torture - and stops holding off the backlash of standing tall in the face of those Dark echoes, quivering, shaking - pulling off her helmet and pulling a vomit bag out of her utility belt to just retch into, her practiced composure failing.

"It was - so horrible in there, Pradnakt, I'm almost glad that you don't remember this; it's - so much suffering."

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Pradnakt is right there, her presence in the Force surprisingly steady for all that she's clearly worn thin herself. "I see it," she nods, and puts her arm around Diana's waist, arranging herself so that the other woman can lean on her as much as she might want. "Home?"

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"Home..."  Home sounds good, yeah.

Maybe they can lean on eachother.  That would work well.

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It does, yeah. They can catch up with Nine and make their way back to the Subtle Knife. Daisy is waiting for them in the cargo bay, but Pradnakt cuts her off from giving her report and sends her to go make them something warm to eat.

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"mhn...can probably take a report, really...just, nausea and backlash...", she mumbles.

She definitely can't actually take a report.

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You absolutely cannot take a report.  Go rest.  I'll tell Daisy what to feed you when you're like this.  What did you do, stand in an echo chamber of malice?

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"Bed, love," Pradnakt urges, as Daisy leaves for the galley.

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...Okay, she can do bed, too.

Ooh, love.  Pretty word.  Pretty word from pretty girl.

...Bed and cuddles actually do sound pretty good.  Even if something is screaming at her that she shouldn't let herself slack like this.

But R4 said it's break time now.

And she listens to that.

So it's break time now.

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It is. Pradnakt's hands have a subtle but definitely present shake to them as she helps Diana out of her armor and into bed, where she curls up closely, murmuring an ambivalent response when Daisy appears a few minutes later with a tray of soup and chocolate ice cream.

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Diana gently holds Pradnakt's hands until they stop shaking, unless this seems contraindicated.  The food will keep, with a little attention paid; she doesn't want to have to do laundry because Pradnakt spilled the soup.

...well, okay, there's a whole lot of droids that would be happy for the chance, but it would still suck.

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Pradnakt seems most interested in just being close to Diana, for now, with handholding mostly contraindicated because it's mutually exclusive with having her arms around her. She's not clinging, exactly - there's no particular desperation to it - it's just that this is where she is and this is where she's going to be.

Daisy stays, bringing the chair over to Pradnakt's side of the bed again; after a while, she begins reciting a poem in a language Diana isn't familiar with, fairly quietly. Pradnakt reacts to this by shuddering all over, giving Diana a tight squeeze, and relaxing, all at once, as Daisy continues to recite, then kissing Diana's cheek after another verse or two and rolling over to watch her.

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Diana just...lets Pradnakt have her moment; she can just...be there, and be supportive, in a softer way than in the machine's room earlier.

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It's a relatively long poem, some dozen or so verses, and Pradnakt listens quietly until it's done, then reaches out to take Daisy's hand and kiss the back of it. "Yeah, love. Yeah."

This done, she stretches, gently, and turns her attention back to Diana. "You - okay?"

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Diana nods, and settles her spoon into the now-empty bowl of ice cream with a 'clink'.

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"Good." She kisses her cheek again and resettles herself to start on the soup.

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Diana blushes, and wonders if Pradnakt likes hairpets.

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She shudders gently and leans into the touch.

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Then there will be hairpets, and Diana can maybe scoop up Pradnakt for once, into her lap, for the purposes of better holding and cuddling...

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Yeah, that can happen. Pradnakt nuzzles her in return.

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Nuzzles: Very good.

The petting continues, soft and gentle, as Diana's Force presence wraps around Pradnakt like a fluffy blanket of warm and fuzzy feelings.

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It may or may not come as a surprise to Diana that Sith can melt, too.

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It's only a little bit surprising, really, and mostly intensely endearing!

Diana proceeds to (ab)use the Force to hopefully give her girlfriend(!) a gentle-but-thorough massage, because despite the ongoing meltiness, Pradnakt's been really tense all day, and now is relaxing time!

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Ohhhhhhhhh yes that's good.

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There we go, you're doing such a good job of relaxing, it's safe here, you'll be safe here, it's okay...

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Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm. No thoughts, only flop.

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Mmhmm, there's no thoughts, there's no worries, just gentle relaxation in a safe place, a safe space, one that's just for you, snug, right here, in my arms, where the world won't reach, where you'll be nice and safe and warm, held close and loved, where you can feel those feelings you had to bury to be safe; it's safe here, it's safe now, I promise on my lightsabers, the galaxy won't get you here without going through me, love...

(The gentle hairpetting continues as Diana murmurs this and more, as does the warm Force-emotions-blanket.)

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Pradnakt isn't really paying attention to the words, and then she definitely isn't, as she's fallen asleep.

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All according to plan.

Diana will just stay here for a little while, then.

Daisy is welcome to stay, too.

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Daisy does stay.


"She trusts you, ma'am," she observes after a few minutes.

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"...I'm honored to receive it."

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"Is there anything I can do for you, ma'am?"

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"...At the moment?  If you wouldn't mind taking this tray out to the cleaner, I'd greatly appreciate the assistance.  ...That's not exactly what you want to ask of me, though, is it?"

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She gathers up the tray before answering. "Not exactly, ma'am."

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"Thank you for your help with the tray.  I don't really want to move Lord Pradnakt from where she presently is; she's so...peaceful.  ...so, what's troubling you, then?"

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There's a pause, as Daisy considers her words.

"You're important to Lord Pradnakt, and that means that you're important to me, too, in a way, and I'm trying to determine how that's going to... be, in practice."

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"...huh.  My...model of you, is...You're Pradnakt's deeply trusted adjutant and loyal aide.  And you and she both care for eachother deeply.  ...I don't - want to get in the way of that.  It's important.  ...I'm not sure if that thought's even remotely relevant, really, because it's about the other leg of this triangle, but - obviously, whatever happens, she comes first in your calculations.  Right?"

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"Yes ma'am."

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"Right.  ...I'm having trouble understanding how - I'm not quite sure what you mean in the original statement, actually - became, a thing you feel is necessary?"

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"It isn't necessary, ma'am, if you'd prefer that we not have any relationship in particular, but Lord Pradnakt has said that she doesn't prefer that, and I don't either."

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"Mmm.  I - would prefer to be at least friends?  If that...makes any sense, to you?"

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"Yes ma'am."

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"...so what would that be like, then?  Being a friend to you?"

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Oh no that's a very hard question.



"I suppose it would involve spending time with me and helping me with things?"

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Diana nods.  "What sorts of things are things you would like help with...?"

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Oh no that's a very hard question.



"It would be good to have more opportunities to learn useful skills, ma'am?"

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"I know quite a few things about miscellaneous shipboard tasks, if you have any in mind, though I'm no chef."

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"I didn't have anything in particular in mind but I am a class three droid, ma'am, we're meant to work for people."

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"...you mentioned Pradnakt does lightsaber engineering.  Would being able to serve as a sounding board for her work, if she resumes it or finds a similar trade, appeal to you?"

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"If she's interested in that, yes ma'am."

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"I have quite a few books on the subject; you are certainly welcome to them.  Hmm.  ...Are there certain tasks you have noticed going uncompleted because neither of you knew how to do them properly?

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"I don't know how to wash her embroidered clothes without damaging them, ma'am. And she was happier with her meals when we had access to a cooking droid."

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"I'm not sure I know anything about those immediately, but we do have a full copy of the unabridged Encyclopedia Galactica aboard.  And I'm almost certain that I should have someone wildly digressing about cooking somewhere in my mail.  Not sure if I...hmm, cooking would probably benefit from chem-analysis and I'm almost certain I have a spare sniffer somewhere...Let alone the utility of actually being able to see what the temperature of something is.  But I digress.  Is there anything else like that?"

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"Not that's come up so far, ma'am."

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"Is there anything else that you think would be helpful to discuss, or anything else you would want help with that's not already been covered...?"

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"You might want to see if Lord Pradnakt has anything to add, ma'am?"

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"I'll do that when she wakes, I suppose.  Would you mind telling R4 to remind me of that if I haven't gotten to it by tomorrow?  He doesn't usually come in here.  ...Damn, Pradnakt never did say what to do with Eclipse."

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"I wouldn't normally expect her to sleep very long at this time of day, ma'am."

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"That's not exactly directly related to whether I'll remember to ask the question.  But hopefully, mmhmm."

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"Yes ma'am."

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"...Is there anything else you'd like to talk about?"

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"I am curious about your background, ma'am, I know very little about Jedi or the Republic."

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"Hmmm.  My background's a little twistier than that; I was hardly dropped at the Temple doorstep as a babe.  Still...Hmm.  You probably want more authoritative sources than I on what the Republic is like.  I'm not actually back there overmuch, these days.  But the Temple?  I can talk about the Temple.  It's...Well.  I suppose 'peaceful' overstates it, but they've tried to cultivate an atmosphere of calm, and mostly succeeded, despite everything.  I never quite fit into that, myself; I've almost always wanted to - go out, do things, fix problems not when they get out of hand but proactively.  Which is the sort of thing that leads me to this line of work, I suppose; in a more peaceful life I expect I'd have gone into politics, instead.  I grew up on a long-haul spacer, the sort that's slow and cheap but reliable; discovered I was Force-sensitive in a -" she winces - "contract dispute, when I objected to someone's violent objection to enforcement of terms.  Went to the Temple soon after, because - there was a war on, is still one ongoing, but - we had an ex-con aboard, hauling cargo, and he told me something that stuck with me a lot.  That, people are often shaped by their circumstances, and if you change the circumstances, you change the people, too.

"Was something I kept in mind when they started trying to fill our minds with the 'all Sith are invariably tooka-killing baby-eaters' drek.  People are always people, wherever they are.  Sith have a lot of bad circumstances, but Pradnakt, for example, is still...fundamentally not horrible.  And I'm sure that sounds like a backhanded compliment, but - that's all I aspire to, myself, because nobody's perfect, you know?"

Diana calms down by giving Pradnakt more hairpets.  Waking her up would be rude.

"So I thought, when I had the chance, that I'd like to change some circumstances, and eventually, here we are."

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"Yes ma'am. Thank you."

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"Anytime.  Well, probably, 'anytime we're not in the middle of doing something', I suppose, but - anytime."

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"Of course, ma'am."

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Pradnakt stirs slightly under Diana's hands.

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Mmm, Diana thinks this calls for more petting.  "...Welcome back to the waking world; sleep well?"

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"Mmmmmmm." She reaches up for a hug.

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And a hug she shall have!  "Mm-hmm."

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It takes her another minute to wake all the way up, and then she signs to Daisy, receiving a much longer signed reply; from the way she's paying attention to it it seems likely that this is the report she deferred earlier.

When that's done: "She'd like to know how you feel about disposing of the ship, ma'am."

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"Hm?  How do you mean...?"

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Sign sign cheek-kiss.

    "She says that if you'd like to drop it into a star that can happen but if you'd like to give it to the Jedi that's also okay."

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"...I've just thought of an even better idea.  What if we crash it into Pritruth's base to further confuse every-kriffing-body about what the kriff happened?  But honestly, my heart says 'star', my head says 'Jedi', my sense of drama says 'crash it into Pritruth's stuff'."  Diana permits herself a small giggle.  "That can be combined with 'Jedi', but not 'star'."

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    "She says you'd be risking the lives of the droids and prisoners if you did that, ma'am. And she suspects that a couple of the Sith might be salvageable, too."

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"Yeah, I meant after we happen to the place.  Not before.  Just as a finishing move."

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    "She says that's fine if that's what you'd like to do, ma'am."

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"Then I think it sounds like a good idea enough to at least plan it.  No reason we can't drop it in the sun afterwards.  Or if you change your mind, later."

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"Yeah." Sign sign.

    "R4 has been coordinating the other droids to clean up the remains of the machine, ma'am, they expect to be done and ready to leave for the Destan markets in about an hour; he expects to arrive there in two and a half days."

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"That's good."


"This conversation is, actually happening, right, love?  I'm not - dreaming, hallucinating?  I'm just - wondering, just a bit, because I very much wasn't expecting you to suddenly give me this choice."

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Pradnakt considers this for a moment, then picks up Diana's hand and kisses the back of it.

    "She says that she wasn't expecting you, ma'am."

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"Well I'm glad I could be a pleasant surprise, then!"

She is so hopelessly gay.

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Pradnakt kisses Diana's cheek and shoos Daisy out of the room.

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It's probably a good thing Diana didn't have any specific plans in mind for this evening!

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Pradnakt does have them ready to face the world again in time for a late dinner; however: 'Our guests are in the galley, I guess I'm staying here.'

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"No, no, you come out.  You helped rescue them.  I've got spare clothes you can borrow if that's a concern?"

(Diana's wardrobe is rather well-stocked, considering how little she uses of it day to day.)

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She visibly considers her lightsaber where she's set it on the bedside table; this is the first time Diana's seen her that far from it since Daisy brought her aboard. 'This once, I guess. Don't think I'm going to make a habit of it.' And she goes to have a look through the clothes closet.

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"...If you're concerned about them deducing something untoward from your saber, well, they already know I'm a Jedi.  And I did mention there was another Force-sensitive aboard.  So, you could bring your saber if that's what you're worried about.  They'll assume you're with me, y'know?  ...If it's - privacy, then you don't have to come, I just don't want you feeling like you have to hide because they hurt you too."

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"Mm;" she sounds less than happy with this turn of events, but continues looking at the clothing and shortly picks something out to put on.

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Diana's clothes fit surprisingly well on her!

"I'm - mm.  I feel like I hared off in an entirely wrong direction.  I just...value your comfort, okay?  So - whatever's best for you, there."

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Pants, shirt, 'saber holster, datapad. 'I'd rather you hadn't told them I'm Force sensitive. I don't like them thinking I might be a Jedi.'

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Wince.  "Ooh.  Sorry.  Should've asked.  ...Figured you were probably not going to totally abstain from doing Force stuff while they were aboard, and also I was a bit concerned about them jumping at Sith, I suppose, so - wanted to cast you as a definite ally.  ...Well.  There's probably still room to spin a plausible story between those constraints?  Not-a-Sith and not-a-Jedi both seems somewhat harder, but, possible.  If we tell them why you knew that machine existed, especially, I think."

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'Not while they're aboard at all, but in front of them, yeah, that was the plan. I can tell where they are from anywhere on the ship, they aren't going to sneak up on me. Anyway, let's not complicate it, the damage is basically done. It's not that big of a deal anyway.'

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Diana nods.  "My apologies, nonetheless."

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"Mm," she responds, ambivalently, but nonetheless comes around to Diana's side of the bed to put her arm around her waist when she's done getting dressed. "Love you."

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"Love you too."


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Zander and Kaymee are sitting at the table; Kaymee's on her second bowl of cereal, while Zander works his way through a sandwich and chips.

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"Hey there.  This is Pradnakt and Daisy; Pradnakt, Daisy, these are Zander and Kaymee.  You two holding up alright so far?  Find everything you needed?  I've got some basic spare clothes in the hold somewhere..."

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"...Hang on, have I introduced myself?"

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"No ma'am."

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Once Diana has recovered from her facepalm, she actually does introduce herself.  "My name's Diana Pallas, you can call me Diana; I'm a Jedi and also this ship's captain."

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"Yes ma'am."

"We could really use some clothes; we only have what we're wearing."

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"Yeah.  It won't be much, but it'll be clothes, plural.  I'll get them out after we're finished eating, I suppose?"

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"Thank you, ma'am."

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(Pradnakt has by this point busied herself preparing a couple of meals for herself and Diana.)

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"It's really no trouble."

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"Well, it's appreciated anyway, ma'am."

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...Pradnakt is cooking?  Two meals?  But isn't Diana supposed to - well Daisy has been doing it but she derives fulfillment from the task - but - cooking - aah?  Diana is befuddled by this thing that is happening!  And also probably trapped in a conversation!  So she can't help cook the food and thereby resolve her internal crisis!


"It's the whole reason I keep that stuff aboard, really."

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   "Yes ma'am."

Pradnakt looks over, trying to catch Diana's eye to emote confusion and mild concern at her.

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Headshake, she's fine.  (She is not fine but it's the long-lasting sort of not fine.)

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Pradnakt is pretty clearly not buying it, but turns her attention back to the food.

    "If, uh, if this is a good time, ma'am, can you tell us anything else about how resettlement works?"

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"I'm probably not the person to ask about the fiddly details, because my job's mostly 'get people out', but the gist of it is that once you're in Republic space, you can apply for asylum; that gets you into the refugee resettlement program, which...uh.  Does what it says on the tin?  It helps you go get a reasonable place to live while you're acclimating - about six months of just straight-up 'yeah this is your house now', minimum, though they are pretty cheap, and then it has people who're paid to help you study something, find existing jobs that you know how to do already...Lot of them came through the same way, by now."

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"I'm not sure I'm any good for assembly work any more, ma'am. They sold me off in the first place because I couldn't stop dropping things."

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"Well, you won't have to do assembly work; retraining's a significant part of the program."

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He looks dubious, but takes a bite of his sandwich rather than arguing.

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And, Diana and Pradnakt's dinners are ready; Pradnakt hands Diana's over along with a kiss to her cheek.

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Diana loves her girlfriend very much!

"What did you do before whatever happened, happened, anyway?"

(And now she takes a bite of her food.)

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"I was in college, for programming. That was a long time ago, though, ma'am."

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"The fundamentals probably haven't changed all that much since then.  I don't know all that much about software; I mostly do hardware, which is its own different bundle of joy.  But seriously, you'll be able to find something to do."

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Pradnakt makes a fondly exasperated face at Diana for Zander's benefit and signs to Daisy.

    "She says if you'd like to retire and they aren't able to help you with that you can get in touch with her and she'll figure something out for you, sir."

        "Oh! Uh, thank you, ma'am."

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Diana facepalms.

"Oh, good grief...  Sorry, I completely blanked on the concept of retirement existing; yes, there's support for that too.  Haven't looked into it in anywhere near as much detail, but it does exist."

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        "That's good, thank you ma'am." He does seem rather less worried now.

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"Hazards of having the sort of job that's never done; really, my most sincere apologies for the worry and confusion."

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"It's all right, ma'am, no harm done."

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"That's good, I hope."  A bit of time passes, during which Diana actually finishes dinner.  "Kaymee, if you're interested, I could probably kitbash you a technological solution to some of the overstimulation I solved with the Force earlier; would you like that?"

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Kaymee glances at her father and receives a subtle nod. "If it's no trouble, ma'am."

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"No trouble at all, no; it's mostly just assembling and fitting spare parts for things I use in my gear."

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"Then I'd appreciate it, ma'am."

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"Alright, I'll make a quick stop in my workshop and we can see about sorting that out around the same time we do clothes, maybe?"

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"Yes ma'am, I'll be ready." She hurries up a little with the cereal.

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"No need to rush on my account, part-picking takes time."

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Another glance at her father, and this one gets a more hesitant nod.

"...all right, ma'am."

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Eventually, there are clothes, and a smart-polarizing coating on a lightweight plate of transparisteel, as well as the same parts Diana uses for her audio filters, rigged up to the anchor-band for a welding mask.

"That probably ought to do, at least as much as anything else can hope to.  I will caution you that this is a bit distinctive on its own; if for some reason you're coming with me in the field - which you shouldn't end up having to do - you'll be wearing a helmet, instead, and that'll be slightly different controls-wise, but this can go with you on your way out of here.  I've talked to my people; there's someone who can pick you up and see you safely away meeting us when we arrive at Destan."

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Kaymee is briefly alarmed at the prospect of having to join Diana in the field, but ultimately nods. "Thank you, ma'am. This is... nice."

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"I'm glad you like it."

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R4 breebles something at Diana.

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"And - I do want to make clear, pretty much nothing short of having to abandon ship is going to be a needing a helmet situation.  You're not trained for this, I'm not dragging you out there unless I can't not."

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    "And we have no reason at all to think that that would happen, ma'am. We'll be at Destan in two days and don't expect anything unusual to happen in that time."

        "Yes ma'am. It's just... unexpected things are... hard."

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"Yeah, I know the feeling.  I can go over contingency plans with you, if you'd like?"

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    "Pradnakt says she could have one of the droids write it up for you, if you'd like."

        "Yeah, that... would be good. I think."

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"Yeah, if you'd prefer that, that would be equally possible.  ...I feel like I should probably apologize for something.  Ironically this is something that I wasn't expecting, haven't trained for as much as I'd have liked to, so I'm not - handling your situation as well as I'd like, and - pressuring you, in ways that I really don't want to.  Which I don't want to do.  I - mm.  I'm trying to cultivate an environment that feels safe for you, as safe as I can make it, at least."  She waves a hand sideways, attempting to clear that out of her train of thought.  "That's not exactly where I wanted to go, excuse me.  I want to - help you feel like people, who can - want and have things, preferences, hopes and dreams - instead of the victims of a stupid suffering-maximizing Sith Empire policy attempt to install droid operating systems in fleshy minds, but I'm clearly not as good as I could be at that.  So - please do the tooka-kit thing where you swat me on the nose and hiss if I'm being overbearing like that.  I promise, I won't bite, I'll be proud of y'all for standing up for yourselves.

"...And, Pradnakt, if you wouldn't mind keeping an eye out too; I clearly don't have the skill for this that you do."

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Pradnakt is trying very hard and only mostly succeeding at not laughing at Diana, by the time she's done speaking.

    "Pradnakt says that it's entirely understandable that it's going to take you more than a few hours - or a few days - to feel comfortable with your new situation, sir, ma'am, and that you shouldn't worry about Master Diana, she'll take care of things with her."

        "...thank you, ma'am," Zander says, directed at both of them but a little more at Pradnakt, who nods and takes Diana's hand to lead her out into the hallway.

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"Oh good grief I'm just going on.  Yeah, lemme just - make sure I can't further insert my foot into my mouth, good idea Pradnakt."  She can't help but grin sheepishly as she follows.

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Pradnakt's first order of business, out in the hallway, is to plant a kiss on Diana's nose.

    "She says you're very cute, ma'am. And that she thinks it's best to let them adjust at their own pace; some of the things you'd like them to do have been dangerous for them until now, including acting casually around free people, or expressing wants to them."

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"Yeah.  It makes sense, that that would take a while.  Ugh, I'm not a Consular.  Or mind healer.  And I'm not cut out for being one, either.  I don't know why I'm trying to Consular at things anyway.

"Probably because I can't not try in the absence of - well, I suppose this means I should leave acclimation to you, actually.  You're - good at it.  Better than I am, at least."

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    "She says that most of the difference is that she's more used to slaves, ma'am; they're doing well compared to her expectations, so she's not worried about them."

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"...Hopefully that works out."

...yeah, hugs are good.

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Yeah, this does call for them.

After a bit, though: "Do you have your contingency plans written up somewhere, ma'am, or will you need to go over them with one of the droids?"

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"They're stored in an encrypted partition; I can make copies."

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    "She says 'let's get that taken care of and then we can go relax,' ma'am."

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"Sounds like a good idea."

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They can pass that off to Daisy to pass along to one of the other droids, then; while she's at it Pradnakt suggests that the droid who delivers them offer to be a liaison for them for the next couple of days, in more casual language of course. She ducks into her room for a minute to get her embroidery kit, then, before leading Diana to her own.

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Diana delegates to R4 the task of scrubbing any identifying information from her contingency plans, and continues being gently tugged along.  (She'll let go of Pradnakt's hand if she must, but only if she must.)  "...did you forget, uh, something to embroider?"

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She can follow Pradnakt into her room for the embroidery kit, sure. Unfortunately with both hands in use she can't sign, but she can shake her head and tug on the hem of Diana's shirt that she's wearing.

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If Diana had flappy hands, they would in fact be flapping right now; as it is, Diana's robot arm does happy blinkenlights instead!  (A feature that she can't ever quite convince herself she should remove, despite it serving almost no practical use.)

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Well. Cheek-kiss. And then once they're settled she'll peel the shirt off and get started with running a complementary blinkenlights-ish pattern up the sleeves of it.

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Gosh, Pradnakt is wonderful.

And...embroidering one of her shirts!


...Does Pradnakt think circuit designs are pretty enough to embroider?  Diana can't words right now but she can prop up a datapad!

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This does in fact cause Pradnakt to start adding circuit markings between the slightly abstracted blinkenlights. Electronically reasonable ones, of course.

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Yay!  Would she like a kiss?

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She is pretty intent on her embroidery but she'll lean over to let Diana kiss her cheek, yes.

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She's just going to bask in the happy feelings for a little while, then!

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Diana is Very Cute.

Embroider embroider embroider.

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D'aww, yay, thank you!


If the feelings prove insufficiently distracting to bask in to tide her through the whole process, Diana watches the embroidering intently!

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Yeah Pradnakt's going to be at this for a while, it looks like.

Sufficiently close observation will reveal that she's cheating with the Force a fair amount of the time to get the needle where she wants it; her unassisted fine motor control is actually not that great, at least as Force-sensitives go.

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Diana finds this very cute!

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Which gets her: another cheek-kiss.

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Which prompts: much happy beaming!

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Once Pradnakt has both arms done, she pauses, petting the shoulders and bottom hem of the shirt in turn as she considers adding embroidery to them; she ultimately turns the shirt over to Diana with a questioning sound and a gesture suggesting that she try it on.

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Diana is quite willing to do so, after a bit of time spent just admiring the very pretty embroidery her girlfriend(!) did!

(Incidentally, she spends that contemplation period without her shirt on.)

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What a nice view.

After a few minutes observing how the embroidery falls on the shirt in situ, she gestures for it back so that she can add a bit more embroidery at the shoulders, just to finish out the design.

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Diana is happy to oblige.

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It's getting pretty late by the time she turns the shirt back over to Diana for final approval.

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The shirt goes on, and then there is a Diana hugging Pradnakt in a very emphatically gay manner, for both possible meanings of the word!

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Hee. Kiss!

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'I embroider kind of a lot, it's good practice for working with tiny stuff, if you ever have any requests.'

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"...I think I might like to learn, actually; sewing, in general, is a useful hobby that I really ought to have picked up by now."

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'Sewing is actually pretty different, I have no idea how to make a shirt. We could share some tools, though.'

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"Huh.  Well, it's patterns, isn't it?"

...Now she's investigating her shirt like it holds the secrets of the universe.

"And a bit of transformative geometry....

"...I think I'll pick up some fabric when we arrive.  Can't hurt any, at least."

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Giggle, nosekiss.

'I don't think it's hard, necessarily, it's just a different skillset. Knowing how to add features to a lightsaber doesn't let me program droids, either. Anyway, it'd be neat to know crafts that synergize.'

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"It would!"

She's been kissed!  Clearly this calls for kiss back!

"Mhm; the thing I'm counting on is that I know how to work with hard materials already."  (She raps on her armor in support of her point; it certainly has a unique design to it.)  "The stitching and knowing fabric itself will likely be the hardest parts.  On the plus side, once I've learned all of that, maybe I can make a Jedi robe that doesn't offend my skin!  The damn thing's so itchy!"

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Hug! 'It shouldn't be hard. I can probably find out what my robes are made of, if you run into trouble with it, a Sith wouldn't ever put up with itchy clothing.'

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"I wonder if they make them in brown.  It's not really a huge deal; the Temple's long since stopped caring that I wear armor around."

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'Not for Sith, but I'm sure I can find someone who won't look twice at an order for fake Jedi robes, if you don't end up wanting to make your own.'

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"I think being able to wear something I made myself in front of the whole Council and have them able to say nothing about it, not even the usual bickering about 'oh, it's too violent for meeting in this place of peace' from the ascetics - what absolute hypocrisy that is! - would be quite a justified and potentially necessary ego boost, hmm?  What do you think?  I'm still trying to feel out this whole emotions thing."

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'Well, it depends, really. On what emotions you find useful, mostly, and how you're trying to relate to the council.'

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"They're - some are blind to what they do and encourage, some are just anti-everything-Sith zealots...  I expect that the path I'm walking will lead me out of the Order by the time I finish walking it, even if I expect to continue having good relations."

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'Yeah, I could see the ego boost helping. If you're okay with leaving them, at least, but it sounds like you are.'

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"I think someone has to, to shock them out of it.  And I think it probably ought to be me, with this wonderful support system I've stumbled into by Force-coincidence."

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Cheek-kiss. 'Do be careful, but I'm happy to help.'

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"I'll be careful, mhm.  Most of my life is careful, until the moments when I say 'kriff that' and charge in to do something dramatic."  She giggles sheepishly at that line.  "Like wrecking the machine."

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"Yeah." 'I've noticed. It's cute.'

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Force preserve her, she is so very in love.

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This is a problem they have, isn't it. Pradnakt will kiss her cheek about it.

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Hm, nope, definitely still gay; what if she kisses Pradnakt?

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Ooh, what if that?

It definitely gets her kissed back, for one thing.

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Oh!  Well, she'll have to return the favor, then!

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Mmmmm kisses.

After a couple minutes Pradnakt pauses, looking thoughtful, and glances at the datapad, but quickly goes back to what she was doing.

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The inquiry-noise doesn't stop the kisses even a little!

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Then kisses there shall be!

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Well, eventually one or the other of them will probably need to come up for breath.

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Yes, but apparently if Diana is still curious she's going to have to ask, because Pradnakt shows no sign of going for the datapad.

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"mmm...you had a thought?"

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"Mmm," cheek-kiss.

'I probably shouldn't actually be thinking about having a kid with someone I've known less than a month. Kind of tempted, though. Like, eventually, not right now.'

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Gods, Diana is blushing radiantly at that concept.

"You'd be a cute mom.  Cute and also fierce.  And yeah, probably not now...but not never.  ...Who knows, maybe we'll end up with a Force-mediated adoption."

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'I'd still want one of my own, I think.' She kisses the side of Diana's neck. 'Once things have calmed down a little.'

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Diana nods, and quivers gently as Pradnakt's kisses start finding her weak points.  "I'll happily provide, if we work out.  Or, really, once we work out, since the Force clearly got into matchmaking."  Soft giggle.

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"Mmmmmmmhmm." And that's enough talking for now.

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She's all too happy to comply with that directive~

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Oh, good.


Diana will be the first one awake again in the morning.

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And as is her wont, she takes a moment to survey the ship before actually getting up to start her day.

Dammit, she is going to have to replace that coil; it's starting to run warm, and that all too soon becomes running hot and then not running.  Oh well, they'll be docked, and even if she's docking somewhere she might have to do her ostensible job, she has redundantly powered security in place; it would give even her several challenges, and she cheats.

...Plus, you know, she has a door, that closes.  You don't need to worry about someone malicious breaking in, even if they have a lightsaber, if they can't do it before you can get your defenses back up.

Sadly, she still can't afford to armor the exterior properly, but R4's done some very interesting things with the repulsor engines' firmware, complementing her knowledge of repulsor physics, just in case she's in a situation where she'd rather have had a ship whose armor stood up to lightsabers.

Ah well.  Lightsaber-proofing the exterior would hardly be subtle, anyway, and maintaining enough plausible deniability that the Sith Empire doesn't devote its resources to crushing her like a bug is important in her work.  Plus, she's unfortunately become attached to her little ship.  It feels like home, now, more than the contradictions of the Temple ever did, ever could, maybe ever would.  It'd hurt to leave the Subtle Knife behind, even for the best cause.

Her thoughts drift, to the longer term, to things that are invariant, to the bedrock of her soul.

The Temple never didn't train warriors, no matter how much it claimed to value peaceful philosophy.

So be it.

She'd gone into the Temple knowing that she'd learn how to fight battles and wage wars, no matter how much all she wanted to bring to the world was peace and kindness.

She'd known that she would never be the best at talking, anyway.  It just never clicked, the way engineering did, the way motion and time and energy had.  Certainly not the way a thousand possibilities leapt to mind, when she thought about things going wrong.  Apparently it was supposed to.

(It didn't.  It wouldn't.)

So she'd fight, and die piece by piece as war wore her away, and maybe she'd live long enough to build something unambiguously good afterwards.

...Well.  She's gotten all maudlin.  That's not exactly where she wanted to go; she wants to find her way to a happy ending, not mourn the paths she can't take in this galaxy.

Refocus, then.

She loves her girlfriend.  That's not even a happy ending, that's bright shiny happiness in the now.

She has a loyal friend in R4.

She does necessary, appreciated work for - not only the Jedi, but the galaxy, even if it's really more violent and deceptive than the kinds of work she'd like to do.


...She wants to build things.  Building things feels right.

So what can she build, here and now?

What can she do that's useful and good for the galaxy, ideally something that doesn't involve getting up just yet (so she can cuddle her adorable sleeping girlfriend some more)?

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Well, the notes Daisy wrote up for her about the generally accepted limitations of telekinesis are still on her bedtable, if she wants to look at those.

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...Yeah, sure, that works.

What do they say?

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The most basic form of telekinesis is moving a single nearby visible solid object through air or void; other basic uses of the technique include moving an object through clear to slightly murky liquid, moving two objects in synchronicity, moving oneself in relatively mundane ways, and being able to move the bodies of non-Force-sensitive individuals or cooperating Force sensitives.

Moving more than two objects in synchronicity is intermediate in difficulty, as is moving two objects in different ways while not distracted, moving substances (e.g. water or sand), moving objects that can't be clearly seen (e.g. something visible through murky water or fog), and moving the body of an uncooperative Force sensitive who's grievously injured, as well as moving objects that are farther away. (The default range of nearby vs. farther away varies from one Force sensitive to the next; generally telekinesis range will be more closely related to an individual's range with other effects at a given skill level than to other Force sensitives' ranges.)

Advanced techniques include moving three or more objects in different ways (specialists occasionally get up to five or six simultaneous objects), applying opposing forces to a single object to break or deform it, moving an object seen via technology rather than directly, moving oneself through the air, and being able to move uncooperative Force sensitives that are substantially less powerful than oneself but uninjured.

It's generally considered impossible to move something that one can't sense in some way (Force senses count) and to overpower a similarly-strong Force sensitive with telekinesis, regardless of skill level. Being able to move more than eight objects simultaneously without resorting to synchronizing them would also be an inarguable sign of a telekinesis prodigy.

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...Well then.  She may as well test that properly.  ...Do the notes go into detail about what counts as synchronization?


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They do: It's possible to hold several objects in one instance of telekinesis and move the whole set together, similar to holding two or three objects in one hand and moving the hand around: this is synchronized movement, and it doesn't allow for moving the objects toward or away from each other, or rotating them individually rather than rotating the whole group around a point. In order to do that, they have to be held in separate instances of telekinesis, which allows for arbitrary, asynchronized movement relative to each other.

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Well.  That's interesting.  She can do some of those theoretically impossible things; she's never precisely thought to try moving things that are not within sensory range, but rotating a collection of objects around themselves, she can do, even if she's holding them in a group, as well as adjusting objects' relative positions within a group.  She's still not sure it isn't just that she has some useful visualization tricks, though.

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Pradnakt begins to stir as she's thinking about this.

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Cuddling continues idly.  Diana's musing has turned to "I wonder if I could teach her how to do the things."

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Mmm cuddling. Pradnakt basks in it for a bit before getting up to start her day.

'It seems like I might as well move my things in here, huh?' she asks in between putting another outfit of Diana's clothes on.

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"You know, that sounds like a pretty good idea, though I do think you should have a Your Space aboard.  Maybe we can renovate for that properly after we're done with Pritruth; we'll have time, then.  Til then, yes, please."

Diana grabs some clothes herself, and then remembers her musings.

"...Do you have any plans, for today?  I was thinking about seeing if 'prodigy'-ness is...teachable, at least the telekinesis things I can do."

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'I want to do some kind of memorial for the people who died in the machine sometime in the next few days. Other than that no, we can see if you can teach me anything - you might be able to even if you're a prodigy, it'll just be a lot harder for me than it is for you.'

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"...Yes, let's do that, definitely."

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"Yeah." 'I usually burn a candle; I haven't come up with anything like that that works aboard ship yet. Singing, maybe.'

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"I know a few traditions that long haul spacers use."

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'That should work. And I think we should try to make it easy for our human guests to avoid if they want to, but easy for the droids to come see if that's also possible.'

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"That might be a bit harder, but worst comes to worst, they can stay in their rooms, if they want.  I'll get to planning, then...Do you mean the medic droids, too?"

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Think think type type sigh.

'Yeah, they should get the option too.'

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"...Yeah.  I'll get to planning."

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Hug. 'Don't hesitate to come get me if you need anything.'

Breakfast first, though. Zander and Kaymee are not in evidence in the galley this time.

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Breakfast sounds good.  She can start making plans for the memorial service while they eat.

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Pradnakt settles in to chat with Daisy over her own breakfast.

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Diana is muttering things about stuff!

"Hm. I'm coming up on a lot of planning-stuff, for this memorial service, that mostly depends on droids' - level of comfort, I suppose, with various possibilities, and I don't know how to figure that out in a polite way."

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    "She says 'like what', ma'am."

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"Do the bipedal ones want chairs, how should I accommodate the nominally-immobile droids if they want to attend - I have options for motility and cameras, are they going to have seating preferences..."

(Diana is going to some effort to rig up possibilities for the stationary droids to be awake, fulfilling their utility functions, and hopefully mobile (with aftermarket battery packs, and what one might call prosthetics, spare R-series parts and drivers worked into mobility platforms), despite generally preferring to not irreversibly hook them into her systems, especially in ways that would undermine the possibility of humans using them.  (Reversible hooking is fine.  Irreversible hooking is very not fine.)  Ionic attacks are a thing; everything important, that's not already shielded (e.g. the reactor), needs to be capable of non-electronic manual operation, at least by a Force-sensitive.)

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Pradnakt turns this over to Daisy with an obvious gesture.

    "Bipedal droids generally only sit for social reasons or to conserve power, ma'am, I don't expect them to care about chairs. Utility droids are generally not particularly interested in people and are unlikely to want to attend, but I can ask them. None of the droids are likely to have seating preferences, but if they do it will be harder for them to discuss them than to go where they'd prefer to be."

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"Alright.  Thank you."

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"You're welcome, ma'am."

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    "She's curious about what else you have figured out, ma'am."

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"Not enough.  Just...not enough.  I've been to shipboard funerals, but - I've not the skills to plan one, not really."

She swivels her datapad around; it's mostly the cargo bay's floorplan plus half-formed - well, not eulogies, but funeral speech - attempts.

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Pradnakt gives Diana's shoulders a squeeze, signing with the other hand as she does.

    "It's going to be hard to do with as little information as you have about them, she says, ma'am, you don't really have enough to write much of anything. She says she can figure out how to arrange the ceremony, though, if you can tell her what things you wanted to include."

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"...They need to be remembered.  They need to be mourned.  Their lives were cut short, and for all that there's nothing I could have done...I still regret losing them.  So...I want to speak their names, and...I'm not sure what else, but, something.  There ought to be something.  Maybe a - memorial holocron?  There's - I don't know how possible it is or isn't, yet, but...maybe the Force still has their memories, even if it doesn't have their ghosts."

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    "She's dubious she could find them, ma'am, with only a name and planet of origin to start from. She's considering getting funerary music from their planets of origin to play, instead."

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"What if I - boost you, somehow?  There's ways to do Force exercises with partners, I do know them even if I don't use them very often, and I bet that we could make something happen.  Especially with the way our methods work.  I can provide power and a conduit for the Force, you can steer."

She shrugs, and then slumps.  "But that's not exactly tested, so I'm not really sure."

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    "She says she could try, ma'am, but a name really isn't very much to go on."

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"A name, a place, some known traits...the way they died, too.  And sometimes remains.  Even if it doesn't work, I - I want to try."

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"Yeah." Squeeze.

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She's definitely in need of squeezing, so that's good timing.

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Pradnakt can just sit with her for a bit, then.

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Yeah, just a little bit.

"...Let's - see if we can do this.  Find and tell their stories.  Start with one we have - a focus, for.  I'll...go get a holocron."

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"'kay." She shifts to let her go.

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Would Pradnakt like to come with her?  Diana seems rather slow to leave the vicinity, though she will do so.

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Yep, she picks that up pretty quick, and will hold her hand on the way.

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Into the workshop she goes; her holocrons and holocron parts are hidden inside the worktable, which latches shut on the inside.

"You're welcome to consult these, by the way; not sure if what's honestly mostly my diary would be useful to you, but if it helps, it helps."  They've got labels; they're mostly...calendar dates?

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    "She says she might, ma'am, if you're sure you don't mind."

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"I'm sure; they're pretty opinionated about keeping private information from people who don't need to know it, and also usually pretty hopeful about teaching people."

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She grabs some parts and fits them together, plucking the finished holocron out of the air, and turns to Pradnakt.

"...Next up is the ashes."

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Those are in her room; there's a little makeshift shrine set up for them using the sunset holoprojector and a couple of other knickknacks. She runs her hand over the set before selecting one at apparent random.

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Diana doesn't question that.

"Where's - the right sort of space, for you to do this?"

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She thinks about it for a second, shrugs, and goes to sit crosslegged on the bed, signing for Daisy to dim the lights.

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And Diana joins her, both holocron and hand proffered.

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Pradnakt entwines her fingers with Diana's, leaving them holding the holocron together, and settles in to meditate.

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Diana settles in to meditate as well, opening herself to the Force and to Pradnakt.

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Pradnakt has a technique for this; it usually calls on the connection between a nearby person and whatever she's looking for, but it's flexible enough to work in the current situation.

Sort of.

There's a vague sense of presence, but no details, at least with the type of support Pradnakt usually gives the technique.

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Diana's typical divination method, on the other hand, is more a matter of opening herself wide, then parsing signal from noise as the Force flows through her; it floods Pradnakt's search with power, and as she realizes that she can let Pradnakt handle the parsing, Diana pivots to focusing on simply being a conduit to the Force, its power and its memories, for Pradnakt.

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The presence fills out as the unobstructed light side of the Force flows into the technique, providing a much stronger connection to this person's memories. Pradnakt gently redirects the impression of them to the holocron, holding steady until there's a sense of the Force being done with its work.

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And Diana lets herself taper off at that signal, though that doesn't stop her from radiating pride and affection Pradnakt-wards.

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Pradnakt squeezes Diana's hand and leans on her shoulder in reply.

    "She'd like to know if you have enough holocrons for all of them, ma'am."

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"I'm pretty sure there's enough space, though there might not be enough individual casings for every single person who died."

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    "Yes ma'am."


    "The first one was Oscbra Minnsee, ma'am, from Kolia."

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"...We should probably do the people we have ashes of, first, then the people who we only have names for."

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    "She says she'd like to get a sense for how difficult the earliest ones will be; it may be better to do those while you're fresh, or after a break, if they're harder."

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"I suppose the first one is rather unlikely to be still amongst those whose ashes we have."

Oscbra Minnsee, of Kolia.  She - grabs another holocron, parts swerving through the corridor - fixes that name in her mind, and prepares to meditate.

"...You ready?"

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This one is definitely harder, and there's a clear sense that the result is... less clear, less distinct, less him... but they can do it, probably without needing a break first though they might want a breather after a few like that.

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She's sorry, Oscbra, that she couldn't find you sooner, better.


...After the first break, she suggests checking to see who'd most prefer having others interred in the same holocron as them.  She can...transfer the people who don't mind sharing, in there.

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Yeah, that's a good idea.

There's a lot of them, and even at just a few minutes apiece it's going to take a while; does Diana want to keep going with them now, or do something else first?

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She wants to keep going.  It's hard work, and it's better done than looming.

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Entirely reasonable. Daisy can pass them the ashes and read off names, then.

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And Diana will love and grieve each and every one.

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Pradnakt doesn't, so much, instead being a quiet and comforting presence for her, but works no less diligently for it, even when she starts to tire after a few dozen transfers.

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"...We're taking a short break for comfort snuggling now," Diana declares once she feels Pradnakt waning.  "This is tough work.  We should both be in as best condition as we can manage."

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"Mm," she agrees, and snuggles into Diana's shoulder, tugging her down to lie on the bed.

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Yeah she needed this too.

She's just gonna snuggle in and cry a bit, okay?

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Perfectly okay.

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That's good.  Pradnakt is good, too, did she know that?  It's very true.

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Nosekiss; squeeze; shouldernuzzle.

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Soft cuddling continues for a long while that's nonetheless not actually particularly long, and eventually Diana thinks she's as recovered as she'll get.  Is Pradnakt?

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Yeah, she's good to keep going - maybe lunch first though.

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Lunch does sound pretty good.

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Snuggly lunch.

Zander comes out looking for lunch, too, and Pradnakt nods agreeably to him.

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Diana waves politely, and doesn't talk very much at all because there's lunch and snuggles.

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He gets something for himself and something to drop off with Kaymee and returns to his room.

Pradnakt stays snuggled up for a little while after the food is gone, and then sighs and tugs Diana up just as Diana goes to do the same.

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Well.  She's ready to continue, and hopefully finish this memorial.

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Yep. There aren't too many left, at least.

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That's good to know.

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And eventually they're done. Pradnakt passes the last holocron to Daisy and gives Diana a tight squeeze. "Did good."

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Diana hug-clings right back.  "Mhm.  We did."

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    "She says both of you should keep to easy things for the rest of the day, ma'am."

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Diana doesn't even bother answering that with words - just snuggles.

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She signs briefly to Daisy and then rearranges Diana and herself to lie down.

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Mhm, that sounds nice, she'll do that too.

"...You're wonderful."

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"Was... good idea, yours."

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Diana nuzzles into Pradnakt.  "Couldn't have done it without you."

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This gets her a cheek-kiss.

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And that gets her a blushy Diana-shaped puddle!

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Pet pet nuzzle.


"Move to...?" She nods in the direction of Diana's room.

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"Do you feel strongly about that...?  I'm just..." happy nuzzle.

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She makes a small around-the-room-ish gesture and adds "Daisy."

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"Mmm.  Then, yeah, let's move."

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This gets her a kiss and a scooping.

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Oh, gosh.  Does Pradnakt know how wonderful she is?  Because she really is, and...gosh.  Her feelings are all fluttery~

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And, to Diana's bed, where Diana gets another kiss as Pradnakt gets her settled.

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Diana just, looks up at Pradnakt from where she's been laid on the bed, and admires her, beaming gayly.  Because Pradnakt is wonderful.

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She may or may not be up for more than just snuggling, this time, but there's plenty of that to be had.

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Diana's quite happy with whatever Pradnakt decides, on that front; she's just happy to be, held in her girlfriend's arms.

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It's a nice way to spend the rest of the afternoon.

Pradnakt does go for the datapad, when it's starting to get toward dinnertime. 'How're you doing?'

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Mrrrm.  She's doing fine, and she's also dozey and gay.

'it's getting about dinnertime, huh?'

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'I've been slacking on my meditation and katas recently, I'd like to take a couple hours for those afterward.'

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'So have I, honestly.  I'd say we should do them together but I'd get distracted by my own lesbianism.  Still, it *is* an *option*, heh.'

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'We should eventually. Seriously, I mean, I'm sure we're going to need to fight together sooner or later, better for you to figure out beforehand how not to get distracted.'

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'Yeah, I'm sure *combat* me is focused on her combat.  But working-out me...She's distractible!'

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"Hey." 'I don't want anything to happen to you.'

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'...Me neither.  ...Maybe we should spar eachother?  Safely.  That'd probably be demonstrative, one way or another.'

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'We can probably figure out a way to do that where I'm not too outmatched.'

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Diana giggles.  'We could change the rules, too, see if you can land a hit on me at full fighting form.  What forms do you favor, actually?  I saw you doing Soresu the one time...'

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'Mostly Djem So and Shien with some Juyo and Soresu.'

'Actually thinking about it a bit more the real thing I'm worried about is you getting distracted wanting to defend me.'

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'...Hm.  *That* I don't really have a good training exercise for.  ...On the other hand, you *are* capable in a fight, that much I know.  So to *focus* on defending you from - well, the usual caliber of Sith - would be a tactical misstep.  That said...I imagine that a Sith who has even a lick of planning capability will try to exploit our relationship somehow.'

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'Also I have a specific case in mind that you're really not going to like. One issue at a time, though, I'll tell you once we're done with the shopping and back on our way.'

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Oh dear.  'Word to the wise, I *will* come up with at least three equally horrible things for every horrible possibility you mention that you're going to tell me sometime later.  But, yeah.  Shopping first, then that.  Whatever it is.'

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Squeeze. 'Sorry. Anyway. Dinner.'

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'Yeah, dinner.'

Dinner is a perfectly good distraction from abstract panic!  Diana is glad for it!

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Cuddles, too, and -

    "She says she doesn't expect it to be dangerous, ma'am, just that you won't like it."

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'Ah.  That's good.  Better than the alternative, at least.  I'm not going to just sit back and *let* her face a danger that I can meaningfully ameliorate, on her *own.*  Like the air base.  I take point.  It's my job.  And she's part of my team.  Honestly, she's probably the commander, by now.  She gets my support.'

She doesn't actually show this to Pradnakt, but instead to Daisy, for - translation, hopefully.

...and she's still not sure where her voice wandered off to, but it sure did, apparently.

Well, there are cuddles, and that's more important than stressing about making words with her face.  She'll do it if she has to, and not a second before.

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Plenty of cuddles, yes, though Pradnakt also sends Daisy to get her datapad so she can work on plans for the memorial too.

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That makes sense.  Diana - has a momentary spike of wanting, to be helpful, useful, desireable, as Daisy is sent off to fetch that, but she's not going to trample over someone else's utility function just because.  That would be rude.

'Feel like I should say a few words, when the funeral ceremony happens.  They're already rattling around in my brain, so I kind of need to let them *out* regardless.'

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That momentary spike gets her a squeeze and a kiss on the cheek and a brief nuzzle of reassurance.

'Sure, I'll leave some time for you.'

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Mhm but she wants to help...

'Yeah, that would be good.  ...I can probably do the officiating just in general; I'm good at following scripts.'

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'I wasn't planning to need much of it, but I'll keep you in mind.'

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'Thank you.  It's...I want there to be weight to it.  That - we note the gravity and somber importance of life, and feel the way it was cut short; that these people shall never again dream wonderful dreams.  That we *mourn.*  I'm.  Not sure, if that makes very much sense.  Nonetheless, that's...

'It's something I feel, at the very least.'

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'Yeah, I can do that.' She switches back to her notes and adds a couple more sections.

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'Thank you.'  Would she like a supportive arm around her shoulders as Diana leans in to see what the outline is starting to look like?

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Sure. She's mostly laying out the order of events, so far: she wants music as the droids come in and find their places, then a poem, a short introduction, and a reading of the names; she's added Diana's speech after that, followed by another poem and a note that just says 'interaction?', and then more music to close. Each section has a few brief notes on tone and themes; she's added 'dreams' to the second poem along with 'life' and 'self' and 'choice', whereas the first poem has 'endings/death' and 'injustice?' and 'mourning'. A brainstorming section at the bottom includes the notes 'value', 'work', 'freedom', 'rebalancing', and 'justice/revenge'.

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Diana nods.  'I have some holoproduction instincts kicking up for my speech, but I can handle that myself, I think.'

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She turns her attention to looking through her poetry collection for things that might suit the situation.

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Diana settles in to draft her speech, looking over at the poetry every so often.

'Wonder if we could - make a voice pack, so that if you want, you can read the poetry even when you can't speak the poetry.'

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    "She says that in this case it should be fine to have me do it, ma'am, and in the long run it won't be a problem."

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'Yeah, but now I'm in it for the challenge.  Or, at least, in it as far as figuring out *how* I or we could do it.  Probably audio sampling...  It's useful to have a voice even when you cannot speak aloud, even when you are alone, with only what you can hold.  I still keep a vox synthesizer on me for that very reason.'

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"...cute." Cheek-kiss.

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Internal squeeing!

Possibly some quiet external squeeing, too!

Maybe even happystims!

And!  Kiss!  She is going to kiss her lovely girlfriend, propriety be damned!

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Mmm!  This situation surely calls for beaming and happy wiggles!  Even if it's a distraction from some potentially more-important things!

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Pradnakt grins at Diana's wiggles for a bit and then pats her hand and goes back to her reading.

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Mhm, that's a good idea, she'll get right on it.

(Has she mentioned Pradnakt is great recently?  It bears repeating!)

Alas that work.  But it is necessary, and she's never flinched before.

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Well, Pradnakt will sit with her while she works, at least. For about an hour, maybe, and then she sets her datapad aside and moves to the floor to do some stretching.

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Diana probably finished whatever she was working on a little while before that hour was up, but she has plenty of things she can see to without leaving the comfort of girlfriend-snuggles.  Pradnakt getting up does prompt a sad moue, but yeah, exercise is a good idea.  She needs to burn off some of the physical energy she didn't expend today, or trying to sleep for tomorrow will be horrible.

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Pradnakt's stretching routine is brief, and when she's done she offers Diana her hand and leads her to the cargo bay - between the droids and the salvage it's pretty full, but there's still some room to move, they'll just need to be a bit careful of each other.

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Diana can be very careful indeed.  And fuss at the salvage storage, though it does need to look plausible for a human to have done so she can't pack to maximal space-efficiency.

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Pradnakt is more focused, running through a kata a couple of times, slowly and then more quickly, before wreathing herself in lightning, pausing to make sure Dana doesn't find this too alarming before she goes back to what she was doing.

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Diana doesn't find that particularly alarming, though she does wince.

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The wince does get Pradnakt's attention, but when Diana goes back to what she was doing, she moves into another kata.

She's trying to hold the lightning at a royal blue color, but this is apparently pretty tricky for her; she keeps reverting to the standard yellowish-white on more complicated moves.

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...Huh.  Diana's honestly curious what the heck is going on, now.  "What's the difference, between the blue and the yellow?"

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    "The blue form adds a telekinetic element, ma'am; it also takes more focus, which is why she keeps losing it during complicated maneuvers."

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"Huh.  Interesting.  I should probably practice with my lightning-adjacent thing myself, now that I think about it...I figured out I could do it, then never actually did anything with the technique."

...Time to see if she can short out a training saber with aurorae.  Well, it's time to do a lot of testing, actually, carefully pointed away from important bits of the ship.

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(Pradnakt watches this for a moment and then goes back to her exercises.)

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The best adjective to describe Diana's approach to this testing is methodical.

She approaches this ability with the intent to quantify everything she can, testing every variable available that occurs to her - propagation speed, linger time, effect spread, effect falloff with distance and/or time, recoil force (if any happens), effect...effects, correlation of emotional state with all of the above - on a variety of potential targets - electronics both hardened-vs.-EMP and soft, Force barriers, kyber technology both being wielded by a Force-sensitive and not, an opposing stream of energy, blaster bolts, lightsaber blades, Force Lightning if Pradnakt is willing to help out...

After that exhaustive research is done...Diana has tactics to develop based on her results.

...And other information, as well, because if Pradnakt can add telekinesis to her lightning, Diana can add telekinesis to her aurorae, dammit.

...Kriff.  That means more experimenting.  Well, she is having fun with it, but still, void take whatever void-stricken neuron that failed to fire when she was thinking of things to try, because now she has to go and try again.

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Pradnakt signs without looking up from her meditation, at that.

    "Pradnakt says you should take a break and come back to it later, ma'am."

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"Yeah, I'm just annoyed at past me for forgetting that you said you could mix telekinesis into this when she was developing her testing protocol.  It's only another go 'round, but it's still frustrating that I need to go back.  Insufficient preparedness.  Though I suppose that this is rightly another round of technique experimentation entirely."

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Pradnakt opens her eyes to give Diana a look, and pats the floor next to herself.

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Well, far be it from her to refuse an opportunity to be close to her girlfriend.

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Pradnakt snuggles up close and kisses her cheek and goes back to meditating. (She's shielding a bit better, though if Diana pokes through the shield at all it's still pretty unpleasant in there.)

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Diana...has any amount of complicated feelings about the shielding, honestly.  Not about Pradnakt keeping things private, so much as - she doesn't like it when her girlfriend intentionally marinates herself in the horrible emotions.  She doesn't like that her girlfriend feels kind of obligated to do so.

She appreciates the consideration, though, in trying to keep it from disturbing her.

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She's calm and collected by the time she drops the shield, at least. And... well, hopefully Diana is taking care of her own meditation, by now.

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Well, she's certainly no longer frustrated, at least.

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    "Have you meditated, ma'am?"

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"I've let go of the frustration, at the least.  I'm not exactly that...meditative as the Jedi understand the practice?  I don't find that my mind ever really does do the 'clear' thing; it only finds peace when it has a purpose."

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    "She says that that reminds her that she never got back to the meditation she was teaching you, ma'am."

Pradnakt gives Diana's hand a squeeze and gets to her feet, offering her a hand up once she's there.

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"Mhm, the - calling up emotions, one?"

Diana doesn't need the hand but she will absolutely take an excuse for handholding.

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"Mmhmm." And, back to Diana's room.

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Sure, that sounds nice.

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'So tomorrow it'll I guess be you and Daisy going through and talking to the holocrons - maybe Nine can help too if you have specific questions in mind but it seems weird to ask the other droids. I think I'll work on getting my speech technique set back up while you're doing that; I might not quite be able to get it but I'm close to the point where I can pull it off at least. And then do you want to try to do the memorial in the evening, or wait until the next morning?'

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"In the evening, I think.  I'll need the sleep-cycle afterwards to be at my best in port, and I need to be at my best."

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'Yeah. We might need to strategize about that, too, if you're expecting a Jedi to be there for the pickup. I can probably handle it if they notice me, but I'm sure you don't want them noticing me here.'

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"...Yeah, that's probably somewhat important; this is more of a potential friendly waypoint that I'm hoping to drop our passengers off at, where they then move on from there, than a priority extraction where you would be expecting a Jedi to move them for speed rather than a smuggler for obscurity, but you never know what the Force will arrange."

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Nod. 'You know better than I do what to expect, but better safe than sorry, definitely. Anyway, I should be able to shield well enough for long enough to get through docking and off the ship.'

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"...I wonder what happens if we try to link up battle meditation effects?  Anyway, yeah, I suppose that makes sense.  Though I wish it didn't."

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'I'm not really trained with battle meditation - I know the basics but it hasn't come up much.' Hug. 'Anyway, it's fine. Not like it's unreasonable of them to be concerned about a Sith.'

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"Wonder what the aura would be like, specifically."

"And, yeah, it does.  Just...wish that it wasn't like this."

...Hugs are nice.  She likes hugs.

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Yeah. Hugs and snuggles.


'I wouldn't trust my ability to hold onto a light side frame of mind right now but I can work on that, if you want to be able to introduce me someday.'

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"Maybe I would."  Mischievous grin.  "We can scandalize the Temple's fuddy-duddies with romantic poetry recitals."

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And evening passes, and morning follows.

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Diana wakes up early, like she always does, and takes a moment in the dim to center herself, simply letting her sense of what the Force shows her stretch out through the Subtle Knife like an extension of herself.

It's their last full day in transit, so everything that needs to be ready for their arrival, needs to actually be ready.  She might think that's already true, but it never hurts to double-check her work, especially with the way her girlfriend(!) has proven oh-so-distracting recently.

Ahhh, the fluttery feeling of love (for her beautiful girlfriend) and much more solid pride (in well-done work).  There's just R4's input left, and some things she doesn't even think about too loudly until it's time to deploy, like having plausible covers ready for her ship and crew - she's thinking of being a salvager, since she basically was, and then she can be sure they're ready for port.

She takes a moment to check in on her passengers - how are they feeling? - and her stores - R4 could use spare dataspikes, and she definitely needs blaster parts; she's also got to restock on her varietal foods, and some of the staples.

Okay.  She's ready to get up now.

...Oh no, her girlfriend's so pretty and also peacefully asleep and she can't just disturb her, that would be horrible to do!

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The passengers are a little bit bored and anxious but basically okay. And Pradnakt seems to be quite soundly asleep.

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Well, then.  If she doesn't awaken after some gentle hairpets she probably won't, so if she doesn't, then up Diana gets.

She does need to do the funeral preparations, too.

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Hairpets get Pradnakt to stir slightly and make a wordless considering noise, but she doesn't wake.

Daisy has incorporated the holocrons into the little shrine, and labeled them in the process; Diana is welcome to come into the room to work with them, or Daisy can bring them elsewhere if she'd like.

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Diana has a speech to write, but she'll definitely do it with the shrine at hand.

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Daisy will stand quietly in the corner, then, if she's not needed.

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She might actually want to ask Daisy for advice on how best to speak to her audience, if she's not going to be busy, then.  It's rather embarrassing, but she doesn't really know if there's any particular droid culture around sophont deaths, and how best to respect and incorporate it into the - everything - if so.

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Not culture, no, but they sometimes have programming that addresses it. In this case, all the droids are one of a) servants from Daisy's line, which is designed for working with Sith and is programmed to encourage people around them to avoid provoking attacks but also to ultimately consider Sith violence licit; b) med-droids from a line with similar programming regarding the licitness of Sith violence; or c) mech or labor droids without much complicated programming regarding interactions with biologicals at all.

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"...That's...that someone can just...spin up a core, that presents as as much of a person as I do, with arbitrary, modifiable personality parameters, arbitrary drives...It scares me, the damage someone could do.  To quote a wise woman, evil is when you treat people like things, and...the philosophy of droid design very definitively does that.  You have preferences.  That is absolutely personhood, as far as I care."

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"Yes ma'am."

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"...Please tell me if I've said something that offends you; I wish to avoid doing that."

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"You haven't, ma'am."

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"Thank you, Daisy."

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"You're welcome, ma'am."

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Pradnakt wakes up about an hour later, and putters around starting her day for a little bit before settling in to work on her communication-assisting technique. It's largely a neutral technique, though there's an occasional brief twist of Dark as she works.

She pokes her head in to check on Diana at lunchtime. "Hey. Still working?"

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Well, whatever she was doing, when Pradnakt says words at her she stops.  "Have I mentioned you have a very pretty voice?"


"Ahem.  Yeah, I'm still working.  Getting together the obituaries, as best I can."

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"Not done with..." she gestures vaguely, "but progress. And lunchtime."

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"Lunch does sound good, yeah."

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Pradnakt will come in to give her a gentle hug and wait for her to finish talking to the holocron, then. (Daisy also stops when she's gotten the information she needs from the one she's speaking to.)

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Diana could probably just - set the holocron aside, if she understands how holocrons actually work, they're more like a script than a soul - but she doesn't.  Holocrons are people too, just with a time-and-memory deficiency.

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Yeah; Pradnakt isn't going to rush her, either.

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And Diana sets down the holocron.  "So...lunchtime, then?"

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"Mmhmm," and she'll take her hand to lead her out, snuggling up at the table while Daisy prepares the food. "Holos going okay?"

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"Yeah.  I've been asking them how they want to be remembered."

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"Mmhmm. You want to... talk about it?"

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"...Not really sure what there is to say.  Death sucks, y'know?"

She's sad, but it's just...sadness that she can't heal, and can't let go of, so she just...abides.

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"Yeah." Squeeze.

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The hugging is mutual.

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And then there's lunch.

"Anything else needs... taken care of? I'm probably not going to get... more done on this, today."

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"Not much I can think of.  Cover identity browsing, maybe?  Something to ask R4 about, more than me.  If you want to go out shopping as...like...not overtly a Sith.  Or something like that."

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"Yeah, good idea. Not usually needed but..." another vague gesture. "Big purchases, more questions."

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"Yeah.  Anything in particular you're looking to buy?"

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"Need to.... hrrm..."


    "She says she'll need to talk to you about that, ma'am, before she makes any major purchases; you can discuss it tomorrow morning, or after she's found a buyer for the mundane salvage."

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"It will help in the planning of our trip to know the sorts of things you might want; I'm not planning on much besides 'getting the big annoying stuff out of the cargo bay' and stocking up on essentials.  And laying in spare blaster parts, but that shouldn't be huge.  You been around here before?"

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"Few times. I want weapons, mostly, for..." vague gesture. "So we need to discuss that."

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"Kicking your ex-boss's shit in?"

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"Anything you have in mind?  I'm probably going to grab some missiles, for that one.  ...Did we talk about his base defenses at some point?"

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"No, I want to wait until..." gesture. "Less distractions. Less risk, too." She nods at the occupied rooms.

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"Yeah, that makes sense.  Operational security."

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Nodnod. "So, after. In the morning's fine, just not here." She gestures at the galley.

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"Yeah.  Not like I couldn't make it safe-albeit-slightly-odd to have a conversation, but more safe is more better.  ...betterer?  Words."

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"Safer better," she chuckles. "I can maybe share this but you might find it distracting."

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"...I'm really curious to at least try it, then, if you're up for doing that."

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She nods, "probably won't be able to hold it long," and closes her eyes, and after a moment there's a sense of having a new thing that Diana can call on, cognitively, though it isn't obvious what it is or how to use it unless and until she considers trying to speak. When she does, it offers her an awareness of words that she might want to use, taking any not-yet-verbal thoughts and rendering them as phrases, complete with grammar and pronunciation. It's definitely still a work in progress, though; most obviously, it'll fail to offer a translation of any thought that's over a fairly low complexity limit, and the offered translation disappears easily if she gets distracted from the thought it's translating at all.

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Diana gasps, glomps Pradnakt fiercely, and appears to be having happy tears of sheer brilliant awe.

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Heeeeeee. (She doesn't lose the shared effect, but it's a pretty near thing.) "Good stuff, yeah?"

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"It's beautiful," she doesn't-whisper, breathily, quietly, but firmly, the shared technique lending her a voice where hers is not sufficient to the task of speech.

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"Mm." Cheek-kiss. "Will be better at sharing once... my focus is all the way back. If you want."

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aaaa she'd love that it's so good she wants to know how to do it too especially for the people who need help making the words come out -

"Yes I would, can you teach this?  And would you be willing to?  It's...Healers, mind-Healers especially, they would -"

die, kill, fight, throw themselves down and beg, because they know how hard, how painful it is sometimes and if they could ease that for their patients in any amount, they'd want to -

"There's not much I couldn't imagine you being able to ask of the Temple's healers, for teaching them this technique."

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"Hm," she says, and drops the sharing with an apologetic squeeze so that she can think. "I'm not sure I can teach it; it's not - based on standard foundations. I invented it before I was found. I don't think I'd mind? It's mostly not - going to help anyone kill us faster, I think."

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Aw, the beautiful thing isn't there anymore.  Pouting probably won't fix it though.  So Pradnakt gets a squeeze back, and Diana says words:  "...oh, wow, that's...that is truly prodigious."

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"It took most of my time for a year, the first time. But definitely not bad, considering. Would you rather I... leave it up when I can, even if it's on and off?"

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"I...don't strain yourself?  But...it's beautiful.  I could meditate on it."

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"All right. I can do some, anyway." And it comes back. "I'm not sure it doesn't - you might get out of practice on the normal way."

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"That's a risk I'll have to take, then," she giggles underneath the voiceover.  "I think it's worth it?  It's just so..."

Diana's own Force presence reaches out to wrap the technique's output valve inside a voice distorter, humming softly to test the effect, until the result sounds a lot like one of the holo-actors that do documentary voiceovers.

"The Force," the voice begins, "is fundamentally about connections," and Diana lipsyncs along, with some subtle gestures, "about bringing people together or splitting them apart, and the technique we are using here, to generate the sounds of speech when our voices fail us, is the most profound expression of connection to others short of true telepathy, and in truth, there's almost no such thing as true telepathy.  Honing one's empathy to a fine-grained understanding of others that almost looks it, perhaps, but the sharing of minds between minds is not yet proven; even those techniques like the mind trick, and mind reading, pass through the sensorium, first.  It is thus that the technique of Speaking through the Force represents a step previously un-taken, for it is an inversion of the usual inward-focused nature of mental techniques; it does touch on the person's mind who is so affected, but it brings the result out into the world, rather than leaving it a secret kept only by the Force-Sensitive whose technique it originally is.  It's a truly beautiful work of art, in my opinion."  She can't keep up the serious documentary façade any longer, and after a little giggle, just grins, snuggling in close to Pradnakt and kissing her with loving (but not amorous) intent.  "You're a wonder, did you know that?  Love you."

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Cheek-kiss. "Love you too."

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Gosh, this moment is so sweet, she's just going to stay in it for a little while.  And maybe it will end, or be ended, but she won't regret a single second spent on it.

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Yeah, Pradnakt's not in a rush either, though Daisy does take this opportunity to quietly present them with their lunches.

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Lunch is good too, thank you Daisy, you're doing great.

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She is great, isn't she?

Nom nom nom... Diana is staring off into space rather than eating; Pradnakt gives her a little nudge and stops sharing the speech effect.

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Mmhmm!  She is!


Huh!  Where'd the shiny thing go?


...Oh hi R4!  You're great too!

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And don't I know it.  I'm surprised you're not levitating from joy.

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Oh!  How dare R4 betray the trust of - okay, actually that's not really that embarrassing from a Sith-like perspective.  Huh!

"R4's been around for a while, even if he wasn't my pilot droid then, and he just reminded me of something that was such a bad Jedi thing but is honestly pretty cute in retrospect?  When I was a youngling and they'd gotten me up to speed on using the Force but not on the emotion repression bits and the not using the Force bits, sometimes when I was really excited I'd just levitate right out of my chair."

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"Very cute, yes."

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Diana blushes.

"...do you have any fond memories of...before all of this, I guess?"

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"Some. I was alone a lot as a kid, but... in a good way. I grew up on a farm planet, humans and ozot, my town was all human but they had an ozot-style creche system for the kids... I didn't get along with my parents, they didn't want a kid who couldn't talk, but it was fine, I didn't need them. Got along with the creche staff just fine, got my classes done fast enough that they just let me do whatever the rest of the time. I spent a lot of time just... out, in the fields or the woods. Liked it a lot. Learned a lot, too. Less... book stuff? Book stuff is also good but seeing the world for yourself is more important."

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"I was always in the books, honestly; they were easier to read than the people, even with the Force helping.  And when I was old enough they couldn't stop me from going inside, they basically couldn't keep me out of the machine shop.  Manuals are easier to read than people."

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"Somehow I'm not surprised." Cheek-kiss.

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Blush.  "I suppose it was honestly your equivalent of the fields, my time in the engineering sectors.  They were, are, the real thing, that you can touch with your hands and see with your eyes and feel in the Force."

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"Mmhmm. Not exactly, but yeah."

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"...Yeah."  She exhales heavily, a breath expulsed as the moment breaks on her own bittersweet memories, tainted not by the past, but by the ever-encroaching present.  "...you have everything you'll need ready for the funeral service?"

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"As much as I'm going to. Daisy, I still want you to - read the poetry, I think."

    "Yes ma'am."

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"Alright.  We're doing it after dinner, right?  It...seems the most reasonable time, in my opinion.  ...I don't know who should tell our passengers about it, but uh.  It shouldn't be me."

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"I think one of the other... servants, has been with them?"

    "Yes ma'am."

"One of us can ask her to do it. And if she wants to stay with them."

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"That would...probably be good."

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Squeeze. "You have to meet them where they are, sweetheart."

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"...mmhm...It still feels wrong that I'm not doing better."

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"It's their lives, you can't do it for them. And you can't - have what I have with Daisy with everyone. Not fair to them to try, even."

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"Yeah.  I just - wish it didn't have to be this way, I suppose.  That someone, somewhere, is just...

"Designing slaves that hate having no chains.

"And it's better than having slaves that detest their lot, but it's still...

"It's still fundamentally slavery-shaped.  Droids can't leave.

"And that's the bad thing, I think.  Not - the innate satisfaction from their work, but...having no choice of employer.  At least in most circumstances.

"I'm not sure if this makes any actual sense, but, well.  It's why I mostly don't have any droid crew."

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Nod. "But that's not something you're doing. We didn't tell the droid to work with them, she just did. We aren't telling her to go with them, we're giving her the choice. It would be better if she understood more about - how to take all the options she has - but you don't fix that by taking away choices."

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"Yeah.  You don't.  You can't.  And we haven't.  But most wouldn't.  And that just..."

She sighs, frustratedly.  "I can't even articulate whatever this feeling is, nor what it's really caused by, not to any degree of success.  But something's just not right with the way the galaxy treats droids.  And maybe I'm projecting, but...someone thought that the worst sin I know, should be done to them every six months, to 'maintain peak operational efficiency'.  And nobody ever questions that.  Not on an institutional level."

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"You did. Sometimes that's all you can do. We're as close to being gods as people get, but it's not very close."

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That gets a momentary, halfhearted sporfle out of her.

"I suppose you're right about that."

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"Mmhmm." Squeeze.

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Mmmmm, girlfriend squeezes are the best squeezes.

"...I should probably get back to work, unless you want to take over."

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"I can do some holocrons if you want, but I'm still not great with this."

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"You don't have to do it by yourself, but would you like to - witness, I suppose?  Even without pitching in."

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"I can sit with you if you want, but this isn't..." She pauses for a minute, struggling for words, and then shrugs. "I'll come."

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"...Don't come just - just because I asked, or something like that; I only want you there if you want to be there.  It might be sad work, but I can handle it."

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She shakes her head and gives Diana a little squeeze. "Different issue than that. Don't worry about it."

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"I'll do my best; just let me know if I can help."

Alright.  It's...time to get the rest of the victims' memorial data.

There's not all that many left, at least.

So...who's in this holocron, then?

Please, one at a time unless you're family, partners, or close friends.

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Here is a worried-looking man in his early thirties with mussed hair, vaguely mismatched clothing, and machine-oil-stained hands; according to the label there are two people in this holocron, Emil and Valin Okkoris.

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"...Hey.  ...If you remember what happened...I'm sorry."

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"I, uh. Not....well?" He looks briefly confused. "What can I do for you?"

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"...You died.  And I want to know how to remember the life you lived, instead of your name being just another entry on the list of victims of the man who took that life.

"Would you like to tell me your story?"

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"Oh. Uh. There's not much to tell, really? I wasn't anybody special."

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"Well, I think you were, because there's not a single other person who experienced the same things, lived the same life, as you did.  So how about you tell me about those sorts of things?  The ones that make you uniquely yourself."

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"I... well, uh... I'm - I was - okay with machines, I guess? Like, not that good, but I could do some things, I don't know."

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"Mmhmm?  How'd you learn?  We actually have machinery in common.  Oh, and what's your name?"

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"Valin, ma'am. Valin Okkoris."

"I, uh, kind of taught myself, from books? And then my family sent me to college, but that didn't, uh, go very well, so. Like I said I'm not that good at it."

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"...I think you're rather better than you'd think, given how you taught yourself from books.  Most people can't do that, I'm told.  Perhaps college was simply a bad learning environment for you."

...Holocrons aren't supposed to be able to learn or grow.  Diana does not give a fuck about that factoid.  They can remember people.  Recall like that means learning.  Therefore, she treats them kindly.

So she'll see about talking about Valin's issues.  He's good at what he does, she can tell.  It's his soul-shape.

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"I don't know, maybe."

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"Definitely, in my somewhat professional opinion.  You've got enough kinship with machines that I can still see the grease on your hands.

"What else was growing up like, for you?"

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"It was fine? I had a lot of brothers and sisters but my parents' school was the best one around so we did okay."

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"Your parents' school?"

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"Yeah, they ran a trade school, taught people to be nurses and plumbers and fix speeders and things. Before the trouble, I mean."

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"Mmhmm.  And then the trouble came."

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"Yeah, that was," he sighs. "Some asshole company or something opened a mine and didn't want to pay for workers, decided they'd rather just hire some slavers to round up a town instead. Sucks, but, what are you going to do."

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"...I mean, theoretically, violent resistance, fleeing, or both of those options, but...yeah, that's only temporary at best with the Empire's backing."

She sighs.  "Sith.  I just don't understand the overall mindset."

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"...I guess it could have been Sith. They didn't really tell us anything."

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"It probably wasn't a Sith personally putting the boot on your neck, but the Republic, despite its own faults, abhors slavery.  The Empire encourages it."

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"I guess. Was that all you wanted?"

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"How do you want to be remembered?"

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"I guess sit in a garden with a droid for a while, or something? That's always where I liked being."

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"...Yeah, I can do that."

That's not the sort of answer she was expecting...but that doesn't mean it's bad.

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....if he doesn't have anything further to say, she'll let the holocron power down for a bit.  That was...

Born in different circumstances, and not Force-sensitive, she could've been him.

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Pradnakt wraps her in a hug from behind, resting her chin on her shoulder.

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...Yeah.  She needs that hug.

"...a lot of their stories..."  Were like his; could have been hers, she doesn't say.

"They deserved so much better."


"...I just don't understand how Sith culture became, encourages, this.

"No-one benefits from biological slavery, when droids are readily available, and they are readily available.

"I have my own problems with the way droids are developed, but...it's just nonsensical.  Unless they're doing it to make people suffer for suffering's sake, which is itself absurd!"

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Squeeze. "The financial side works out about the same, they don't benefit but they aren't losing money, either. They don't have to... want harm, just not care."

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"...How are they breaking even compared to not-droids?  They have to pay to escape-proof everything!"

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"No, there's..." Daisy's busy and she left the datapad in the other room. "Thing - implant - bomb - one-time cost."

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Oooooh wow that's a lot of anger she's experiencing.

"...that would...make the logistics...somewhat...plausible.

"The quality downgrade, however, because resentful people don't do...no, they would probably think it an upside if they could sell people on repairs.  ...I have discovered that I really quite hate slavers, incidentally."

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"...yeah.  It feels like the sort of emotion that makes lightning.  I was...aware of the morality of slavery, or rather the constant, consistent lack of morality, but the feeling so strongly about it...that's new, even though it kind of isn't."

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"Yeah. That happens, when you get close enough for details. Want to go - katas?"

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"...debating the appropriateness of conditioning hatred to lead to violence."


"...seems rather unwise, to do so without prior consideration.

"But.  I have considered.  And found distance.

"So, yes.  Katas sound lovely, to burn this off."

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She gives her another little squeeze, and unhugs. "Company?"

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"Yes, please."

...Diana can stalk, when she's angry.  And this sort of anger...it's not a flash in the pan, it's a burning, fuming coal.

She's not sure katas will actually help.

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Well, Pradnakt can come with her and wait to see if they do, and suggest they spar if not.

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...It helps her wrath find some outlets...

But it nonetheless persists.

"...Is sparring a good idea?"

She's not really sure...

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Pradnakt shrugs, half-casually. "It helps me. Useful to feel strong."

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"...Personal strength doesn't meaningfully matter against systemic problems.  Only personal ones.  And perhaps I could battle-meditate a slave revolt, but...even then, it wouldn't last without having support from others.  Not with orbital kriff-yous existing."  She sighs.  "It's always this, when I try to solve problems, and I never hate it any less each time."

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"Not useful like that, useful like..." she paces a bit as she speaks, half-circling Diana in a way that's more than a little reminiscent of a fight. "Reminding yourself that you have strength, feeling it, seeing that it's something you can do. Useful here and now, to you." She pauses and shrugs. "Better to try it, maybe, if you don't know what I mean."

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"...I think the impetus is gone.  Which...is less good than I'd like it to be, because it's plausibly learned helplessness, now that I think about it.  Which is bad."

Diana joins in the circling!

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"Mmhmm." And if Pradnakt reaches for her 'saber?

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Diana mirrors her, the frown on her face shifting to a distractedly sly grin as the saber enters Pradnakt's hand, because honestly, she does want to spar with her girlfriend.  It's...fun, she thinks.  To strive, and prove herself, and help Pradnakt reach for excellence.

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Well let's go, then.

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Oh yes indeed.

Her lightsabers snap on, and the fight begins.

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Pradnakt is badly outmatched, but that doesn't mean she can't make Diana work for it at least a little. It helps that she doesn't seem to care that much about being hit by Diana's training 'sabers - she'll avoid them when she can, of course, but she's not going to let a little pain slow her down here.

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Diana seems to be keeping just a bit ahead of Pradnakt's demonstrated skill, every time, pushing to her limits...

"Alright, now try to hit me!"

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Can she do that without getting hit? Not really.

Is that going to stop her from trying? Also no.

(She isn't going to actually tag her, not with her actual 'saber, but she can pull her strike closely enough to leave a scorch on Diana's clothing if she can get a strike in at all.)

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And eventually, Pradnakt does get the chance to lightly singe Diana's clothes, though as Diana grins and calls a halt, it becomes clear that no, Pradnakt didn't actually do any damage to them; the floor warmed up a little bit, instead.

"Tutaminis is pretty absurd, isn't it?  You're fighting effectively, though in actual combat I think even a rather potent Sith would have succumbed to that number and volume of blows.  Still, you're recovering nicely from the...everything.  Well fought."

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Pradnakt chuckles and falls back, taking the opportunity to shake out her arms where she was taking most of the blows and give a particularly sore spot on her side a stretch. "Yeah, you got me good. Nice spar."

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"Would you like me to heal that up for you?"

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"Hm." She gives it another stretch. "Probably should, yeah, it'll bother me in the morning if we leave it."

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Then Diana can, with perhaps an unnecessary amount of affectionate touch, heal Pradnakt's training damage!

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Mmm girlfriendsnuggles.

"Weird how you can just go yea far into the Light and then stop. I guess that's probably just practice but I can't."

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"When I flip, it's just.... the well is deep." She shrugs. "I'll show you sometime, that's probably best."

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"It is deep.  It's...It's as deep as the sky.  But it will hold you up, if you ask it, or, equally, submerge you within its waves.

"It's...you walk with it; not into it.

"Or maybe it just really likes you.  I've no claim to understand the Light's motives."

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"Yeah, one of those. Anyway. Back to work."

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"Indeed.  The work needs doing."

And she will do it.

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And Pradnakt will sit with her while she does, offering hugs as needed and signing to Daisy in between the droid's holocrons.

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Eventually, she is done.

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And Pradnakt gives her a tight squeeze and a kiss on the cheek.

"We have a couple hours before dinner, anything you want to do?"

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"...I...hm.  I don't know if I've anything in mind.  Planning our shopping trip tomorrow?"

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"Sure." She reverts to the datapad for this - her fledgling speech technique isn't remotely up to the task - and also consults with Daisy on some details.

The first issue is a somewhat more comprehensive than usual complement of orbital and long-range automated defenses; there are presumably more than just the ones Pradnakt knows about, but even given that she doesn't expect them to be especially difficult to deal with. The base itself has a very standard defensive system, but that's because Pritruth's strategy when threatened is to call in favors to have other Sith come to his defense, and doesn't want them distracted by something nonstandard; Pradnakt can narrow down his likely defenders to a largeish handful of possibilities but doesn't know much about their combat capabilities, mostly.

As far as Lord Pritruth's apprentices and their resources - the youngest is Tenin, sixteen and already vicious, who she recommends killing despite the fact that he's not yet powerful enough to be much of a threat. Lord Valyr, the materials researcher, specializes in telekinesis, especially fine detail at range, and has her own apprentice, Rin; they're relatively prosocial as Sith go, and it may be worth trying to leave them alive, though in that case Pradnakt strongly prefers that Diana prepare to be able to hold them securely on the Subtle Knife - it may be workable, but it's never safe to trust a Sith. The torture researcher is Lord Grauzatis, and he specializes in mind tricks and the immersive hallucinations that are the advanced form of that technique; Pradnakt thinks it'll be best for everyone involved, Lord Grauzatis included, if he's killed, and ideally they'll come up with a way to do that at range, though she does know how to fight someone with his specialty if need be - it's a two person job, and Diana isn't going to like it at all. Lord Pritruth is slightly less terrifying than Lord Grauzatis to consider fighting, but not by very much; his specialty is emotional manipulation, and he's strong with both 'saber and lightning, including exotic lightning effects and a basic grasp of Pradnakt's lightning halo technique.

Further logistics - the obvious thing to worry about is Lord Grauzatis' victims; one of them is in a bulky life support machine and won't survive any appreciable length of time without it, and most if not all of the rest really ought to be hospitalized too, though she's hazy on the details - possibly they should be bringing some sort of medical personnel along to handle some of their immediate needs. The droids are also a consideration, but presumably they'll be fine staying in the compound while Diana and Pradnakt take care of more pressing problems, and they can come back for them afterward.

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Diana can indeed arrange for the capability to hold prisoners; the ship's set up to make it readily possible.

...She wants to at least try to help Tenin...but she'll bow to Pradnakt's wisdom, if she thinks him truly too far gone to - potentially convert to a less deadly philosophy.

It's better that one die than many, if you can't ensure that the number of deaths is zero.


Lord Valyr sounds like someone Diana could have worked alongside, in an alternate universe; they've some similar skillsets and potentially similar interests.  She knows how to secure a ship against herself, and will be so doing, then.  It's not normally worth the extra operational frustration, which is why she doesn't do it all the time, but now...She'll get out the fancy locks.


Lord Grauzatis...

She has some ideas for how to handle him, even up close.

She'll brush up on blind fighting.

That said, she is not taking that as a first resort; he might be able to fool all her senses, after all, and that could end badly.

She also has the option of arming R4 with a sniper rifle, additional close-combat and area denial weapons, or potentially even directing shipboard cannon fire support.  You can't mind trick droids, after all.  Not without specialized study.


Lord Pritruth is going to be the most annoying, even if he's also the most straightforward.  Exotic lightning effects like what, exactly, and what are his preferred emotions to stoke and damp, if Pradnakt knows?

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The problem with Tenin is that, young or not, he's already a Sith in philosophy; it's less that there's no possible situation that might cause him to turn and more that there's no possible situation in which it's wise to trust that he has, because he can and will lie about it. She won't stop Diana from trying, though, she supposes.

Grauzatis can, in fact, fool multiple senses at once, even Force senses if he's facing someone less powerful than he is, and she's not sure which way to bet on that one. Droid support might be useful - she's not familiar with it as a strategy, so can't say for sure - but seems dangerous for the droids; Nine is probably a better option than R4, if they're going that route. He spends most of his time in his compound, so they can't just nuke him from orbit without risking the lives of his victims, and she thinks they have better options than that.

Pritruth will most likely go for either a fear or rage effect with Diana, depending on whether he wants to try to recruit her or not - the fear effect is probably a bit more likely, since it'll be safer for him if it works; if he does opt for a rage effect she should be prepared for him to switch to a strong calming effect if he feels threatened, to try to make her apathetic enough to stop fighting. As far as lightning effects, she knows he can do telekinesis, or extra pain, or extra damage, but in theory he could incorporate any Force effect, that's a big part of why lightning is so popular.

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"...He'll be trying to stop a Jedi with calm!  Ha!  Won't he be very surprised!

"Additionally, tutaminis is a hard counter to Force Lightning if I have enough focus to pull it off; it's energy, therefore I can redirect it."


"And yes, there's no situation in which it would be truly wise to trust Tenin...save as we can trust incentive alignment at all.  The question is determining what he wants, and then putting him in a situation where getting what he wants requires behaving non-Sithily in an ongoing manner, until it becomes simple habit.

"It will take a while, but I do think it will work if we try."


"As far as Grauzatis and blasting him from orbit, no, we couldn't do that.  The bolts would decohere, even leaving aside his victim-hostages.  Dragging him into the open and having R4 blast him from midair would probably work, though, if it could be done.

"You'd normally be right that Nine would be safer, but R4's as armored as I am and Nine actually isn't yet.  Perhaps I can find more plating and mesh out on our shopping trip, though, or rework all that scrap into something that's potentially useful."

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"Don't - underestimate - the calm effect; you haven't seen it at full power yet. It's a valid tactic. Tenin... maybe... but I don't trust him not to play a long game, here." She shrugs. "Like I said, you can try. I don't expect Grauzitas to... fall for a lure, to get him out. If you can drag him you don't need to, you've won already."

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"We should test the calming effect and whether I can do things under it under controlled conditions beforehand, then.

"And if Tenin plays a long game, then we'll just have to play longer.  Still, it's...I want to try.

"Yeah, if I'm expecting anyone to give me especial trouble it's Grauzatis.

"Does he ever leave?"

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"Not really. His suite isn't in there exactly but it's nearby, and he mostly gets meals brought to him. He goes to the all-hands dinner every week but Pritruth won't be doing that now, too obvious a target."

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"I meant like going outside, but I'm guessing he doesn't."

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"Yeah, no. Not never but not normally and I'd be shocked under these circumstances."

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"How good a sensor is he?"

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Handwobble. "Middling? Solid basics, uses Force empathy in his work, not a specialist."

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"I do know some stealth techniques; if we infiltrate, then launch our first strike on him..."

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"Not impossible that it'd work; no more likely than any other Sith, though. And you're fucked if you solo it and it doesn't."

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"...Yeah, relying on that would be...bad.

"...Does he need to know what he's inducing?"

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Another handwobble. "Yes, but that doesn't matter much for combat use, you still can't fight him if you can't sense him."

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"...One more question, then: Can he do negative hallucinations, make something that's there appear not?  Especially if he doesn't know that there's anything happening."

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"If he doesn't know you're there he can't target you. Not sure about the other part."

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"I was thinking about closing my helmet up and fighting by instrument, as anti-mindfuckery tactics.  Then again, he'd probably notice that.  ...What's the tactic you think I won't like for fighting him?"

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"Helmet trick won't work, you won't be able to see the instruments. My tactic is, he can only target one person at a time, and I think he'll go for me preferentially." She tries to keep the tension out of her voice; it basically works.

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"Depends on how I'm looking, I think."





"...Yeah, no, we're not counting on that; it's not tactically sound.  But if he can only target one at a time...

"...Well, how many of the others would be glad to see him dead, do you think?"

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"Pritruth obviously won't; Tenin looks up to him; Valyr wouldn't mind; Rin doesn't like him but isn't very strong. He's not friendly with outsiders but they usually respect him on reputation. I do think he'll go for me, though, we have history."

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"If we can get Valyr on board with killing him, I'd feel like taking him on directly might be more reasonable as a last resort.  I just don't think that any two-person group facing him is in any way a good idea."

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"Worth trying for, but not worth depending on. Especially if we kill Pritruth first, he might kill her before we can get to her in that case."

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"...Yeah, well, my intuition here says we do not want to leave Pritruth allies in a fight even if this means fighting Pritruth last."

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"Not sure I like giving him time to dig in and arm any surprises he has."

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"True, but I'm better at disarming traps than he is at arming them."

"...Ugh, I hate combat logistics.  Okay.

"I think the best option we have is to send droids after - what's-his-face.  Because he can't mind trick them.

"To that end, I'm going to need to borrow Nine, and equip him properly.  If he's willing.

"The idea I'm having works better if it's him rather than R4 on implementation, I think.

"R4, you, and I, will concurrently be tracking down Pritruth and making sure he doesn't blow everything up on us.

"...shit, that leaves the other guy who'll side with Pritruth for sure still in play, and we can't let him have allies.

"Maybe if we hit Tenin in the initial strike, that'll work."

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"Valyr will ally with Pritruth by default, too, plus if he's smart he'll have a bodyguard. I'm not talking about outsiders much because I don't know much, but they'll be there, I'm sure."

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"Ugh.  How does he do that.  Okay, so we also need to convince Valyr we'll probably win and it's better to at least stay out of the struggle or deal a decisive blow instead of backing Pritruth.  I do have footage of the Ocnem fight, maybe if we time the delivery, from you, just right...."

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Nod. "I think Daisy has her contact number. I don't completely trust her not to go to Pritruth, though - she's not loyal to him, but it's down to who she thinks will win - I guess we can just not tell her anything relevant to the fight, I'm sure he knows we're coming. Does mean we should do it on the way, not let them correctly guess we're in orbit. And the footage is relevant, it shows your style."

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"Letting Valyr know that we took out three Sith in thirty seconds without me even drawing a lightsaber is pretty good incentive to not get on our bad side, though.  Even if they were flunkies."

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Deskyl hums consideringly. "Yeah, worth the risk."

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"Yeah.  Alright, add that to the plan.  Does Pritruth have a preferred flavor of bodyguard, incidentally?"

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"It varies. He'll have someone who can counter me, if he can get them, which might be... my advantage is I'm sneaky, sense at range means I don't need to be close to know things and I'm good at avoiding people and choosing a time to ambush. If he just has muscle and wants privacy ever I can go when he's away from them - that's harder if he knows I'm here of course but he doesn't know what resources I have, it's hard to be sure I haven't snuck in. So he'll want people who can defend him at a bit of range, or otherwise solve that. Or another sensor, I'm not bad at cloaking but it's hard for durations. More that than muscle, anyway, I'm nothing special in a fight. - or he might try hostages, he knows I'm pretty soft."

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"Hmm.  That's...We will have to deal with that as it comes up, I think, there's no real way of knowing; that said, I really don't think there's much someone who's not a Force Sensitive can throw at me that's...worth more than cursory notice?"

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"Oh, yeah, it'll definitely be Sith. No point, otherwise. That doesn't limit him as much as you'd think, he does - favors, politicking, that kind of thing."

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"Ah.  Yeah, that makes sense and is, equally, rather frustrating.  I hate having competent enemies."

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"Mmhmm." She takes a moment to consider. "We might be able to come up with something unexpected. Wait him out, maybe, his guards won't be there forever and he doesn't have infinite supplies."

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"I'm not that easy to prepare for even when you know what to expect.  I think waiting only gives him the advantage, though, so we probably shouldn't.  ...wonder if the medi-droids would be interested in avenging the dead.  I mean, I kind of doubt it.  But it's not exactly impossible.  Especially if they've had any time to grow, which, given the boundaries Ocnem was pushing...Well, memory-wipes might've been contraindicated."

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Uh? "Nobody would have objected to that. I mean, I did, but in general. - no Sith, I mean."

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"No, I mean for, like, procedural memory reasons."

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"Oh! They don't lose that in wipes, by default."

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"Ah.  ...How?  Okay I suppose it's probably possible, but...damn.

"The way sophonts just make...minds that can be people...and then do this shit to them...

"It's just...a total disgrace."

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Squeeze. "Yeah. Anyway, I don't think them wanting to is likely, but they might do it if we ask. It'd be - they aren't battle droids, though. We could buy battle droids."

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"...you're not wrong that we could.  I question whether we should, though.

"Not that my conscientious objection to purchasing manufactured sapients is actually affecting the market demand, but...kriff, I don't know."

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"- rent them, fix their wipability while we have them? Leaves them better off, even if we don't have the resources to keep them well. Think of it as hiring them."

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"Or planting the seeds of a future revolution, I suppose.

"...Thank you.  I...that's a better potential outcome than I otherwise could have wrought."

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Squeeze, cheek-kiss.

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...yeah, she needed that.  Pradnakt can feel her relaxing into the touch.

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Yeah. Shoulder-rub?

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Mmhmm, that's good too.

...Honestly, the amount of time Diana isn't wound taut as a bowcaster is probably less than the time she is, without significant effort spent changing that.

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Yeah, that's a good use of some of the time before dinner. Her healing sense has many uses and giving excellent massages is conveniently one of them.

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Ohh...that feels good.

(And that it's Pradnakt doing it makes it feel even better...)

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They could get further distracted, but first - "did you want to practice your thing before dinner, or...?"

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"...Which my thing...?"

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"The speech for the memorial."

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"Ah.  ...no?  Practicing it takes all the feeling out.  I...have the points ready, though."

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"Okay." She nuzzles her neck.

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"mmm...you feel really nice."

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Pradnakt hums contentedly against Diana's neck.

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Diana, seeing Pradnakt like this, and still having Pritruth on her mind...

It sparks something within her, and her presence curls out around Pradnakt protectively, even as she wraps her arms tightly around her girlfriend.

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Pradnakt shudders, gently - not at all in a bad way - and snuggles in.

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"...Pritruth doesn't get to hurt you ever again.  No-one does.  Mine.  My girlfriend.  Protect you, defend you, aid and mend.  Like a lord's knight should."

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Pradnakt's hum turns into a gentle moan and she squirms against Diana.

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Gosh, yes it is hot.

"How can I serve you, milady~?"

Perhaps gentle hairpets?

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Oh no, by which she means oh yes.

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Oh yes, she will.

Perhaps her hands will roam further, her touch firm, warm, bright, and she shall press a kiss to her lady's cheek...

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Did she want a melty Pradnakt because apparently this is how you get a melty Pradnakt. Not too melty to catch Diana's mouth with hers for a proper kiss, though.

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She does want a wonderfully melty Pradnakt, mmhmm; her liege has done so much for her, she will return the favor.  She's been yearning for a way to do this for so long that she will seize this opportunity for all it's worth, being aggressively loving, wilfully, powerfully subservient~

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Mmmmmmmmm. Such a good Diana. Such things Pradnakt will do with her.

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So many wonderful things~

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So many.


She snuggles up in the crook of Diana's arm when they're done, more relaxed than Diana has ever seen her, even her aura softened and mingling with Diana's at the edges.

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Oh, that feels lovely.

And part of Diana's aura, which had been tied back in on itself in an uncomfortable-seeming knot for a while, has finally uncoiled, lapping warmly, invitingly, against Pradnakt's; a worry of hers, finally laid to rest as Pradnakt fulfilled something Diana had been dreaming of.


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Pradnakt is quite content to bask in this all for a while, occasionally giving Diana a little non-escalatory squeeze or kiss.

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Force preserve her, she's about to not just melt but sublimate from experiencing this much bliss.

Snuggling into Pradnakt like...some sort of very clingy cuddly animal, just absolutely entwining herself as if Pradnakt is a drug and she's chasing a high...

...Well, she's doing it more healthily than that, but the metaphor's not wrong about the sheer intensity of her quest for cuddles.

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Snuggle snuggle. "I'm not going anywhere, sweetheart."

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"...promise?"  She seems so...vulnerable, as she asks, in a way she hasn't dared let herself be, before.  "That you'll stay?  That only the Force itself..." will sunder the bond it is clearly making, she doesn't finish; that's...more than she could dare to ask, not with this quest still in front of her - but she wants to tie herself to this strangely non-Sithy Sith.  "I..."

The words jam in her mouth, 'want to be yours', 'love you', 'trust you with my life', and so many other possibilities - but the emotions broadcast loud and clear.

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Kiss. "The Force can try."

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The wordless, overwhelmed noise she makes is only not a whimper because it is happy.

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Snuggling continues.

"Want to hear some, mm, Sith shit but, like, cute?"

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She does!

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"So Sith are always worried about - safety, are we safe, who'd win in a fight - it comes up a lot, you don't live long as a Sith if you don't watch that. But it's not just who's the stronger fighter. You could take me with a hand behind your back but I wasn't worried about that for long - you could beat me in a fair fight but that just meant I couldn't give you a fair fight if I needed to fight you, and even early on I knew you wouldn't attack me first, and that's strength and weakness too. But, you know, at this point, I'm just as bad, I couldn't attack you first either." Snuggle.

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Diana's immediate instinct here is hug.

...Her first thought, however, is more, "d'aw, that is honestly kind of cute", though.

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"Yeah." Squeeze. "And it's not a weakness most Sith can ever afford, so." Cheek-kiss. "I'm glad."

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"Mmhmm.  A weakness that's a strength."

Mmm, kisses.  Kisses are wonderful.

"...I'm glad I can be weak to you, too."

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"It does have its advantages." She's blushing a bit about it, just around the tips of her ears.

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Blushy girlfriend!  Is very cute!  Should be encouraged!

Perhaps with kisses?  Kisses are good!  Like her!

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Ooh, kisses. Pradnakt is in favor.

"We do need dinner," she points out, though, after a bit.

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"Mhm, probably...Darn linear progression of subjective time."

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"Have words with the Force about it, yeah," she says, gently extracting herself.

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"Yeah.  Though sometimes you hear stories about the Force actually doing something about that complaint and I'm not sure I want to become a potential cosmological constant, y'know?  If they're at all true.  Which is...only barely not ruled out, but still."

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Pradnakt chuckles. "Yeah, I was joking. C'mon," she adds, offering Diana a hand up.

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Up she goes!  "Yeah, so was I."

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And they can help each other get dressed and head out to the galley, where Daisy is sitting with a datapad; the droid gets up when they come in and offers to make dinner for them.

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"I'd appreciate that, if you'd like to."

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"Yes ma'am. Would you like anything in particular?"

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Diana appears to be doing her best 'droid freezing because they have been asked about their opinions and need to figure out what those opinions are first' impression for a good few seconds.

"...I imagine R4 is actually better able to tell you than I am.  Which...is definitely...something."

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Pradnakt doesn't laugh at her, but she might as well be, with the way her amused fondness is bobbling up in the Force. She kisses her cheek instead once Daisy has said 'yes ma'am' and turned to start preparing the food.

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Diana is blushing and glad that Pradnakt didn't...laugh-laugh.  Like...it is actually kind of humorous, and she certainly doesn't think Pradnakt ought to not find it so, but it's also...


"...such Jedi banthashit, free yourself from desire my ass!"

And now, she can laugh!  Because she'd rather not cry!

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Pradnakt does laugh a little at that, in the second it takes for what Diana has said to really register, and then the playful squeeze she was giving her turns into a possessive one. "They... really?"

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Oh...possessive squeeze...good...

"Some of them!  And I was such a model student!  Haaaah...Yeah, some did.  Not many, but...some of them were important.  So...yeah.  The desires I knew I had...I tried to hide, lest they disapproved of me And Then Bad Things Would Happen.  Which was not actually a realistic prediction, to be clear, just...I worry a lot.  Worried a lot, too.  Trying to measure up to the absurd standards I have, and had, hasn't really been...the best for my overall mentality.  Produced some absurd skills, but...I push myself like that because I'm not sure I'd do anything, be capable of doing things, if I let myself stop.  And that would be...bad for everybody, including me."

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Pradnakt is literally growling, albeit quietly, by the time Diana is done speaking.

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...and Diana is leaning in close, because...it's nice, being protected, for once, instead of protecting, like she usually does (and has never regretted).

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"When we're done with..." she gestures vaguely, "we're taking a vacation and working on that. You and Daisy both."

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"...I would like to do that.  However, my model of Daisy...thinks she would be rather distressed by the idea, for reasons I don't share, so...please do be careful?  I know you will be, but I can't not ask that anyway."

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Pradnakt looks confused at this, and gives Daisy a long assessing look.

"I want to hear more about that, later."

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"You will."  She nods, firmly, a commitment made.

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"Thank you." Cheek-kiss.

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"It's the least I could do and still be happy with who I am."  She looks into the middle distance, and slowly, quietly, continues - "It's...there's so many things that I might never truly internalize about the interiority of droids, being, thinking, feeling, ironically just similarly enough, but, well, for different enough reasons, that I trip over my own patterns trying, but - I've spent a while trying to understand theirs, nonetheless, because - they deserve to be understood, and respected for who they are.  And...using what understanding I have, as meager as it is, to help avert harm...I'll never think that's not worth it."

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Diana is lovely; Pradnakt gives her a squeeze about it.

The food is ready about then, and Daisy joins them at the table when she brings it over.

"How're you doing, Love?"

    "Fine, ma'am. It's good that you have your voice back."

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Squeezes are good!


And oh, gosh, that was so cute of Daisy and Pradnakt, she is squeeing internally like she just got a shiny new gadget from the sheer compersion!