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message in a botnet - Deskyl and DZ are rescued by Diana
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"That's good, I hope."  A bit of time passes, during which Diana actually finishes dinner.  "Kaymee, if you're interested, I could probably kitbash you a technological solution to some of the overstimulation I solved with the Force earlier; would you like that?"


Kaymee glances at her father and receives a subtle nod. "If it's no trouble, ma'am."


"No trouble at all, no; it's mostly just assembling and fitting spare parts for things I use in my gear."


"Then I'd appreciate it, ma'am."


"Alright, I'll make a quick stop in my workshop and we can see about sorting that out around the same time we do clothes, maybe?"


"Yes ma'am, I'll be ready." She hurries up a little with the cereal.


"No need to rush on my account, part-picking takes time."


Another glance at her father, and this one gets a more hesitant nod.

"...all right, ma'am."


Eventually, there are clothes, and a smart-polarizing coating on a lightweight plate of transparisteel, as well as the same parts Diana uses for her audio filters, rigged up to the anchor-band for a welding mask.

"That probably ought to do, at least as much as anything else can hope to.  I will caution you that this is a bit distinctive on its own; if for some reason you're coming with me in the field - which you shouldn't end up having to do - you'll be wearing a helmet, instead, and that'll be slightly different controls-wise, but this can go with you on your way out of here.  I've talked to my people; there's someone who can pick you up and see you safely away meeting us when we arrive at Destan."


Kaymee is briefly alarmed at the prospect of having to join Diana in the field, but ultimately nods. "Thank you, ma'am. This is... nice."


"I'm glad you like it."


R4 breebles something at Diana.


"And - I do want to make clear, pretty much nothing short of having to abandon ship is going to be a needing a helmet situation.  You're not trained for this, I'm not dragging you out there unless I can't not."



    "And we have no reason at all to think that that would happen, ma'am. We'll be at Destan in two days and don't expect anything unusual to happen in that time."

        "Yes ma'am. It's just... unexpected things are... hard."


"Yeah, I know the feeling.  I can go over contingency plans with you, if you'd like?"



    "Pradnakt says she could have one of the droids write it up for you, if you'd like."

        "Yeah, that... would be good. I think."


"Yeah, if you'd prefer that, that would be equally possible.  ...I feel like I should probably apologize for something.  Ironically this is something that I wasn't expecting, haven't trained for as much as I'd have liked to, so I'm not - handling your situation as well as I'd like, and - pressuring you, in ways that I really don't want to.  Which I don't want to do.  I - mm.  I'm trying to cultivate an environment that feels safe for you, as safe as I can make it, at least."  She waves a hand sideways, attempting to clear that out of her train of thought.  "That's not exactly where I wanted to go, excuse me.  I want to - help you feel like people, who can - want and have things, preferences, hopes and dreams - instead of the victims of a stupid suffering-maximizing Sith Empire policy attempt to install droid operating systems in fleshy minds, but I'm clearly not as good as I could be at that.  So - please do the tooka-kit thing where you swat me on the nose and hiss if I'm being overbearing like that.  I promise, I won't bite, I'll be proud of y'all for standing up for yourselves.

"...And, Pradnakt, if you wouldn't mind keeping an eye out too; I clearly don't have the skill for this that you do."


Pradnakt is trying very hard and only mostly succeeding at not laughing at Diana, by the time she's done speaking.

    "Pradnakt says that it's entirely understandable that it's going to take you more than a few hours - or a few days - to feel comfortable with your new situation, sir, ma'am, and that you shouldn't worry about Master Diana, she'll take care of things with her."

        "...thank you, ma'am," Zander says, directed at both of them but a little more at Pradnakt, who nods and takes Diana's hand to lead her out into the hallway.


"Oh good grief I'm just going on.  Yeah, lemme just - make sure I can't further insert my foot into my mouth, good idea Pradnakt."  She can't help but grin sheepishly as she follows.


Pradnakt's first order of business, out in the hallway, is to plant a kiss on Diana's nose.

    "She says you're very cute, ma'am. And that she thinks it's best to let them adjust at their own pace; some of the things you'd like them to do have been dangerous for them until now, including acting casually around free people, or expressing wants to them."


"Yeah.  It makes sense, that that would take a while.  Ugh, I'm not a Consular.  Or mind healer.  And I'm not cut out for being one, either.  I don't know why I'm trying to Consular at things anyway.

"Probably because I can't not try in the absence of - well, I suppose this means I should leave acclimation to you, actually.  You're - good at it.  Better than I am, at least."



    "She says that most of the difference is that she's more used to slaves, ma'am; they're doing well compared to her expectations, so she's not worried about them."


"...Hopefully that works out."

...yeah, hugs are good.


Yeah, this does call for them.

After a bit, though: "Do you have your contingency plans written up somewhere, ma'am, or will you need to go over them with one of the droids?"


"They're stored in an encrypted partition; I can make copies."

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