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message in a botnet - Deskyl and DZ are rescued by Diana
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    "She says you'd be risking the lives of the droids and prisoners if you did that, ma'am. And she suspects that a couple of the Sith might be salvageable, too."


"Yeah, I meant after we happen to the place.  Not before.  Just as a finishing move."



    "She says that's fine if that's what you'd like to do, ma'am."


"Then I think it sounds like a good idea enough to at least plan it.  No reason we can't drop it in the sun afterwards.  Or if you change your mind, later."


"Yeah." Sign sign.

    "R4 has been coordinating the other droids to clean up the remains of the machine, ma'am, they expect to be done and ready to leave for the Destan markets in about an hour; he expects to arrive there in two and a half days."


"That's good."


"This conversation is, actually happening, right, love?  I'm not - dreaming, hallucinating?  I'm just - wondering, just a bit, because I very much wasn't expecting you to suddenly give me this choice."


Pradnakt considers this for a moment, then picks up Diana's hand and kisses the back of it.

    "She says that she wasn't expecting you, ma'am."











"Well I'm glad I could be a pleasant surprise, then!"

She is so hopelessly gay.


Pradnakt kisses Diana's cheek and shoos Daisy out of the room.


It's probably a good thing Diana didn't have any specific plans in mind for this evening!



Pradnakt does have them ready to face the world again in time for a late dinner; however: 'Our guests are in the galley, I guess I'm staying here.'


"No, no, you come out.  You helped rescue them.  I've got spare clothes you can borrow if that's a concern?"

(Diana's wardrobe is rather well-stocked, considering how little she uses of it day to day.)


She visibly considers her lightsaber where she's set it on the bedside table; this is the first time Diana's seen her that far from it since Daisy brought her aboard. 'This once, I guess. Don't think I'm going to make a habit of it.' And she goes to have a look through the clothes closet.


"...If you're concerned about them deducing something untoward from your saber, well, they already know I'm a Jedi.  And I did mention there was another Force-sensitive aboard.  So, you could bring your saber if that's what you're worried about.  They'll assume you're with me, y'know?  ...If it's - privacy, then you don't have to come, I just don't want you feeling like you have to hide because they hurt you too."


"Mm;" she sounds less than happy with this turn of events, but continues looking at the clothing and shortly picks something out to put on.


Diana's clothes fit surprisingly well on her!

"I'm - mm.  I feel like I hared off in an entirely wrong direction.  I just...value your comfort, okay?  So - whatever's best for you, there."


Pants, shirt, 'saber holster, datapad. 'I'd rather you hadn't told them I'm Force sensitive. I don't like them thinking I might be a Jedi.'


Wince.  "Ooh.  Sorry.  Should've asked.  ...Figured you were probably not going to totally abstain from doing Force stuff while they were aboard, and also I was a bit concerned about them jumping at Sith, I suppose, so - wanted to cast you as a definite ally.  ...Well.  There's probably still room to spin a plausible story between those constraints?  Not-a-Sith and not-a-Jedi both seems somewhat harder, but, possible.  If we tell them why you knew that machine existed, especially, I think."


'Not while they're aboard at all, but in front of them, yeah, that was the plan. I can tell where they are from anywhere on the ship, they aren't going to sneak up on me. Anyway, let's not complicate it, the damage is basically done. It's not that big of a deal anyway.'


Diana nods.  "My apologies, nonetheless."


"Mm," she responds, ambivalently, but nonetheless comes around to Diana's side of the bed to put her arm around her waist when she's done getting dressed. "Love you."


"Love you too."




Zander and Kaymee are sitting at the table; Kaymee's on her second bowl of cereal, while Zander works his way through a sandwich and chips.


"Hey there.  This is Pradnakt and Daisy; Pradnakt, Daisy, these are Zander and Kaymee.  You two holding up alright so far?  Find everything you needed?  I've got some basic spare clothes in the hold somewhere..."


"...Hang on, have I introduced myself?"

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