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message in a botnet - Deskyl and DZ are rescued by Diana
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'I embroider kind of a lot, it's good practice for working with tiny stuff, if you ever have any requests.'


"...I think I might like to learn, actually; sewing, in general, is a useful hobby that I really ought to have picked up by now."


'Sewing is actually pretty different, I have no idea how to make a shirt. We could share some tools, though.'


"Huh.  Well, it's patterns, isn't it?"

...Now she's investigating her shirt like it holds the secrets of the universe.

"And a bit of transformative geometry....

"...I think I'll pick up some fabric when we arrive.  Can't hurt any, at least."


Giggle, nosekiss.

'I don't think it's hard, necessarily, it's just a different skillset. Knowing how to add features to a lightsaber doesn't let me program droids, either. Anyway, it'd be neat to know crafts that synergize.'


"It would!"

She's been kissed!  Clearly this calls for kiss back!

"Mhm; the thing I'm counting on is that I know how to work with hard materials already."  (She raps on her armor in support of her point; it certainly has a unique design to it.)  "The stitching and knowing fabric itself will likely be the hardest parts.  On the plus side, once I've learned all of that, maybe I can make a Jedi robe that doesn't offend my skin!  The damn thing's so itchy!"


Hug! 'It shouldn't be hard. I can probably find out what my robes are made of, if you run into trouble with it, a Sith wouldn't ever put up with itchy clothing.'


"I wonder if they make them in brown.  It's not really a huge deal; the Temple's long since stopped caring that I wear armor around."


'Not for Sith, but I'm sure I can find someone who won't look twice at an order for fake Jedi robes, if you don't end up wanting to make your own.'


"I think being able to wear something I made myself in front of the whole Council and have them able to say nothing about it, not even the usual bickering about 'oh, it's too violent for meeting in this place of peace' from the ascetics - what absolute hypocrisy that is! - would be quite a justified and potentially necessary ego boost, hmm?  What do you think?  I'm still trying to feel out this whole emotions thing."


'Well, it depends, really. On what emotions you find useful, mostly, and how you're trying to relate to the council.'


"They're - some are blind to what they do and encourage, some are just anti-everything-Sith zealots...  I expect that the path I'm walking will lead me out of the Order by the time I finish walking it, even if I expect to continue having good relations."


'Yeah, I could see the ego boost helping. If you're okay with leaving them, at least, but it sounds like you are.'


"I think someone has to, to shock them out of it.  And I think it probably ought to be me, with this wonderful support system I've stumbled into by Force-coincidence."


Cheek-kiss. 'Do be careful, but I'm happy to help.'


"I'll be careful, mhm.  Most of my life is careful, until the moments when I say 'kriff that' and charge in to do something dramatic."  She giggles sheepishly at that line.  "Like wrecking the machine."


"Yeah." 'I've noticed. It's cute.'



Force preserve her, she is so very in love.


This is a problem they have, isn't it. Pradnakt will kiss her cheek about it.


Hm, nope, definitely still gay; what if she kisses Pradnakt?


Ooh, what if that?

It definitely gets her kissed back, for one thing.


Oh!  Well, she'll have to return the favor, then!


Mmmmm kisses.

After a couple minutes Pradnakt pauses, looking thoughtful, and glances at the datapad, but quickly goes back to what she was doing.



The inquiry-noise doesn't stop the kisses even a little!

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