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message in a botnet - Deskyl and DZ are rescued by Diana
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Then kisses there shall be!


Well, eventually one or the other of them will probably need to come up for breath.


Yes, but apparently if Diana is still curious she's going to have to ask, because Pradnakt shows no sign of going for the datapad.


" had a thought?"


"Mmm," cheek-kiss.

'I probably shouldn't actually be thinking about having a kid with someone I've known less than a month. Kind of tempted, though. Like, eventually, not right now.'


Gods, Diana is blushing radiantly at that concept.

"You'd be a cute mom.  Cute and also fierce.  And yeah, probably not now...but not never.  ...Who knows, maybe we'll end up with a Force-mediated adoption."


'I'd still want one of my own, I think.' She kisses the side of Diana's neck. 'Once things have calmed down a little.'


Diana nods, and quivers gently as Pradnakt's kisses start finding her weak points.  "I'll happily provide, if we work out.  Or, really, once we work out, since the Force clearly got into matchmaking."  Soft giggle.


"Mmmmmmmhmm." And that's enough talking for now.


She's all too happy to comply with that directive~


Oh, good.


Diana will be the first one awake again in the morning.


And as is her wont, she takes a moment to survey the ship before actually getting up to start her day.

Dammit, she is going to have to replace that coil; it's starting to run warm, and that all too soon becomes running hot and then not running.  Oh well, they'll be docked, and even if she's docking somewhere she might have to do her ostensible job, she has redundantly powered security in place; it would give even her several challenges, and she cheats.

...Plus, you know, she has a door, that closes.  You don't need to worry about someone malicious breaking in, even if they have a lightsaber, if they can't do it before you can get your defenses back up.

Sadly, she still can't afford to armor the exterior properly, but R4's done some very interesting things with the repulsor engines' firmware, complementing her knowledge of repulsor physics, just in case she's in a situation where she'd rather have had a ship whose armor stood up to lightsabers.

Ah well.  Lightsaber-proofing the exterior would hardly be subtle, anyway, and maintaining enough plausible deniability that the Sith Empire doesn't devote its resources to crushing her like a bug is important in her work.  Plus, she's unfortunately become attached to her little ship.  It feels like home, now, more than the contradictions of the Temple ever did, ever could, maybe ever would.  It'd hurt to leave the Subtle Knife behind, even for the best cause.

Her thoughts drift, to the longer term, to things that are invariant, to the bedrock of her soul.

The Temple never didn't train warriors, no matter how much it claimed to value peaceful philosophy.

So be it.

She'd gone into the Temple knowing that she'd learn how to fight battles and wage wars, no matter how much all she wanted to bring to the world was peace and kindness.

She'd known that she would never be the best at talking, anyway.  It just never clicked, the way engineering did, the way motion and time and energy had.  Certainly not the way a thousand possibilities leapt to mind, when she thought about things going wrong.  Apparently it was supposed to.

(It didn't.  It wouldn't.)

So she'd fight, and die piece by piece as war wore her away, and maybe she'd live long enough to build something unambiguously good afterwards.

...Well.  She's gotten all maudlin.  That's not exactly where she wanted to go; she wants to find her way to a happy ending, not mourn the paths she can't take in this galaxy.

Refocus, then.

She loves her girlfriend.  That's not even a happy ending, that's bright shiny happiness in the now.

She has a loyal friend in R4.

She does necessary, appreciated work for - not only the Jedi, but the galaxy, even if it's really more violent and deceptive than the kinds of work she'd like to do.


...She wants to build things.  Building things feels right.

So what can she build, here and now?

What can she do that's useful and good for the galaxy, ideally something that doesn't involve getting up just yet (so she can cuddle her adorable sleeping girlfriend some more)?


Well, the notes Daisy wrote up for her about the generally accepted limitations of telekinesis are still on her bedtable, if she wants to look at those.


...Yeah, sure, that works.

What do they say?


The most basic form of telekinesis is moving a single nearby visible solid object through air or void; other basic uses of the technique include moving an object through clear to slightly murky liquid, moving two objects in synchronicity, moving oneself in relatively mundane ways, and being able to move the bodies of non-Force-sensitive individuals or cooperating Force sensitives.

Moving more than two objects in synchronicity is intermediate in difficulty, as is moving two objects in different ways while not distracted, moving substances (e.g. water or sand), moving objects that can't be clearly seen (e.g. something visible through murky water or fog), and moving the body of an uncooperative Force sensitive who's grievously injured, as well as moving objects that are farther away. (The default range of nearby vs. farther away varies from one Force sensitive to the next; generally telekinesis range will be more closely related to an individual's range with other effects at a given skill level than to other Force sensitives' ranges.)

Advanced techniques include moving three or more objects in different ways (specialists occasionally get up to five or six simultaneous objects), applying opposing forces to a single object to break or deform it, moving an object seen via technology rather than directly, moving oneself through the air, and being able to move uncooperative Force sensitives that are substantially less powerful than oneself but uninjured.

It's generally considered impossible to move something that one can't sense in some way (Force senses count) and to overpower a similarly-strong Force sensitive with telekinesis, regardless of skill level. Being able to move more than eight objects simultaneously without resorting to synchronizing them would also be an inarguable sign of a telekinesis prodigy.


...Well then.  She may as well test that properly.  ...Do the notes go into detail about what counts as synchronization?



They do: It's possible to hold several objects in one instance of telekinesis and move the whole set together, similar to holding two or three objects in one hand and moving the hand around: this is synchronized movement, and it doesn't allow for moving the objects toward or away from each other, or rotating them individually rather than rotating the whole group around a point. In order to do that, they have to be held in separate instances of telekinesis, which allows for arbitrary, asynchronized movement relative to each other.


Well.  That's interesting.  She can do some of those theoretically impossible things; she's never precisely thought to try moving things that are not within sensory range, but rotating a collection of objects around themselves, she can do, even if she's holding them in a group, as well as adjusting objects' relative positions within a group.  She's still not sure it isn't just that she has some useful visualization tricks, though.


Pradnakt begins to stir as she's thinking about this.


Cuddling continues idly.  Diana's musing has turned to "I wonder if I could teach her how to do the things."


Mmm cuddling. Pradnakt basks in it for a bit before getting up to start her day.

'It seems like I might as well move my things in here, huh?' she asks in between putting another outfit of Diana's clothes on.


"You know, that sounds like a pretty good idea, though I do think you should have a Your Space aboard.  Maybe we can renovate for that properly after we're done with Pritruth; we'll have time, then.  Til then, yes, please."

Diana grabs some clothes herself, and then remembers her musings.

"...Do you have any plans, for today?  I was thinking about seeing if 'prodigy'-ness is...teachable, at least the telekinesis things I can do."


'I want to do some kind of memorial for the people who died in the machine sometime in the next few days. Other than that no, we can see if you can teach me anything - you might be able to even if you're a prodigy, it'll just be a lot harder for me than it is for you.'


"...Yes, let's do that, definitely."


"Yeah." 'I usually burn a candle; I haven't come up with anything like that that works aboard ship yet. Singing, maybe.'

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