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message in a botnet - Deskyl and DZ are rescued by Diana
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    "She says 'let's get that taken care of and then we can go relax,' ma'am."


"Sounds like a good idea."


They can pass that off to Daisy to pass along to one of the other droids, then; while she's at it Pradnakt suggests that the droid who delivers them offer to be a liaison for them for the next couple of days, in more casual language of course. She ducks into her room for a minute to get her embroidery kit, then, before leading Diana to her own.


Diana delegates to R4 the task of scrubbing any identifying information from her contingency plans, and continues being gently tugged along.  (She'll let go of Pradnakt's hand if she must, but only if she must.)  "...did you forget, uh, something to embroider?"


She can follow Pradnakt into her room for the embroidery kit, sure. Unfortunately with both hands in use she can't sign, but she can shake her head and tug on the hem of Diana's shirt that she's wearing.






If Diana had flappy hands, they would in fact be flapping right now; as it is, Diana's robot arm does happy blinkenlights instead!  (A feature that she can't ever quite convince herself she should remove, despite it serving almost no practical use.)


Well. Cheek-kiss. And then once they're settled she'll peel the shirt off and get started with running a complementary blinkenlights-ish pattern up the sleeves of it.




Gosh, Pradnakt is wonderful.

And...embroidering one of her shirts!


...Does Pradnakt think circuit designs are pretty enough to embroider?  Diana can't words right now but she can prop up a datapad!


This does in fact cause Pradnakt to start adding circuit markings between the slightly abstracted blinkenlights. Electronically reasonable ones, of course.


Yay!  Would she like a kiss?


She is pretty intent on her embroidery but she'll lean over to let Diana kiss her cheek, yes.



She's just going to bask in the happy feelings for a little while, then!


Diana is Very Cute.

Embroider embroider embroider.


D'aww, yay, thank you!


If the feelings prove insufficiently distracting to bask in to tide her through the whole process, Diana watches the embroidering intently!


Yeah Pradnakt's going to be at this for a while, it looks like.

Sufficiently close observation will reveal that she's cheating with the Force a fair amount of the time to get the needle where she wants it; her unassisted fine motor control is actually not that great, at least as Force-sensitives go.


Diana finds this very cute!


Which gets her: another cheek-kiss.


Which prompts: much happy beaming!



Once Pradnakt has both arms done, she pauses, petting the shoulders and bottom hem of the shirt in turn as she considers adding embroidery to them; she ultimately turns the shirt over to Diana with a questioning sound and a gesture suggesting that she try it on.


Diana is quite willing to do so, after a bit of time spent just admiring the very pretty embroidery her girlfriend(!) did!

(Incidentally, she spends that contemplation period without her shirt on.)


What a nice view.

After a few minutes observing how the embroidery falls on the shirt in situ, she gestures for it back so that she can add a bit more embroidery at the shoulders, just to finish out the design.


Diana is happy to oblige.


It's getting pretty late by the time she turns the shirt back over to Diana for final approval.


The shirt goes on, and then there is a Diana hugging Pradnakt in a very emphatically gay manner, for both possible meanings of the word!


Hee. Kiss!

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