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in which danni learns what it means to be a sith (she's pretty sure it's friendship)
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And Shaní - Starkiller, unmasked and now clearly Force sensitive - leans against the wall across the hall behind her, arms crossed, senses open. 


Elesse counters with a protective shield- not around her mind, but the baby's.

"She's innocent. I stand against anything that would hurt her."


She doesn't press against her daughter - their bond is already strong even if it's still fragile in its attachments (though the baby seems very insistent on glomping onto Elesse, too). She evaluates Elesse, then reaches to Starkiller for her impressions, then says: "Good."

"Out of all beings, all possible threats to her in this or any galaxy - Darth Plagueis is the greatest. He taught me, and he sent that boy to spy on me. He'll destroy my daughter purely because I love her, and he is not easily turned aside."


"I'm going to kill him, and I'm going to raze down everything he has ever worked for so thoroughly that his dreams can never become reality."



That's a big statement. Which she would expect from a Sith. And a venture that could easily spiral out of control, which is why Elesse is definitely not agreeing to help. She has her own priorities.


"Do you have a problem with that?"


Starkiller smiles in the background and says to Elesse: "Don't worry about sassing her. She needs more people who'll tell her she's being melodramatic."


...Eyeroll. "Isn't that what you're here for?"


"It's a big job. You can't expect me to do it by myself."


"Uh huh."

"Anyways." She turns back to Elesse. "Do you have a problem with my plans?"


"...How are you planning to keep her safe and out of the conflict?" she asks, nodding at the baby in her arms.


"Kill Plagueis before he can hurt her."



Well, if she's going to die, she's going to die, so-

"I think you should take a nap first. And then maybe think about this a little longer."




"I need to talk to that boy, anyways. I'm not running off immediately."


"Your baby needs protection, actual defense, not- not just attacks."


Starkiller goes solemn. "And she'll need a mom who isn't flying off the handle," she says, oddly gently. 


Deep breath. She closes her eyes. "I know."

And, voice cracking: "I know."



"Do you want to hold her?"


Unease flickers through her Force signature, there and gone. 


Tiny sigh. "I know you've held babies before."

"Just - put your mask on if you have to."


"When did you get so bossy." Still - she takes another deep breath -


And suddenly - 

She doesn't feel like she's trained to use the Force anymore, let alone the Dark Side. Her emotions are - muffled. Sad and uneasy, but more under her control.

She's still hesitatant as she steps closer to Elesse, though. 


Elesse will walk her through how to take and hold the baby.


The baby is a little fussy about being moved - but perks up when her mother finally gets a good grip - and then promptly decides she really wants to be fed right now. 

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