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in which danni learns what it means to be a sith (she's pretty sure it's friendship)
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She'll need more for a true frequency analysis.


Elesse will be sure to keep that in mind.


"Going to start adding memory slips to your mental file on me?"


"Every little bit helps."


"Bet it's getting to be a pretty big file by now."


"No comment."


She laughs.



Then food, and Elesse is curious about Lyli's thoughts on how the relationship of the Greens to the Jedi affected Corellia's participation in galactic governance, and vice versa...


Lylí's clearly read more books than just the two Elesse's encountered - and she has a deep understanding of modern Corellia - and she has quite a few thoughts...

They might get distracted enough Elesse will forget to pick her book back up before bedtime.


She'll have to come back tomorrow, then.


Lylí will let her take the book she was reading back with her, too.


Very nice.


"Perhaps tomorrow I'll let you take more," she teases.


"Maybe I'll be ready for more by then."


"We can work you up to it, if you aren't."


"We'll see how things go."


"Tomorrow, then."



For now, bed.


To bed. 


Lylí keeps giving Elesse access to the library - to a wealth of books - and lures her out into long, rambling discussions. (There's subtle criticism of the Jedi Order woven throughout, but mostly in the books themselves - and there's slowly increasing hints that Lylí knows more about the Force than she lets on).

Lylí or one of the other handmaidens do perform Senatorial work, leaving the villa for Theed for sometimes long stretches, or taking holo calls throughout the day - and they very much discuss it as if Lylí is a handmaiden and the Senator of Naboo is a collective persona, someone they all are. The other handmaidens take the lead here though, especially as Lylí's pregnancy advances and grows more obvious. 

(A feeling of impending something, a looming shatterpoint, creeps up on Elesse. Lylí is at the center of it, but she can't put her finger on much else...)


Elesse is on guard duty the day Lylí is scheduled to give birth. Lylí's read in a midwife, a young woman who swears herself as a handmaiden a few weeks after their party arrived at the villa, and the Senator's appointments are very minimal today, handled in the early morning, and the handmaidens form a tight cordon around the birthing room. 


Elesse paces the perimeter, trying to burn off her nervous energy. (She's had trouble concentrating enough to meditate, the past few days.)


Shaní's schedule has her shifting to an inner guard position - with Lylí - as the actual birth approaches. It seems they want the person with the lightsaber closer, in a better position to directly protect Lylí and her child. 


Makes sense.

Having the schedule- helps.


It's why she makes them. 

Shaní herself is going on the perimeter rotation. 


Elesse will keep on guard.


Lylí keeps perfectly quiet while giving birth, even though she'd apparently declined pain medication - the midwife stopped checking on her over that after the second time Lylí snapped at her over it. 

It's a quick birth, though, after what was apparently a somewhat long labor -

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