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in which danni learns what it means to be a sith (she's pretty sure it's friendship)
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And the newborn is apparently not incluned to be very quiet no matter what's happening. She is, in fact, inclined to make very many upset noises, at the greatest volume she can! 


Being born is hard.

But at least she's cute.


The baby calms down a bit when she's handed to her mother - who stares at her with clear awe - and there's a slip in her Force signature, something reaching for her daughter, intertwining with her.


Elesse is not going to use that against her.


Not that she's going to have a chance to right now, because she feels a dark shudder in the Force.

"-Something's coming. Something dangerous."


- And the comms crackle to life - 

"Intruder," Shaní snaps over them. "Unknown darksider."

And then there's the sound of a lightsaber - and the comm clicks off -


She is going to fucking murder Plagueis - 


Darth Sidious sets her daughter on the bed, and flings her hand out, throwing the doors open with a sharp jolt of power - and she stands, and the Dark Side rises with her, chokingly, casting out across the estate - and a cabinet pops open, an ornate lightsaber hilt jumping to her hand - 

And she nearly blurs as she runs from the room.


-Oh fuck.

Elesse hurries to the baby, makes sure she's safe, comfortable-

Pulls out her lightsaber, ignites it in guard position.


The midwife and the other handmaiden in the room pivot to close the doors, locking them and activating some kind of humming barrier and then pulling up security feeds on a screen in one corner, the more experienced handmaiden activating comms to start coordinating, get people out of the way of the fight, get medical attention to anyone injured, provide Shaní with a route to retreat along while restricting the intruder's movements...

"Can you sense any other threats?" the older handmaiden asks Elesse.


"...N-no. Not right now." Lyli- Palpatine is kind of drowning everything else out.


Sharp nod. "Update me immediately if that changes."


"There's- a lot of dark side energy. It's hard to tell what's going on."


"Would a better view of the security systems help?"


"Maybe..." Glance at the baby.


The baby is very unhappy! Does everyone know the baby is very unhappy, they should know this. 


...Elesse puts her saber away and picks her up.


She cries a bit less, making hiccuping sounds and clumsily flailing towards Elesse.


She makes soothing noises. "It's gonna be okay. We're all going to just fine, you'll see," she murmurs, trying to project a bit of calm.


Smaller baby noises! And a feeling somewhat like someone is - also very clumsily - reaching out for her in the Force.


"So precocious, little lady." Elesse feels her emotions settling somewhat.

Over to the security screens.


Where Sidious is intercepting the other darksider. Her lightsaber is a crimson blur, but... She doesn't actually seem to be trying to injure her opponent. 


This may have something do with the fact that her opponent looks to be about ten years old, and the double-bladed lightsaber he's using so acrobatically is very nearly taller than he is.


Taking down a very determined ten year old zabrak apparently trained to fight her without injuring him irrecoverably is, in fact, very hard. 

"Why did Plagueis send you?" she asks, voice low and dangerous and even. 


"You surround yourself with lightsiders," he snarls.


"I don't discard useful tools for mere philosophical reasons."

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