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anakin's dream come true
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In the proper context.


'Weirdly polluted' doesn't count so much. 


Fair enough.

They dock without incident and Elesse checks the chrono. "I think there's time for a quick tour before your meeting, if you don't want to do any last-minute preparation."


"I think I'm good there..."



Tour! Starting with Harmony and Knowledge, since Anakin expressed interest in those.


They probably won't get to the others before the appointment, then. 


Perhaps not. But there will be time after.


Yeah. Lots of it. 



Soon enough, it's time for them to make their way to the Council chambers at the top of the central tower.


Anakin isn't exactly anxious, but she is having to actively not fidget. 

She sticks by Elesse.


The door to the Council is slightly more ornate than the rest of the Temple, but still in the same understated style, subdued by anyone else's standards. Elesse pauses outside.


Anakin stops beside her, raising an eyebrow a little. 


"Just remember to stand up straight. Don't let them intimidate you."


"I won't." Her spine straightens a little. 



And in to face the Council.


The room is circular, with the twelve council members seated in low chairs around the perimeter. The petitioner is expected to stand in the center, on the inlaid tile floor, turning to face whichever being they're addressing (defaulting to the Grandmaster of the Order- presently Yoda, a wizened little green creature with long pointy ears who holds a small wooden cane that he taps on the floor occasionally).

The inquisition is as relentless as promised, the Council grills Anakin for several hours, poking and prodding at her beliefs, philosophy, and history, stressing her arguments to the breaking point.


That breaking point is pretty far. Anakin likes arguing with new people, and Elesse hasn't exactly gone easy on her. She needs to take deep breaths sometimes, calm herself down - or at least head off getting too involved in a point she doesn't actually feel is worth her passion here. She's set up a habit of regularly pausing and reorienting, one that's still externally apparent but that she's also clearly working on smoothing out. She keeps her focus under stress, though, and she integrates new information and views quickly. 

She's having fun, actually, and that helps her keep going, helps her focus and avoid mental exhaustion - though not eternally. 

The Council members do eventually tire her out though, even beyond the small points where she's paused and back tracked an argument to acknowledge she doesn't have the information or thought put into something she needs for a judgement she endorses on various edge cases and counterpoints. (She sometimes has to back up a decent bit, and she sometimes says things she doesn't endorse at all - but she catches those quickly, and she's decent at not trying to twist around her own words. Good at saying she spoke unclearly, pausing, and rewording, rather than getting stuck on having been misunderstood.)

She acknowledges she's tired and can't realistically keep going before the technical absolute limit of her focus - but right after the point she realizes she's making cognitive mistakes more than she likes, and she also verbalizes that distinction. 

She's hardly at a knight or master's level of self knowledge and moral sophistication, but she's exceptionally good for her age - compared to those outside of the Temple, of course, but even to those within, just with a smaller margin from the average. She has an extremely unusual breadth and depth of knowledge about philosophy as a field, extending throughout and outside of Jedi teachings. And, while she supports her arguments on their own merits first and foremost, she also references other philosophies readily when answering questions or elaborating.


It's hard to tell- but they seem more or less satisfied with her performance.

Anakin and Elesse are dismissed while the Council deliberates. They'll render their final judgement when her test scores are in.


She'd rather know sooner, but... She does understand the delay. 

She wants to go lie down now though and not think. 


They can crash in Elesse's quarters for a while.



She's really curious about Elesse's quarters here - enough to perk her back up a little. 


Elesse's quarters aren't all that special, really- a couple rooms with spare but comfortable furniture, some tasteful art on the walls.


The art's neat (and the furniture is excellent for curling up on), though, and now she gets to see what Elesse decorates like without Anakin there to influence things. 


Fair enough. Though once she has an official padawan, she'll be moved to a two-bedroom suite.


And then Anakin can help her decorate!

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