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Aren't you a little short for a princess?
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It isn't, exactly, Leia Organa's first day as an aide in the Imperial Senate. That was a week ago, and she spent it filling out spreadsheets.

It's the first day that Senator Bail Organa has run out of plausibly deniable leeway to hide her in his office, though, and so she's walking through the halls of the Imperial Senate with her chin up, firm but not angry expression on her face, gaze fixed unwaveringly ahead of her, walking like she doesn't plan to be interrupted, all without seeming like she's hurrying.

She's just taking messages to other Senators right now, all ones with a reputation for being nice to new aides. They're not even all her father's allies; he tries to be subtle about who his friends are. (He hasn't told her who all his friends are, not yet.)

It's common busy work for a new aide, and Leia gets that, and she's appreciating the chance to get an actual look at people and overhear new gossip. Really. She is.

(But she'd really like to be doing something more than this. Something exciting.)

- And then Leia rounds a corner without slowing down much, and the hallway is really supposed to be deserted, but the carpet's thick enough you don't hear footsteps -

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'Supposed to' is not really a set of words that apply to the Imperial Princess. Words that do apply to the Imperial Princess: 'startled', 'eeping', 'falling flat on her ass'.

Also: 'smoking hot', 'a total babe', 'somewhat shorter than she looks in the holos'.


Leia yelps - tries to stumble back before they collide - fails, and then falls on the other girl instead, catching herself on her outstretched palms, on either side of the girls' torso.


Nice tits.

"...Hi there."


Oh no.

" - Hi."



"So not that I mind the view or anything, but do you think you could move? Or at least let us roll over, the guards'll be very cranky if they catch up and you still have me pinned."


" - Sorry!"

This dress is not made for scrambling to your feet in. Leia forgets that for exactly long enough to end up falling over - to the side at least, so she doesn't have the other girl pinned.

This plausibly falls under the heading of 'allowing them to roll over.'


Dalia takes the opportunity to get on top of the other girl she so nicely provided.

"That's better," she says. "So, what's your name?"


Leia has absolutely no reason to be nervous.

So she won't be. Simple.

"Leia Organa, Princess of Alderaan and aide to Senator Bail Organa," she says as haughtily as she can.

"...What's your name?"


"Dalia Palpatine, Imperial Princess. Nice to meet you, Leia."


Her brain short circuits. That's the only excuse for what she says next.

" - I thought you were taller."


"It's a rider on all the contracts for the holovid directors if they want to use my character. They have to make me look tall."


She startles a bit, then snorts despite herself. "And hire only the prettiest actresses?"

She possibly shouldn't flirt with anyone from the evil family of evil, but also Leia's pretty sure that's the type of thing suave Rebel spies do, so, therefore...


"Personally vetted and approved by me."


"You must keep busy, then."

(For Leia's entire childhood, it was illegal to show people defying the Empire as anything other than ugly buffoons (and you needed special permission and quite a lot of vetting to show even that much). And then, very shortly after she hit puberty, the codes were relaxed enough to allow plots where Imperial agents - many of them with a coincidental resemblance to an adult version of the Imperial Princess, and increasingly recently the character of the Princess herself - do things like investigate Rebel cells and subvert or capture very attractive Rebels. Still requiring permission and vetting, of course, but they're popular enough more directors are willing to go for it.)

(Leia is not the kind of girl who watches silly romance action flicks, but she'd been a bit desperate for any portrayal of people who could recognize the Empire as wrong.)


"It's important work, you know. And I personally find it very... fulfilling."


"Are you who I have to thank for all those spy holos?"


"Are you a fan?" she asks excitedly. "Which ones're your favorites- I think Steyr's been doing some good work lately but of course Val Leka is practically a classic by now-"


The enthusiasm is a little bit contagious, maybe.

She's got a lot of fondness for the classics, of course Val Leka was possibly her first ever media crush, but her current favorites really are Steyr's work - especially the holos that're more about political intrigue or seducing enemies than about madcap races to stop Evil Rebel Plots. Leia's not that much of an action fan, honestly. Even if Val Leka is very hot with a blaster in her hands

(...Is Dalia ever going to let her up. Leia isn't going to mention that because she's pretty sure this is a good angle to figure out who's on the Empire's censorship committees - which, all that type of stuff is obnoxiously hard to find out, even if it's not really classified - and she doesn't want to stop Dalia from rambling. Totally just for information gathering purposes.)


Dalia seems to only be making herself more comfortable on top of Leia over the course of her rambles. Which she's happy to continue more or less indefinitely. (She talks like she's in charge of the censorship committees herself. And refers to the other members by first name only.)


(Leia can get a lot with just a first name and a gender.)

She'd been coming back from a message delivery with no reply, so she's not exactly in a rush, but, her dad's going to be looking for her eventually... Also she's going to need to use the bathroom eventually.

Leia squirms a little bit a pretty good and honestly probably too long way into the conversation, then says, "Oh - sorry, just realized I need to comm the Senator to let him know that I've been held up."


"Oh, I can do that for you," she offers. "Alderaan office, right?"


"Ah, yeah, that's right."


She pulls out her comm and punches in the code. "This is Princess Palpatine. Is Senator Organa available?"


"Yes, Your Highness," comes the crisp voice of one of the Senator's secretaries. "I'll patch you through now."

There's a moment of silence, then an older man's voice comes on the line. "Your Highness," he says, "How may I be of service?"


"Hello, Senator. I just wanted to let you know that I ran into your daughter in the hall," she winks at Leia, "and her return will be delayed by our conversation."

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