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anakin's dream come true
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A Hutt's prison would, by the standards of most sentients, be the last place anyone would want to find themself. Between the stench, the gloom, the impending threat of gruesome death and/or torture, not to mention the company- Suffice it to say that the Hutts have not remained the kingpins of the galactic underworld for so long because they are nice.

Still. In this moment, Elesse Vendar, twenty-five years old and as of six months ago the youngest person to attain the rank of Master in the last thousand years of Jedi history, feels no desire to be anywhere else. Her bag, lightsaber, boots, and cloak have been taken from her, leaving her barefooted in only her tunic and pants. She sits crosslegged in her dank little cell, meditating, hovering an inch above the rancid water pooling on the floor. Her presence here, now, is important, she can tell that much, even if the exact reason thus far eludes her senses.

So she waits, to see what will unfold.

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A small nudge in her mind - in the Force - a soft look away - a muted presence slipping through the prison hallways -

It's hard to notice, to look closely at. A pretty subtle nudge, but strong, at a very careful angle - the Hutts are very resistant to Force suggestion and the like, but this just might be targeted precisely enough to slip past them if they aren't paying attention -

The presence is coming her way,  probably. 


Interesting. Not quite the typical technique for a Shadow, and the... flavor is wrong. Elesse has not met this person before.

Perhaps they are coming to see her.


Seems likely. 

The technique wavers a little as the person steps into Elesse's line of sight - a tiny slip - and then it pulls back some. There's no guards or cameras here, and no patrols or checks for a while.

And there's a human girl, young, maybe between seven and ten - she could be older, though, she's skinny and lean. She's clean, free of obvious wounds or scars, but her dark grey clothing covers all of her skin except her face, which is shadowed by a deep hood. The fabric's nice, though not hideously expensive - but not the sort of thing a prisoner would wear. 

Her Force signature is also very, very dark, and she's very clearly immensely powerful in the Force - before her shroud wavers again, muffling just her Force signature. 

She's watching Elesse, staying silent for the moment. 


Elesse opens her eyes and looks at the girl.

"Hello there."



She fidgets a little, frowning, then blurts out: "You're a Jedi."


"I am. My name is Elesse Vendar. Who are you?"


"I'm Anakin."


"It is nice to meet you, Anakin." She tilts her head. "What brings you here?"


She pauses, squinting at Elesse. Then: "What's a Jedi doing in Hutt space?"


"Experiencing imprisonment, as you can see."


"Why were you where they could imprison you? And why're you still here?"


"I'm... waiting for someone, I think."


There's a flare of anger in her. "So you're just sitting there?"


"I dislike moving forward before I am sure of my path. Contemplation lights the way."


"Then you'll miss the opportunities that actually matter. People who need help can't wait for you to sit there and think about it."


"And yet by acting rashly, I may endanger more than I save, either directly or through unintended and unmitigated consequences."


"Thinking about it's an action. Not getting involved is an action. And if you've got one action you do for everything, then you're always acting rashly."


"A valid point. Yet some actions are in general more recoverable than others- that is, they close off fewer paths into the future. I may choose active intervention after thought, but to think after I have intervened helps little."


"Just backtrack. Some stuff you can't undo, but a lot you can. And there's a lot that's big but also small - most lives only matter to the people who're living them, and it's like, also really easy to unsave a life. And there's a lot you can do just 'cause you know the area, and you don't gotta keep thinking, and then - staying where you know how to help isn't bad, I guess, so long as you're actually helping. And there's a lot of people everywhere who've already done all the thinking and all the learning and just need you to ask them what to do, 'cause they don't have resources to act with, and finding them isn't hard, and other people's plans are always really obvious when they're dumb."


"Well, Anakin. What should I do here on Nar Hekka, as I do not know the area?"


"I've got a ship ready. I'm freeing as many of Tagta's slaves as I can get without causing a war or major retaliation. I came to get you because I can free a lot more with your help, and it'll be less risky, and getting dumped somewhere without resources would be only a little better for most, so you can get them to the Republic and get them help. I know the Republic's got programs for escaped slaves, and even if they suck sometimes they're better than nothing."

"I'm going after Tagta 'cause he doesn't use the explosive embeds 'cause of the domes here, and it's easier to deactivate what he uses instead, and I've got tricks for that, so he's better to hit than the others visiting, since they're all using the explosives - Tagta commanded them to deactivate those, but not all of them listened for all their slaves, and a couple of the more paranoid ones have their collars on a dead man's switch for reactivating anyways."

"And... I'm trying not to get caught, to get everyone I'm freeing into hyperspace before they're really noticed, but - if there's chaos, some of the other slaves will be able to make their own breaks for it, and I can get anyone with a normal explosive chip into smaller ships so they're not a risk to the main ship. That's unlikely to cause too much extra harm - slaves who've survived long enough to accompany a Hutt to a business summit aren't idiots, and they can triage themselves - and the chaos could be bad but it's something I'm hedging against happening and setting up to mitigate."

"Also - if I have you, there's a more conservative and sneakier option I can go for than grabbing people who can get out on their own. There's a bad hunger and sickness in the slave quarters right now, and if we mostly take kids and anyone weakened or who'd die without medical care, it'll be really easy to pretend they're just among the dead, and I've already got a plan in place to do that. But I'll need someone who can pilot, since slaves who are capable pilots are watched more closely, and there's smugglers on the moon and a couple imprisoned but I don't think they're very trustworthy. And if we're sending off the sick, there'll need to be medical care on the other end, and a direct line to the Republic's the best bet for that - I'd be sending them to die in space otherwise."

"There's still a chance we'll get caught with that, but - it's lower, and I'd either have to free a lot fewer people or run a higher risk if I didn't have your help. And even if the escape gets noticed... You're the perfect scapegoat. Tagta's just gonna get laughed at if he says he imprisoned a Jedi and then she and a bunch of his slaves vanished. And even if he doesn't blame you - there's too many possible culprits for him to narrow it down much."


"That sounds like a thoughtful plan." More thoughtful than she would have expected from a child with that much dark swirling inside of them.


She squints like a child with a very accurate radar for when adults are underestimating her.

"Will you help?"


"Will you tell me which Hutt you work for, if I do?"


"...Yeah. It's - important to doing this smoothly."

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