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anakin's dream come true
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"I would suggest you speak to Qui-Gon Jinn. He can escort you to Coruscant, and would be willing to sponsor your case to the Council."


"The other Jedi?"


"The older one, with the long hair. He's- the polite way to say it is 'mindful of the living Force', meaning he does whatever seems like a good idea at the time and smiles mysteriously when you ask him to explain later. He doesn't much care for tradition."


"So he's either obnoxious or a good ally."


"An accurate summation."


"I might get along well with him, then."


"One can only hope."


"It'd make things more convenient."


"Assuredly so. I do not think you'll find him an obstacle, at least."



For him. 


"Do you want me to introduce you?"




Off to find Master Jinn, then, and explain the situation and the hoped-for outcomes.


Shmi so far is handling him well. 

She'll be okay - though she does want to see Anakin before they separate, if Anakin is willing.


Elesse will ask.


She's okay with it, yeah. 


Then the meeting can be arranged.


And Anakin and Shmi can say goodbye. 

Anakin's pensive after. 


"Anything you want to talk about?"


Shrug. "Don't think so? It's just - weird, moving on."


"It's a big transition."


"Yeah. This is all - really nice, and I love it, but... It's the biggest change ever."


"I know you're strong enough to handle it, Anakin."


Giggle. "And you'll help."


"And I'll help."

As Anakin has and recovers from her surgery, the other former slaves begin to move on, integrating into their new lives. Shmi departs for Coruscant with Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan. Elesse gives them a holorecording of her report to pass on to the Council. She and Anakin spend the next three months or so hopping around the galaxy, sampling various worlds in the Mid and Outer Rims, though they stay mostly away from Hutt space. (If this makes it harder for the Jedi to send someone to tell Elesse to come back in person, well.) Elesse continues Anakin's lessons in meditation and physical conditioning, slowly opening her up to embracing the light side of the Force. (It's not that her emotions are bad or wrong. They are a natural part of her and shouldn't be hidden or something to hide from. But there are other ways of connecting to the Force, and she may find that the exercises involved have other benefits.)

When it's time to start the book learning, Elesse decides they should settle down for a while, picking a moderately populous world towards the Core end of one of the main trade routes. Their routine changes a bit to accommodate this. Elesse tends to combine the physical and mental lessons, both to use time efficiently and to keep Anakin occupied enough to pay attention. Elesse also begins doing volunteer work in the community they're living in and encourages Anakin to do the same. Not necessarily the same sort of arbitration and counseling services, though she's welcome to sit in if she'd like- but however she feels she can connect with others best. Something involving her peers in age would actually be very helpful for Elesse, a way to make sure she's not missing any problems from that perspective.

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