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anakin's dream come true
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"And you an excellent student, Anakin."


Heee!!! "Thanks, Elesse."


"Now, I believe you have some packing to do."


"Just a little..."

(Anakin isn't by any means a hoarder, but she's definitely more acquisitive than standard for a Jedi - but she let herself be nudged into keeping only what they can reasonably travel with. So, the same collection of small items she's had since she was a child, a small soft tooka toy, some jewelry she made mostly from scraps and discards, a barrette a close friend gifted her, a beautiful and soft scarf an elder she helped gave her - and holos of those friends and connections, of her time here. Copies of messages they've sent her, and a very long list with contact information. Electronic copies of her artwork and her journals, and a few examples of smaller physical things she's made and particularly wants to keep.)


And she has goodbyes to make, too. They'll be back at some point- but likely not forever.

(Elesse knew this day was coming, and has been quietly winding up her obligations in preparation.)


Anakin hadn't known the date, but - the concept's hung over her the entire time she's here.

Goodbyes are easy, in the end. She tracks down or messages everyone she's worked with or befriended, anyone who might expect to see her again, for a personal (though often short) farewell. A thanks for the role they've played in her life. (There's tears in plenty of these, especially with her closer friends, or those she's exceptionally unlikely to see again. There's promises to stay in contact, and hugs, and 'I'll remember you.')

None of her obligations need significant wrapping up, though she takes care of the appropriate formalities of course. She's settled here, and she's left an imprint and been imprinted in turn - but she hasn't left roots.


Then off to the Jedi with them.

Elesse comms ahead to announce her return and say she's bringing an apprentice back with her.


She receives a welcome back, the assorted paperwork and codes as needed to coordinate with air traffic control, and a request for information on her apprentice. 


Mace Windu, hm.

...He gets tetchy when he's blindsided and she thinks he could actually be an ally. She gives a mostly-complete accounting of how she met Anakin.


"Shmi's daughter, then."


"-Yes, that's her."


"You were aware Shmi Skywalker had come to the Temple, weren't you?"

He's maybe teasing her. It's hard to tell. 


"But not that you had taken an interest, Master Windu."


"She seems to have decided she's my padawan."



"A Skywalker woman is not easily dissuaded once she's made up her mind, I've found."


"Well, the Council might be glad for a more straightforward decision now."


"One that references only precedents from five hundred years ago rather than creating new ones from whole cloth."


"It'll be nostalgic for some Councilors."


"I'm counting on it."


"I'll schedule the needed testing, then."


"Thank you for your assistance, Master Windu."


"You're welcome, Master Vendar."

"I look forward to meeting your apprentice."


"I'm sure she'll be happy to meet you as well. We'll see you shortly."


"See you shortly."


She cuts the connection and begins plotting the jump to hyperspace.

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