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anakin's dream come true
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"Sounds like mom's settled in well," she says as she settles into the copilot routine. 


"She's landed on her feet," Elesse agrees. "Mace Windu is- a good match."



"What's he like? Him and - the rest of the Council and the Temple and all..."


"Mace is... one of the worldlier voices on the Council. More experienced than most with the darker side of the galaxy."

Elesse can describe him and the other Council members in more detail during the flight. She's at least familiar with all of them, Yoda, Ki Adi Mundi, Shaak Ti, Eeth Koth, Plo Koon...

The Jedi Temple on Coruscant is their oldest continually-inhabited temple, stretching all the way back to the Ruusan Reformation, and the largest, with enough space to house every member of the Order. It stands not too far from the home of the Galactic Senate, with five towers soaring above its base- one for each line of the mantra. The Peace tower is closest to the Senate building, a reminder of their duty to the Republic. Following around the circle is the Knowledge tower, where the archives are housed. Then the Serenity tower, home to various cloisters and meditation gardens. The fourth perimeter tower is for Harmony, and is where the martial training rooms are. The Force tower stands in the center, holding most of the living quarters and at the top, the Council chamber.


"Bet I'll be in Harmony or Knowledge the most."


"You'll have to find someone who hasn't known you for more than five minutes to take that bet."


She sticks her tongue out. "You never know - I might bring books to Serenity or something."


"You might, but I think you'd get distracted before making it that far."


"I might get undistracted and keep moving if the stack is big enough."


"I have my doubts."


"Don't underestimate me."


Elesse laughs. "I certainly invite you to prove me wrong."


"Challenge accepted."


"We'll see when we get there. Which shouldn't be too much longer..."


Hopefully not. She's looking forward to this. 


They emerge from hyperspace and get landing clearance and an approach vector to the Temple.

Does Anakin want to take them in?



She's calm when she's flying, more focused than she gets even during fights - and she flies very well, for all that there's not much fancy flying to be done with a routine landing like this. 


Still, it's good practice.

Elesse points out the sights on their way in, the squat mushroom Senate building, the prestigious high-rise apartments, the spires of the Jedi Temple. Their landing bay is in the rectangular base of the structure, looking out over the surrounding lowlying industrial sector called the Works.


...Coruscant is. Uh. Kind of. Grungy. Is it supposed to be like that. 


Centuries of accumulated grime. There are efforts to clean things up periodically, but the residents don't much care for change.


No yeah, she'd guess most of the clean up efforts are on behalf of the people who want pretty views, not the people who live in those views. (And that any kind of pushes to reduce smog also lead to those getting hit by smog worst somehow getting even more smog.)

((Anakin is persistently cynical about governments and wealth.))

But it just looks... Dim? In an extra depressing way. 


Coruscant's a bit of an acquired taste.


...People are weird. 


It's the variations that keep the galaxy turning.


She supposes so. And weird is fun, often. 

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