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Conan Exiles James really appeals to some silvers.
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"When preparing food," he explains, "it's just occurred to me to mention it since your magic is so different, it is standard to add some enchantments to it, to reinforce it and make it help with healing and regeneration and energy..."

    "Wait," says Sendhei, paying full attention for the first time in a bit. "It is?"

" it not?"

    "I don't know any magic to do that!"

"...huh. Okay, maybe it is not as standard as I had thought."


"Can you teach me that?"


"We would like to learn it too. Magic food sounds like a safe test. I still expect to require a lot of crystal to make it work on the bracelet."


"Yeah, it should be reasonably easy to teach."


"Neat. Does this change your plans for what we do with the base today?"


"I am still not entirely sure how much your magic would speed us up but not meaningfully, I don't think."


"I wouldn't recommend changing any plans so far. Even if it turns out that all that separates you from freedom is me poking you with a tiny bit of antimagic crystal, it might be worth it to learn our magic before leaving. Or get loaded with useful things we can give you."


"Yes, definitely. I was not thinking I would return home anytime soon, anyway. It will be years, still."


"Sorry to hear that dude. But on the bright side. Multiple ways to break free. New magic. New technology too."


"Indeed. And speaking of that, shall we begin?"


"We shall."

Crystal magic turns out to be extremely handy for construction. The crystals themselves can be used as tools. Instead of using an axe to cut lumber, it's possible to just turn part of the wood into crystal, and detach that for a clean cut. Instead of nails, one can turn a nail-shaped bit of wood into steel. Crystal can even be used for scaffolding.


...okay yes that is super useful. What do they want to focus on first, a roof over their heads or continuing on with the bridge? Do they have any ideas for changes or input into the layout?

(And how do they feel when Sendhei gets bored and starts dancing out of nowhere, with accompanying drum music coming from thin air?)


A roof over their heads sounds like the most important priority. Thomas has some input mostly related to how they are not constrained to rectangular forms, but he thinks that they can leave his dome ideas for the second tower. There are some amenities-related additions like a closed off water closet, and a public shower space.

Thomas can start the materials for the bridge, some really strong fiber that can be left growing until there is enough for the bridge's extent.


Henry wants space to put solar panels, lights and network nodes, but those are easy enough to accommodate.


How does Taharqi feel about adding a sex-sling area? They don't have time to finish one today, but it sounds like a worthwhile addition.

Everyone feels positive about Sendhei dancing! Gabe takes a moment to film him.


Oh yeah it doesn't all need to be rectangular, it was just easier to do that or maybe hexagonal. He's not optimising for only aesthetic value, although that is a consideration from a selfish perspective. The idea of indoors showering is... interesting... while the idea of a sex-sling is mostly, like, what the hell is a sex-sling even.

As for Sendhei, he'll keep dancing for a while, which has the magic effect of making them tire less easily and keep their energy up. Eventually, though, the tiny panther kitten mews and Sendhei takes on the responsibility of taking care of it, at least for the moment. He's been caring for Taharqi's other wild rescues back at the main house, he's got practice.


Thomas was not entirely going for aesthetics, arches and domes are actually quite structurally sound.

Also, hexagons are bestagons.

(No, he doesn't explain what he means by that.)

Indoors showering is mostly a matter of safety, but also they should be able to get hot water soon enough, which is nice.


Sex sling is kinda like hammock, designed to provide support during sex.

Tiny panther is cute, too, no reason to break the long tradition of cute cat videos.


Except to focus on work.


Except for that; luckily, he can multitask.


Taharqi is happy to follow the lead of Mr. structurally sound! They build.


Build they do, quite literally laying the foundations for the future.


It occurs to Henry to test if the translation magic works on machines. Does Sendhei want to test that?


...sure? Test it how?


By speaking to the phone like this. Just repeating what Henry says, and see if the device reacts like something understandable was said. He can also try to understand the words coming out from the device too.

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