Raafi in Revelation
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"Huh! I'm still waiting to find out what became of my husband."


"Well, if he wasn't a summoner he'll be in Limbo, which isn't as nice as the other afterlives, but it's being fixed up. I'm thinking about starting a shuttle service between here and there once things calm down a little, if we don't have other magic for it by then."


"Oh, sure, I heard about Limbo, but he's been dead five years, that's a lot of time for things to happen, and it must be a real humdinger of a place, all the dead people ever!"


"Ah. Yeah, I got a little bit of that impression - I visited for a bit a few days ago, didn't stay long enough to get to see much but I got to talk to a kindred soul for a while."


"Kindred soul?"


"Mmhmm. We haven't talked about this anywhere yet but people repeat, sometimes, in the two worlds, and the easiest way for Fharlanghn to get us to Limbo was to bring us to the copy of me who's there. He's a truck driver, died about a hundred fifty years ago and now he takes things the demons make for Limbo to the places they need to be."


"Demons make Limbo things? Huh, what does Limbo do for them?"


"I don't think it does anything, it seems more like the opportunity is there and they just take it. I'm really not sure why they have such a bad reputation, they don't seem anything like the sort of creature their name translates as."


"What sort is that?"


"We've been translating them as 'fiends' so there isn't a mixup - if you've read about the blue and purple aspects of morality, there are magical energies of both of those, and fiends are a manifestation of purple. There's several kinds but all of them are dangerous, you can't work with them safely at all."


"Nobody can?"


"Well, it's hard to try in the first place. But it's pretty much the nature of purple that they'll hurt you if they can - imagine if every daeva was always trying as hard as they could to find a loophole in their binding."


"They say that demons are. I guess they might be lazy about it sometimes."


"Huh. I'll have to look into that - there's definitely something strange going on, either here or in Limbo."




"It doesn't make sense that they'd act so differently in the different places," he shrugs. "And if they're doing something bad to Limbo, I'd rather know about it, we might be able to do something. And if not, I don't know, maybe they'd be willing to do the same thing here."


"I don't know much about it, I never did anything with them besides get on buses. I was a beekeeper before I retired."


"-busses? Or do you mean just riding together."


"The long distance shuttles the fairies pick up and move around? You probably just teleport everywhere."


"Or hire one personally. There's so much stuff, here, I haven't figured most of it out yet. I'll be busy for a long time just learning about all the things you consider everyday."


"And I'd be so lost on Oerth!"


"Mmhmm," he chuckles. "It's a lot of fun figuring a new place out, though. Your technology is fascinating."


"Just wait three months and updates will wipe out all your knowhow."


"Oh dear, nobody warned me about that. At least it's been pretty easy to pick up so far."


"It has to be! Otherwise nobody will let their devices update and they get a virus and blame the company."

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